ACL Tear: Management in Skeletally Immature Athletes
ACL Tear: Management in Skeletally Immature Athletes
Holly J. Benjamin
Michael Ladewski

Injury sustained by known mechanism that leads to instability with significant effect on the athlete's ability to perform at the highest levels of sport
Considerable controversy exists regarding treatment in the skeletally immature population.
Higher incidence in female basketball and soccer players than in their male counterparts
The higher incidence in females is thought to be due to differences in biomechanics, joint laxity, hormonal influences, intercondylar notch dimensions, and ligament size.
Other sports associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury are skiing and football.
16/1,000 high school athletes annually
38,000 high school students yearly
General Prevention
Neuromuscular balance training and core strengthening have been shown to decrease the incidence in female athletes.
Midsubstance tear most common
Tibial spine avulsion fracture more frequent in the skeletally immature athletes
Femoral ACL avulsion fractures are rare causes of ACL injury.
Mechanisms of injury:
Hyperextension, sudden deceleration, or a valgus and rotator force with a planted foot
External rotation of the femur on a fixed tibia combined with a valgus load often the result of a noncontact pivoting injury
Commonly Associated Conditions
Bone bruise: Lateral compartment more than medial compartment
Meniscus tears: Lateral more commonly in acute knee injury; medial more common in athlete with chronic ACL deficiency
Associated medial meniscus tears and medial collateral ligament injury in patient with valgus stress mechanism

May be a “pop” sensation at the time of injury
Effusion usually develops acutely.
Athlete unable to continue play
Instability of knee after injury
Physical Exam
It can be difficult to perform an accurate physical exam after significant hemarthrosis develops.
Ecchymosis and loss of normal knee contour secondary to effusion are often present.
The Lachman test is the most sensitive physical examination test and is the “gold standard” for diagnosis.
Anterior drawer and pivot-shift tests are positive but are less sensitive tests.
Palpate the distal femur and proximal tibia physes for tenderness.
Tenderness at the ends of long bones is a fracture until proven otherwise in skeletally immature patients.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Knee radiographs to rule out tibial spine avulsion fracture, physeal fractures, Segond fracture, and osteochondral fractures
MRI to evaluate ACL and concomitant meniscal, posterior cruciate ligament, collateral ligament, and chondral injuries:
95% sensitivity and 88% specificity when correlated with arthroscopic findings
Tear imaging shows increased signal intensity with a disrupted pattern.
May have a higher false-positive rate in adolescents
Consider wrist x-rays to assess bone age, which may influence surgical approach.
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Diagnostic arthroscopy is sometimes required when physical exam and imaging studies are equivocal.
KT-1000 device may be helpful in quantifying relative ACL laxity.
Differential Diagnosis
Tibial spine avulsion fractures
Physeal fractures of the distal femur or proximal tibia
Meniscal injury
Patellar subluxation
Other ligamentous injury of the knee

Pain management
Weight bearing as tolerated unless physeal fracture is suspected
Therapeutic aspiration is rarely performed on the hemarthrosis.
If fat is noted in the hemarthrosis, then a fracture is present.
Additional Treatment
Additional Therapies
Nonoperative therapy may be considered depending on physical demands and age of athlete.
Not a definitive treatment choice owing to risk of recurrent instability and further meniscal damage
Bracing with derotational ACL-stabilizing brace does not restore stability when athlete returns to high-demand sport.
Restoration of range of motion
Strengthening quadriceps and hamstrings
Activity modification
May be recommended if ACL reconstruction delayed owing to skeletal immaturity
Surgery/Other Procedures
Controversy related to approach and risk for early physeal closure:
Related to skeletal maturity
Undertaken only after restoration of range of motion (ROM)
Acute repair not proven to be successful
Considered with unsuccessful nonoperative treatment, high-level adolescent athlete
Associated meniscal tear an indication for surgical treatment
Options include physeal sparing and partial or complete transphyseal reconstructions.

Follow-Up Recommendations
Patients with suspected ACL injuries should be referred to an orthopedic or sports medicine specialist.
Preference would include specialist with experience in surgical approaches in the skeletally immature athlete.
Typical postoperative recovery and rehabilitation period is usually 9–12 mos.
Up to 78% risk of radiographic evident osteoarthritis within 14 yrs of injury ± surgery.
Natural history of the ACL-deficient knee is chronic instability, chondral injury, subsequent meniscal pathology, pain, and joint arthrosis.
Associated medial collateral ligament (MCL) and meniscal injuries
Surgical complications:
Graft failure
Premature physeal closure
Slow recovery in ROM
Usual risks of infection and anesthesia
Additional Reading
Fehnel DJ, Johnson R. Anterior cruciate injuries in the skeletally immature athlete: a review of treatment outcomes. Sports Med. 2000;29:51–63.
Murray MM. Current status and potential of primary ACL repair. Clin Sports Med. 2009;28:51–61.
Schachter AK, Rokito AS. ACL injuries in the skeletally immature patient. Orthopedics. 2007;30:365–370; quiz 371–372.
Siow HM, Cameron DB, Ganley TJ. Acute knee injuries in skeletally immature athletes. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2008;19:319–345, ix.

844.2 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
Clinical Pearls
Injury that is increasing in incidence in the adolescent population
Surgical therapies vary in their approach and timing.
Type of ACL reconstruction and timing of surgery in the skeletally immature athletic population are extremely controversial, and cases should be decided on an individual basis.