Cystic Lesions
Editors: Tornetta, Paul; Einhorn, Thomas A.; Damron, Timothy A.
Title: Oncology and Basic Science, 7th Edition
Copyright ©2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Section
II – Specific Bone Neoplasms and Simulators > 5 – Benign Bone Tumors
> 5.3 – Cystic Lesions
II – Specific Bone Neoplasms and Simulators > 5 – Benign Bone Tumors
> 5.3 – Cystic Lesions
Cystic Lesions
Sung Wook Seo
Young Lae Moon
Francis Young-In Lee
This chapter includes cystic lesions which may occur in
bone. Epidermal inclusion cysts and ganglions may also occur in
soft-tissues, where the pathophysiology is similar. Simple bone cysts
and aneurysmal bone cysts represent distinct clinical entities which
occur within bone only.
bone. Epidermal inclusion cysts and ganglions may also occur in
soft-tissues, where the pathophysiology is similar. Simple bone cysts
and aneurysmal bone cysts represent distinct clinical entities which
occur within bone only.
Epidermal Inclusion Cyst
Epidermal inclusion cysts are more commonly seen as
soft-tissue lesions, but may involve bone, and present in either case
as painful digital lesions which typically require surgical extirpation.
soft-tissue lesions, but may involve bone, and present in either case
as painful digital lesions which typically require surgical extirpation.
For both soft-tissue and intraosseous
epidermal inclusion cysts, penetrating trauma causes epidermal tissue
to be deposited deep within the tissues
Epidermal tissue traumatically deposited within the deeper tissue grows and causes cyst formation
Cystic lesion filled with keratinous materials lined with flattened squamous epithelium
Physical Examination and History
Clinical Features
Painful, often swollen mass most often within distal digit
History of penetrating trauma in many cases
Radiologic Features
Intraosseous geographic radiolucent lesion
Distal phalanx of fingers common
Pathologic findings
Cystic cavity filled with keratinaceous debris
Diagnostic Workup Algorithm
Differential diagnosis includes intraosseous synovial or ganglion cyst
Diagnosis usually apparent radiographically, confirmed histologically
Surgical Indications/Contraindications
Painful lesions bone can be curetted and grafted
Degenerative Cyst (GEODES)
Related to underlying degenerative arthritis
Damage to cartilage theorized to allow fluid intravasation within bone, leading to cyst formation
Pathology: Cystic lesion filled with fluid or gelatinous or proteinaceous material, demarcated by fibrocartilaginous tissues (Fig. 5.3-1)
Physical Examination and History
Clinical Features
Dictated by manifestations of underlying arthritis
Pain, local tenderness, variable stiffness, loss of motion
Radiologic Features
Plain x-ray
Cyst: geographic, smooth, often sclerotic
borders with central radiolucency within epiphysis immediately adjacent
to joint, often on both sides of joint -
Variable associated arthritic changes:
loss of joint space, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, subluxation may be present
some joints show few or no degenerative changes
Pathologic findings
Cystic cavity filled with serous fluid,
proteinaceous, or gelatinous material and lined with flattened
fibrocartilaginous tissues
Diagnostic Workup Algorithm
Usually evident radiographically without the need for histological confirmation
In presence of established arthritis, plain radiographs often suffice
In absence of other radiographic signs of arthritis, MRI may be useful
Differential diagnosis includes other epiphyseal lesions
PGCAT: Pigmented villonodular synovitis
(PVNS), giant cell tumor of bone, chondroblastoma, clear cell
chondrosarcoma aneurysmal bone cyst, tuberculosis (and other cause for
Brodie’s abscess)
Surgical Indications/Contraindications
If diagnosis is clear, direct treatment towards underlying joint arthritis
If diagnosis not clear, biopsy may be necessary
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Figure 5.3-1 Histopathology of degenerative cyst. (A) Schematic shows white cyst below thinned (degenerative) cartilage, shown in black. (B) Intraosseous cysts within subchondral bone with overlying fibrillated cartilage.
Simple Bone Cyst (Unicameral Bone Cyst)
Unicameral bone cyst is a serous or serosanguineous
fluid-filled cavity which typically behaves in an inactive fashion, not
causing symptoms until pathological fracture occurs through the cyst.
The clinical presentation, location, and radiographic features are
classic enough that the diagnosis may usually be readily established.
