Upper Limb

Ovid: Clinically Oriented Anatomy

Authors: Moore, Keith L.; Dalley, Arthur F.
Title: Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 5th Edition
> Table of Contents > 6 – Upper Limb

Upper Limb


The upper limb is characterized by its mobility and ability to grasp, strike, and conduct fine motor skills (manipulation).
These characteristics are especially marked in the hand
when performing manual activities such as buttoning a shirt.
Synchronized interplay occurs between the joints of the upper limb to
coordinate the intervening segments to perform smooth, efficient motion
at the most workable distance or position required for a specific task.
Efficiency of hand function results in large part from the ability to
place it in the proper position by movements at the scapulothoracic,
glenohumeral, elbow, radioulnar, and wrist joints.
The upper limb consists of four segments (Fig. 6.1):
  • Shoulder:
    proximal segment of the limb that overlaps parts of the trunk (thorax
    and back) and lower lateral neck. It includes the pectoral, scapular,
    and lateral supra-clavicular regions and is built on half of the
    pectoral girdle. The pectoral (shoulder) girdle is a bony ring, incomplete posteriorly, formed by the scapulae and clavicles and completed anteriorly by the manubrium of the sternum (part of the axial skeleton).
  • Arm (L. brachium):
    first segment of the free upper limb (more mobile part of the upper
    limb independent of the trunk) and the longest segment of the limb. It
    extends between and connects the shoulder and the elbow and is centered
    around the humerus.
  • Forearm (L. antebrachium): second longest segment of the limb. It extends between and connects the elbow and the wrist and contains the ulna and radius.
  • Hand (L. manus):
    part of the upper limb distal to the forearm that is formed around the
    carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges. It is composed of the wrist, palm,
    dorsum of hand, and fingers (including an opposable thumb) and is
    richly supplied with sensory endings for touch, pain, and temperature.
Comparison of the Upper and Lower Limbs
Developing in a similar fashion (see Chapter 5),
the upper and lower limbs share many common features. However, they are
sufficiently distinct in structure to enable markedly different
functions and abilities. Because the upper limb is not usually involved
in weight bearing or motility, its stability has been sacrificed to
gain mobility. The upper limb still possesses remarkable strength. And
because of the hand’s ability to conform to a paddle or assume a
gripping or platform configuration, it may assume a role in motility in
certain circumstances.
Both the upper and the lower limbs are connected to the axial skeleton (cranium, vertebral column, and associated thoracic cage) via the bony pectoral and pelvic girdles, respectively. The pelvic girdle consists of the two hip bones connected to the sacrum (see Chapter 5). The pectoral girdle
consists of the scapulae and clavicles, connected to the manubrium of
the sternum. Both girdles possess a large flat bone located
posteriorly, which provides for attachment of proximal muscles and
connects with its contralateral partner anteriorly via small bony
braces, the pubic rami and clavicles.


the flat iliac bones of the pelvic girdle are also connected
posteriorly through their primary attachment to the sacrum via the
essentially rigid, weight-transferring sacroiliac joints. This
posterior connection to the axial skeleton places the lower limbs
inferior to the trunk, enabling them to be supportive as they function
primarily in relation to the line of gravity. Furthermore, because the
two sides are connected both anteriorly and posteriorly, the pelvic
girdle forms a complete rigid ring that limits mobility, making the
movements of one limb markedly affect the movements of the other. The
pectoral girdle, however, is connected to the trunk only anteriorly via
the sternum by flexible joints with 3° of freedom and is an incomplete
ring because the scapulae are not connected with each other
posteriorly. Thus the motion of one upper limb is independent of the
other, and the limbs are able to operate effectively anterior to the
body, at a distance and level that enables precise eye–hand

Figure 6.1. Regions and bones of upper limb.
The joints divide the superior appendicular skeleton, and thus the limb
itself, into four main regions: shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand.
In both the upper and the lower limbs, the long bone of
the most proximal segment is the largest and is unpaired. The long
bones increase progressively in number but decrease in size in the more
distal segments of the limb. The second most proximal segment of both
limbs (i.e., the leg and forearm) has two parallel bones, although only
in the forearm do both articulate with the bone of the proximal segment
and only in the leg do both articulate directly with the distal
segment. While the paired bones of both the leg and forearm flex and
extend as a unit, only those of the upper limb are able to move
(supinate and pronate) relative to each other, the bones of the leg
being fixed in the pronated position.
The wrist and ankle have a similar number of short bones
(eight and seven, respectively). Both groups of short bones interrupt a
series of long bones that resumes distally with several sets of long
bones of similar lengths, with a similar number of joints of
essentially the same type. The digits of the upper


(fingers including the thumb) are the most mobile parts of either limb,
but all the other parts of the upper limb are more mobile than the
comparable parts of the lower limb.

Bones of the Upper Limb
The pectoral girdle and bones of the free part of the upper limb form the superior appendicular skeleton (Fig. 6.2); the pelvic girdle and bones of the free part of the lower limb form


the inferior appendicular skeleton.
The superior appendicular skeleton articulates with the axial skeleton
only at the sternoclavicular joint, allowing great mobility. The
clavicles and scapulae of the pectoral girdle are supported,
stabilized, and moved by axioappendicular muscles that attach to the relatively fixed ribs, sternum, and vertebrae of the axial skeleton.

Figure 6.2. Bones of upper limb. A.
The right superior appendicular skeleton includes the right half of the
pectoral (shoulder) girdle, composed of the right clavicle and scapula,
and the skeleton of the free right upper limb, formed by the remaining
bones distal to the scapula. B. The
superior appendicular and thoracic parts of the axial skeleton
demonstrate that the scapula overlaps parts of the 2nd–7th ribs. Only
the thin clavicle links the axial and superior appendicular skeletons.
Although not a “true” anatomical joint, the scapula rests and moves on
(articulates with) the posterosuperior thoracic wall via the
physiological “scapulothoracic joint.”
Figure 6.3. Right clavicle.
Prominent features of the superior and inferior surfaces of the
clavicle are shown. The bone acts as a mobile strut (supporting brace),
connecting the trunk to the upper limb.
The clavicle (collar bone) connects the upper limb to the trunk (Fig. 6.3). The shaft of the clavicle has a double curve in a horizontal plane. Its medial half is convex anteriorly, and its sternal end is enlarged and triangular where it articulates with the manubrium of the sternum at the sternoclavicular (SC) joint. Its lateral half is concave anteriorly, and its acromial end is flat where it articulates with the acromion of the scapula at the acromioclavicular (AC) joint (Figs. 6.2B and 6.3).
The medial two thirds of the shaft of the clavicle are convex
anteriorly, whereas the lateral third is flattened and concave
anteriorly. These curvatures increase the resilience of the clavicle
and give it the appearance of an elongated capital S.
The clavicle:
  • Serves as a moveable, crane-like strut
    (rigid support) from which the scapula and free limb are suspended,
    keeping them away from the trunk so that the limb has maximum freedom
    of motion. The strut is movable and allows the scapula to move on the
    thoracic wall at the “scapulothoracic joint,”1
    increasing the range of motion of the limb. Fixing the strut in
    position, especially after its elevation, enables elevation of the ribs
    for deep inspiration.
  • Forms one of the bony boundaries of the cervicoaxillary canal (passageway between the neck and the arm), affording protection to the neurovascular bundle supplying the upper limb.
  • Transmits shocks (traumatic impacts) from the upper limb to the axial skeleton.
Although designated as a long bone, the clavicle has no
medullary (marrow) cavity. It consists of spongy (trabecular) bone with
a shell of compact bone.
The superior surface of the clavicle, lying just deep to the skin and platysma (G. flat plate) muscle in the subcutaneous tissue, is smooth. The inferior surface
of the clavicle is rough because strong ligaments bind it to the 1st
rib near its sternal end and suspend the scapula from its acromial end.
The conoid tubercle, near the acromial end of the clavicle (Fig. 6.3), gives attachment to the conoid ligament, the medial part of the coracoclavicular ligament
by which the remainder of the upper limb is passively suspended from
the clavicle. Also, near the acromial end of the clavicle is the trapezoid line, to which the trapezoid ligament attaches; it is the lateral part of the coracoclavicular ligament. The subclavian groove (groove for the subclavius) in the medial third of the shaft of the clavicle is the site of attachment of the subclavius muscle. More medially is the impression for the costoclavicular ligament, a rough, often depressed, oval area that gives attachment to the ligament binding the 1st rib (L. costa) to the clavicle, limiting elevation of the shoulder.


The scapula (shoulder blade) is a triangular flat bone that lies on the posterolateral aspect of the thorax, overlying the 2nd–7th ribs (Fig. 6.2B). The convex posterior surface of the scapula is unevenly divided by a thick projecting ridge of bone, the spine of the scapula, into a small supraspinous fossa and a much larger infraspinous fossa (Fig. 6.4A). The concave costal surface of most of the scapula forms a large subscapular fossa. The broad bony surfaces of the three fossae provide attachments for fleshy muscles. The triangular body of the


is thin and translucent superior and inferior to the scapular spine;
although its borders, especially the lateral one, are somewhat thicker.
The spine continues laterally as the flat expanded acromion (G. akros, point), which forms the subcutaneous point of the shoulder and articulates with the acromial end of the clavicle. The deltoid tubercle of the scapular spine
is the prominence indicating the medial point of attachment of the
deltoid. The spine and acromion serve as levers for the attached
muscles, particularly the trapezius.

Figure 6.4. Right scapula. A. The bony features of the costal and posterior surfaces of the scapula are demonstrated. B.
The scapula is suspended from the clavicle by the coracoclavicular
ligament, at which a balance is achieved among the weight of the
scapula, its attached muscles, and the muscular activity medially and
the weight of the free limb laterally. C. The borders and angles of the scapula are demonstrated.
Because the acromion is a lateral extension of the
scapula, the AC joint is placed lateral to the mass of the scapula and
its attached muscles (Fig. 6.4B). The glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
on which these muscles operate is almost directly inferior to the AC
joint; thus the scapular mass is balanced with that of the free limb,
and the suspending structure (coracoclavicular ligament) lies between
the two masses.
Superolaterally, the lateral surface of the scapula has a glenoid cavity (G. socket), which receives and articulates with the head of the humerus at the glenohumeral joint (Fig. 6.4A & B). The glenoid cavity is a shallow, concave, oval fossa (L. fossa ovalis),
directed anterolaterally and slightly superiorly, that is considerably
smaller than the ball (head of the humerus) for which it serves as
socket. The beak-like coracoid process (G. korakoédés,
like a crow’s beak) is superior to the glenoid cavity and projects
anterolaterally. This process also resembles in size, shape, and
direction a bent finger pointing to the shoulder, the knuckle of which
provides the inferior attachment for the passively supporting
coracoclavicular ligament.
The scapula has medial, lateral, and superior borders and superior, lateral, and inferior angles (Fig. 6.4C). When the scapular body is in the anatomical position, the thin medial border of the scapula runs parallel to and approximately 5 cm lateral to the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 6.2B); hence it is often called the vertebral border (Fig. 6.4C). From the inferior angle, the lateral border of the scapula runs superolaterally toward the apex of the axilla; hence it is often called the axillary border.
The lateral border is made up of a thick bar of bone that prevents
buckling of this stress-bearing region of the scapula. The lateral
border terminates in the truncated lateral angle of the scapula, the thickest part of the bone that bears the broadened head of the scapula. The glenoid cavity is the primary feature of the head. The shallow constriction between the head and the body defines the neck of the scapula. The superior border of the scapula is marked near the junction of its medial two thirds and lateral third by the suprascapular notch, which is


located where the superior border joins the base of the coracoid
process. The superior border is the thinnest and shortest of the three

