Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Enchondroma
Frank J. Frassica MD

A common benign lesion of mature hyaline cartilage in the medullary canal of the metaphysis or metadiaphysis of bone
Commonly involves the short tubular bones (usually proximal phalanx) of adult hands and feet:
Also may involve the distal femur, proximal humerus, and tibia
Rare in the spine and pelvis
Does not form in bones that develop by membranous ossification
Nongrowing lesion
Small peripheral cartilage tumors tend to be benign, whereas large axial tumors have the greatest risk of malignancy.
One of the most common benign bone tumors
Most common bone tumor of the hand
Most common destructive bone lesion in hand
Found in all age groups but more commonly recognized in adults
The Male:Female ratio is equal.
May result from epiphyseal growth
cartilage that does not remodel and persists in the metaphysis, or may
be the persistence of the original cartilage anlage -
Cartilage stops growing in adulthood.
Associated Conditions
Enchondroma protuberans: Eccentric enchondroma may cause bulging of the cortex.
Enchondromatosis (Ollier disease): Multiple enchondromas:
Widespread involvement of the skeletal
system by chondromas that occur principally in the medullary cavity but
also on the surface of the bone -
Typically occurs in a unilateral distribution
May involve any bone
Occurrence in multiple siblings has been documented, but no genetic basis has been found.
Maffucci syndrome: Multiple enchondromas with soft-tissue hemangiomas

Signs and Symptoms
General features:
Most lesions are asymptomatic.
Enchondromas of the long bones do not cause pain.
Patients with intramedullary cartilage
lesions and pain should be evaluated carefully for another source of
pain, possibly a chondrosarcoma.
Pain sometimes is present in patients with enchondromas in the hand from pathologic fractures.
If lesions occur in the hand, some enlargement of the digit may be noted if the cortex is expanded.
The lesion usually is diagnosed incidentally on a routine radiograph or bone scan and frequently is “hot” on a bone scan.
Rarely, a chondrosarcoma may develop in a pre-existing enchondroma (typically in the long bones).
Usually recognized clinically by 10 years
of age because of the development of palpable masses, unilateral
shortening of an extremity, or angular deformity -
Most cases are bilateral, but involvement usually predominates on 1 side.
Within an extremity, the lesions may be asymmetric (i.e., affecting the radial side more than the ulnar side, or vice versa).
Affected bones are shortened or deformed by epiphyseal involvement.
The disease regresses after puberty.
Maffucci syndrome:
Vascular phleboliths are apparent in the associated soft-tissue hemangiomas.
Physical Exam
Palpate the bone for tenderness and a soft-tissue mass.
Children: Plain radiographs in 2 planes and a bone scan should be obtained to evaluate for other lesions.
Serial radiographs taken every 3–6 months or review of old radiographs can help determine whether the lesion is inactive.
Well-defined, solitary, lytic lesions
occur in the central portions of the metaphysis or metadiaphysis, with
occasional endosteal scalloping and variable intralesional
calcifications. -
The calcification pattern is described as rings and stipple, popcornlike, and punctate.
In small tubular bones (e.g., the hand), the entire shaft usually is involved.
The cortex usually is intact, but it may
be expanded mildly (by lack of remodeling in the metaphysis, not by
expansion of the bone by tumor).-
It often is radiolucent in children (may look like a unicameral bone cyst).
As patients age, the normally radiolucent
cartilage begins to ossify and calcify, and ring-and-stipple
calcifications are observed. -
Occasionally, the mineralization is so dense that the lesion may suggest a bone infarct.
No periosteal reaction occurs.
Radiolucent areas of cartilage are seen
in the metaphysis, with irregular calcification in a longitudinal or
streaking pattern extending from the physis. -
The cortices are expanded from within, inhibiting normal metaphyseal remodeling.
Affected bones cannot tubulate, so ends have a clubbed appearance.
The chondroma may be intracortical, subcortical, or in the epiphysis.
The tendency is to spare the epiphysis and diaphysis, but in severe cases, the entire bone may be involved.
Well-circumscribed lobular lesion is bright on T2-weighted images.
Low signal intensity on T1-weighted images
Bone scanning:
Enchondromas take up radionuclide tracer and may be “hot” on a bone scan.
Positive bone scans should be interpreted cautiously because they do not, by themselves, indicate malignant change.
Although they do not grow, enchondromas are constantly remodeling.
Increased uptake and activity are not
indications of malignant degeneration unless the lesion had less uptake
on a previous scan. -
Initial scans are used for baselines if any symptoms change.
Pathological Findings
Microscopic features:
Nests of cartilage cells without atypia are separated by normal marrow.
Foci of calcification usually are present.
A thin layer of lamellar cartilage may be observed.
Negative Ki-67 stain is noted.
Evidence of invasive infiltration of bone marrow suggests chondrosarcoma.
Low magnification: Hypocellular lesions with a blue-gray aura and inconspicuous nuclei.
High magnification: Lesions have uniform nuclei (small, regular, darkly stained), and binucleated cells are rare.
Hand lesions:
May be hypercellular
May have slight myxoid change
Nuclei may show atypical features.
Double nucleated cells are common.
Differential Diagnosis
Radiographic features:
Bone infarct
Benign versus malignant lesions:
Distinguishing a benign latent
enchondroma and an active enchondroma or low-grade chondrosarcoma is a
common and difficult clinical problem. -
Because the histologic characteristics of
an enchondroma overlap those of a low-grade chondrosarcoma, biopsy
often is not helpful. -
The correct diagnosis depends on observing and correlating clinical and radiographic features of the lesion.
Is the lesion growing?
Is the lesion painful?
Painless condition
Lack of growth
Bone scan variability
Uniform matrix calcification
Lack of endosteal erosion
Uniform small bland cells
Low cellularity
Low-grade chondrosarcoma:
Painful condition
Slow-growing lesion
Bone scan variability
Presence of lucent regions
Endosteal erosion
Mild cellular atypia
Moderate to high cellularity
Ki-67-positive status

