Trigger Finger
Trigger Finger
Yvonne Chow
Rahul Kapur

Also called flexor tenosynovitis
Type of stenosing tenosynovitis
Nodule on flexor tendon catching on A1 pulley
Can affect any digit; occasionally, multiple digits
Ring and middle digit involvement most common in adults
Almost exclusively thumb in children
Diffuse versus nodular versus “congenital” (pediatric trigger thumb)
Predominant gender: Female > Male (3–6× more common in females).
Predominant age: Bimodal: Age <8 yrs and 55–60 yrs
Seen more commonly in dominant hand
Lifetime risk 2.6% in general population but 10% in diabetics
28 cases/100,000 population
Risk Factors
Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), connective tissue disorders
Repetitive trauma with compressive force against metacarpophalangeal (MCP) area (eg, arc welding)
General Prevention
Activity modification
Inflammation of flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendon leading to nodule formation
1st annular (A1) pulley spans from volar plate of distal metacarpal to base of proximal phalanx.
Nodule catches on A1 pulley during finger flexion, leading to pain.
Pain often greatest at MCP joint
Generally idiopathic
Can result from repetitive trauma or sepsis from secondary infection (eg, tuberculosis)
Commonly Associated Conditions
Connective tissue disorders

Painful catching/clicking with finger flexion or extension
Pain over MCP; may refer to palm or proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
Digit may be locked, usually in flexion.
Stiffness develops with prolonged symptoms.
Physical Exam
Tender, palpable nodule on flexor tendon
Active fist closing reproduces lock/snap.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
None indicated, except to evaluate associated systemic disease.
None indicated; x-rays may be considered to rule out differentials.
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
None; steroid injection is both therapeutic and diagnostic.
Differential Diagnosis
Dupuytren contracture
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Gamekeeper's thumb
Tendon sheath ganglion
Suppurative tenosynovitis

Activity modification
Splinting of MCP joint at 10–15 degrees of flexion ×6–10 wks:
Reduces tendon motion in sheath
Allows resolution of surrounding synovitis
93% with partial or full symptom resolution after 10 wks (1)[B]
First Line
Injected corticosteroids (see “Surgery/Other Procedures” below)
Second Line
NSAIDs may help with pain relief; no specific evidence but commonly recommended.
Surgery/Other Procedures
Corticosteroid injection into tendon sheath:
Palmar or dorsolateral approach to avoid neurovascular bundle
US guidance may maximize accuracy (2)[B].
SC infiltration equal or superior to intrasheath injection (3)[B].
May require repeat injection in 1 mo
Up to 93% complete or partial reduction of symptoms in nodular type (4)[A]
Only 50% response in diffuse type or diabetes
Surgical release of A1 pulley:
Open or percutaneous procedure
1st-line treatment for locked digit or pediatric trigger thumb, although there is increasing argument toward conservative management for the latter
Indicated if repeat injections ineffective
97% complete resolution of symptoms (4)[A]

Follow-Up Recommendations
Patient Monitoring
May see increased glucose level following steroid injection in diabetes
Excellent; over 90% symptom resolution with steroid or surgical therapy
23–63% of pediatric trigger digits may resolve spontaneously.
If untreated:
PIP joint flexion contracture
Distal triggering from FDS tendon degeneration
Of injection:
Fat atrophy and necrosis
Local skin depigmentation
Theoretical risk of tendon rupture
Of surgical release:
Bowstringing of flexor tendon
A2 pulley injury
Digital nerve injury
Long-term scar tenderness
1. Colbourn J, Heath N, Manary S, et al. Effectiveness of splinting for the treatment of trigger finger. J Hand Ther. 2008;21:336–343.
2. Bodor M, Flossman T. Ultrasound-guided first annular pulley injection for trigger finger. J Ultrasound Med. 2009;28:737–743.
3. Kazuki K, Egi T, Okada M, et al. Clinical outcome of extrasynovial steroid injection for trigger finger. Hand Surg. 2006;11:1–4.
4. Nimigan AS, Ross DC, Gan BS. Steroid injections in the management of trigger fingers. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85:36–43.
Additional Reading
Akhtar S, Bradley MJ, Quinton DN, et al. Management and referral for trigger finger/thumb. BMJ. 2005;331:30–33.
Ryzewicz M, Wolf JM. Trigger digits: principles, management, and complications. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2006;31:135–146.

727.03 Trigger finger (acquired)
Clinical Pearls
Clinical diagnosis by painful catching at MCP joint
Corticosteroid injection is safe and highly effective 1st-line treatment.
Surgical release provides excellent results when conservative measures fail.
Trigger finger in diabetics is less likely to respond to steroid therapy.