The scapula is capable of considerable movement on the thoracic wall at the physiological scapulothoracic joint,
providing the base from which the upper limb operates. These movements,
enabling the arm to move freely, are discussed later in this chapter
with the muscles that move the scapula.
The humerus (arm bone), the
largest bone in the upper limb, articulates with the scapula at the
glenohumeral joint and the radius and ulna at the elbow joint (Figs. 6.1 and 6.2). The proximal end of the humerus has a head, surgical and anatomical necks, and greater and lesser tubercles. The spherical head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The anatomical neck of the humerus
is formed by the groove circumscribing the head and separating it from
the greater and lesser tubercles. It indicates the line of attachment
of the glenohumeral joint capsule. The surgical neck of the humerus,
a common site of fracture, is the narrow part distal to the head and
tubercles. The junction of the head and neck with the shaft of the
humerus is indicated by the greater and lesser tubercles, which provide
attachment and leverage to some scapulohumeral muscles. The greater tubercle is at the lateral margin of the humerus, whereas the lesser tubercle projects anteriorly from the bone. The intertubercular (bicipital) groove separates the tubercles and provides protected passage for the slender tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle.
The shaft (body) of the humerus has two prominent features: the deltoid tuberosity laterally, for attachment of the deltoid muscle, and the oblique radial groove (groove for radial nerve,
spiral groove) posteriorly, in which the radial nerve and deep artery
of the arm lie as they pass anterior to the long and between the medial
and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle. The inferior end of
the humeral shaft widens as the sharp medial and lateral supraepicondylar (supracondylar) ridges form and then end distally in the especially prominent medial epicondyle and the lateral epicondyle, providing for muscle attachment.
The distal end of the humerus, including the trochlea;
the capitulum; and the olecranon, coronoid, and radial fossae, makes up
the condyle of the humerus (Fig. 6.5). The condyle has two articular surfaces: a lateral capitulum (L. little


head) for articulation with the head of the radius and a medial, spool-shaped or pulley-like trochlea
(L. pulley) for articulation with the proximal end (trochlear notch) of
the ulna. Two hollows or fossae occur back to back superior to the
trochlea, making the condyle quite thin between the epicondyles.
Anteriorly, the coronoid fossa receives the coronoid process of the ulna during full flexion of the elbow. Posteriorly, the olecranon fossa accommodates the olecranon of the ulna during full extension of the elbow. Superior to the capitulum anteriorly, a shallower radial fossa accommodates the edge of the head of the radius when the forearm is fully flexed.

Figure 6.5. Distal end of right humerus. A and B.
Anterior and posterior views illustrate the lateral and medial
epicondyles, supraepicondylar ridges, and condyle of the humerus. The
condyle (the boundaries of which are indicated by the dashed line) consists of the capitulum; the trochlea; and the radial, coronoid, and olecranon fossae.


Bones of the Forearm
The two forearm bones serve together to form the second
unit of an articulated mobile strut (the first unit being the humerus),
with a mobile base formed by the shoulder, that positions the hand.
However, because this unit is formed by two parallel bones, one of
which (the radius) can pivot about the other (the ulna), supination and
pronation are possible. This makes it possible to rotate the hand when
the elbow is flexed.
The ulna is the stabilizing bone of the forearm and is the medial and longer of the two forearm bones (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7).


Its more massive proximal end is specialized for articulation with the
humerus proximally and the head of the radius laterally. For
articulation with the humerus, it has two prominent projections: (1)
the olecranon,
which projects proximally from its posterior aspect (forming the point
of the elbow) and serves as a short lever for extension of the elbow,
and (2) the coronoid process, which projects anteriorly. The olecranon and coronoid processes form the walls of the trochlear notch, which in profile resembles the jaws of a crescent wrench as it “grips” (articulates with) the trochlea of the humerus (Fig. 6.6B & C).
The articulation between the ulna and the humerus primarily allows only
flexion and extension of the elbow joint, although a small amount of
abduction–adduction occurs during pronation and supination of the
forearm. Inferior to the coronoid process is the tuberosity of the ulna for attachment of the tendon of the brachialis muscle (Fig. 6.6A).

Figure 6.6. Bones of right elbow region. A. The proximal part of the ulna is shown. B.
The bones of the elbow region are shown, demonstrating the relationship
of the distal humerus and proximal ulna and radius during extension of
the elbow joint. C. The relationship of the humerus and forearm bones during flexion of the elbow joint is demonstrated.
Figure 6.7. Right radius and ulna. A and B. The radius and ulna are shown in the articulated position, connected by the interosseous membrane. C and D.
The features of the distal ends of the forearm bones include grooves
for tendons; a dorsal tubercle of the radius (used as a pulley); and
articular surfaces for articulation with (1) each other (ulnar notch of
radius, articular circumference of head of ulna; see part A), (2) an articular disc (ulna), and (3) the proximal carpal bones (radius). E.
In cross section, the shafts of the radius and ulna appear almost as
mirror images of one another for much of the middle and distal thirds
of their lengths.
On the lateral side of the coronoid process is a smooth, rounded concavity, the radial notch,
which receives the broad periphery of the head of the radius. Inferior
to the radial notch on the lateral surface of the ulnar shaft is a
prominent ridge, the supinator crest. Between it and the distal part of the coronoid process is a concavity, the supinator fossa. The deep part of the supinator muscle attaches to the supinator crest and fossa.
The shaft (body) of the ulna is thick and cylindrical proximally; but it tapers, diminishing in diameter, as it continues distally (Fig. 6.7A). At the narrow distal end of the ulna is a small but abrupt enlargement, the disc-like head of the ulna with a small, conical ulnar styloid process. The ulna does not reach—and therefore does not participate in—the wrist (radiocarpal) joint.
The radius is the lateral
and shorter of the two forearm bones. Its proximal end includes a short
head, neck, and medially directed tuberosity (Fig. 6.7A). Proximally, the smooth superior aspect of the discoid head of the radius
is concave for articulation with the capitulum of the humerus during
flexion and extension of the elbow joint. The head also articulates
peripherally with the radial notch of the ulna; thus the head is
covered with articular cartilage. The neck of the radius is a constriction distal to the head. The oval radial tuberosity is distal to the medial part of the neck and demarcates the proximal end (head and neck) of the radius from the shaft.
The shaft (body) of the radius,
in contrast to that of the ulna, gradually enlarges as it passes
distally. The distal end of the radius is essentially four sided when
sectioned transversely. Its medial aspect forms a concavity, the ulnar notch (Fig. 6.7C & D), which accommodates the head of the ulna. Its lateral aspect becomes increasingly ridge-like, terminating distally in the radial styloid process. Projecting dorsally, the dorsal tubercle of the radius
lies between otherwise shallow grooves for the passage of the tendons
of forearm muscles. The radial styloid process is larger than the ulnar
styloid process and extends farther distally. This relationship


is of clinical importance when the ulna and/or the radius is fractured.

Most of the length of the shafts of the radius and ulna
are essentially triangular in cross section, with a rounded,
superficially directed base and an acute, deeply directed apex (Fig. 6.7E). The apex is formed by a section of the sharp interosseous border of the radius or ulna that connects to the thin, fibrous interosseous membrane of the forearm (Fig. 6.7A, B, & E).
The majority of the fibers of the interosseous membrane run an oblique
course, passing inferiorly from the radius as they extend medially to
the ulna (Fig. 6.7A & B).
Thus they are positioned to transmit forces received by the radius (via
the hands) to the ulna for transmission to the humerus.


Bones of the Hand
The wrist, or carpus, is composed of eight carpal bones (carpals) arranged in proximal and distal rows of four (Fig. 6.8).
These small bones give flexibility to the wrist. The carpus is markedly
convex from side to side posteriorly and concave anteriorly. Augmenting
movement at the wrist joint, the two rows of carpals glide on each
other; in addition, each bone glides on those adjacent to it.
From lateral to medial, the four bones in the proximal row of carpals (purple in Fig. 6.8) are the:
  • Scaphoid (G. skaphé, skiff, boat): a boat-shaped bone that articulates proximally with the radius and has a prominent scaphoid tubercle; it is the largest bone in the proximal row of carpals.
  • Lunate (L. luna,
    moon): a moon-shaped bone between the scaphoid and the triquetral
    bones; it articulates proximally with the radius and is broader
    anteriorly than posteriorly.
  • Triquetrum (L. triquetrus,
    three-cornered): a pyramidal bone on the medial side of the carpus; it
    articulates proximally with the articular disc of the distal radioulnar
  • Pisiform (L. pisum, pea), a small, pea-shaped bone that lies on the palmar surface of the triquetrum.
From lateral to medial, the four bones in the distal row of carpals (green in Fig. 6.8) are the:
  • Trapezium (G. trapeze,
    table): a four-sided bone on the lateral side of the carpus; it
    articulates with the 1st and 2nd metacarpals, scaphoid, and trapezoid
  • Trapezoid: a
    wedge-shaped bone that resembles the trapezium; it articulates with the
    2nd metacarpal, trapezium, capitate, and scaphoid bones.
  • Capitate (L. caput,
    head): a head-shaped bone with a rounded extremity and the largest bone
    in the carpus; it articulates primarily with the 3rd metacarpal
    distally, and with the trapezoid, scaphoid, lunate, and hamate.
  • Hamate (L. hamulus,
    a little hook): a wedge-shaped bone on the medial side of the hand; it
    articulates with the 4th and 5th metacarpal, capitate, and triquetral
    bones; it has a distinctive hooked process, the hook of the hamate, that extends anteriorly.
The proximal surfaces of the distal row of carpals
articulate with the proximal row of carpals, and their distal surfaces
articulate with the metacarpals.
The metacarpus forms the skeleton of the palm of the hand between the carpus and the phalanges. It is composed


of five metacarpal bones (metacarpals). Each metacarpal consists of a base, shaft, and head. The proximal bases of the metacarpals articulate with the carpal bones, and the distal heads of the metacarpals
articulate with the proximal phalanges and form the knuckles. The 1st
metacarpal (of the thumb) is the thickest and shortest of these bones.
The 3rd metacarpal is distinguished by a styloid process on the lateral side of its base.

Figure 6.8. Bones of right hand. A and B.
The skeleton of the hand consists of three segments: carpals of the
wrist, metacarpals of the palm, and phalanges of the fingers or digits.
Each digit has three phalanges
except for the first (the thumb), which has only two; however, the
phalanges of the first digit are stouter than those in the other
fingers. Each phalanx has a base proximally, a shaft (body), and a head distally (Fig. 6.8).
The proximal phalanges are the largest, the middle ones are
intermediate in size, and the distal ones are the smallest. The shafts
of the phalanges taper distally. The terminal phalanges are flattened
and expanded at their distal ends, which underlie the nail beds.





