John T. Swisher IV
Suzanne Hecht

A fungal infection of the toes and/or fingernails involving the nail bed, matrix, or plate
Synonym(s): Nail ringworm; Tinea unguium
22–130 cases/1,000 population
Accounts for 1:3 of integumentary infections
Incidence of infection increasing worldwide
Accounts for 50% of toenail dystrophies
Adults 30× more likely to be affected than children
∼2% prevalence in children
Risk Factors
Immunosuppressive states
Diabetes mellitus (DM)
Contact with infected individuals
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
Communal bathing
Occlusive footwear
General Prevention
Appropriate foot hygiene:
Wear absorbent cotton socks.
Wear breathable footwear.
Protect feet in community areas.
Keep feet dry throughout day.
Discard old shoes that may harbor fungi.
Control chronic health conditions.
Distal/lateral subungual onychomycosis (most common): Fungal invasion begins at hyponychium and spreads along nail bed proximally, concomitantly involving the inferior nail plate.
White superficial onychomycosis: Fungal invasion develops from dorsal nail plate invasion.
Proximal subungual onychomycosis (associated with immunocompromised state): Fungal invasion of cuticle and subsequent nail fold that penetrates dorsal nail plate
Endonyx onychomycosis (least common): Fungal invasion of nail surface with eventual deep penetration
Candidal onychomycosis: Yeast infection via onycholysis, paronychia, or chronic mucocutaneous disease
Total dystrophic onychomycosis: End-stage fungal infection of entire nail unit that may easily fragment and lead to permanent scarring
Dermatophytes (>90% occurrence rate)

Identify digits involved.
History of predisposing factors: Trauma, tinea, and immunocompromised state
Discuss bathing footwear habits
Historical clues in regard to secondary infection
Physical Exam
Distal/lateral subungual onychomycosis: Thickened/opacified nail with possible subungual hyperkeratosis and/or onycholysis
White superficial onychomycosis: White patches on nail surface that can coalesce
Proximal subungual onychomycosis: Nail fold leukonychia with white proximal nail plate
Endonyx onychomycosis: White nail plate without subungual hyperkeratosis or onycholysis
Candidal onychomycosis: Paronychia, onycholysis, and/or subungual hyperkeratosis
Total dystrophic onychomycosis: Thick, opaque, yellow-brown nail involving entire plate/matrix
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Diagnosis made when both clinical and laboratory results are positive
Essential that causative organism is identified
Avoid topical antifungals for 2 wks prior to testing.
Cleanse nail with alcohol swab prior to testing.
Utilize potassium hydroxide (KOH) and fungal culture to determine therapy for initial screen.
Owing to a high false-negative rate, you may need to repeat KOH or use histologic analysis with fungal culture.
Histologic analysis with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) is more sensitive than KOH or culture (1)[A].
KOH prep with light microscopy:
20% KOH with 40% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
Use a 1-mm curette to obtain most proximal sample
Use a No. 15 blade scalpel for superficial fungi.
Immediate results
Fungal culture:
Cycloheximide medium for dermatophytes and noncycloheximide medium for yeasts and nondermatophytes
Nail clippings or scrapings for specimen
May take weeks to grow on medium
Species identification
Histologic analysis with PAS:
High sensitivity
Prompt results
Pathogen not identified
Distal nail clipping from attachment to nail bed in formalin
Identifies pathogen via labeled antibody to specific fungi
Complicated and costly
In vivo confocal microscopy:
Uses light to penetrate nail to analyze reflection of fungi
Inability to distinguish pathogen
Scanning electron microscopy:
Detailed imaging of fungi elements
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR):
Fungal species identification by DNA sequence analysis
Sufficient nail material required for testing
Flow cytometry:
Sorts by DNA, protein, cell size, and granulosity to identify fungi
Complicated and costly
Differential Diagnosis
Endocrine disease
Herpes whitlow
Malignant melanoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Yellow nail syndrome