Treatment continues to evolve, and is site dependent, but often
involves aspiration and injection.
fluid-filled cavity which typically behaves in an inactive fashion, not
causing symptoms until pathological fracture occurs through the cyst.
The clinical presentation, location, and radiographic features are
classic enough that the diagnosis may usually be readily established.
Treatment continues to evolve, and is site dependent, but often
involves aspiration and injection.
Unknown but theories suggest epiphyseal plate defect or venous outflow obstruction
Peak incidence 4–10 years of age
85% within first two decades
Gender: Males > females 3:1
Proximal humerus most common
Proximal femur #2
Calcaneus #3
Other relatively common sites: proximal tibia, ilium
Most common sites in adults: calcaneus and ilium
Active position: Immediately juxtaposed to growth plate
Not to be confused with Enneking stage 2 benign (active) classification
Inactive position: Growth plate no longer adjacent to cyst
Not to be confused with Enneking stage 1 benign (inactive) classification
Physical Examination and History
Clinical Features
Well-defined fluid filled lesion in the metaphysis and diaphysis of the proximal humerus and proximal femur in children
Large lesions may cause pathologic fractures, which is the most common clinical presentation
Less commonly, they may cause pain and swelling
Radiologic Features
Plain radiographs
Well-demarcated osteolytic lesion without much marginal sclerosis (Fig. 5.3-2)
Central location (occupies entire width of bone)
Metadiaphyseal location within long bones
Active position: juxtaposed to growth plate on metaphyseal side
Inactive position: growth plate no longer adjacent to cyst
Thinning of cortex
Intralesional fracture fragment (fallen leaf or fallen fragment sign)
Essentially pathognomonic for simple bone
cyst, as it indicates that the cyst is comprised of fluid (fragment
could not fall to bottom of a solid lesion)
Magnetic resonance imaging
Homogenous fluid signal (dark on T1W, bright on T2W)
Peripheral rim enhancement only
Blood products may be identified if
fracture has occurred (fluid-fluid level) but because the blood is
usually mixed with serous fluid, the hematocrit sign (level of the
horizontal delineation between serum and cells) is lower than that seen
in an ABC
Pathologic findings
A fibrous membrane-lined cavity containing a clear yellow fluid
Fibrous membranes contain fibrous tissues, occasional multinucleated cells and CD 68 (+) foamy histiocytes
Diagnostic Workup Algorithm
Plain radiographs
If radiographic diagnosis evident on XR, proceed with treatment
If diagnosis unclear, obtain MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging
If radiographic diagnosis evident based on XR and MRI, proceed with treatment
If diagnosis unclear, aspirate
If aspiration reveals clear fluid, diagnosis confirmed
If aspiration reveals blood, may be from fracture hematoma, but consider cytological examination
If aspiration fails due to solid tissue, proceed with open biopsy
Surgical Indications/Contraindications
Surgical and Nonoperative Options
Various treatment methods have been
described. Treatment options include aspiration/injection therapies
(steroid, bone marrow, demineralized bone matrix, or combinations),
elastic intramedullary nailing, multiple drilling, curettage & bone
grafting alone or with supplementary internal fixation (femoral neck
Upper extremity cysts: aspiration/injection preferred
Low morbidity of procedure (outpatient, minimal recovery)
Low morbidity of repeat fracture if treatment fails (usually extra-articular and most go on to heal with non-operative care)
Proximal femoral cysts: lower threshold
for considering curettage & bone grafting alone or with
supplementary internal fixation-
Higher risk of fracture in proximal femur warrants consideration of open procedure
Proximal femoral fractures generally require ORIF
Observation may be elected, particularly for humeral lesions and calcaneal lesions discovered incidentally
Calcaneal simple cysts
Often discovered due to pain
Need to distinguish source of pain (may be unrelated plantar fasciitis)
Following pathological fracture through simple cyst, approximately 1/7 will show healing of cyst with healing of the fracture
For proximal humeral pathological
fracture, allow fracture to heal and re-evaluate radiographically
before considering operative treatment -
For pathological proximal femoral fracture, ORIF should be combined with curettage and grafting of lesion
Results and Outcome
Progressive lesional healing and resolution in 60% to 70% of lesions
Partial lesional healing in 20% to 30%
No lesional healing and/or cyst recurrence in 10% to 20%
Deteriorating results with extended follow-up should dampen enthusiasm for short-term follow-up of newer techniques
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Figure 5.3-2 Unicameral bone cyst in the proximal femur. (B) Cystography shows radioopaque dye filling throughout the lesion. (C) Photomicrography demonstrates cystic lesion lined with a fibrocellular membrane.