Superficial Structures of the Upper Limb
Deep to the skin is subcutaneous tissue (superficial
fascia) containing fat and deep fascia surrounding the muscles. If no
structure (no muscle, tendon, or bursa, for example) intervenes between
the skin and the bone, the deep fascia is usually attached to bone.
Fascia of the Upper Limb
The fascia of the pectoral region is attached to the clavicle and sternum. The pectoral fascia invests the pectoralis major and is continuous inferiorly with the fascia of the anterior abdominal wall (Fig. 6.9). The pectoral fascia leaves the lateral border of the pectoralis major and becomes the axillary fascia, which forms the floor of the axilla. Deep to the pectoral fascia and the pectoralis major, another fascial layer, the clavipectoral fascia,
descends from the clavicle, enclosing the subclavius and then the
pectoralis minor, becoming continuous inferiorly with the axillary
fascia. The part of the clavipectoral fascia between the pectoralis
minor and the subclavius, the costocoracoid membrane,
is pierced by the lateral pectoral nerve, which primarily supplies the
pectoralis major. The part of the clavipectoral fascia inferior to the
pectoralis minor, the suspensory ligament of the axilla, supports the axillary fascia and pulls it and the skin inferior to it upward during abduction of the arm, forming the axillary fossa.
The scapulohumeral muscles that cover the scapula and form the bulk of the shoulder are also ensheathed by deep fascia. The deltoid fascia
descends over the superficial surface of the deltoid from the clavicle,
acromion, and scapular spine. From the deep surface of the deltoid
fascia, numerous septa penetrate between the fascicles (bundles) of the
muscle. Inferiorly, the deltoid fascia is continuous with the pectoral
fascia anteriorly and the dense infraspinous fascia posteriorly. The
muscles that cover the anterior and posterior surfaces of the scapula
are covered superficially with deep fascia, which is attached to the
margins of the scapula and posteriorly to the spine of the scapula.
This arrangement creates osseofibrous subscapular, supraspinous, and infraspinous compartments;
the muscles in each compartment attach to (originate from) the deep
surface of the overlying fascia in part, allowing the muscles to have
greater bulk (mass) than would be the case if only bony attachments
occurred. The supraspinous and infraspinous fascia
overlying the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, respectively, on
the posterior aspect of the scapula are so dense and opaque that they
must be removed during dissection to view the muscles.
The brachial fascia, a sheath of deep fascia, encloses the arm like a snug sleeve deep to the skin and subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 6.10A & B);
it is continuous superiorly with the deltoid, pectoral, axillary, and
infraspinous fasciae. The brachial fascia is attached inferiorly to the
epicondyles of the humerus and the olecranon of the ulna and is
continuous with the antebrachial fascia, the deep fascia of the
forearm. Two intermuscular septa, the medial and lateral intermuscular septa, extend from the deep surface of the brachial fascia to the central shaft and medial and lateral supraepicondylar ridges of


the humerus (Fig. 6.10B). These septa divide the arm into anterior (flexor) and posterior (extensor) fascial compartments,
each of which contains muscles serving similar functions and sharing
common innervation. As discussed in relation to the fascial
compartments of the lower limb (see Chapter 5),
the fascial compartments of the upper limb are important clinically
because they also contain and direct the spread of infection or
hemorrhage in the limb.

Figure 6.9. Anterior wall and floor of axilla. A. Axillary fascia forms the floor of the axilla and is continuous with the pectoral fascia. B.
The pectoral fascia surrounds the pectoralis major, forming the
anterior layer of the anterior axillary wall. The clavipectoral fascia
extends between the coracoid process of the scapula, the clavicle, and
the axillary fascia, enveloping the subclavius and pectoralis minor
muscles and forming the posterior layer of the anterior axillary wall.
The suspensory ligament of the axilla is the part of the clavipectoral,
which attaches to the axillary fascia; when the arm is abducted,
traction by the suspensory ligament pulls the axillary fascia
superiorly, producing the hollow of the axillary fossa.
In the forearm, similar fascial compartments are surrounded by the antebrachial fascia and separated by the interosseous membrane connecting the radius and ulna (Fig. 6.10C). The antebrachial fascia thickens posteriorly over the



distal ends of the radius and ulna to form a transverse band, the extensor retinaculum,
which retains the extensor tendons in position. The antebrachial fascia
also forms an anterior thickening, which is continuous with the
extensor retinaculum but is officially unnamed; some authors identify
it as the palmar carpal ligament (Fig. 6.10D). Immediately distal and at a deeper level to the latter, the antebrachial fascia is also continued as the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament).2
This fibrous band extends between the anterior prominences of the outer
carpal bones and converts the anterior concavity of the carpus into a carpal tunnel, through which the flexor tendons and median nerve pass.

Figure 6.10. Fascia and compartments of upper limb. A. Brachial and antebrachial fascia surround the structures of the free upper limb. B.
The intermuscular septa and humerus divide the space inside the
brachial fascia into anterior and posterior compartments, each of which
contains muscles serving similar functions and the nerves and vessels
supplying them. C. The interosseous
membrane and the radius and ulna similarly separate the space inside
the antebrachial fascia into anterior and posterior compartments. D.
Continuing distal to the radius and ulna onto the carpal bones, the
deep fascia of the forearm thickens to form the extensor retinaculum
posteriorly and a corresponding thickening anteriorly (palmar carpal
ligament). At a deeper level to the latter, a ligamentous formation,
the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) extends between the
anterior prominences of the outer carpal bones, converting the anterior
concavity of the carpus into an osseofibrous carpal tunnel.
The deep fascia of the upper limb continues beyond the extensor and flexor retinacula as the palmar fascia. The central part of the palmar fascia, the palmar aponeurosis,
is thick, tendinous, and triangular and it overlies the central
compartment of the palm. Its apex, located proximally, is continuous
with the tendon of the palmaris longus (when it is present) (Fig. 6.10A).
The aponeurosis forms four distinct thickenings that radiate to the
bases of the fingers and become continuous with the fibrous tendon
sheaths of the digits. The bands are traversed distally by the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament, which forms the base of the palmar aponeurosis. Innumerable minute, strong skin ligaments (L. retinacula cutis) extend from the palmar aponeurosis to the skin (see the Introduction). These ligaments hold the palmar skin close to the aponeurosis, allowing little sliding movement of the skin.
Cutaneous Nerves of the Upper Limb
The cutaneous nerves of the upper limb follow a general
pattern that is easy to understand if it is noted that developmentally
the limbs grow as lateral protrusions of the trunk, with the 1st digit
(thumb or great toe) located on the cranial side (thumb is directed
superiorly). Thus the lateral surface of the upper limb is more cranial
than the medial surface.
There are two dermatome maps in common use. One has
gained popular acceptance because of its more intuitive aesthetic
qualities, corresponding to concepts of limb development (Keegan and Garrett, 1948); the other is based on clinical findings and is generally preferred by neurologists (Foerster, 1933).
Both maps are approximations, delineating dermatomes as distinct zones
when actually there is much overlap between adjacent dermatomes and
much variation (even from side to side in the same individual). In both
maps, observe the progression of the segmental innervation of the
various cutaneous areas around the limb when it is placed in its
“initial embryonic position” (abducted with thumb directed superiorly) (Fig. 6.11A–D):
  • C3 and C4 nerves supply the region at the base of the neck extending laterally over the shoulder.
  • C5 nerve supplies the arm laterally (i.e., on the superior aspect of the abducted limb).
  • C6 nerve supplies the forearm laterally and the thumb.
  • C7 nerve supplies the middle and ring fingers (or middle three fingers) and the middle of the posterior surface of the limb.
  • C8 nerve supplies the little finger, the
    medial side of the hand, and the forearm (i.e., the inferior aspect of
    the outstretched limb).
  • T1 nerve supplies the middle of the forearm to the axilla.
  • T2 nerve supplies a small part of the arm
    and the skin of the axilla. (This is not indicated on the Keegan and
    Garrett map; however, pain experienced during a heart attack,
    considered to be mediated by T1 and T2, is commonly described as
    “radiating down the medial side of the left arm”).
Most cutaneous nerves of the upper limb are derived from the brachial plexus, a major nerve network formed by the anterior rami of the C5–T1 spinal nerves (see “Brachial Plexus,” later in this chapter). The nerves to the shoulder, however, are derived from the cervical plexus,
a nerve network consisting of a series of nerve loops formed between
adjacent anterior rami of the first four cervical nerves. The cervical
plexus lies deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the anterolateral
aspect of the neck.
The cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm3 are as follows (Fig. 6.11E & F):
  • The supraclavicular nerves
    (C3, C4) pass anterior to the clavicle, immediately deep to the
    platysma, and supply the skin over the clavicle and the superolateral
    aspect of the pectoralis major.


    Figure 6.11. Segmental (dermatomal) and peripheral (cutaneous nerve) innervation of upper limb. A and B. The pattern of segmental (dermatomal) innervation of the upper limb proposed by Foerster (1933)
    depicts innervation of the medial aspect of the limb by upper thoracic
    (T1–T3) spinal cord segments, consistent with the experience of heart
    pain (angina pectoris) referred to that area. C and D. The pattern of segmental innervation proposed by Keegan and Garrett (1948)
    has gained popular acceptance, perhaps because of the regular
    progression of its stripes and correlation with developmental concepts.
    In both patterns, the dermatomes progress sequentially around the
    periphery of the outstretched limb (with the thumb directed
    superiorly), providing a way to approximate the segmental innervation. E and F.
    The distribution of the peripheral (named) cutaneous nerves in the
    upper limb is demonstrated. Most of the nerves are branches of nerve
    plexuses and therefore contain fibers from more than one spinal nerve
    or spinal cord segment.
  • The posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm (C5–C8), a branch of the radial nerve, supplies the skin on the posterior surface of the arm.
  • The posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm (C5–C8), also a branch of the radial nerve, supplies the skin on the posterior surface of the forearm.
  • The superior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
    (C5, C6), the terminal branch of the axillary nerve, emerges from
    beneath the posterior margin of the deltoid and supplies skin over the
    lower part of this muscle and on the lateral side of the midarm
    inferior to its distal attachment to the lateral side of the arm a
    little above its middle.
  • The inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
    (C5, C6), a branch of the radial nerve, supplies the skin over the
    inferolateral aspect of the arm; it is frequently a branch of the
    posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
  • The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (C6, C7), the terminal cutaneous branch of the musculocutaneous nerve, supplies the skin on the lateral side of the forearm.
  • The medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
    (C8–T2) arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus, often
    unites in the axilla with the lateral cutaneous branch of the 2nd
    intercostal nerve, and supplies the skin on the medial side of the arm.
  • P.747

  • The intercostobrachial nerve
    (T2), a lateral cutaneous branch of the 2nd intercostal nerve, also
    contributes to the innervation of the skin on the medial surface of the
  • The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
    (C8, T1) arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus and
    supplies the skin of the anterior and medial surfaces of the forearm.
Note that there are lateral, medial, and posterior (but
no anterior) cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm; as discussed
later in this chapter, this pattern corresponds to that of the cords of
the brachial plexus.
Superficial Veins of the Upper Limb
The main superficial veins of the upper limb, the
cephalic and basilic veins, originate in the subcutaneous tissue on the
dorsum of the hand from the dorsal venous network (Fig. 6.12). Perforating veins form communications between the superficial and


deep veins. Like the dermatomal pattern, the logic for naming the main
superficial veins of the upper limb cephalic (toward the head) and
basilic (toward the base) becomes apparent when the limb is placed in
its initial embryonic position.

