Deep Venous Thrombosis
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Deep Venous Thrombosis
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Misty A. Moore MSN, FNP
Michelle Cameron MD

DVT is a blood clot in the deep venous plexus of the legs.
Venous thrombus may embolize and result in fatal PE.
DVTs are classified by location using ultrasound.
Thrombi below the popliteal fossa usually do not embolize.
50% of thrombi at or above the popliteal fossa will embolize (1).
General Prevention
Pharmacologic prophylaxis
Pneumatic compression
Early mobilization
The DVT rate in orthopaedic patients without prophylaxis is:
15–25% after total hip arthroplasty (2)
As high as 50% after total knee arthroplasty (3)
20–60% after pelvic, acetabular, or hip fracture (4)
0.3–26% after spinal surgery
0.25% after foot and ankle surgery
Affects males and females equally
Risk Factors
Age >60 years
Prolonged immobility or paralysis
History of DVT or PE
Family history of DVT or PE
Varicose veins
Congestive heart failure
Myocardial infarction
Major lower extremity trauma, including fractures of the pelvis and hip
Hypercoagulable states
Hormone therapy
Inherited thrombophilia
Pregnancy and giving birth
The risk of DVT is increased by inherited thrombophilia, including the presence of:
Protein C and S deficiency
Heparin cofactor II deficiency
G20210A prothrombin gene polymorphism
Factor V Leiden deficiency
The Virchow triad (endothelial injury, blood injury, and clotting abnormalities) can result in venous thromboembolism.

Signs and Symptoms
DVT and PE manifest few specific symptoms; the clinical diagnosis is neither sensitive nor reliable (5).
Pain and swelling in the leg and thigh
Possible phlebitis
Pleuritic chest pain
Acute right ventricular strain
Rubs or cackles in the lung fields
A history of risk factors should be obtained to risk-stratify the patient.
Physical Exam
Calf pain
Swelling of the calf (may be measured and compared with the other side)
Tachypnea and hypoxia
Classic findings after massive PE are S waves in lead I, and a Q wave with T-wave inversion in lead III.
In less severe PE, sinus tachycardia and new arrhythmias may be present.
DVT: None
Arterial blood gas
Doppler ultrasonography:
Sensitive for detection of DVT
Sensitivity decreases in the upper thigh and pelvic veins.
100% sensitive and specific
Provides visualization of the entire deep venous system
Expensive and invasive
Magnetic resonance venography:
May be difficult to interpret and is operator-dependent
Visualizes pelvic thrombi
Chest radiography:
Results generally are normal, but a pleural effusion or wedge-shaped pulmonary infarction may be noted.
Ventilation-perfusion scan:
A normal ventilation-perfusion scan excludes PE.
An abnormal scan showing perfusion defects does not confirm PE.
Pulmonary angiography:
100% sensitive and specific, but expensive and invasive.
Spiral chest CT:
Sensitive and specific for PE detection
Replaced pulmonary angiography
Pathological Findings
A clot develops in the lower extremity veins and enlarges proximally.
The clot can embolize and fill the pulmonary arteries.
Differential Diagnosis
Lower leg thrombosis:
Deep or superficial wound infection
Ruptured Baker cyst
Acute myocardial infarction
Congestive heart failure
Fat emboli syndrome

All patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery (e.g.,
hip/knee arthroplasty) or who have had pelvic fractures or major lower
extremity trauma should be placed on routine prophylaxis.
hip/knee arthroplasty) or who have had pelvic fractures or major lower
extremity trauma should be placed on routine prophylaxis.
General Measures
Anticoagulants are effective in reducing DVT incidence (1).
Pneumatic compression devices applied intraoperatively and postoperatively are effective (3).
Vena cava filter may be used for high-risk patients in whom anticoagulation is contraindicated (6).
DVT above the popliteal fossa:
Patients should be anticoagulated immediately.
Bleeding risks should be considered,
especially if the patient is within several days of surgery, because
wound hematoma or uncontrolled bleeding may occur. -
Patients should be placed on bed rest to decrease the chance of embolization.
DVT below the popliteal fossa:
Blood clots may resolve over time without treatment.
Prophylactic doses of anticoagulant
should be continued, and clots should be followed with Doppler
ultrasonography to rule out propagation (7).
To decrease the risk of embolization, patients with
above-the-knee clots should be placed on bed rest until anticoagulation
is achieved.
above-the-knee clots should be placed on bed rest until anticoagulation
is achieved.
Medication (Drugs)
First Line
Patients at risk of DVT should be treated with prophylaxis.
Guidelines for prophylaxis were published in Chest and are widely followed (1).
Patients should be risk-stratified according to their risk factors and the type of surgery.
For patients at high risk of DVT, the following treatments are thought to have the highest evidence for use:
Low molecular weight heparin:
Enoxaparin, 30 mg subcutaneously every 12 hours
Dalteparin, 5,000 IU subcutaneously every 24 hours
Dose given nightly after surgery
Goal: Prothrombin time INR of 2.0–3.0
Approved for use after hip fracture
Fondaparinux sodium, 2.5 mg subcutaneously every 24 hours
Duration of prophylaxis:
Should be continued for at least 2 weeks after surgery for high-risk patients
Should be continued for at least 4 weeks for patients at very high risk of DVT
Treatment of DVT or PE:
Enoxaparin, 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every 24 hours
Goal: Prothrombin time INR of 2.0–3.0
Length of treatment varies, but current recommendation is for at least 3 months (8).
Heparin, intravenous drip, dose-adjusted to an activated partial thromboplastin time of 2.0–3.0 times control values
Second Line
Evidence is not as substantial for DVT
prophylaxis with aspirin or with mechanical devices, such as sequential
compression devices (9). -
Sequential compression devices and graded
compression stockings may be useful in the early period after surgery
before anticoagulants are given. -
Compliance with these devices is difficult to enforce.
The use of these methods alone for DVT prophylaxis is not recommended by the Chest guidelines (1).

Increased risk of DVT in the future
Chronic venous stasis
Patient Monitoring
Monitoring varies, depending on the anticoagulant chosen.
1. Geerts
WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism: the
Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004;126:338S–400S.
WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism: the
Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004;126:338S–400S.
2. Freedman
KB, Brookenthal KR, Fitzgerald RH, Jr, et al. A meta-analysis of
thromboembolic prophylaxis following elective total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 2000;82A:929–938.
KB, Brookenthal KR, Fitzgerald RH, Jr, et al. A meta-analysis of
thromboembolic prophylaxis following elective total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 2000;82A:929–938.
3. Lieberman JR, Hsu WK. Prevention of venous thromboembolic disease after total hip and knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 2005;87A:2097–2112.
4. Geerts
WH, Jay R, Code KI, et al. A comparison of low-dose heparin with
low-molecular-weight heparin AS prophylaxis against venous
thromboembolism after major trauma. N Engl J Med 1996;335:701–707.
WH, Jay R, Code KI, et al. A comparison of low-dose heparin with
low-molecular-weight heparin AS prophylaxis against venous
thromboembolism after major trauma. N Engl J Med 1996;335:701–707.
5. Goodacre S, Sutton AJ, Sampson FC. Meta-analysis: the value of clinical assessment in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. Ann Intern Med 2005;143:129–139, W-33–W-35.
6. Girard P, Stern JB, Parent F. Medical literature and vena cava filters: so far so weak. Chest 2002;122:963–967.
7. Wang CJ, Wang JW, Weng LH, et al. Outcome of calf deep-vein thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 2003;85B:841–844.
8. Nijkeuter
M, Hovens MMC, Davidson BL, et al. Resolution of thromboemboli in
patients with acute pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Chest 2006;129:192–197.
M, Hovens MMC, Davidson BL, et al. Resolution of thromboemboli in
patients with acute pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Chest 2006;129:192–197.
9. Lotke PA, Palevsky H, Keenan AM, et al. Aspirin and warfarin for thromboembolic disease after total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res 6;324:251–258.

415.1 Pulmonary embolus
453.9 Venous embolism and thrombosis, of unspecified site
Patient Teaching
Patients at risk are told the warning signs of DVT and PE, including:
Calf pain and calf and foot swelling that persist despite elevation
Chest pain, cough, and shortness of breath
Patients should be educated about early mobilization.
Medication teaching:
Low-molecular-weight heparin: Subcutaneous injection, side effects, bleeding precautions
Coumadin: Diet instructions, limiting vitamin K, bleeding precautions, importance of lab monitoring (INR)
Patients should be risk-stratified and treated with prophylaxis according to the Chest guidelines (1).
Q: Is immobility a risk for DVT?
A: Yes. Immobility, such as long travel in a car or plane or periods of bed rest or casting, place a patient at risk for DVT.