Ultraviolet Keratitis
Ultraviolet Keratitis
Carrie B. Zaslow
Tracy L. Zaslow

Also known as photokeratitis
Acute syndrome occur after exposure of the eyes to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Painful but usually self-limited
Exposure to various forms of UV radiation leads to corneal edema and sloughing, followed by secondary inflammation of the iris.
Risk Factors
UV exposure to unprotected eyes associated with various recreational and occupational activities
Sources of exposure:
Welder's arc burns
High-voltage-line short circuits
Other solar exposure
Damaged metal halide lamps
Aquaria disinfection lamps
Laboratory or germicidal UV lamps
No genetic association
General Prevention
The mode of prevention depends on the type of exposure.
Recreational sun exposure: Well-fitting sunglasses that meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards with protection against most UV-A and UV-B radiation
Occupational exposure to solar and artificial-solar UV sources: UV-blocking safety goggles in accordance with ANSI
Occupational exposure to metal halide or mercury vapor lamps: Adherence to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) radiologic health program is recommended.
Cornea transmits light in visible spectrum.
Cornea absorbs light UV spectrum.
10–20% of light in UV-A spectrum is absorbed.
Nearly 100% of UV-C light is absorbed.
Damage to the cornea in UV keratitis:
Results from absorption of light at the transition point between UV-B and UV-C (290 nm)
Occurs from absorption in the corneal epithelium, the most anterior part of the cornea, which is several layers thick
Causes surface epithelial cells to die and desquamate
Damaged cells contain epithelial nociceptor terminal axons that are destroyed, leading to corneal pain secondary to stimulation of the subepithelial nerve plexus.
Commonly Associated Conditions
Facial edema and erythema, resulting from the same UV exposure injury

Accurate history, including:
Type of exposure
Timing and duration of exposure
Use of protective eyewear
Visual acuity
Complete ocular exam, including:
Extraocular movements
Conjunctiva/sclera/corneas with fluorescein
Anterior chambers (checking for cell and flare)
Eversion of the lids to check for foreign bodies
pH exam
Exposure without protective eyewear 6–12 hr prior to onset of symptoms
Symptoms (usually bilateral):
Intense pain
Foreign-body sensation
Mild to moderate decrease in visual acuity
Increased lacrimation
Physical Exam
Topical anesthetic generally is needed to obtain a good physical exam.
Penlight exam:
Tearing, injection, chemosis of the bulbar conjunctiva and corneal haziness
No discharge present in the tarsal conjunctiva; lack of discharge distinguishes photokeratitis from conjunctivitis.
Pupils are usually relatively miotic and react sluggishly.
Fluorescein exam: Confluent superficial punctuate staining between the lids
Slit-lamp exam:
Eversion of the eyelids should not reveal a foreign body.
Corneal edema and anterior chamber reaction (cell and flare) may be seen.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
A thorough eye exam including fluorescein staining and slit-lamp exam generally is sufficient for diagnosis.
Orbit radiographs/US/CT scan/MRI for suspected intraocular foreign body
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
pH of tear lake: To distinguish from a chemical burn, check pH of tear lake in lower conjunctival fornix; pH should be normal in UV keratitis.
Differential Diagnosis
Foreign body of the cornea or eyelids
Intraocular foreign body
Corneal abrasion
Thermal burns
Toxic epithelial keratopathy (from exposure to chemicals or drugs)
Exposure keratopathy
Nocturnal lagophthalmos
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Infectious keratitis
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Contact lens–related problems
Dry eye syndrome

Treatment is supportive.
Severe pain from the syndrome should be treated with oral analgesics.
Although they do have a role in the physical exam, topical anesthetics should not be prescribed.
ED Treatment
Oral analgesics:
Mild oral narcotics may be necessary.
Pain control is important to allow patient to sleep, thus creating an anatomic patch.
Cycloplegic drops:
Will help to relieve photophobia
Short-acting agents preferable to avoid long-lasting pupil dilation that can be uncomfortable for patient
Antibiotic ointment:
To provide prophylaxis against superinfection
Has secondary effect of providing lubrication and increasing comfort
Pressure patch:
On the worse eye for 24 hr
May provide some relief
Has not been proven to aid in expeditious healing
Antibiotic ointment (prescribed 3–4×/day for 2–3 days):
Cyclopentolate 1%
Homatropine 2–5%
Scopolamine 0.25%
In-Patient Considerations
Initial Stabilization
Topical anesthesia helps to obtain:
More accurate documentation of visual acuity
More thorough eye exam and fluorescein staining
Do not prescribe on outpatient basis: Interferes with healing and worsens keratitis
Admission Criteria
Patients requiring bilateral patching with severely decreased visual acuity and whose social circumstances make it impossible for the patient to take care of his or her own needs
Discharge Criteria
Nearly all patients may be discharged from the ED following treatment with cycloplegics, topical antibiotics, and patching.
Lesions usually heal completely within 24 hr.
Ophthalmologist referral for patients who have other eye disorders or for those who fail to improve significantly after 24 hr

Corneal surface regenerates in 24–72 hr.
Surface regeneration leads to symptom resolution.
Follow-Up Recommendations
Reexamination in 24–48 hr
If symptoms improved: Patient can continue with topical antibiotics q.i.d.
If symptoms not improved and superficial punctate staining is still present: Continue treatment with cycloplegics, antibiotics, and possibly pressure patch.
If new symptoms develop or symptoms persist: Refer to an ophthalmologist.
Patient Monitoring
Long-term monitoring is generally unnecessary with the exception of counseling patients on using protective eyewear.
Patient Education
Depending on their daily activities, patients should be referred to the appropriate resource to learn about protective eyewear:
American National Standards Institute (www.ANSI.org)
FDA Radiological Health Program (www.FDA.gov)
Generally, acute, single episodes heal without long-term sequelae.
Chronic UV exposure can lead to other sequelae:
Cutaneous melanoma
Ocular melanoma
Nonmelanocytic skin cancer
Additional Reading
Banerjee S, Patwardhan A, Savant VV. Mass photokeratitis following exposure to unprotected ultraviolet light. J Public Health Med. 2003;25:160.
Lerman S. Direct and photosensitized ultraviolet radiation. In: Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH, eds. Current ocular therapy. Sec. 16. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1990:315–320.
Lubeck D, Greene JS. Corneal injuries. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1988;6:73–94.
Newell FW. Injuries caused by radiant energy. In: Newell FW, ed. Ophthalmology: Principles and concepts. Chap. 8. 7th ed. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1992:184–185.
Podskochy A. Protective role of corneal epithelium against ultraviolet radiation damage. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2004;82:714–717.
Ehlers JP, Shah CP, eds. The Wills eye manual: office and emergency room diagnosis and treatment of eye disease, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
Turner A, Rabiu M. Patching for corneal abrasion. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;CD004764.
Verma AS, Dwarika D, Bhola RM, et al. Photokeratitis following the manipulation of aquaria disinfection lamps. Emerg Med J. 2007;24:232.

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Clinical Pearls
A patient with eye pain should not be prescribed topical anesthetic eye drops.
Abuse of these drops can lead to neurotrophic keratopathy, a loss of corneal sensation leading to epithelial defects.