Figure 6.12. Superficial veins and lymph nodes of upper limb. A.
The digital veins drain into the dorsal venous network on the dorsum of
the hand, which leads to two prominent superficial vessels: the
cephalic and basilic veins. B. The basilic
and cephalic veins ultimately drain into the origin and termination of
the axillary vein, respectively. The median cubital vein is the
communication between the basilic and the cephalic veins in the cubital
fossa. Perforating veins connect the superficial veins to the deep
veins. Arrows indicate the flow of lymph
within lymphatic vessels that converge toward the vein and drain into
the cubital and axillary lymph nodes.
The cephalic vein (G. kephalé,
head) ascends in the subcutaneous tissue from the lateral aspect of the
dorsal venous network, proceeding along the lateral border of the wrist
and the anterolateral surface of the proximal forearm and arm; it is
often visible through the skin. Anterior to the elbow, the cephalic
vein communicates with the median cubital vein,
which passes obliquely across the anterior aspect of the elbow in the
cubital fossa (a depression in front of the elbow) and joins the
basilic vein. The cephalic vein courses superiorly between the deltoid
and the pectoralis major muscles along the deltopectoral groove and
enters the clavipectoral triangle (Fig. 6.12B).
It then pierces the costocoracoid membrane, part of the clavipectoral
fascia, and joins the terminal part of the axillary vein.
The basilic vein ascends in
the subcutaneous tissue from the medial end of the dorsal venous
network along the medial side of the forearm and the inferior part of
the arm; it is often visible through the skin. It then passes deeply
near the junction of the middle and inferior thirds of the arm,
piercing the brachial fascia and running superiorly parallel to the
brachial artery and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm to the
axilla, where it merges with the accompanying veins (L. venae comitantes) of the axillary artery to form the axillary vein.
The highly variable median antebrachial vein (median vein of the forearm)
begins at the base of the dorsum of the thumb, curves around the
lateral side of the wrist, and ascends in the middle of the anterior
aspect of the forearm between the cephalic and the basilic veins. The
median antebrachial vein sometimes divides into a median basilic vein,
which joins the basilic vein, and a median cephalic vein, which joins
the cephalic vein.
Lymphatic Drainage of the Upper Limb
Superficial lymphatic vessels arise from lymphatic plexuses
in the skin of the fingers, palm, and dorsum of the hand and ascend
mostly with the superficial veins, such as the cephalic and basilic
veins (Fig. 6.13). Some vessels accompanying the basilic vein enter the cubital (lymph) nodes,
located proximal to the medial epicondyle and medial to the basilic
vein. Efferent vessels from these lymph nodes ascend in the arm and
terminate in the humeral (lateral) axillary lymph nodes (see Chapter 1).
Most superficial lymphatic vessels accompanying the cephalic vein cross
the proximal part of the arm and the anterior aspect of the shoulder to
enter the apical axillary lymph nodes; however, some vessels previously enter the more superficial deltopectoral lymph nodes. Deep lymphatic vessels,
less numerous than superficial vessels, accompany the major deep veins
in the upper limb and terminate in the humeral axillary lymph nodes.
They drain lymph from the joint capsules, periosteum, tendons, nerves,
and muscles and ascend with the deep veins; a few deep lymph nodes may
occur along their



The axillary lymph nodes are drained by the subclavian lymphatic trunk;
both are discussed in greater detail with the axilla, later in this

Figure 6.13. Lymphatic drainage of upper limb.
Superficial lymphatic vessels originate from the digital lymphatic
vessels of the digits and lymphatic plexus of the palm; most drainage
from the palm passes to the dorsum of the hand (arrows).
The vessels ascend through the forearm and arm, converging toward the
cephalic and especially the basilic veins. Some lymph following this
superficial route passes through the cubital lymph nodes in the elbow
region or deltopectoral nodes in the shoulder region. The superficial
and deep lymphatics of the upper limb drain initially to the humeral
(lateral) and apical axillary lymph nodes; axillary nodes are drained
in turn by the subclavian lymphatic trunk.
Anterior Axioappendicular Muscles of the Upper Limb
Four anterior axioappendicular (thoracoappendicular or pectoral) muscles
move the pectoral girdle: pectoralis major, pectoralis minor,
subclavius, and serratus anterior. The attachments, nerve supply, and
main actions of these muscles are illustrated in Figure 6.14 and summarized in Table 6.1.
The pectoralis major is a large, fan-shaped muscle that covers the superior part of the thorax. It has clavicular and sternocostal heads.
The latter head is much larger and its lateral border forms the
muscular mass that makes up most of the anterior wall of the axilla.
Its inferior border forms the anterior axillary fold (see “Axilla,” later in this chapter). The pectoralis major and adjacent deltoid form the narrow deltopectoral groove, in which the cephalic vein runs (Fig. 6.12B); however, the muscles diverge slightly from each other superiorly and, along with the clavicle, form the clavipectoral (deltopectoral) triangle (Fig. 6.12).
Producing powerful adduction and medial rotation of the
arm when acting together, the two parts of the pectoralis major can
also act independently: the clavicular head flexing the humerus, and
the sternocostal head extending it back from the flexed position.
To test the clavicular head of pectoralis major,
the arm is abducted 90°; the individual then moves the arm anteriorly
against resistance. If acting normally, the clavicular head can be seen
and palpated. To test the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major,
the arm is abducted 60° and then adducted against resistance. If acting
normally, the sternocostal head can be seen and palpated.
The pectoralis minor lies in the anterior wall of the axilla where it is almost completely covered by the much larger pectoralis major (Fig. 6.14).
The pectoralis minor is triangular in shape: Its base (proximal
attachment) is formed by fleshy slips attached to the anterior ends of
the 3rd–5th ribs near their costal cartilages; its apex (distal
attachment) is on the coracoid process of the scapula. Variations in
the costal attachments of the muscle are common. The pectoralis minor
stabilizes the scapula and is used when stretching the upper limb
forward to touch an object that is just out of reach. The pectoralis
minor also assists in elevating the ribs for deep inspiration when the
pectoral girdle is fixed or elevated. The pectoralis minor is a useful
anatomical and surgical landmark for structures in the axilla (e.g.,
the axillary artery). With the coracoid process, the pectoralis minor
forms a “bridge” under which vessels and nerves must pass to the arm.
The subclavius lies almost
horizontally when the arm is in the anatomical position. This small,
round muscle is located inferior to the clavicle and affords some
protection to the subclavian vessels and the superior trunk of the
brachial plexus if the clavicle fractures. The subclavius anchors and
depresses the clavicle, stabilizing it during movements of the upper
limb. It also helps resist the tendency for the clavicle to dislocate
at the SC joint, for example, when pulling hard during a tug-of-war
The serratus anterior
overlies the lateral part of the thorax and forms the medial wall of
the axilla. This broad sheet of thick muscle was named because of the
sawtoothed appearance of its fleshy slips or digitations (L. serratus,
a saw). The muscular slips pass posteriorly and then medially to attach
to the whole length of the anterior surface of the medial border of the
scapula, including its inferior angle.
The serratus anterior is one of the most powerful
muscles of the pectoral girdle. It is a strong protractor of the
scapula that is used when punching or reaching anteriorly (sometimes
called the “boxer’s muscle”). Its strong inferior part rotates the
scapula, elevating its glenoid cavity so the arm can be raised above
the shoulder. It also anchors the scapula, keeping it closely applied
to the thoracic wall, enabling other muscles to use it as a fixed bone
for movements of the humerus. The serratus anterior holds the scapula
against the thoracic wall when doing push-ups or when pushing against
resistance (e.g., pushing a car).
To test the serratus anterior
(or the function of the long thoracic nerve that supplies it), the hand
of the outstretched limb is pushed against a wall. If the muscle is
acting normally, several digitations of the muscle can be seen and




Posterior Axioappendicular and Scapulohumeral Muscles
The posterior axioappendicular muscles
(superficial and intermediate groups of extrinsic back muscles) attach
the superior appendicular skeleton (of the upper limb) to the axial
skeleton (in the trunk). The intrinsic back muscles, which maintain posture and control movements of the vertebral column, are described in Chapter 4. The posterior shoulder muscles are divided into three groups (Table 6.2):
  • Superficial posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles: trapezius and latissimus dorsi.
  • Deep posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles: levator scapulae and rhomboids.
  • Scapulohumeral (intrinsic shoulder) muscles: deltoid, teres major, and the four rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis).
Superficial Posterior Axioappendicular (Extrinsic Shoulder) Muscles
The superficial axioappendicular muscles are the trapezius and latissimus dorsi. The attachments, nerve supply, and main actions of these muscles are given in Table 6.2.
The trapezius provides a
direct attachment of the pectoral girdle to the trunk. This large,
triangular muscle covers the posterior aspect of the neck and the
superior half of the trunk (Fig. 6.15). It was given its name because the muscles of the two sides form a trapezium
(G. irregular four-sided figure). The trapezius attaches the pectoral
girdle to the cranium and vertebral column and assists in suspending
the upper limb. The fibers of the trapezius are divided into three
parts, which have different actions at the physiological
scapulothoracic joint between the scapula and the thoracic wall (Table 6.3):
(1) superior fibers elevate the scapula (e.g., when squaring the
shoulders), (2) middle fibers retract the scapula (i.e., pull it
posteriorly), and (3) inferior fibers depress the scapula and lower the
Superior and inferior trapezius fibers act together in
rotating the scapula on the thoracic wall in different directions,
twisting it like a wing nut. The trapezius also braces the shoulders by
pulling the scapulae posteriorly and superiorly, fixing them in
position on the thoracic wall with tonic contraction; consequently,
weakness of this muscle causes drooping of the shoulders.
To test the trapezius (or
the function of the accessory nerve [CN XI] that supplies it), the
shoulder is shrugged against resistance (the person attempts to raise
the shoulders as the examiner presses down on them). If the muscle is
acting normally, the superior border of the muscle can be easily seen
and palpated.
Figure 6.15. Trapezius.
This large, superficial, triangular muscle is responsible for the
lateral slope between the neck and the shoulder. It assists in
suspending the pectoral girdle and elevates, retracts, and rotates the


