Hyperthermia: Heat Stroke, Exhaustion, and Cramps
Hyperthermia: Heat Stroke, Exhaustion, and Cramps
Christopher C. Trigger
Tanya J. Hagen

Heat illness is the result of increased heat production and impaired heat dissipation.
Exertional heat illness is a continuum, but based on signs and symptoms can be divided into the following groups:
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke
∼400 deaths per year can be attributed to all types of heat illness in the U.S.
Exertional heat stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in athletes (1).
Football has been identified as the sport with the greatest number of heat-related fatalities.
From 1995–2005, 26 deaths were reported in high school, collegiate, and professional football due to heat stroke (1).
Risk Factors
Hot, humid weather
Sickle trait
Age (<15 yrs or >65 yrs)
Poorly trained and/or overweight athletes
Cumulative heat load from previous days' exposures
Improper attire (plastic suits)
Equipment (football pads/helmet)
Poor acclimatization
Dietary supplements (ie, ephedra, diet pills)
Antihypertensives (ie, diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers)
Tricyclic antidepressants
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Illicit drugs (ie, cocaine, heroin, phencyclidine)
Concurrent illness (viral illness, skin disorders, cardiac disease)
General Prevention
Pre/post hydrate
Modify time, intensity, and exposure in hot, humid weather:
Exercise in the early morning or evening.
Limit sun exposure if possible.
Remove unnecessary equipment and/or clothing.
Heat acclimatization (usually takes 10–14 days) (2)[C]
Increase electrolyte intake, mainly sodium (Na), using sports drinks.
Heat dissipation occurs via 4 processes (1,3):
Radiation is the direct release of heat from the body to the environment.
Conduction occurs with direct transfer of heat during contact with a cooler object.
Convection is when cooler air passes over the warmer exposed skin, lifting the heat away.
Evaporation through perspiration is the body's most effective way of eliminating heat, although limited when humidity is high.

Heat cramps:
Painful involuntary contractions of muscles, most commonly the calf, quadriceps, and abdomen
Heat cramps are more commonly thought of as an electrolyte problem than a heat issue.
Heat exhaustion:
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or syncope
Nausea and vomiting
Normal mental status
Heat stroke:
CNS symptoms with the correct environmental conditions (hot and humid)
Previous history of heat exhaustion
Physical Exam
Heat cramps:
Normal temperature and vital signs
Tense, tender, involuntary contraction of the muscle belly
Heat exhaustion:
Normal or elevated core temperature but <40°C (104°F)
Vital signs usually normal, but can be variable depending on severity
Normal mental status
Flushed skin
Profuse sweating
Cold, clammy skin
Heat stroke:
Core (rectal) temperature >40°C (104°F) (2)[B]
CNS disturbances (confusion, ataxia, irritability, coma)
Tachycardic, tachypneic, and hypotensive
Hot skin with or without sweating
End organ damage/failure
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Routine lab work typically unnecessary for minor heat illness, but depending on the clinical picture, you may need to check the following:
Basic metabolic panel
Urinalysis to detect myoglobin
Serum creatine kinase to evaluate for rhabdomyolysis
Toxicology screen
Cardiac enzymes
Liver function tests
Coagulation studies to evaluate disseminated intravascular coagulation
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
EKG: Consider in heat stroke to look for cardiac damage/dysfunction
Differential Diagnosis
Electrolyte abnormality
Cardiovascular disease
Exercise-associated collapse
CNS lesion
Thyroid dysfunction

Acute treatment:
Use basic or advanced cardiac life support for all unstable patients and transfer them to the nearest medical facility.
Common theme in treating all heat illnesses is to lower the core temp to an acceptable (38°C) level as quickly as possible
Heat cramps (2,13):
Oral replacement of fluids and electrolytes (Na) using sports drinks (1)
IV fluids if unable to tolerate by mouth
Passive stretching and/or ice massage of the affected muscles
Heat exhaustion (1,2,3):
More aggressive cooling techniques:
Move to cool environment.
Rest and remove excess clothing.
Apply ice bags to neck, axilla, and groin (2)[C].
Place in supine position and elevate legs.
Replacement of fluids and electrolytes
IV fluids if unable to tolerate oral rehydration
Heat stroke (1,2,3):
Support airway, breathing, and circulation.
Rapid cooling of the patient is first line:
Cold/ice water immersion most rapid form of cooling (2)[A]
If immersion unavailable, place wet towels/sheets and ice bags to neck, axilla, and groin (1,2,3)[C]
IV fluids
Danger Category | Apparent Temperature (°F) | Heat Syndrome |
IV. Extreme danger | 130°F or higher | Heat stroke highly likely with continued exposure |
III. Danger | 105–130°F | Heat cramps or heat exhaustion likely, and heat stroke possible with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity |
II. Extreme caution | 90–105°F | Heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion possible with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity |
I. Caution | 80–90°F | Fatigue possible with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity |
ED Treatment
Any person exhibiting signs of worsening heat illness, specifically those with mental status changes and a temperature >40°C, should be immediately cooled and transferred for improved monitoring and management.
Once in the emergency department, the patient will undergo similar cooling techniques as noted above.

Follow-Up Recommendations
Return to play recommendations (1,2):
Heat cramps [C]:
May return immediately after symptoms resolve with rest and fluid replacement
Depending on severity, may require 24 hr of relative rest
Heat exhaustion [C]:
Immediate return not recommended
Generally can return to activity within 24–48 hr
Gradually increase intensity and volume of training
Heat stroke [B]:
Consider at least 7 days of rest or until asymptomatic and lab values have normalized.
Consider follow-up no later than 1 wk after event or even sooner based on severity of symptoms and lab abnormalities.
When cleared, begin training in cool environment and acclimate to heat over a 2-wk period.
Clear the athlete for full competition if heat tolerance exists after 2–4 wks of training.
If athlete does not tolerate return to play progression or has recurrent heat illnesses, consider laboratory exercise-heat tolerance test.
Patient Education
Avoid risks listed above.
“Salty sweaters” may be at higher risk for heat cramps due to loss of Na; encourage increased salt intake with meals and hydration with electrolytes.
End organ failure
Cardiovascular collapse
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Liver failure
Acute renal failure
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
1. Howe AS, Boden BP. Heat-related illness in athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2007;35:1384–1395.
2. Armstrong LE, Casa DJ, Millard-Stafford M, et al. Exertional heat illness during training and competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39:556–572.
3. Wexler RK. Evaluation and treatment of heat-related illnesses. Am Fam Physician. 2002;65:2307–2314.

992.0 Heat stroke and sunstroke
992.1 Heat syncope
992.2 Heat cramps
Clinical Pearls
General Heat Stress Index (1,3)