Indications for treatment consist of pain, functional limitation, aesthetic purposes, and secondary infection.
Discuss costs, side effects, and continuous/pulse dosing.
Confirm past medical history to determine appropriate medication.
Treat tinea pedis as soon as possible.
Explain that it may take 12–18 mos for resolution of toenail infections and 4–6 mos for resolution of fingernail infections.
Despite successful eradication of fungi, the nail may remain abnormal in appearance. This is not considered a treatment failure.
Clinical cure is based on the absence of physical exam findings.
Mycologic cure is when no fungal elements remain; however, the nail appearance still may be abnormal.
Repeat testing may be required at completion of treatment to confirm cure.
High recurrence (relapse/reinfection) rates: 15–20% within 1 yr
Treatment failure may require repeat treatment.
Return to play ± oral, topical, or surgical treatment is based on symptoms.
First Line
Fungicidal against dermatophytes with fungistatic properties against some yeast and nondermatophytes
Mycologic cure 76% ± 3%; clinical cure 66% ± 5%
Fingernail: 250 mg/day × 6 wks (2)[A]
Toenail: 250 mg/day × 12 wks (2)[A]
Monitor pretreatment AST/ALT and every 6 wks for hepatotoxicity
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Precautions: Hepatotoxicity, GI upset, immunodeficiency, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), renal insufficiency, Steven-Johnson syndrome, and drug interactions
Second Line
Fungistatic against dermatophytes, yeast, and nondermatophytes
Mycologic pulse cure 63% ± 7%; mycologic continuous cure 59% ± 5%; clinical pulse cure 70% ± 11%; clinical continuous cure 70% ± 5%
Fingernail continuous therapy: 200 mg/day × 6 wks (3)[A]
Toenail continuous therapy: 200 mg/day × 12 wks (3)[A]
Fingernail pulse therapy: 200 mg b.i.d. × 7 days, off 21 days (2–3 pulses may be required)
Toenail pulse therapy: 200 mg b.i.d. × 7 days, off 21 days (3–4 pulses may be required)
Monitor pretreatment AST/ALT and every 6 wks for hepatotoxicity for continuous therapy; not required for pulse therapy
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, ventricular dysfunction, concomitant use of CYP3A4 drugs
Precautions: Hepatotoxicity, GI upset, hearing loss, neuropathy, drug interactions
Fungistatic against dermatophytes
Mycologic cure 60% ± 6%; clinical cure 2% ± 2%
Fingernails: 1,000 mg/day × 4 mos or more (3)[A]
Toenails: 1,000 mg/day × 6 mos or more (3)[A]
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, porphyria, hepatocellular dysfunction, pregnancy
Precautions: Penicillin allergy, photosensitivity
Ciclopirox 8%:
Mechanism of action unproven
Mycologic cure 32%; treatment cure 7%
Apply daily × 48 wks; remove lacquer once a week (2)[A].
Consider when oral medication isn't indicated or nail plate has been removed.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity
Precautions: DM, immunosuppressed state, and concomitant systemic antifungal use
Surgery/Other Procedures
Nail plate removal (total or partial)
Chemical removal (40% urea)
Use concomitant oral or topical antifungal with surgical approach (4)[C].
Consider in recalcitrant cases.
1. Bell SS, Hall JB. Oral treatments for toenail onychomycosis (protocol). The Cochrane Collaboration 2009.
2. Gupta AK, Tu LQ. Therapies for onychomycosis: a review. Dermatol Clin. 2006;24:375–379.
3. Internet Resource: Thompson Micromedix Healthcare Series.
4. Blumberg M, Kantor GR. www.emedicine.com. Onychomycosis. 2007.

110.1 Dermatophytosis of nail
112.3 Candidiasis of skin and nails
Clinical Pearls
Not all nail dystrophies are due to fungi.
Clinical and lab confirmation is essential for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Oral is favorable to topical treatment.
High recurrence rates exist.
Advise patient on prevention techniques.