Adductor Thigh Strain
Adductor Thigh Strain
K. Michele Kirk
Brian Lindenmayer
Sebastian Ksionski

Medial thigh/adductor pain and weakness resulting from injury to muscle
Usually adductor longus muscle, but may include gracilis, iliopsoas, rectus femoris, or sartorius
Synonym(s): Groin strain; Pulled groin
Most common cause of groin pain in athletes, but symptoms overlap with a wide differential.
Risk Factors
Eccentric loading of muscle (muscle is passively being stretched while it is contracting) is usual mechanism of injury.
Inactive or fatigued muscles have less ability to absorb energy and are more likely to undergo acute strain.

Acutely, often a stretch injury with an abrupt cutting motion as in slide tackling in soccer (1), or straddling injury as in gymnastics, cheerleading, or horseback riding
Also can result from overuse, as in skating or rollerblading
May have only minor discomfort with walking, but pain and weakness develop with cutting or running
If symptoms do not respond to initial therapy, need to consider other diagnoses.
Physical Exam
Classic triad of tenderness to palpation in the muscle and its insertion, pain with passive stretching, and pain with resisted contraction
Usually acute episode is noted, but symptoms may become chronic after initial injury if undertreated and repeatedly strained.
Tenderness along proximal 1/3 of medial thigh and tendinous origin in pubic region
Pain with passive abduction
Pain with resisted adduction
Swelling and ecchymosis increase suspicion for tear
With complete rupture, palpable depression and knot of torn muscle may be present.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Generally not necessary in straightforward cases, but may be part of workup if appropriate
Hip and pelvis films recommended to rule out other conditions (1,2)
Musculoskeletal US to evaluate for tendon fiber discontinuity or hematoma if there is a palpable mass (1,2)
Bone scan if stress fracture suspected
Differential Diagnosis
Osteitis pubis
Stress fracture of femoral neck or pubic ramus
Iliopsoas bursitis
Avascular necrosis of femoral head
Groin disruption (aka, sports hernia, Gilmore's groin, athletic pubalgia)
Myositis ossificans
Adductor tendinitis
Avulsion fracture (especially in an adolescent)
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (usually seen in early teens)
Inguinal hernia
Nerve entrapment, specifically obturator nerve (2)
Referred pain from spine or genitourinary tract
Conjoined tendon lesions (2)

OTC analgesics usually are sufficient.
Some sources recommend avoiding nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with antiplatelet properties to help prevent bleeding into tissue.
Topical anesthetics
Muscle relaxants may provide some benefit.
Strict immobilization generally is not recommended, and rehabilitation should be initiated early in the 1st few days.
Limited activity as tolerated for 1–2 wks; longer for more protracted cases
Gentle compression with compression shorts, Neoprene sleeve, or elastic wrap
For severe, incomplete tears, crutches for walking while symptomatic with ambulation
Additional Treatment
Additional Therapies
Ice for ∼20 min every 2–3 hrs for the 1st 2–3 days.
Heat may be added after 2–3 days.
Gentle stretching exercises may be instituted after the 1st few days.
Gentle (pain-free) stretching and low-intensity isotonic strengthening can be instituted as symptoms subside (3,4)
Progress to active strength training and stretching (3,4). Balance training/proprioceptive exercises of hip and groin musculature.
If full flexibility and pain-free, may increase to full loading (2,5)
Physical therapy modalities, such as US or electrical stimulation, may benefit in more chronic cases.
Correction of predisposing factors, such as muscle tightness, weakness, or imbalance, should be addressed.
Adequate stretching and warmup may help prevent reinjury.
Surgery/Other Procedures
Surgical repair may be required for complete avulsion from the femur.
Early repair is generally recommended.

Follow-Up Recommendations
Except for significant tears, referral to a specialist generally is not necessary unless another diagnosis is being considered and requires evaluation.
1. Gilmore J. Groin pain in the soccer athlete: fact, fiction, and treatment. Clin Sports Med. 1998;17:787–793, vii.
2. Lacroix VJ. A complete approach to groin pain. Physician Sports Med. 2000;28(1):online.
3. Ruane JJ, Rossi TA. When groin pain is more than “just a strain.” Physician Sports Med. 1998;26(4):online.
4. Anderson M, Hall S, Martin M. Foundations of Athletic Training Prevention, Assessment and Management. 2005:475–477.
5. Sim FH, Nicholas JA, Hershman EB. The Lower Extremity and Spine in Sports Medicine. St. Louis: Mosby, 1995.
Additional Reading
Johnson D, Mair S. Adductor strain. Clin Sports Med. 2006:659.
Fry B, Brunner R. Adductor strain. February 21, 2007.
Macleod DA, Gibbon WW. The sportsman's groin. Br J Surg. 1999:86(7):849–850.
Dahan R. Rehabilitation of muscle tendon injuries to the hip, pelvis, and groin. Vol 5. 1997:326–333.
Baha R, Machlum S. Clin Guide Sports Injur. 2004:266–268.
Garrett WE. Muscle strain injuries. Am J Sports Med. 1996;24:S2–S8.

843.8 Sprain of other specified sites of hip and thigh
Clinical Pearls
Decision on return to play depends on extent of injury and underlying predisposing factors. Pain is usually a fair measure, so unrestricted play is generally permitted if pain-free, which may take weeks.
Although initial symptoms may not be debilitating enough to impair performance, pain is a marker for injury. Left untreated condition can become chronic and ultimately take longer to rehabilitate.