Knee Dislocation
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Knee Dislocation
Knee Dislocation
Gregory Gebauer MD, MS
John H. Wilckens MD

Dislocation of the knee is an orthopaedic emergency.
The most common causes are motor vehicle accidents, followed by sports and falls from heights.
Rotary: Subclassified as anteromedial, anterolateral, posteromedial, posterolateral
General Prevention
Seat belts and airbags are the best methods of prevention.
Associated Conditions
Neurovascular injury, particularly to the popliteal artery or peroneal nerve
Fractures of the tibia or femur
Rupture of the collateral and/or cruciate ligaments

Signs and Symptoms
Classically, patients with knee dislocations present with obvious deformity, swelling, pain, and inability to move the knee.
Many knee dislocations are reduced before examination by a physician; thus, deformity may not be present.
It is critical to assess the neurovascular status of all patients with possible knee dislocations because:
Injury to the popliteal artery occurs in 32–45% of cases (1,2).
Nerve injury (most commonly the peroneal nerve) occurs in 16–40% of all knee dislocations (3,4).
Urgent vascular evaluation is required
for absent pulses; ecchymosis in the popliteal fossa; a cold, cyanotic
extremity; or loss of sensorimotor function.
Physical Exam
Inspect the extremity for obvious deformity, swelling, and ecchymosis.
Perform a thorough neurovascular examination.
Palpate pulses or assess them by Doppler, note warmth of skin, and examine sensory and motor function.
The presence of pulses does not rule out vascular injury because an intimal flap tear of the vessel may be present.
Any sign of vascular injury necessitates an emergent vascular surgery consultation.
Examination for laxity of the knee should
be performed systematically for injury to any of the 4 knee ligaments
(ACL, OSD, MCL, or LCL). -
Laxity of 2 or more knee ligaments leads to a presumptive diagnosis of knee dislocation.
Patients should be examined carefully at regular intervals to exclude the possibility of compartment syndrome.
The most reliable signs for compartment
syndrome are intractable, unrelenting pain out of proportion to the
injury and pain with passive stretch of the ankle and toes.
AP and lateral views of the knee should be obtained, but doing so should not delay reduction of an obvious dislocation.
May be useful in assessing soft-tissue and ligamentous injury, but it should not be performed acutely.
Also allows visualization of the vascular system
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Any patient with a vascular injury should undergo angiography or MRI.
Differential Diagnosis
Dislocation of the patella
Neurovascular injury unrelated to dislocation
Fracture of the tibia or femur

General Measures
Many knee dislocations are the result of
motor vehicle crashes; therefore, all such patients should be assessed
by a trauma protocol.-
Initial assessment should include evaluation of airway, breathing, circulation, and vital signs.
Immediate reduction is recommended.
Anterior dislocations are reduced with longitudinal traction and the lifting of the femur anteriorly.
Posterior dislocations are reduced with
longitudinal traction and the lifting upward of the proximal tibia
while extending the knee. -
Medial and lateral dislocations are
reduced with longitudinal traction and the appropriate medial or
lateral pressure on the tibia and femur.
The neurovascular status should be assessed before and after reduction.
Orthopaedic and vascular surgeons should be notified.
The knee should be immobilized in a
splint or spanning external fixator, with careful attention to the
neurovascular status and the development of compartment syndrome. -
Nonoperative treatment:
Indicated for patients who are sedentary or elderly or who have substantial comorbidities preventing surgical repair.
A splint should be followed by 6–8 weeks of protected immobilization.
Nonoperatively treated patients:
6–8 weeks of protected immobilization
May begin quadriceps setting exercises in the splint, followed by active leg-lifting exercises after the immobilizer is removed
Operatively treated patients:
Activity is determined by which structures were injured, repaired, and reconstructed.
After 6 weeks, patients may begin active ROM exercises.
Average return to previous activity for both treatments:
Sports, 9–12 months
Sedentary jobs, 2 months
Heavy labor, 6–9 months
Special Therapy
Physical Therapy
ROM and strengthening exercises should be started after immobilization.
Quadriceps setting exercises can begin in the splint/fixator.
First Line
Emergent surgery is required for patients with vascular injury; saphenous vein grafting often is required.
Fasciotomies may be required for patients with prolonged ischemic time or with compartment syndrome.
Open dislocation requires immediate surgical intervention.
Definitive surgical repair usually is
performed 10–14 days after the injury, to allow swelling to diminish
and to facilitate arthroscopic procedures. -
Methods of repair and reconstruction depend on the extent and nature of the injuries.