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Aneurysmal bone cysts differ from other cystic bone
lesions in having the potential for aggressive behavior and hence need
to be distinguished from the other types of bone cysts. Furthermore,
these benign lesions must be distinguished histologically from
telangiectatic osteosarcoma. Treatment for aneurismal bone cyst is
typically more aggressive than for other bone cysts.
lesions in having the potential for aggressive behavior and hence need
to be distinguished from the other types of bone cysts. Furthermore,
these benign lesions must be distinguished histologically from
telangiectatic osteosarcoma. Treatment for aneurismal bone cyst is
typically more aggressive than for other bone cysts.
Primary ABC likely neoplastic
Rearrangements of either USP6 or CDH11 in high percentage of primary ABCs
Secondary ABC (associated with other primary bone lesions) likely reactive
Chromosomal rearrangements not seen
Ages: Mean 11 years (peak range 1 to 20)
Frequency: 0.3 per 100,000
Gender: No predilection
Physical Examination and History
Clinical Features
May cause pain, swelling and pathologic fracture.
Femur, tibia, spine, humerus, pelvis and fibula most common
2/3 in long bones
Primary or secondary lesion associated
with giant cell tumor, unicameral bone cyst, chondroblastoma, fibrous
dysplasia, giant cell tumor, osteoblastoma and osteosarcoma -
Spontaneous regression
May occur in active primary ABC
Very uncommon in aggressive or secondary lesions
Radiologic Features
Plain x-ray (Figs. 5.3-3 and 5.3-4)
Expansile, eccentric radiolucent lesion with septations
Classically, blown-out cortex with eggshell-thin rim of reactive bone
Common sites: metaphysis of long bones and posterior elements of vertebrae, distal phalanx of fingers
Fluid-fluid (blood/serum) levels can be seen on MRI or CT scans.
Not pathognomonic for primary ABC
Also seen in telangiectactic osteosarcoma and secondary ABCs
UBC fluid-fluid levels may be seen after fracture (usually solitary)
Pathologic Features
Expansile, eccentric osteolytic blood-filled lesion containing multiple cysts separated by fibrous sept.
Sponge like cavernous spaces filled with blood
Cavities surrounded by gray or brownish
tissue with an osseous component (reactive osteoblast-lined bone) and
multinucleated cells -
Solid variant of ABC consists of fibrous or granular tissue with local hemorrhages and a layer of reactive bone
Diagnostic Workup Algorithm
Differential diagnosis: giant cell tumor, telangiectatic osteosarcoma, osteoblastoma
Radiographic evaluation with x-rays, MRI, BS suggests consideration of diagnosis
Biopsy confirms diagnosis
Surgical Indications/Contraindications
Inactive lesions (unusual): Intralesional excision (curettage)
Active and aggressive lesions (usual): Intralesional excision (curettage) and bone grafting
Arterial embolization (Ethibloc), and
injection with demineralized bone and/or bone marrow have also been
described as alternatives to curettage with some success and may play a
role in difficult locations such as the pelvis but they do not allow
thorough histological examination of contents
Pathologic fractures through ABCs
Usually require curettage and grafting +/- stabilization to allow fracture healing and control of lesion
Pelvic ABCs
Spontaneous regression has been observed after biopsy
Consider observation after biopsy
If regression occurs, no need for further surgery
If progression occurs, proceed to curettage
Spinal ABCs
Extended intralesional curettage with grafting (+/- limited fusion when necessary)
Embolization poses risks of vascular complications related to cord and of cerebral embolic phenomenon
Incompletely resectable, aggressive, and/or recurrent ABCs:
Radiotherapy may cause secondary sarcoma
and therefore should be avoided as primary treatment for this benign
process but may play a role in isolated cases-
Use low-dose (26 to 30 Gy) radiotherapy (RT)
Successful in 90% of cases
Results and Outcome
Intralesional excision (curettage) and bone grafting
Recurrence is common: approximately 30% (20% to 70% in reported series)
Usually responds to repeat curettage
Some lesions stabilize and/or regress
Recurrences no more common in younger children
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Figure 5.3-3 A case of aneurysmal bone cyst in the proximal fibula in a 15-year-old boy. (A,B) Radiographs show an expansile lesion. (C) MRI shows multiple cysts with fluid-fluid levels. Gross (D,E) and pathologic (F) specimens demonstrate multiloculated cysts filled with bloody fluid.
