Neck Pain
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Karl A. Soderlund BS
Sanjog Mathur MD
A. Jay Khanna MD

In adults:
Usually secondary to degenerative disc disease and arthritis
In children and adolescents:
Less common
When it does occur, the pain often is secondary to a neoplasm or infection.
Neck pain also occurs after trauma and is extremely common after motor vehicle accidents.
General Prevention
No definite methods of prevention are known.
General measures such as the use of seat belts and avoidance of motorcycles are recommended.
Neck pain occurs in 10% of the population at any given time (1).
In a 1994 survey of Norwegian adults, nearly 35% of respondents reported experiencing neck pain within the last year (2).
A 1991 study of adults in Finland showed that 9.5% of males and 13.5% of females suffer chronic neck pain (3).
Risk Factors
Congenital fusions of the spine (Klippel-Feil syndrome) are risk factors.
The many different causes can be divided broadly into atraumatic and traumatic types.
Atraumatic neck pain usually is a
secondary symptom of inflammation, degenerative disc disease,
arthritis, infection, or a neoplasm. -
Traumatic neck pain often is caused by
soft-tissue sprains, fractures, subluxations, dislocations, and
herniated discs—conditions that can exist in elderly patients without
any occurrence of trauma.

Signs and Symptoms
Pain well localized to the neck
Cervical radiculopathy
Physical Exam
Routine cervical spine examination differs from examination of cervical spine trauma patients.
Routine examinations should focus on ROM, regions of tenderness, and neurologic assessment.
Note loss of flexion, extension, and rotation.
Palpate the posterior ligamentous structures to detect tenderness and the paraspinal muscles for spasm.
Perform a careful neurologic examination, including motor testing, deep tendon reflexes, and sensation.
Look for upper motor neuron signs and assess muscle strength.
Examination of a trauma patient must include the following:
Immobilization until neurologic testing rules out neurologic deficit
A full neurologic examination, including the anal wink and bulbocavernosus reflex tests
Radiographic studies to evaluate the extent of cervical spine trauma
The Spurling maneuver tests for cervical radiculopathy.
Laboratory studies are indicated if spine abnormality is not present.
For suspected infection, white blood cell count and ESR should be obtained.
Conventional radiographs:
Indicated in patients with history of neck trauma and those >50 years old
AP and lateral radiographs are the 1st step in imaging.
Other useful views include:
Oblique views to evaluate the neural foramen if osteophytic nerve root impingement or facet dislocation/subluxation is suspected
Open mouth view to evaluate for C1 fractures (atlas) or odontoid fractures
Flexion/extension views to evaluate for segmental instability
MRI and CT are indicated in the presence
of neurologic abnormalities and to evaluate for occult fractures and
ligamentous injuries.-
Both are sensitive and specific modalities with which to detect structural abnormalities.
May be used independently or in combination
CT is the most useful for detecting osseous abnormalities such as fractures, facet dislocations, and osteoid osteomas.
MRI is useful for detecting abnormalities
in the marrow or soft-tissue structures, such as nerve root impingement
or spinal cord compression, as well as disc herniation and foraminal
Differential Diagnosis
Degenerative disc disease
Inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, AS)
Infection (discitis, vertebral osteomyelitis, meningitis)
Herniated disc
Ligament sprain
Subluxation and dislocation
Herniated disc
Rotatory subluxation
Ligament disruption
Occurs in 19–34% of pediatric spinal cord injuries (4)
Neurologic deficits after trauma may be
delayed up to 4 days in young children, and a 2nd such injury may occur
as many as 10 weeks after the trauma (5). -
Transient posttraumatic neurologic symptoms in the arms or legs should be evaluated carefully.

General Measures
Most patients with neck pain suffer from an inflammatory process.
Rest and NSAIDs are the mainstays of treatment.
Soft cervical collars are useful for
support and to prevent additional injury, but the clinician should
avoid prolonged immobilization to prevent deconditioning of the
cervical paraspinal musculature (6). -
Posture modification and changes in sleep
position are important nonsurgical treatments that may be beneficial in
treating neck pain. -
Exercise can be important in maintaining ROM and strength of the cervical paraspinal musculature.
Special Therapy
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is useful for regaining ROM and strength of the paraspinal muscles.
Gentle traction of the spine can be useful for decreasing nerve root irritation.
NSAIDs are the drug of choice for decreasing inflammation.
Usually prescribed initially for 4–6 weeks
If the pain has resolved at that time, the medication may be discontinued.
All efforts should be made to treat axial
neck pain nonoperatively because surgery for isolated axial neck pain
has worse outcomes than surgery for other causes (e.g., cervical spinal
stenosis). -
Most commonly, surgery is performed to
remove nerve root or spinal cord compression from degenerative disease,
trauma, and neoplastic disorders.

Relieving localized neck pain often is a difficult task because of the diversity of its causes, including idiopathic origins.
A combination of physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and NSAIDs is the best course of treatment for
neck pain not caused by a tumor or an infection or not associated with
neurologic deficits. -
The prognosis for nonoperative treatment usually is good unless the cause is a malignant bone tumor.
The major complication is progressive neural deficit from nerve root or spinal cord compression.
Symptoms of nerve root or spinal cord compression include:
Weakness in the arms and hands
Sensory deficits in the upper extremities
Difficulty in walking
Bladder and bowel abnormalities
Patient Monitoring
Patients are followed at 4–6-week intervals until the discomfort resolves.
1. Hadler NM. Illness in the workplace: the challenge of musculoskeletal symptoms. J Hand Surg 1985;10A:451–456.
2. Bovim G, Schrader H, Sand T. Neck pain in the general population. Spine 1994;19:1307–1309.
3. Makela M, Heliovaara M, Sievers K, et al. Prevalence, determinants, and consequences of chronic neck pain in Finland. Am J Epidemiol 1991;134:1356–1367.
4. Launay F, Leet AI, Sponseller PD. Pediatric spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality: a meta analysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2005;433: 166–170.
5. Pang D, Pollack IF. Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality in children—the SCIWORA syndrome. J Trauma 1989;29:654–664.
6. Rosenfeld
M, Gunnarsson R, Borenstein P. Early intervention in
whiplash-associated disorders: a comparison of two treatment protocols.
Spine 2000;25:1782–1787.
M, Gunnarsson R, Borenstein P. Early intervention in
whiplash-associated disorders: a comparison of two treatment protocols.
Spine 2000;25:1782–1787.
Additional Reading
Hardin JG, Halla JT. Cervical spine syndromes. In: McCarty DJ, Koopman WJ, eds. Arthritis and Allied Conditions. A Textbook of Rheumatology, 4th ed. Malvern, PA: Lea & Febiger, 1993:1563–1572.

723.1 Cervicalgia
Patient Teaching
Patients with neck strains (whiplash injuries) are counseled that full recovery can be expected in the motivated patient.
Patients with severe cervical
degenerative disease generally improve but may have chronic, mild to
moderate symptoms after treatment. -
Patients who spend a substantial amount
of time using a computer should be counseled to take breaks often and
to attempt to maintain appropriate posture.
Q: What is SCIWORA, and in which patient population is it most commonly seen?
SCIWORA is an acronym for spinal cord injury without radiographic
abnormality, and it is usually seen after trauma in children.
SCIWORA is an acronym for spinal cord injury without radiographic
abnormality, and it is usually seen after trauma in children.
Q: In which infectious disease is neck stiffness a common symptom?
A: Meningitis.