Table 6.2. Posterior Axioappendicular and Scapulohumeral Muscles
Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervationa Main Action
Superficial posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles
Trapezius Medial third of superior nuchal line; external occipital protuberance; nuchal ligament; spinous processes of C7–C12 vertebrae Lateral third of clavicle; acromion and spine of scapula Accessory nerve (CN XI) (motor fibers) and C3, C4 spinal nerves (pain and proprioceptive fibers) Descending part elevates;
ascending part depresses; and middle part (or all parts together)
retracts scapula; descending and ascending parts act together to rotate
glenoid cavity superiorly
Latissimus dorsi Spinous processes of inferior 6 thoracic vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inferior 3 or 4 ribs Floor of intertubercular groove of humerus Thoracodorsal nerve (C6, C7, C8) Extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus; raises body toward arms during climbing
Deep posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles
Levator scapulae Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1–C4 vertebrae Medial border of scapula superior to root of spine Dorsal scapular (C5) and cervical (C3, C4) nerves Elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula
Rhomboid minor and major Minor: nuchal ligament; spinous processes of C7 and T1 vertebrae
Major: spinous processes of T2–T5 vertebrae
Minor: smooth triangular area at medial end of scapular spine

Major: medial border of scapula from level of spine to inferior angle

Dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5) Retract scapula and rotate it to depress glenoid cavity; fix scapula to thoracic wall
Scapulohumeral (intrinsic shoulder) muscles
Deltoid Lateral third of clavicle; acromion and spine of scapula Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Axillary nerve (C5, C6) Anterior part: flexes and medially rotates arm
Middle part: abducts arm
Posterior part: extends and laterally rotates arm
Supraspinatusb Supraspinous fossa of scapula Superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus Suprascapular nerve (C4, C5, C6) Initiates and assists deltoid in abduction of arm and acts with rotator cuff musclesb
Infraspinatusb Infraspinous fossa of scapula Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6) Laterally rotate arm; help hold humeral head in glenoid cavity of scapula
Teres minorb Middle part of lateral border of scapula Inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
Teres major Posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula Medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus Lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6) Adducts and medially rotates arm
Subscapularisb Subscapular fossa (most of anterior surface of scapula) Lesser tubercle of humerus Upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5, C6, C7) Medially rotates and adduct arm; helps hold humeral head in glenoid cavity
aThe spinal cord segmental innervation is indicated (e.g., “C5,
C6” means that the nerves supplying the deltoid are derived from the
fifth and sixth cervical segments of the spinal cord). Numbers in
boldface (C5) indicate the main segmental innervation. Damage to
one or more of the listed spinal cord segments or to the motor nerve
roots arising from them results in paralysis of the muscles concerned.
the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis
muscles are referred to as the rotator cuff, or SITS, muscles. Their
primary function during all movements of the glenohumeral (shoulder)
joint is to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.



Table 6.3. Movements of the Scapula


Latissimus Dorsi
The name latissimus dorsi (L. widest of the back) was well chosen because the muscle covers a wide area of the back (Fig. 6.16; Table 6.2E).
This large, fan-shaped muscle passes from the trunk to the humerus and
acts directly on the glenohumeral joint and indirectly on the pectoral
girdle (scapulothoracic joint). The latissimus dorsi extends, retracts,
and rotates the humerus medially (e.g., when folding the arms behind
the back or scratching the skin over the opposite scapula). In
combination with the pectoralis major, the latissimus dorsi is a
powerful adductor of the humerus, and plays a major role in downward
rotation of the scapula in association with this movement (Table 6.3).
It is also useful in restoring the upper limb from abduction superior
to the shoulder; hence the latissimus dorsi is important in climbing.
In conjunction with the pectoralis major, the latissimus dorsi raises
the trunk to the arm, which occurs when performing chin-ups (hoisting
oneself so the chin touches an overhead bar) or climbing a tree, for
example. These movements are also used when chopping wood, paddling a
canoe, and swimming (particularly during the crawl stroke).
To test the latissimus dorsi
(or the function of the thoracodorsal nerve that supplies it), the arm
is abducted 90° and then adducted against resistance provided by the
examiner. If the muscle is normal, the anterior border of the muscle
can be seen and easily palpated in the posterior axillary fold (see “Axilla,” later in this chapter).
Figure 6.16. Latissimus dorsi.
This broad, triangular, mostly superficial muscle extends, adducts, and
medially rotates the humerus. It is a powerful adductor and extensor of
the arm and raises the body toward the arm during climbing.


Deep Posterior Axioappendicular (Extrinsic Shoulder) Muscles
The deep posterior thoracoappendicular muscles
are the levator scapulae and rhomboids. These muscles provide direct
attachment of the appendicular skeleton to the axial skeleton. The
attachments, nerve supply, and main actions are given in Table 6.2.
Levator Scapulae
The superior third of the strap-like levator scapulae
lies deep to the sternocleidomastoid; the inferior third is deep to the
trapezius. From the transverse processes of the upper cervical
vertebrae, the fibers of the levator of the scapula pass inferiorly to
the superomedial border of the scapula (Fig. 6.17).
True to its name, the levator scapulae acts with the descending part of
the trapezius to elevate the scapula, or fix it (resists forces that


it, as when carrying a load). With the rhomboids and pectoralis minor,
it rotates the scapula, depressing the glenoid cavity (tilting it
inferiorly by rotating the scapula) (Table 6.3).
Acting bilaterally (also with the trapezius), the levators extend the
neck; acting unilaterally, the muscle may contribute to lateral flexion
of the neck (toward the side of the active muscle).

Figure 6.17. Levator scapulae.
This thick, strap-like muscle descends from the first four cervical
vertebrae and attaches to the medial border of the superior angle of
the scapula. It elevates and rotates the scapula, tilting the glenoid
cavity inferiorly.
The rhomboid major and rhomboid minor,
which are not always clearly separated from each other, have a rhomboid
appearance—that is, they form an oblique equilateral parallelogram (Fig. 6.18).
The rhomboids lie deep to the trapezius and form broad parallel bands
that pass inferolaterally from the vertebrae to the medial border of
the scapula. The thin, flat rhomboid major is approximately two times
wider than the thicker rhomboid minor lying superior to it. The
rhomboids retract and rotate the scapula, depressing its glenoid cavity
(Table 6.3). They also assist the serratus
anterior in holding the scapula against the thoracic wall and fixing
the scapula during movements of the upper limb. The rhomboids are used
when forcibly lowering the raised upper limbs (e.g., when driving a
stake with a sledge hammer).
To test the rhomboids (or
the function of the dorsal scapular nerve that supplies them), the
individual places the hands posteriorly on the hips and pushes the
elbows posteriorly against resistance provided by the examiner. If the
rhomboids are acting normally, they can be palpated along the medial
borders of the scapulae; because they lie deep to the trapezius, they
are unlikely to be visible during testing.


Scapulohumeral (Intrinsic Shoulder) Muscles
The six scapulohumeral muscles
(the deltoid, teres major, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis,
and teres minor) are relatively short muscles that pass from the
scapula to the humerus and act on the glenohumeral joint. The
attachments, nerve supply, and main actions of these intrinsic shoulder
muscles are summarized in Table 6.2.
The deltoid is a thick, powerful, coarse-textured muscle covering the shoulder and forming its rounded contour (Fig. 6.19; Table 6.2E).
As its name indicates, the deltoid is shaped like the inverted Greek
letter delta (Δ). The muscle is divided into unipennate anterior and
posterior parts and a multipennate middle part; the parts of the
deltoid can act separately or as a whole. When all three parts contract
simultaneously, the arm is abducted. The anterior and posterior parts
act like guy ropes to steady the arm as it is abducted. To initiate
movement during the first 15° of abduction, the deltoid is assisted by
the supraspinatus (Table 6.2B).
When the arm is fully adducted, the line of pull of the deltoid
coincides with the axis of the humerus; thus it pulls directly upward
on the bone and cannot initiate or produce abduction. It is, however,
able to act as a shunt muscle, resisting inferior displacement of the
head of the humerus from the glenoid cavity, as when lifting and
carrying suitcases. From the fully adducted position, abduction must be
initiated by the supraspinatus, or by leaning to the side, allowing
gravity to initiate the movement. The deltoid becomes fully effective
as an abductor following the initial 15° of abduction.
Figure 6.19. Deltoid.
This thick, coarse-textured, triangular muscle covers the glenohumeral
joint and forms the rounded contour of the shoulder. The middle,
multipennate part of the deltoid is the principal abductor of the arm,
the anterior part flexes and medially rotates the arm, and the
posterior part extends and laterally rotates the arm.
Figure 6.20. Testing deltoid muscle.
The examiner resists the patient’s abduction of the limb by the
deltoid. If the deltoid is acting normally, contraction of the middle
part of the muscle can be palpated.
The anterior and posterior parts of the deltoids are
used to swing the limbs during walking. The anterior part assists the
pectoralis major in flexing the arm, and the posterior part assists the
latissimus dorsi in extending the arm. The deltoid also helps stabilize
the glenohumeral joint and hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid
cavity during movements of the upper limb.
To test the deltoid (or the
function of the axillary nerve that supplies it), the arm is abducted,
starting from approximately 15°, against resistance (Fig. 6.20).
If acting normally, the deltoid can easily be seen and palpated. The
influence of gravity is avoided when the person is supine.


Teres Major
The teres major (L. teres,
round) is a thick, rounded muscle that forms a raised oval area on the
inferolateral third of the scapula when the arm is adducted against
resistance (Fig. 6.21A; Table 6.2B & E).
The inferior border of the teres major forms the inferior border of the
lateral part of the posterior wall of the axilla. The teres major
adducts and medially rotates the arm (Fig. 6.21B).
It can also help extend it from the flexed position and is an important
stabilizer of the humeral head in the glenoid cavity—that is, it
steadies the head in its socket.
To test the teres major (or
the lower subscapular nerve that supplies it), the abducted arm is
adducted against resistance. If acting normally, the muscle can be
easily seen and palpated in the posterior axillary fold.
Rotator Cuff Muscles
Four of the scapulohumeral muscles (intrinsic shoulder muscles)—supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis (referred to as the SITS muscles)—are called rotator cuff muscles because they form a musculotendinous rotator cuff around the glenohumeral joint (Fig. 6.22).
All except the supraspinatus are rotators of the humerus; the
supraspinatus, besides being part of the rotator cuff, initiates and
assists the deltoid in the first 15° of abduction of the arm. The
tendons of the SITS muscles blend with and reinforce the fibrous layer
of the joint capsule of the glenohumeral joint, thus forming the
rotator cuff that protects the joint and gives it stability. The tonic
contraction of the contributing muscles holds the relatively large head
of the humerus in the small, shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula
during arm movements. The attachments, nerve supply, and main actions
of the rotator cuff muscles are given in Table 6.2.
The supraspinatus occupies the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. A bursa separates it from the lateral quarter of the fossa. (See “Deltoid,” earlier in this chapter for discussion of this muscle’s cooperative action in abducting the upper limb.)
To test the supraspinatus,
abduction of the arm is attempted from the fully adducted position
against resistance, while the muscle is palpated superior to the spine
of the scapula.
Figure 6.21. Scapulohumeral muscles. A.
These muscles pass from the scapula to the humerus and act on the
glenohumeral joint. The surface anatomy of the scapular muscles and the
latissimus dorsi are shown. B. The
position of the scapula and humerus when the limb is abducted 90° is
shown. The teres major is a thick, rounded muscle that adducts and
medially rotates the arm. The latissimus dorsi and teres major form the
posterior axillary fold. When the arm is adducted against resistance,
this fold is accentuated.