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Figure 5.3-4 Radiographs of other cases of aneurysmal bone cyst in the distal femur (A), tibia (B), and vertebra (C).
Suggested Reading
Aho HJ, Aho AJ, and Einola S. Aneurysmal bone cyst, a study of ultrastructure and malignant transformation. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol 1982;395(2):169–179.
Biesecker JL, Marcove RC, Huvos AG, et al. Aneurysmal bone cysts. A clinicopathologic study of 66 cases. Cancer 1970;26(3):615–625.
Chang CH, Stanton RP, Glutting J. Unicameral bone cysts treated by injection of bone marrow or methylprednisolone. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2002;84(3):407–412.
Chigira M, Shimizu T, Arita S, et al. Radiological evidence of healing of a simple bone cyst after hole drilling. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 1986;105(3):150–153.
Cole WG. Treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts in childhood. J Pediatr Orthop 1986;6(3):326–329.
Gokturk E, Kose N. Simple bone cysts treated by percutaneous autologous marrow grafting. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1997;79(4):695.
Green JA, Bellemore MC, Marsden FW. Embolization in the treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts. J Pediatr Orthop 1997;17(4):440–443.
Kyriakos, M., and Hardy, D.: Malignant transformation of aneurysmal bone cyst, with an analysis of the literature. Cancer, 68(8): 1770–80, 1991.
Lichtenstein L. Aneurysmal bone cyst; observations on fifty cases. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1957;39(4):873–882.
Maclin TB, Jr. Posttraumatic epidermal inclusion cyst. A case report. J Am Podiatry Assoc 1965;55:209–210.
AM, Perez-Atayde AR, Dal Cin P et al. Aneurysmal bone cyst variant
translocations upregulate USP6 transcription by promoter swapping with
the ZNF9, COL1A1, TRAP150, and OMD genes. Oncogene. 2005 May 12;24(21):3419–26.
AM, Perez-Atayde AR, Dal Cin P et al. Aneurysmal bone cyst variant
translocations upregulate USP6 transcription by promoter swapping with
the ZNF9, COL1A1, TRAP150, and OMD genes. Oncogene. 2005 May 12;24(21):3419–26.
AM, Perez-Atayde AR, Inwards CY, et al. USP6 and CDH11 oncogenes
identify the neoplastic cell in primary aneurysmal bone cysts and are
absent in so-called secondary aneurysmal bone cysts. Am J Pathol. 2004 Nov;165(5):1773–8011.
AM, Perez-Atayde AR, Inwards CY, et al. USP6 and CDH11 oncogenes
identify the neoplastic cell in primary aneurysmal bone cysts and are
absent in so-called secondary aneurysmal bone cysts. Am J Pathol. 2004 Nov;165(5):1773–8011.
Papagelopoulos PJ, Choudhury SN, Frassica FJ, et al. Treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts of the pelvis and sacrum. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2001;83(11):1674–1681.
Ramirez AR, Stanton RP. Aneurysmal bone cyst in 29 children. J Pediatr Orthop 2002;22(4):533–539.
BT, Kling TJ. Treatment of active unicameral bone cysts with
percutaneous injection of demineralized bone matrix and autogenous bone
marrow. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2002;84(6):921–929.
BT, Kling TJ. Treatment of active unicameral bone cysts with
percutaneous injection of demineralized bone matrix and autogenous bone
marrow. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2002;84(6):921–929.
Shinozaki T, Arita S, Watanabe H, et al. Simple bone cysts treated by multiple drill-holes. 23 cysts followed 2–10 years. Acta Orthop Scand 1996;67(3):288–290.
Yu CL, D’Astous J, Finnegan M. Simple bone cysts. The effects of methylprednisolone on synovial cells in culture. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1991;(262):34–41.