Foot Osteochondroses (Accessory Navicular, Navicular Asceptic Necrosis-Kohler, Islin—Apophysitis of Base 5th MT)
Foot Osteochondroses (Accessory Navicular, Navicular Asceptic Necrosis-Kohler, Islin—Apophysitis of Base 5th MT)
Jeffrey B. Kreher

Accessory navicular: Unfused accessory ossification center at posterior tibialis tendon (PTT) insertion
Geist classification:
Type I: Small sesamoid bone in PTT (usually 2–3 mm)
Type II: Synchondrosis between navicular and os naviculare (usually 8–12 mm triangular or heart-shaped); 70% of symptomatic lesions
Type III: Cornuate navicular (questionable end stage of type II with ossification across synchondrosis)
Synonym(s): Os tibiale (externum); Os naviculare (secundarium); Symptomatic accessory tarsal navicular; Accessory scaphoid bone; Accessory tarsal scaphoid; Navicular secundum
Pediatric Considerations
Köhler disease: Articular osteochondrosis with secondary involvement of articular and epiphyseal cartilage as a consequence of avascular necrosis of tarsal navicular bone; synonyms: Aseptic necrosis of tarsal navicular; Avascular necrosis of navicular; Koehler disease; Idiopathic osteonecrosis of navicular in children
Osteonecrosis of tarsal navicular in adults: Mueller-Weiss disease
Iselin disease: Nonarticular osteochondrosis of the 5th metatarsal at site of ligament and tendon attachment and trauma; synonym: Traction apophysitis of 5th metatarsal
Traction apophysitis at base of the 5th metatarsal bone: Peroneus brevis insertion
Accessory navicular:
Most often symptoms found in active children and females in 4th decade
2nd most common accessory bone of foot
Accessory bones in 36% of asymptomatic feet
Pediatric Considerations
Köhler disease: Rare:
Age of onset 2–9 yrs
Mean age of diagnosis: Males 6 yrs, females 4.5 yrs
Occasionally bilateral Iselin disease: Rarely reported but probably more common than appreciated:
Age of onset in late childhood or early adolescence
Apophysis appears: Males 11–12 yrs, females 10 yrs
Apophysis fuses about 2 yrs later.
Accessory navicular:
4–21% of general population: Most asymptomatic
50–90% bilateral
In skeletally immature, 64% symptomatic
Köhler disease: Prevalence unknown
Iselin disease: Prevalence unknown
Risk Factors
Accessory navicular: May be worse with hyperpronation
Köhler disease: May be more common in late ossification of tarsal navicular
Iselin disease:
May be more common with tight calf muscles
Seen most commonly in soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and dance
Accessory navicular: Becomes symptomatic in the following:
Adolescent patients from chondroosseous disruption owing to tension and shear forces from PTT and foot dynamics (type II)
From pressure of overlying footwear (all types)
Older patients owing to posttraumatic disruption of synchondrosis (type II) ± PTT avulsion or rupture
Symptomatic type II: Microfracture, acute and chronic inflammation, and cellular proliferation
Köhler disease:
Tarsal navicular is last bone to ossify and believed to be more susceptible to compression injury.
May be due to ischemia from recurrent cumulative microtrauma or acute macrotrauma
Iselin disease:
Repetitive traction from peroneus brevis
Acute avulsion fracture with widening of chondroosseous junction
Commonly Associated Conditions
Köhler disease: Occasionally with other osteochondroses such as Osgood-Schlatter or Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

Accessory navicular:
Symptomatic or asymptomatic
Most often clinically relevant accessory navicular is symptomatic type II.
Köhler disease:
Based on history and x-ray findings
Does not equal asymptomatic feet with abnormal x-ray findings: Multiple ossification centers or other process
Iselin disease: Based on history and x-ray findings
Accessory navicular:
Asymptomatic or medial foot pain with navicular bump
If painful, onset gradual or acute
If painful, onset may be secondary to ankle sprain or contusion.
Worse with activity (during or after) and compression with shoes
May have limp/antalgic gait
Köhler disease:
Medial foot pain (tenderness at tarsal navicular)
Usual gradual in onset
Worse with activity
Limp/antalgic gait
Iselin disease:
Lateral foot pain (tenderness at proximal 5th metatarsal)
Usual insidious onset
May be acute after significant trauma; often inversion injury
Worse with weight-bearing, lateral movements, cutting, and jumping
Limp/antalgic gait
Physical Exam
Accessory navicular:
Protuberant tarsal navicular (posteromedial aspect)
Normal range of motion (ROM) of foot, ankle, hindfoot
Possible overlying swelling
Tender to palpation over tarsal navicular ± PTT distally
Pain with resisted plantarflexion and inversion
Köhler disease:
Antalgic gait with shifting of weight to lateral aspect of foot
Possible overlying swelling
Less likely overlying warmth
Tender to palpation over tarsal navicular
May have pain with resisted plantarflexion and inversion
Iselin disease:
Perhaps prominent proximal 5th metatarsal
Very little or no erythema, edema, or ecchymosis
May show mild pronation
Tender to palpation at peroneus brevis insertion
Pain with resisted eversion, extreme inversion, and extreme plantar- or dorsiflexion
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Accessory navicular:
Anteroposterior and lateral foot often miss.
Must include external oblique view
Findings depend on type (see “Geist classification” in “Description”)
More for tendinous abnormalities
May see heterogeneous synchondrosis (compared with asymptomatic side)
May see diastasis in older patient
Rarely needed
STIR images show increased signal within accessory navicular at PTT insertion.
Bone scan:
Increased uptake in region
Only 50% specific but 100% sensitive
Köhler disease:
Anteroposterior and lateral foot
Commonly, narrowing/flattening of the tarsal navicular and/or loss of trabecular pattern
Possibly, apparent fragmentation or diffusely increased density in normal-shaped tarsal navicular
Do not confuse with multiple ossification centers without increased density.
Bone scan:
Decreased uptake, or “cold area”
May be present before x-ray changes (1)
Rarely needed
Low signal on T1 and high signal on T2
Iselin disease:
Anteroposterior and lateral foot often miss.
Must include medial oblique view
Consider comparing with unaffected side
Apophyseal widening and often fragmentation of ossification center
Found almost parallel to long axis of shaft
Occasionally, with cystic changes of physis
Pathological Findings
Accessory navicular: Histologically, microfracture, acute and chronic inflammation, and cellular proliferation in symptomatic lesions
Differential Diagnosis
Accessory navicular:
Navicular pathology (stress fracture, tuberosity avulsion fracture)
PTT pathology (tendinopathy, tenosynovitis, rupture, dysfunction)
Less commonly: Deltoid/spring ligament injury, tarsal tunnel syndrome, Köhler disease (in younger patients), tarsal coalition, plantar fasciitis, tight heel cord
Systemic: Infection, malignancy
Köhler disease:
Accessory navicular, trauma, stress fracture, infection, malignancy
If not better with conservative treatment, rarely tarsal coalition (congenital or acquired)
Iselin disease:
Fractures: 5th metatarsal (acute Jones and stress more transverse line), avulsion fracture (more common with lateral ankle sprains and more oblique line)
Os vesalianum (incidence 0.1–1%; most often asymptomatic; found within peroneus brevis tendon)