Figure 6.22. Disposition of rotator cuff muscles.
The primary combined function of the four scapulohumeral (SITS) muscles
is to “grasp” and pull the relatively large head of the humerus
medially, holding it against the smaller, shallow glenoid cavity of the
scapula. The tendons of the muscles (represented by three fingers and
the thumb) blend with the fibrous layer of the capsule of the
glenohumeral joint to form a musculotendinous rotator cuff, which
reinforces the capsule on three sides (anteriorly, superiorly, and
posteriorly) as it provides active support for the glenohumeral joint.
The infraspinatus occupies
the medial three quarters of the infraspinous fossa and is partly
covered by the deltoid and trapezius. In addition to helping stabilize
the glenohumeral joint, the infraspinatus is a powerful lateral rotator
of the humerus.
To test the infraspinatus,
the person flexes the elbow and adducts the arm. The arm is then
laterally rotated against resistance. If acting normally, the muscle
can be palpated inferior to the scapular spine. To test the function of the supra-scapular nerve, which supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, both muscles must be tested as described.
The teres minor is a narrow,
elongate muscle that is completely hidden by the deltoid and is often
not clearly delineated from the infraspinatus (Table 6.2B).
The teres minor works with the infraspinatus to rotate the arm
laterally and assist in its adduction. The teres minor is most clearly
distinguished from the infraspinatus by its nerve supply. The teres
minor is supplied by the axillary nerve, whereas the infraspinatus is
supplied by the suprascapular nerve.
The subscapularis is a
thick, triangular muscle that lies on the costal surface of the scapula
and forms part of the posterior wall of the axilla. It crosses the
anterior aspect of the scapulohumeral joint on its way to the humerus.
The subscapularis is the primary medial rotator of the arm and also
adducts it. It joins the other rotator cuff muscles in holding the head
of the humerus in the glenoid cavity during all movements of the
glenohumeral joint (i.e., it helps stabilize this joint during
movements of the elbow, wrist, and hand).


The axilla is the pyramidal
space inferior to the glenohumeral joint and superior to the axillary
fascia at the junction of the arm and thorax (Fig. 6.23).
The axilla provides a passageway or “distribution center,” usually
protected by the adducted upper limb, for the neurovascular structures
that serve the upper limb. From this distribution center, neurovascular
structures pass (1) superiorly via the cervicoaxillary canal to (or
from) the root of the neck, (2) anteriorly via the clavipectoral
triangle to the pectoral region, (3) inferiorly and laterally into the
limb itself, (4) posteriorly via the quadrangular space to the scapular
region, and (5) inferiorly and medially along the thoracic wall to the
inferiorly placed axioappendicular muscles (serratus anterior and
latissimus dorsi). The shape and size of the axilla varies, depending
on the position of the arm; it almost disappears when the arm is fully
abducted—a position in which its contents are vulnerable. A “tickle”
reflex causes most people to rapidly resume the protected position when
invasion threatens.
The axilla has an apex, a base, and four walls, three of which are muscular:
  • The apex of axilla is the cervicoaxillary canal,
    the passageway between the neck and the axilla, bounded by the 1st rib,
    clavicle, and superior edge of the scapula. The arteries, veins,
    lymphatics, and nerves traverse this superior opening of the axilla to
    pass to or from the arm (Fig. 6.23A).
  • The base of axilla
    is formed by the concave skin, subcutaneous tissue, and axillary (deep)
    fascia extending from the arm to the thoracic wall (approximately the
    4th rib level), forming the axillary fossa
    (armpit). The base of the axilla or axillary fossa is bounded by the
    anterior and posterior axillary folds, the thoracic wall, and the
    medial aspect of the arm (Fig. 6.23C).
  • The anterior wall of axilla
    has two layers, formed by the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor and
    the pectoral and clavicopectoral fascia associated with them (Figs. 6.9B and 6.23B & C). The anterior axillary fold
    is the inferiormost part of the anterior wall that may be grasped
    between the fingers; it is formed by the pectoralis major, as it
    bridges from thoracic wall to humerus, and the overlying integument (Fig. 6.23C & D).
  • The posterior wall of axilla
    is formed chiefly by the scapula and subscapularis on its anterior
    surface and inferiorly by the teres major and latissimus dorsi (Fig. 6.23B & C). The posterior axillary fold
    is the inferiormost part of the posterior wall that may be grasped. It
    extends farther inferiorly than the anterior wall and is formed by
    latissimus dorsi, teres major, and overlying integument.


    Figure 6.23. Location, boundaries, and contents of axilla. A.
    The axilla is a pyramidal space inferior to the glenohumeral joint and
    superior to the skin of the axillary fossa at the junction of the arm
    and thorax. Observe its apex, base, and walls. B.
    This transverse section of the axilla illustrates its three muscular
    walls. The small, lateral bony wall of the axilla is the
    intertubercular groove of the humerus. C.
    A sagittal section of the shoulder shows the contents of the axilla and
    the scapular and pectoral muscles forming its posterior and anterior
    walls, respectively. The axilla is primarily filled with axillary fat (yellow),
    forming a matrix in which the neurovascular structures and lymph nodes
    are embedded. Inferiorly, the inferior border of the pectoralis major
    forms the anterior axillary fold, and the latissimus dorsi and teres
    major form the posterior axillary fold. D.
    In this superficial dissection of the pectoral region, the subcutaneous
    platysma muscle, which descends from the neck to the 2nd or 3rd rib, is
    cut short on the right side. The severed muscle is reflected superiorly
    on the left side, together with the supraclavicular nerves, so that the
    clavicular attachments of the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid can
    be observed.


    Figure 6.24. Contents of axilla. A.
    This cross section of the axilla demonstrates the contents of the
    axilla, including the axillary sheath enclosing the axillary artery and
    vein and the three cords of the brachial plexus. The innervation of the
    muscular walls of the axilla is also shown. B.
    In this dissection, most of the pectoralis major has been removed and
    the clavipectoral fascia, axillary fat, and axillary sheath have been
    completely removed. The brachial plexus of nerves surrounds the
    axillary artery on its lateral and medial aspects (appearing here to be
    its superior and inferior aspects because the limb is abducted) and on
    its posterior aspect (not visible from this view).
  • The medial wall of axilla is formed by the thoracic wall (1st–4th ribs and intercostal muscles) and the overlying serratus anterior (Fig. 6.23A & B).
  • The lateral wall of axilla is a narrow bony wall formed by the intertubercular groove in the humerus.
The axilla contains axillary blood vessels (axillary
artery and its branches, axillary vein and its tributaries), lymphatic
vessels, and several groups of axillary lymph nodes, all embedded in a matrix of axillary fat (Fig. 6.23C). The axilla also contains large nerves that make up the cords and branches of the brachial plexus,
a network of interjoining nerves that pass from the neck to the upper
limb. Proximally, these neurovascular structures are ensheathed in a
sleeve-like extension of the cervical fascia, the axillary sheath (Fig. 6.24A).


Axillary Artery
The axillary artery begins
at the lateral border of the 1st rib as the continuation of the
subclavian artery and ends at the inferior border of the teres major (Table 6.4).
It passes posterior to the pectoralis minor into the arm and becomes
the brachial artery when it passes the inferior border of the teres
major, at which point it usually has reached the humerus. For
descriptive purposes, the axillary artery is divided into three parts
by the pectoralis minor (the part number also indicates the number of
its branches):
  • The first part of the axillary artery is located between the lateral border of the 1st rib and the medial border of the pectoralis minor; it is enclosed in the axillary sheath and has one branch—the superior thoracic artery (Fig. 6.24B; Table 6.4).
  • The second part of the axillary artery
    lies posterior to pectoralis minor and has two branches—the
    thoracoacromial and lateral thoracic arteries—which pass medial and
    lateral to the muscle, respectively.
  • The third part of the axillary artery
    extends from the lateral border of pectoralis minor to the inferior
    border of teres major and has three branches. The subscapular artery is
    the largest branch of the axillary artery. Opposite the origin of this
    artery, the anterior circumflex humeral and posterior circumflex
    humeral arteries arise, sometimes by means of a common trunk.
The branches of the axillary artery are illustrated and their origin and course described in Table 6.4.
The superior thoracic artery
is a small, highly variable vessel that arises just inferior to the
subclavius. It commonly runs inferomedially posterior to the axillary
vein and supplies the subclavius, muscles in the 1st and 2nd
intercostal spaces, superior slips of the serratus anterior, and
overlying pectoral muscles. It anastomoses with the intercostal and/or
internal thoracic arteries.
The thoracoacromial artery,
a short wide trunk, pierces the costocoracoid membrane and divides into
four branches (acromial, deltoid, pectoral, and clavicular), deep to
the clavicular head of the pectoralis major (Fig. 6.25).
The lateral thoracic artery
has a variable origin. It usually arises as the second branch of the
second part of the axillary artery and descends along the lateral
border of the pectoralis minor, following it onto the thoracic wall (Fig. 6.24B);
however, it may arise instead from the thoracoacromial, suprascapular,
or subscapular arteries. The lateral thoracic artery supplies the
pectoral, serratus anterior, and intercostal muscles, the axillary
lymph nodes, and the lateral aspect of the breast.
The subscapular artery, the
branch of the axillary artery with the greatest diameter but shortest
length descends along the lateral border of the subscapularis on the
posterior axillary wall. It soon terminates by dividing into the
circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries.
The circumflex scapular artery,
often the larger terminal branch of the subscapular artery, curves
posteriorly around the lateral border of the scapula, passing
posteriorly between the subscapularis and the teres major to supply
muscles on the dorsum of the scapula. It participates in the
anastomoses around the scapula.
The thoracodorsal artery
continues the general course of the subscapular artery to the inferior
angle of the scapula and supplies adjacent muscles, principally the
latissimus dorsi. It also participates in the arterial anastomoses
around the scapula.
The circumflex humeral arteries encircle the surgical neck of the humerus, anastomosing with each other. The smaller anterior circumflex humeral artery
passes laterally, deep to the coracobrachialis and biceps brachii. It
gives off an ascending branch that supplies the shoulder. The larger posterior circumflex humeral artery passes medially through the posterior wall of the axilla via the quadrangular space
with the axillary nerve to supply the glenohumeral joint and
surrounding muscles (e.g., the deltoid, teres major and minor, and long
head of the triceps) (Table 6.4).
Table 6.4. Arteries of the Proximal Upper Limb (Shoulder Region and Arm)
Figure 6.25. Anterior wall of axilla.
The clavicular head of the pectoralis major is excised except for its
clavicular and humeral attaching ends and two cubes, which remain to
identify its nerves. The anterior wall of the axilla is formed by the
pectoralis major and minor (and the pectoral and clavipectoral fascia
that envelops them). The pectoralis major covers the whole of this wall
and forms the anterior axillary fold. Extending between the superior
border of the pectoralis minor and the clavicle is the costocoracoid
membrane (part of the clavipectoral fascia), which is perforated by the
thoracoacromial artery and pectoral nerves (both exiting the axilla)
and the cephalic vein (entering the axilla).





