Thrombophlebitis, Superficial
Thrombophlebitis, Superficial
Jeffrey M. Mjaanes
Michael Hanna

Superficial thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory condition of the veins with clinical findings of pain, tenderness, induration, and erythema of a superficial vein with secondary thrombosis.
Septic (suppurative) thrombophlebitis types:
Infectious: Mainly syphilis and psittacosis
Aseptic thrombophlebitis types:
Primary hypercoagulable states: Disorders with measurable defects in the proteins of the coagulation and/or fibrinolytic systems
Secondary hypercoagulable states: Clinical conditions with a risk of thrombosis
System(s) affected: Cardiovascular
Synonym(s): Phlebitis; Phlebothrombosis; Superficial venous thrombosis
Abbreviations: DVT = deep vein thrombosis; LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin
Pediatric Considerations
Pediatric: Subperiosteal abscesses of adjacent long bone may complicate.
Geriatric: Septic thrombophlebitis is more common; prognosis poorer.
Others: N/A
Pediatric Considerations
Warfarin and NSAIDs are contraindicated.
Associated with increased risk of aseptic superficial thrombophlebitis
Note: Potentially lethal misnomer is use of now abandoned term superficial femoral vein thrombosis, which is actually a DVT and should be treated as such.
Up to 10% of all nosocomial infections
Incidence of catheter-related thrombophlebitis is 88/100,000.
Develops in 4–8% if cutdown is performed
More common in childhood
Predominant gender: Male = Female
Aseptic primary hypercoagulable state:
Antithrombin III and heparin cofactor II deficiency incidence is 50/100,000.
Antithrombin III and heparin cofactor II deficiency: Neonatal period, but 1st episode usually at age 20–30 yrs
Proteins C and S deficiency: Before age 30
Aseptic secondary hypercoagulable state:
Trousseau syndrome incidence in malignancy 5–15%
Trousseau syndrome incidence in pancreatic carcinoma 50%
In pregnancy, 49-fold increased incidence of phlebitis
Superficial migratory thrombophlebitis in 27% of patients with thromboangiitis obliterans
Mondor disease (superficial phlebitis of the breast): Women ages 21–55 yrs; also can occur in dorsal penile vein in men
Thromboangiitis obliterans onset: 20–50 yrs
Predominant gender: Mondor: Female > Male (2:1); thromboangiitis obliterans: Female > Male (1–19% of clinical cases)
Risk Factors
Advanced age
Postoperative states
IV catheter
Duration of IV catheterization (68% of cannulas have been left in place for 2 days)
Emergent placement of catheter
Cancer, debilitating diseases
Incidence is 40 times higher with plastic cannulas (8%) than with steel or scalp cannulas (0.2%)
Dermal infection
Burn patients
Lower extremities IV catheter
IV antibiotics
Varicose veins
Antithrombin II and heparin cofactor II deficiency:
Oral contraceptives
Surgery, trauma, infection
In pregnancy;
Increased age
Increased parity
Thromboangiitis obliterans: Persistent smoking
Mondor disease:
Breast abscess
Antecedent breast surgery
Breast augmentation
Reduction mammoplasty
Septic: No known genetic pattern
Antithrombin III deficiencies: Autosomal dominant
Proteins C and S deficiency: Autosomal dominant with variable penetrance
Disorders of fibrinolytic system: Congenital defects, inheritance variable
Dysfibrinogenemia: Autosomal dominant
Factor XII deficiency: Autosomal recessive
General Prevention
Use of scalp vein cannulas
Avoidance of lower extremity cannulations
Insertion under aseptic conditions
Secure anchoring of the cannulas
Replacement of cannulas, connecting tubing, and IV fluid every 48–72 hr
Neomycin-polymyxin B-bacitracin ointment in cutdown
Staphylococcus aureus in 65–78%
Enterobacteriaceae, especially Klebsiella
Multiple organisms in 14%
Anaerobic isolate rare
Candida spp.
Cytomegalovirus in AIDS patients
Aseptic primary hypercoagulable state:
Antithrombin III and heparin II deficiency
Protein C and protein S deficiency
Disorder of tissue plasminogen activator
Abnormal plasminogen and coplasminogen
Factor XII deficiency
Lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody syndrome
Aseptic secondary hypercoagulable states:
Malignancy (Trousseau syndrome: Recurrent migratory thrombophlebitis): Seen most commonly in metastatic mucin or adenocarcinomas of the GI tract (pancreas, stomach, colon, and gall bladder), lung, prostate, ovary
Oral contraceptives
Infusion of prothrombin complex concentrates
Behçet disease
Buerger disease
Mondor disease
Commonly Associated Conditions
DVT: Superficial and deep vein thromboses (DVTs) can occur together from direct extension or noncontiguous findings.
Incidence: Coexisting conditions 15% of time (1)[C]
Both more likely in a hypercoagulable state
Lower extremity superficial thrombophlebitis of great saphenous vein thought to be associated with DVTs (especially above knee) (1)[C]
Varicose veins
Systemic diseases such as pancreatic or other abdominal cancers
Hypercoagulable states such as Factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation, antithrombin III (AT-III), protein C and protein S deficiencies
Trauma, burns
Obesity, pregnancy
Thromboangiitis obliterans

