Michelle Burke
Julie M. Kerr

Dilutional phenomenon in endurance athletes causing hemoglobin and hematocrit values that are lower than established limits of normal
Plasma volume expansion by 10–20% with little change in red cell numbers (ie, oxygen-carrying capacity; red cell mass remains unchanged) (1)
Contributing factors include:
Exercise-induced release of aldosterone, renin, and vasopressin
Increased size of vascular bed owing to muscle hypertrophy
Retention of crystalloids and colloids governed by hormones
Theoretically, this increased blood volume decreases viscosity, thereby maximizing stroke volume, cardiac output, and subsequent oxygen delivery (2).
Hemodilution occurs over the 48 hr after every episode of endurance exercise and may persist for as long as 1 wk after discontinuing training.
If training continues, red cell mass will catch up with plasma volume expansion over the span of few weeks, causing hemoglobin and hematocrit values to normalize (3).
Synonym(s): Sports anemia; Athletes' pseudoanemia
Elite athletes involved in endurance training
Previously sedentary individuals starting an exercise program
Athletes increasing intensity of training

Check exercise schedule, type of training activity, and occurrence of any symptoms.
Physical Exam
Hemoglobin levels 13–14 g/100 mL in men and 11–12 g/100 mL in women; dose-response relationship between amount/intensity of exercise and hemoglobin drop (4)
Elite endurance athletes have a greater degree of dilutional pseudoanemia than more moderate endurance athletes.
Females are more likely than males to have iron-deficiency anemia with sports ± presence of pseudoanemia.
No particular symptoms or physical findings
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Laboratory studies are performed if etiology unclear or symptoms are present.
Normal mean corpuscular volume
No hematuria or hemoglobinuria on urinalysis
Normal bilirubin and haptoglobin
Ferritin may be lower in endurance athletes owing to the same relative dilutional effect. Values often <60 µg/L, occasionally <30, but <15 = iron deficiency.
Differential Diagnosis
Iron-deficiency anemia
GI bleeding
Foot-strike hemolysis

Additional Treatment
Additional Therapies
Rule out iron-deficiency anemia.
Self-limited condition; indexes return to pretraining levels after training is discontinued (5).
Normal physiologic response; no treatment required (6)
1. Eichner ER. Sports medicine pearls and pitfalls: Nature's anticoagulant. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2009;8:2–3.
2. El-Sayed MS, Ali N, El-Sayed Ali Z. Haemorheology in exercise and training. Sports Med. 2005;35:649–670.
3. Sawka MN, Convertino VA, Eichner ER, et al. Blood volume: importance and adaptations to exercise training, environmental stresses, and trauma/sickness. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000;32:332–348.
4. Chatard JC, Mujika I, Guy C, et al. Anaemia and iron deficiency in athletes. Practical recommen-dations for treatment. Sports Med. 1999;27:229–240.
5. Shaskey DJ, Green GA. Sports haematology. Sports Med. 2000;29:27–38.
6. Carlson DL, Mawdsley RH. Sports anemia: a review of the literature. Am J Sports Med. 1986;14:109–112.
Additional Reading
Balaban EP. Sports anemia. Clin Sports Med. 1992;11:313–325.
Raunikar RA, Sabio H. Anemia in the adolescent athlete. Am J Dis Child. 1992;146:1201–1205.
Watts E. Athletes' anaemia. A review of possible causes and guidelines on investigation. Br J Sports Med. 1989;23:81–83.
Weight LM, Darge BL, Jacobs P. Athletes' pseudoanemia. Eur J Appl Physiol. 1991;62:358–362.

285.9 Anemia, unspecified
Clinical Pearls
Iron supplementation does not affect occurrence or improve lab values, nor is it necessary unless there is a coexisting iron-deficiency anemia.