Axillary Vein
The axillary vein lies
initially (distally) on the anteromedial side of the axillary artery,
with its terminal part anteroinferior to the artery (Fig. 6.26). This large vein is formed by the union of the brachial vein (the accompanying veins of the brachial artery) and the basilic vein
at the inferior border of the teres major. The axillary vein is
described as having three parts that correspond to the three parts of
the axillary artery. Thus the initial, distal end is the third part,
whereas the terminal, proximal end is the first part. The axillary vein
(first part) ends at the lateral border of the 1st rib, where it
becomes the subclavian vein. The veins of
the axilla are more abundant than the arteries, are highly variable,
and frequently anastomose. The axillary vein receives tributaries that
generally correspond to branches of the axillary artery with a few
major exceptions:
  • The veins corresponding to the branches
    of the thoracoacromial artery do not merge to enter by a common
    tributary; some enter independently into the axillary vein, but others
    empty into the cephalic vein, which then enters the axillary vein
    superior to the pectoralis minor, close to its transition into the
    subclavian vein.
  • The axillary vein receives, directly or indirectly, the thoracoepigastric vein(s),
    which is(are) formed by the anastomoses of superficial veins from the
    inguinal region with tributaries of the axillary vein (usually the
    lateral thoracic vein). These veins constitute a collateral route that
    enables venous return in the presence of obstruction of the inferior
    vena cava (see clinical correlation [blue] boxCollateral Routes for Abdominopelvic Venous Blood,” in Chapter 2).


Axillary Lymph Nodes
The fibrofatty connective tissue of the axilla (axillary
fat) contains many lymph nodes. The axillary lymph nodes are arranged
in five principal groups: pectoral, subscapular, humeral, central, and
apical. The groups are arranged in a manner that reflects the pyramidal
shape of the axilla (Fig. 6.23A). Three groups of axillary nodes are related to the triangular base, one group at each corner of the pyramid (Fig. 6.27A & B):
The pectoral (anterior) nodes
consist of three to five nodes that lie along the medial wall of the
axilla, around the lateral thoracic vein and the inferior border of the
pectoralis minor. The pectoral nodes receive lymph mainly from the
anterior thoracic wall, including most of the breast (especially the
superolateral [upper outer] quadrant and subareolar plexus; see Chapter 1).
The subscapular (posterior) nodes consist of six or seven nodes that lie along the posterior axillary fold and subscapular



blood vessels. These nodes receive lymph from the posterior aspect of the thoracic wall and scapular region.

Figure 6.26. Veins of axilla. Observe that the basilic vein parallels the brachial artery to the axilla, where it merges with the accompanying veins (L. venae comitantes)
of the axillary artery to form the axillary vein. Note the large number
of highly variable veins in the axilla, which are also tributaries of
the axillary vein.
Figure 6.27. Axillary lymph nodes and lymphatic drainage of right upper limb and breast. A.
Of the five groups of axillary lymph nodes, most lymphatic vessels from
the upper limb terminate in the humeral (lateral) and central lymph
nodes, but those accompanying the upper part of the cephalic vein
terminate in the apical lymph nodes. The lymphatics of the breast are
discussed in Chapter 1. B.
Lymph passing through the axillary nodes enters efferent lymphatic
vessels that form the subclavian lymphatic trunk, which usually empties
into the junctions of the internal jugular and subclavian veins (the
venous angles). Occasionally, on the right side, this trunk merges with
the jugular lymphatic and/or bronchomediastinal trunks to form a short
right lymphatic duct; usually on the left side, it enters the
termination of the thoracic duct. C. The
positions of the five groups of axillary nodes, relative to each other
and the pyramidal axilla. The typical pattern of drainage is shown.
The humeral (lateral) nodes
consist of four to six nodes that lie along the lateral wall of the
axilla, medial and posterior to the axillary vein. These nodes receive
nearly all the lymph from the upper limb, except that carried by the
lymphatic vessels accompanying the cephalic vein, which primarily drain
directly to the apical axillary and infraclavicular nodes.
Efferent lymphatic vessels from these three groups pass to the central nodes (Fig. 6.27C).
The central nodes are three or four large nodes situated deep to the
pectoralis minor near the base of the axilla, in association with the
second part of the axillary artery. Efferent vessels from the central
nodes pass to the apical nodes. The apical
nodes are located at the apex of the axilla along the medial side of
the axillary vein and the first part of the axillary artery. The apical
nodes receive lymph from all other groups of axillary lymph nodes as
well as from lymphatics accompanying the proximal cephalic vein.
Efferent vessels from the apical group of nodes traverse the cervicoaxillary canal. These efferent vessels ultimately unite to form the subclavian lymphatic trunk, although some vessels may drain en route through the clavicular (infraclavicular and supraclavicular) nodes. Once formed, the subclavian trunk may be joined by the jugular and bronchomediastinal trunks on the right side to form the right lymphatic duct, or it may enter the right venous angle independently. On the left side, the subclavian trunk most commonly joins the thoracic duct (Fig. 6.27A & B).
Brachial Plexus
Most nerves in the upper limb arise from the brachial plexus,
a major nerve network supplying the upper limb; it begins in the neck
and extends into the axilla. Almost all branches of the brachial plexus
arise in the axilla (after the plexus has


the 1st rib). The brachial plexus is formed by the union of the
anterior rami of the last four cervical (C5–C8) and the first thoracic
(T1) nerves that constitute the roots of the brachial plexus (Fig. 6.28; Table 6.5). The roots usually pass through the gap between the anterior and the middle scalene (L. scalenus anterior and medius) muscles with the subclavian artery (Figs. 6.29 and 6.30).
The sympathetic fibers carried by each root of the plexus are received
from the gray rami of the middle and inferior cervical ganglia as the
roots pass between the scalene muscles.

In the inferior part of the neck, the roots of the brachial plexus unite to form three trunks (Fig. 6.28):
  • A superior trunk, from the union of the C5 and C6 roots.
  • A middle trunk, which is a continuation of the C7 root.
  • An inferior trunk, from the union of the C8 and T1 roots.
Each trunk of the brachial plexus divides into anterior
and posterior divisions as the plexus passes through the
cervicoaxillary canal posterior to the clavicle. Anterior divisions of the trunks supply anterior (flexor) compartments of the upper limb, and posterior divisions of the trunks supply posterior (extensor) compartments.
The divisions of the trunks form three cords of the brachial plexus:
  • Anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks unite to form the lateral cord.
  • Anterior division of the inferior trunk continues as the medial cord.
  • Posterior divisions of all three trunks unite to form the posterior cord.
The cords bear the relationship to the second part of the axillary artery that is indicated by their names. For example,


the lateral cord is lateral to the axillary artery, although it may
appear to lie superior to the artery because it is most easily seen
when the limb is abducted.

Figure 6.28. Formation of brachial plexus.
This large nerve network is shown extending from the neck to the upper
limb via the cervicoaxillary canal (bound by the clavicle, 1st rib, and
superior scapula) to provide innervation to the upper limb and shoulder
region. The brachial plexus is typically formed by the anterior rami of
the C5–C8 nerves and the greater part of the anterior ramus of the T1
nerve (the roots of the brachial plexus). Observe the merging and continuation of certain roots of the plexus to three trunks, the separation of each trunk into anterior and posterior divisions, the union of the divisions to form three cords, and the derivation of the main terminal branches (peripheral nerves) from the cords as the products of plexus formation.
Figure 6.29. Dissection of right lateral cervical region (posterior triangle).
The brachial plexus and subclavian vessels have been dissected. The
anterior rami of spinal nerves C5–C8 (plus T1, concealed here by the
third part of the subclavian artery) constitute the roots of the
brachial plexus (numbered). Merging and subsequent splitting of the
nerve fibers conveyed by the roots form the trunks and divisions at the
level shown. The subclavian artery emerges between the middle and
anterior scalene muscles with the roots of the plexus. As the
neurovascular structures pass posterior to the clavicle, they are
traversing the cervicoaxillary canal connecting the neck and axilla.
The subclavius, although not of major importance as a muscle, affords
some protection to the underlying neurovascular structures when the
clavicle is (commonly) fractured in its middle third.
The products of plexus formation are multisegmental, peripheral (named) nerves. The brachial plexus is divided into supraclavicular and infraclavicular parts by the clavicle (Fig. 6.28; Table 6.5). Four branches of the supraclavicular part of the plexus
arise from the roots (anterior rami) and trunks of the brachial plexus
(dorsal scapular nerve, long thoracic nerve, nerve to subclavius, and
suprascapular nerve) and are approachable through the neck. In
addition, officially unnamed muscular branches
arise from all five roots of the plexus (anterior rami C5–T1), which
supply the scaleni and longus colli muscles. The C5 root of the phrenic nerve
(considered a branch of the cervical plexus) arises from the C5 plexus
root, joining the C3–C4 components of the nerve on the anterior surface
of the anterior scalene muscle (Fig 6.29). Branches of the infraclavicular part of the plexus
arise from the cords of the brachial plexus and are approachable
through the axilla. Counting side and terminal branches, three branches
arise from the lateral cord, whereas the medial and posterior cords
each give rise to five branches (counting the roots of the median nerve
as individual branches). The branches of the supra-clavicular and
infraclavicular parts of the brachial plexus are listed in Table 6.5, along with the origin, course and distribution of each branch.










The arm extends from the
shoulder to the elbow. Two types of movement occur between the arm and
the forearm at the elbow joint: flexion–extension and
pronation–supination. The muscles performing these movements are
clearly divided into anterior and posterior groups. The chief action of
both groups is at the elbow joint, but some muscles also act at the
glenohumeral joint. The superior part of the humerus provides
attachments for tendons of the shoulder muscles.
Muscles of the Arm
Of the four major arm muscles, three flexors (biceps
brachii, brachialis, and coracobrachialis) are in the anterior (flexor)
compartment, supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve (Figs. 6.31 and 6.32),
and one extensor (triceps brachii) is in the posterior compartment,
supplied by the radial nerve. A distally placed assistant to the
triceps, the anconeus, also lies within the posterior compartment. The
flexor muscles of the anterior compartment are almost twice as strong
as the extensors in all positions; consequently, we are better pullers
than pushers. It should be noted, however, that the extensors of the
elbow are particularly important for raising oneself out of a chair and
for wheelchair activity. Therefore, conditioning of the triceps is of
particular importance in elderly or disabled persons.
The arm muscles are illustrated and their attachments, innervation, and actions are described in Table 6.6.
Biceps Brachii
As the term biceps brachii indicates, the proximal attachment of this fusiform muscle usually has two heads (bi, two + L. caput, head). However, approximately 10% of people have a


third head to the biceps. The usual two heads of the biceps arise
proximally by tendinous attachments to processes of the scapula, their
fleshy bellies uniting just distal to the middle of the arm (Fig. 6.31).
When present, the third head extends from the superomedial part of the
brachialis (with which it is blended), usually lying posterior to the
brachial artery. In either case, a single biceps tendon forms distally and attaches primarily to the radius.