Pre Hospital
Treat initially with support stockings, elevation, and OTC analgesics, such as acetaminophen, or NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen.
Swelling over affected vein: May feel firm and “cordlike”
Redness and warmth of affected vein and area
Pain and tenderness to palpation
Physical Exam
Swelling, tenderness, mild erythema along the course of the affected vein(s); palpable “cord”
May look like cellulitis or erythema nodosa
Fever in 70% of patients
Warmth, significant erythema, tenderness, or lymphangiitis in 32%
Signs of systemic sepsis in 84% in suppurative thrombophlebitis (hypotension, tachycardia, shallow respirations, altered mental status, multiorgan failure)
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Blood culture
Coagulation assay and special tests (eg, Factor V Leiden) may be indicated.
Other tests:
Doppler or duplex US
Bacteremia in 80–90%
Culture of IV fluid bag and tip
Acute-phase reactant
Patients with single episode of superficial thrombophlebitis do not require hypercoagulable screening. Screen for recurrent cases without known risk factors (2)[C].
Factor levels
Protein C and S
Thrombin activity
Platelet function test
Doppler or duplex US
Bacteremia in 80–90%
Culture of IV fluid bag and tip
Acute-phase reactant
Patients with single episode of superficial thrombophlebitis do not require hypercoagulable screening. Screen for recurrent cases without known risk factors (2)[C].
Factor levels
Protein C and S
Thrombin activity
Platelet function test
Drugs that may alter lab results: In sepsis, broad-spectrum antibiotics
Disorders that may alter lab results: N/A
US of veins reveals an increase in the diameter of the lumen (can detect extension of thrombus but less useful in regions deep to the clavicle or mandible).
Upper extremity superficial thrombophlebitis and saphenous thrombophlebitis below the knee do not require imaging in absence of risk factors for DVT (2)[C].
Saphenous thrombophlebitis above the knee is more likely to progress to DVT and requires diagnostic US and follow-up US in 3–7 days (2)[C].
Chest x-ray: Multiple peripheral densities or a pleural effusion consistent with pulmonary embolism, abscess, or empyema
Bone and gallium scan: For associated subperiosteal abscess in septic thrombophlebitis
High-resolution CT scan with contrast material: Most useful for jugular or vena caval septic thrombophlebitis
Venography (more invasive than above)
Evaluation of complications (DVT and others)
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Leukocyte imaging
Skin biopsy helpful in recurrent and migratory types as well as unclear cases
Pathological Findings
The affected vein is enlarged, tortuous, and thickened.
Associated perivascular suppuration and/or hemorrhage
Vein lumen may contain pus and thrombus.
Endothelial damage, fibrinoid necrosis, and thickening of the vein wall
Differential Diagnosis
Erythema nodosa
Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
Sarcoid granuloma
Kaposi sarcoma
Hyperalgesic pseudothrombophlebitis
Insect bite

Septic: Inpatient
Aseptic: Outpatient
First Line
Initially, antistaphylococcal agent (vancomycin 30 mg/kg/day in 2 equally divided doses) plus an aminoglycoside (eg, gentamicin 1.7–2.0 mg/kg IV as a loading dose, followed by 1.5 mg/kg per renal function). If MSSA, change vancomycin to oxacillin 2 g IV q4h (3)[C].
Duration of therapy is empirical.
If due to Candida albicans, consider a short course of amphotericin B, ∼200 mg cumulative dose
If osteomyelitis documented, antibiotic therapy for at least 6 wks
NSAIDs for upper extremity and below-the-knee clots without DVT risk factors
Systemic LMWH or unfractionated heparin ×4 wks suggested for all above-the-knee superficial or large leg thromboses (4)[B],(5)[A]
Oral anticoagulant warfarin with bridging as alternative (4)[C]
Antithrombin III and heparin cofactor II deficiency:
IV heparin
Antithrombin III concentrate
Prophylaxis: Warfarin
Proteins C and S deficiency: Long-term warfarin, lower dose, no loading
Disorder of tissue plasminogen activator:
Phenformin and ethylestrenol
Stanozolol and phenformin
Stanozolol alone
Ethylestrenol alone
Second Line
Factor XII deficiency: Streptokinase or alteplase [tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)]
Behçet: Oral anticoagulants plus cyclosporine
Thromboangiitis obliterans: Corticosteroid, antiplatelets, and vasodilating drugs
Additional Treatment
General Measures
Heat application
Extremity elevation
Compression stockings
Continue ambulation: Bed rest is counterproductive. Patients tend to do better with early and continued mobilization (6)[C].
If occurs in setting of IV catheter, remove the catheter.
In high-risk patients (ie, patients with varicosities and a history of superficial thrombophlebitis), referral to a surgeon may be indicated. Vein stripping, phlebectomy, or sclerotherapy may be required to prevent further episodes.
Additional Therapies
Treatment with a therapeutic or prophylactic dose of LMWH or an NSAID reduces the incidence of SVT extension or recurrence but not the incidence of venous thromboembolic disease (7)[B].
An intermediate dose of LMWH for a month plus use of elastic compression stockings may be the best preventive approach, although more studies are needed (5)[A].
Surgery/Other Procedures
Surgery is always necessary in peripheral thrombophlebitis.
If central vein is involved, surgical resection may not be possible.
If septic thrombophlebitis is suspected, exploratory surgery should be performed (3)[C].
Excision of the involved vein segment and all involved tributaries
Excision from ankle to groin may be required in some burn patients.
If systemic symptoms persist after vein excision, reexploration is necessary with removal of all involved veins.
Drainage of contiguous abscesses
Remove all cannulas.
Mondor disease: Consider surgical transection of the phlebitic cord.
Management of underlying conditions

