DIP Dislocation
DIP Dislocation
Jason J. Stacy
Jeffrey McDaniel

Dislocations of distal interphalangeal (DIP) or 1st interphalangeal (IP) joints
Mechanism is typically a hyperextension injury of the DIP joint.
Synonym(s): Jammed finger
Pure DIP dislocations are uncommon. They are usually accompanied by a bony avulsion fracture.
Most dislocations are primarily dorsal in direction.
Volar dislocations are often associated with disruption of the terminal extensor tendon at its insertion point, making management more difficult.
Simultaneous DIP and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) dislocations are rare, occurring most commonly in ring and small fingers.

Mechanism of injury (ie, hyperextension)
Presence of an obvious deformity (eg, distal phalanx positioned above or below the plane of the middle phalanx)
Often self-reduced by the patient on the playing field
Physical Exam
Obvious deformity if not already reduced: Distal phalanx sitting above (dorsal dislocation) or below (volar dislocation) the plane of the middle phalanx.
Careful examination: Check flexor and extensor function (with the PIP joint held in extension) of the DIP joint and sensation at the tip of the finger.
Check collateral ligament: Place radial and ulnar stress across DIP joint with joint in full extension and 30 degrees flexion looking for increased laxity.
Check volar plate: Increased hyperextension of the joint is indicative of a volar plate injury.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Radiographs: 3 views preferred (anteroposterior, lateral, and oblique views)
Look carefully for any bony avulsion, especially of the volar plate.
Differential Diagnosis
Fracture of distal or middle phalanx
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) rupture (ie, jersey finger)
Extensor mechanism rupture (ie, mallet finger)
Bony mallet finger (bony avulsion of the insertion of the extensor mechanism at the dorsal base of the distal phalanx)
Collateral ligament disruption
Chronic instability

Reduction techniques:
On-field reduction should be attempted to reduce pain and usually is easily performed when done acutely.
Technique for reduction: Maintaining proximal countertraction to the DIP joint, apply a steady longitudinal traction force of the distal finger. Recreating the injury initially may help in reduction.
Sometimes sweat causes slick skin, making reductions acutely difficult. Try using a towel or gauze pad for additional grip.
Reduction may require a digital block if dislocation is prolonged or associated with significant pain.
Postreduction evaluation:
Careful examination as above, especially checking neurovascular status
Postreduction radiographs from at least 2 views
Dislocation may be irreducible. This is thought to happen for several reasons:
Trapped volar plate
FDP entrapment behind a single condyle of P2
P2 has buttonholed through the volar plate.
Extensor tendon displacement around the head of P2
Dorsal dislocations should be placed in a splint with the DIP joint in slight flexion (20 degrees) for 1–2 wks.
Volar dislocations should be placed in a splint with the DIP joint in extension for 8 wks, allowing the extensor tendon to heal.
Duration of immobilization depends on degree of joint stability.
When splinting, use caution with regard to the dorsal skin segment between the extensor crease and the nail fold because pressure can cause necrosis.
Additional Treatment
A referral to an orthopedic surgeon or hand specialist should be made when the dislocation is irreducible or an open injury has occurred with joint exposure.
In addition, chronic dislocations, FDP tendon ruptures, and unstable collateral ligaments should be referred to a specialist.
Additional Therapies
Start range-of-motion (ROM) exercises after splint removal.
Use both active and passive ROM initially.
Start resisted ROM as soon as active and passive motions are pain-free.
Surgery/Other Procedures
Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP): Some degree of joint instability may require immobilization with use of a Kirschner wire for stabilization.
Open reduction:
May be required in a chronically (>3 wks) dislocated or subluxated joint to remove scar tissue and release tension to facilitate reduction.
Use of a Kirschner wire depends on degree of stability.
Additional Reading
Browner BD, et al. Skeletal trauma: Basic science, management, and reconstruction, vol. 2, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Publishing, 2003.
Bucholz RW, et al. Rockwood and Green's fractures in adults, vol. 1, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
Eiff MP, Hatch RL, Calmbach WL. Fracture management for primary care: finger fractures. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998.
Green DP, Strickland JW. Orthopaedic sports medicine: principles and practice, the hand. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1994.
Palmer RE. Joint injuries of the hand in athletes. Clin Sports Med. 1998;17:513–531.
Wang QC, Johnson BA. Fingertip injuries. Am Fam Physician. 2001;63:1961–1966.

834.02 Closed dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), hand
Clinical Pearls
Athlete can return to play immediately if dislocation is uncomplicated and reduced and the athlete is allowed to play with a splint.
Thumb IP dislocations should be treated exactly the same as DIP dislocations.