General Measures
Enchondromas do not cause pain, so other causes need to be sought (e.g., those in Table 1).
Serial radiographs are obtained to ensure that the cartilage lesion is not growing.
Enchondromas show no changes except for increased mineralization.
Chondrosarcomas show:
Cortical erosions
Cortical thickening
Cortical destruction
Activity modification is not necessary regardless of the size of the enchondroma.
Patients with enchondromas of the hand often require curettage because of weakening of the bone.
If the bone has fractured, the fracture is allowed to heal before curettage and grafting.
Table 1 Possible Causes of Pain
General principles:
Surgery usually is not necessary for enchondromas of long bones.
Enchondromas of the hand, which often present with pathologic fracture, should be treated with curettage.
Hand lesions:
Make a small window in the lateral aspect of the phalanx for curettage and bone grafting.
Replace the cortical window.
Amputation may be necessary if finger function is compromised by the lesion.
Surgery may be necessary for angular deformities.
Osteotomies may be performed through the enchondroma.
Leg-length discrepancy may require epiphysiodesis or limb-lengthening procedures.
Hand lesions may require curettage and bone grafting because of their large size and interference with function.

Patients with long-bone enchondromas are followed with serial radiographs every 3–6 months for 1–2 years.
Patients are counseled to return for evaluation if the extremity becomes painful.
Issues for Referral
Patients with enchondromas often have other sources of musculoskeletal pain (e.g., those in Table 1).
Patients with enchondroma and musculoskeletal pain should be referred to an orthopaedic oncologist.
General complications: Malignant degeneration (look for pain and growth of lesion)
Of these patients, ~30% develop low-grade chondrosarcoma (1).
Usually occurs in patients in the 3rd and 4th decades of life
Look for changes on plain radiographs or MRI/CT scans.
Maffucci syndrome:
Almost 100% develop low-grade chondrosarcoma (1).
Malignant brain tumors and liver and pancreatic carcinomas also may develop.
1. Dorfman HD, Czerniak B. Benign cartilage lesions. In: Bone Tumors, St. Louis: Mosby, 1998:253–352.
Additional Reading
Biermann JS. Musculoskeletal neoplasms. In: Richards BS, ed. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Pediatrics. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1996:55–64.
Cole WG. Genetic aspects of orthopaedic conditions. In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006:145–165.
Gitelis S, Soorapanth C. Benign chondroid tumors. In: Menendez LR, ed. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2002:103–112.
Mackenzie WG, Gabos PG. Localized disorders of bone and soft tissue. In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006:315–356.
McCarthy EF, Frassica FJ. Primary bone tumors. In: Pathology of Bone and Joint Disorders: With Clinical and Radiographic Correlation. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998:195–275.

756.4 Enchondroma, enchondromatosis, Maffucci syndrome
Q: Do enchondromas cause pain?
In general, enchondromas do not cause pain. Often associated conditions
are present, such as tendinitis, bursitis, or arthritis.
In general, enchondromas do not cause pain. Often associated conditions
are present, such as tendinitis, bursitis, or arthritis.
Q: Are plain radiographs enough to establish the diagnosis of enchondroma?
In general, plain radiographs are sufficient. If concern exists, a CT
or MRI scan can be performed to ensure that no large cortical erosions,
cortical destruction, or soft-tissue masses are present.
In general, plain radiographs are sufficient. If concern exists, a CT
or MRI scan can be performed to ensure that no large cortical erosions,
cortical destruction, or soft-tissue masses are present.
Q: Is there a substantial risk of a long-bone enchondroma converting into a chondrosarcoma?
The risk of an enchondroma transforming into a low- or high-grade
chondrosarcoma is extremely low. Patients can and should be assured
that the risk of malignancy is minimal.
The risk of an enchondroma transforming into a low- or high-grade
chondrosarcoma is extremely low. Patients can and should be assured
that the risk of malignancy is minimal.