Patients should be followed at 4–6-week intervals until they achieve maximum recovery.
Issues for Referral
An orthopaedic surgeon should be consulted emergently.
Any vascular injuries require immediate consultation with a vascular surgeon.
Prognosis depends on the associated limb injuries and the interventions for those injuries.
Viability of the limb in the presence of
vascular compromise is directly related to the time between injury and
revascularization. -
The most common residual effects are arthrofibrosis (knee stiffness) and postoperative arthritis.
Loss of limb:
Usually secondary to prolonged ischemia
The amputation rate is 86% when ischemia lasts >8 hours (1).
Arthrofibrosis (stiff knee):
In nonoperative treatment, residual stiffness provides stability for injured ligaments.
Operative treatment may increase the incidence of arthrofibrosis unless reconstruction is strong enough to allow early ROM.
Neurologic deficit:
Nerve injury, most often the peroneal nerve, is a common sequela of knee dislocation.
Recovery may take months to years, and prognosis varies.
Knee instability:
Secondary to injury to the ligamentous structures
Redislocation is rare.
Posttraumatic arthritis:
Secondary to cartilage injury during the trauma
Can lead to long-term disability
1. Green NE, Allen BL. Vascular injuries associated with dislocation of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg 1977;59A:236–239.
2. Jones RE, Smith EC, Bone GE. Vascular and orthopaedic complications of knee dislocation. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1979;149:554–558.
3. Almekinders LC, Logan TC. Results following treatment of traumatic dislocations of the knee joint. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1992;284:203–207.
4. Welling RE, Kakkasseril J, Cranley JJ. Complete dislocations of the knee with popliteal vascular injury. J Trauma 1981;21:450–453.
Additional Reading
Giannoulias CS, Freedman KB. Knee dislocations: management of the multiligament-injured knee. Am J Orthop 2004;33:553–559.
Rihn JA, Groff YJ, Harner CD, et al. The acutely dislocated knee: evaluation and management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2004;12:334–346.
Schenck RC Jr, ed. Multiple Ligamentous Injuries of the Knee in the Athlete. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2002.
JP, Sheils TM, Lopez-Ben RR, et al. Vascular injuries in knee
dislocations: the role of physical examination in determining the need
for arteriography. J Bone Joint Surg 2004;86A: 910–915.
JP, Sheils TM, Lopez-Ben RR, et al. Vascular injuries in knee
dislocations: the role of physical examination in determining the need
for arteriography. J Bone Joint Surg 2004;86A: 910–915.
CH, Tan JL, Chang HC, et al. Knee dislocations—a retrospective study
comparing operative versus closed immobilization treatment outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2004;12:540–544.
CH, Tan JL, Chang HC, et al. Knee dislocations—a retrospective study
comparing operative versus closed immobilization treatment outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2004;12:540–544.

836.5 Closed knee dislocation
836.6 Open knee dislocation
Patient Teaching
Emphasize ROM and, later, strengthening exercises.
Q: Do all patients with a knee dislocation require an arterial study to document the status of the popliteal artery?
No. Although as many as 50% of knee dislocations from high-energy motor
vehicle accidents have a popliteal artery injury, <10% of athletic
knee dislocations have an arterial injury. Patients with diminished
distal pulses before surgical evaluation require urgent vascular
No. Although as many as 50% of knee dislocations from high-energy motor
vehicle accidents have a popliteal artery injury, <10% of athletic
knee dislocations have an arterial injury. Patients with diminished
distal pulses before surgical evaluation require urgent vascular