Accessory navicular: Rest, shoe insert/orthotic (soft orthotic initially until pain-free; then assess mechanics to see if semirigid orthotic is better for longer-term support), analgesics, physical therapy, occasionally cast immobilization
Köhler disease:
If mild disease, soft arch supports only
Short-leg cast (10–15 degrees of varus, 10–20 degrees of equinovarus) for 6–8 wks followed by arch support if mild pain persists
Casting may lead to shorter length of pain.
No significant difference in final outcome between short-leg cast and shoe correction, rest, or non-weight-bearing with crutches (2,3)[C]
Symptom duration: 8+ wks of casting: 2.5 mos; <8 wks of casting: 4 mos; noncasting: 15.2 mos (3)[C]
Iselin disease:
Rest, ice, calf stretching
If severe pain, immobilization × 2–4 wks (aircast, walking cast, or short-leg cast with crutches)
Physical therapy to improve strength and coordination when pain-free
Analgesics (eg, acetaminophen and NSAIDs) for pain
Additional Treatment
General Measures
Accessory navicular: Application of doughnut pad over bony prominence
Surgery/Other Procedures
Accessory navicular:
Indication: No improvement with nonoperative treatment
Resection of symptomatic bone with Kidner procedure ± reattachment of PTT (4)[C]
Possible percutaneous drilling in young athletes (5)[C]
Iselin disease:
Indication: Failure of conservative treatment and symptomatic nonunion
Very rarely indicated
Resection or fixation of symptomatic bone (6)[C]

Accessory navicular:
Most do not become painful.
Painful lesions in adolescents often improve with growth.
Uncertain prognosis for symptomatic lesion treated nonoperatively
Continued symptoms more likely with recurrent stresses of athletics
Anecdotally, less likely to improve in physically active youth owing to repeated injury
Uncertain if bony union is natural course (10–50% fusion reported)
Köhler disease:
Self-limiting and excellent prognosis
Full reconstitution of tarsal navicular (6–13 mos, average 8 mos) (2)[C]
No evidence of arthritis long term (2,3)[C]
Potentially, minor faceting of tarsal navicular (3)[C]
Iselin disease:
Pain resolves with relative rest, immobilization, or eventual bony union.
Rare reports of nonunion and prolonged symptoms
1. Khoury J, Jerushalmi J, Loberant N, et al. Kohler disease: diagnoses and assessment by bone scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med. 2007;32:179–181.
2. Ippolito E, Ricciardi Pollini PT, Falez' F. Köhler's disease of the tarsal navicular: long-term follow-up of 12 cases. J Pediatr Orthop. 1984;4:416–417.
3. Williams GA, Cowell HR. Köhler's disease of the tarsal navicular. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1981;53–58.
4. Ray S, Goldberg VM. Surgical treatment of the accessory navicular. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1983;61–66.
5. Nakayama S, Sugimoto K, Takakura Y, et al. Percutaneous drilling of symptomatic accessory navicular in young athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2005;33:531–535.
6. Ralph BG, Barrett J, Kenyhercz C, et al. Iselin's disease: a case presentation of nonunion and review of the differential diagnosis. J Foot Ankle Surg. 1999;38:409–416.
Additional Reading
Canale ST, Williams KD. Iselin's disease. J Pediatr Orthop. 1992;12:90–93.
Sella EJ, Lawson JP, Ogden JA. The accessory navicular synchondrosis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1986;280–285.
Ugolini PA, Raikin SM. The accessory navicular. Foot Ankle Clin. 2004;9:165–180.

732.5 Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot
755.67 Congenital anomalies of foot, not elsewhere classified
Clinical Pearls
Symptomatic type II accessory navicular may respond less favorably to conservative treatment in adolescent athletes.
Asymptomatic radiologic abnormalities without pain or antalgic gait are not Köhler disease.
Avascular necrosis of the tarsal navicular in an adolescent or an adult is not Köhler disease.
Iselin disease is probably missed often but has a good prognosis.