Follow-Up Recommendations
Patient Monitoring
Routine WBC count and differential and culture
Repeat culture from the phlebitic vein
For above-the-knee clots of the great saphenous vein, monitor with US after 3–7 days to exclude progression (1).
Clinical follow-up to rule out secondary complications and improvement
Repeat of blood studies for fibrinolytic system, platelets, and factors
No restrictions
Patient Education
Avoid trauma.
Be alert to change in skin color.
Be alert to tenderness over extremities.
Septic: High mortality (50%) if untreated
Usually benign course: Recovery in 7–10 days
Antithrombin III and heparin cofactor deficiency: Recurrence rate is 60%.
Proteins C and S: Recurrence rate is 70%.
Prognosis depends on development of DVT and early detection of complications.
Aseptic thrombophlebitis can be isolated, recurrent, or migratory.
Complications of superficial thrombophlebitis are relatively rare. Risk of embolism is uncommon compared with DVT.
Systemic sepsis, bacteremia (84%)
Septic pulmonary emboli (44%)
Metastatic abscess formation
Pneumonia (44%)
Subperiosteal abscess of adjacent long bones in children
Thromboembolic phenomena
Treatment/prevention of complications:
Acute attack: Anticoagulation
Prophylaxis: Stanozolol
Abnormal plasminogen and plasminogenemia:
Acute attack: Anticoagulation
Prophylaxis: Warfarin
Factor XII deficiency: Standard therapy
Lupus anticardiolipin: Prophylaxis: Warfarin
Trousseau syndrome: Heparin
For pregnancy: Heparin
Behçet disease:
Thromboangiitis obliterans:
Stop smoking
Contraindications: Refer to manufacturers' literature.
Precautions: Refer to manufacturers' literature.
Significant possible interactions: Refer to manufacturers' literature.
1. Decousus H, Epinat M, Guillot K, et al. Superficial vein thrombosis: risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2003;9:393–397.
2. Fernandez L. Superficial phlebitis. In: UpToDate, Sarkar R, Ed. UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2009.
3. Spelman D. Suppurative (septic) thrombophlebitis. In: UpToDate, Sexton DJ, Ed. UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2009.
4. Kearon C, Kahn SR, Agnelli G, et al. Antithrombotic therapy for venous thromboembolic disease: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Chest. 2008;133:454S–545S.
5. Di Nisio M, Wichers IM, Middeldorp S. Treatment for superficial thrombophlebitis of the leg. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;CD004982.
6. Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Agus G, et al. Management of superficial vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis: status and expert opinion document. Angiology. 2007;58(Suppl 1):7S–14S; discussion 14S–15S.
7. Wichers IM, Di Nisio M, Büller HR, et al. Treatment of superficial vein thrombosis to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Haematologica. 2005;90:672–677.
Additional Reading
Mandell GL, ed. Principles and practice of infectious diseases. 4th Ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1995.
Samlaskie CP, James WD. Superficial thrombophlebitis I. Primary hypercoagulable states. J Am Acad Dermatol 1990;22:975–989.
Samlaskie CP, James WD. Superficial thrombophlebitis II. Secondary hypercoagulable states. J Am Acad Dermato. 1990;23:1–18.
Superficial Thrombophlebitis Treated By Enoxaparin Study Group. A pilot randomized double-blind comparison of a low-molecular-weight heparin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, and placebo in the treatment of superficial vein thrombosis. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:1657–1663.
See Also
Thrombosis, deep vein (DVT)

451.0 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels of lower extremities
451.11 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein (deep) (superficial)
451.82 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of upper extremities
Clinical Pearls
Superficial thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory condition of the veins with clinical findings of pain, tenderness, induration, and erythema of a superficial vein with secondary thrombosis.
Risk factors include hypercoagulable states, venous stasis, and IV catheters.
Diagnosed clinically and confirmed by finding a thrombus with Doppler US
Aseptic type is usually benign, and treatment is based on location and risk factors.
Conservative therapy with heat, compression, elevation, and NSAIDS for upper extremity and lower leg clots
Upper leg clots and those with risk factors for DVTs require anticoagulation ×4 wks.
Septic type more serious and requires IV antibiotics and usually surgical exploration with resection of affected vessels.