Figure 6.31. Posterior wall of axilla, musculocutaneous nerve, and posterior cord of brachial plexus.
The pectoralis major and minor muscles are reflected superolaterally,
and the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus are reflected
superomedially. All major vessels and the nerves arising from the
medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus (except for the
musculocutaneous nerve from the lateral cord) are removed. The
posterior cord, formed by the merging of the posterior divisions of all
three trunks of the brachial plexus, gives rise to five nerves: radial,
axillary, upper and lower subscapular, and thoracodorsal. Note that the
musculocutaneous nerve pierces the coracobrachialis muscle and that the
lower subscapular nerve supplies the teres major as well as the
Although the biceps is located in the anterior compartment of the arm (Fig. 6.32),
it has no attachment to the humerus. The biceps is a “three-joint
muscle,” crossing and capable of effecting movement at the
glenohumeral, elbow, and radioulnar joints, although it primarily acts
at the latter two. Its action and effectiveness is markedly affected by
the position of the elbow and forearm. When the elbow is extended, the
biceps is a simple flexor of the forearm; however, as elbow flexion
approaches 90° and more power is needed against resistance, the biceps
is capable of two powerful movements, depending on the position of the
forearm. When the elbow is flexed close to 90° and the forearm is
supinated, the biceps is most efficient in producing flexion.
Alternately, when the forearm is pronated, the biceps is the primary
(most powerful) supinator of the forearm. For example, it is used when
right-handed people drive a screw into hard wood and when inserting a
corkscrew and pulling the cork from a wine bottle. The biceps barely
operates as a flexor when the forearm is pronated, even against
resistance. In the semiprone position, it is active only against
resistance (Hamill and Knutzen, 2003).
Arising from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and crossing the head of the humerus within the cavity of the


glenohumeral joint, the rounded tendon of the long head of the biceps
continues to be surrounded by synovial membrane as it descends in the
intertubercular groove of the humerus. A broad band, the transverse humeral ligament, passes from the lesser to the greater tubercle of the humerus and converts the intertubercular groove into a canal (Table 6.6). The ligament holds the tendon of the long head of the biceps in the groove.

Figure 6.32. Muscles, neurovascular structures, and compartments of arm. A.
In this dissection of the right arm, the veins have been removed,
except for the proximal part of the axillary vein. The courses of the
musculocutaneous, median, and ulnar nerves and the brachial artery
along the medial (protected) aspect of the arm are demonstrated. Their
courses generally parallel the medial intermuscular septum that
separates the anterior and posterior compartments in the distal two
thirds of the arm. B. In this transverse
section of the right arm, the three heads of the triceps and the radial
nerve and its companion vessels (in contact with the humerus) lie in
the posterior compartment. C. This transverse MRI demonstrates the features shown in part B. The numbered structures are identified in part B.
(Courtesy of Dr. W. Kucharczyk, Chair of Medical Imaging and Clinical
Director of Tri-Hospital Resonance Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
Distally, the major attachment of the biceps is to the
radial tuberosity via the biceps tendon. However, a triangular
membranous band, called the bicipital aponeurosis,
runs from the biceps tendon across the cubital fossa and merges with
the antebrachial (deep) fascia covering the flexor muscles in the
medial side of the forearm. It attaches indirectly by means of the
fascia to the subcutaneous border of the ulna. The proximal part of the
bicipital aponeurosis can be easily felt where it passes obliquely over
the brachial artery and median nerve (Fig. 6.33A).
The bicipital aponeurosis affords protection for these and other
structures in the cubital fossa. It also helps lessen the pressure of
the biceps tendon on the radial tuberosity during pronation and
supination of the forearm.
To test the biceps brachii,
the elbow joint is flexed against resistance when the forearm is
supinated. If acting normally, the muscle forms a prominent bulge on
the anterior aspect of the arm that is easily palpated.





Figure 6.33. Dissections of cubital fossa. A.
In this superficial dissection, the distal end of the brachial artery
lies medial to the biceps tendon. During the measurement of blood
pressure, a stethoscope is placed here to listen to pulsations of the
brachial artery. At this level, the median nerve lies on the medial
aspect of the brachial artery, and both are deep to the bicipital
aponeurosis (Fig. 6.38A). B.
In this deep dissection, part of the biceps is excised and the cubital
fossa is opened widely by retracting the forearm extensor muscles
laterally and the flexor muscles medially. The radial nerve, which has
just left the posterior compartment of the arm by piercing the lateral
intermuscular septum, emerges between the brachialis and the
brachioradialis and divides into a superficial (sensory) and a deep
(motor) branch (Fig. 6.39A).
The superficial branch remains under the protection of the
brachioradialis, but the deep branch pierces the supinator to return to
the posterior aspect of the limb. The brachial artery is dividing into
its terminal branches: the ulnar artery, which runs deeply, and the
radial artery, which remains superficial; thus its pulsations are
palpable throughout the forearm.
The brachialis is a
flattened fusiform muscle that lies posterior (deep) to the biceps. Its
distal attachment covers the anterior part of the elbow joint (Figs. 6.31, 6.32, 6.33 and 6.39A).
The brachialis is the main flexor of the forearm. It is the only pure
flexor, producing the greatest amount of flexion force. It flexes the
forearm in all positions, not being affected by pronation and
supination; during both slow and quick movements; and in the presence
or absence of resistance. When the forearm is extended slowly, the
brachialis steadies the movement by slowly relaxing—that is, eccentric
contraction (you use it to pick up and put down a teacup carefully, for
example). The brachialis always contracts when the elbow is flexed and
is primarily responsible for sustaining the flexed position. Because of
its important and almost constant role, it is regarded as the workhorse
of the elbow flexors.
The coracobrachialis is an elongated muscle in the superomedial part of the arm. It is a useful landmark for locating other structures in the arm (Figs. 6.31 and 6.32; Table 6.6). For example, the musculocutaneous nerve pierces it, and the


distal part of its attachment indicates the location of the nutrient
foramen of the humerus. The coracobrachialis helps flex and adduct the
arm and stabilize the glenohumeral joint. With the deltoid and long
head of the triceps, it serves as a shunt muscle,
resisting downward dislocation of the head of the humerus, as when
carrying a heavy suitcase. The median nerve and/or the brachial artery
may run deep to the coracobrachialis and be compressed by it.

Triceps Brachii
The triceps brachii is a large fusiform muscle in the posterior compartment of the arm (Figs. 6.32 and 6.34; Table 6.6).
As indicated by its name, the triceps has three heads: long, lateral,
and medial. The triceps is the main extensor of the forearm. Because
its long head crosses the glenohumeral
joint, the triceps helps stabilize the adducted glenohumeral joint by
serving as a shunt muscle, resisting inferior displacement of the head
of the humerus. The long head also aids in extension and adduction of
the arm, but it is actually the least active head. The medial head is the workhorse of forearm extension, active at all speeds and in the presence or absence of resistance. The lateral head is strongest but is recruited into activity primarily against resistance. (Hamill and Knutzen, 2003).
Pronation and supination of the forearm do not affect triceps
operation. Just proximal to the distal attachment of the triceps is a
friction-reducing subtendinous olecranon bursa, between the triceps tendon and the olecranon.
To test the triceps (or to
determine the level of a radial nerve lesion), the arm is abducted 90°
and then the flexed forearm is extended against resistance provided by
the examiner. If acting normally, the triceps can be seen and palpated.
Its strength should be comparable with the contralateral muscle, given
consideration for lateral dominance (right or left handedness).
The anconeus is a small,
relatively unimportant triangular muscle on the posterolateral aspect
of the elbow; it is usually partially blended with the triceps (Table 6.6).
The anconeus helps the triceps extend the forearm and tenses of the
capsule of the elbow joint, preventing its being pinched during
extension. It is also said to abduct the ulna during pronation of the
Brachial Artery
The brachial artery provides the main arterial supply to the arm and is the continuation of the axillary artery (Fig. 6.35). It begins at the inferior border of the teres major (Figs. 6.32A and 6.35) and ends in the cubital fossa opposite the neck of the radius where, under cover of the bicipital aponeurosis, it


divides into the radial and ulnar arteries (Figs. 6.33B and 6.35).
The brachial artery, relatively superficial and palpable throughout its
course, lies anterior to the triceps and brachialis. At first it lies
medial to the humerus where its pulsations are palpable in the medial bicipital groove (Fig. 6.32B). It then passes anterior to the medial supraepicondylar ridge and trochlea of the humerus (Figs. 6.35 and 6.36). As it passes inferolaterally, the brachial artery accompanies the median nerve, which crosses anterior to the artery (Figs. 6.32A and 6.36). During its course through the arm, the brachial artery gives rise to many unnamed muscular branches and the humeral nutrient artery (Fig. 6.35),
which arise from its lateral aspect. The unnamed muscular branches are
often omitted from illustrations, but they are evident during

Figure 6.34. Muscles of scapular region and posterior region of arm.
The lateral head of the triceps brachii is divided and displaced to
show the radial nerve and the deep artery of the arm. The exposed bone
of the radial groove, which is devoid of muscular attachment, separates
the humeral attachments of the lateral and medial heads of the triceps
(bony attachments are illustrated in Table 6.6).
The structures traversing the quadrangular space and the ulnar nerve
passing posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus (where the
nerve is most commonly injured) are also demonstrated.
Figure 6.35. Arterial supply of arm and proximal forearm.
Functionally and clinically important periarticular arterial
anastomoses surround the elbow. The resulting collateral circulation
allows blood to reach the forearm when flexion of the elbow compromises
flow through the terminal part of the brachial artery.
The main named branches of the brachial artery arising from its medial aspect are the deep artery of the arm and the superior and inferior ulnar collateral arteries. The collateral arteries help form the periarticular arterial anastomoses of the elbow region.
Other arteries involved are recurrent branches, sometimes double, from
the radial, ulnar, and interosseous arteries, which run superiorly
anterior and posterior to the elbow joint. These arteries anastomose
with descending articular branches of the deep artery of the arm and
the ulnar collateral arteries.
Deep Artery of the Arm
The deep artery of the arm (L. arteria profunda brachii)
is the largest branch of the brachial artery and has the most superior
origin. The deep artery accompanies the radial nerve along the radial
groove as it passes posteriorly around the shaft of the humerus (Figs. 6.34 and 6.36). The deep artery terminates by dividing into middle and radial collateral arteries that participate in the periarticular arterial anastomoses around the elbow.
Humeral Nutrient Artery
The main humeral nutrient artery arises from the brachial artery around the middle of the arm (Fig. 6.35) and enters the


nutrient canal on the anteromedial surface
of the humerus. The artery runs distally in the canal toward the elbow.
Other smaller humeral nutrient arteries also occur.

Figure 6.36. Relationship of the arteries and nerves of the arm to the humerus.
The cords of the brachial plexus surround the axillary artery. The
radial nerve and accompanying deep artery of the arm wind posteriorly
around, and directly on the surface of, the humerus in the radial
groove. The radial nerve and radial collateral artery then pierce the
lateral intermuscular septum to enter the anterior compartment. The
ulnar nerve pierces the medial intermuscular septum to enter the
posterior compartment and then lies in the groove for the ulnar nerve
on the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The
median nerve descends in the arm to the medial side of the cubital
fossa, where it is well protected and rarely injured (Figs. 6.33 and 6.39).
Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery
The superior ulnar collateral artery
arises from the medial aspect of the brachial artery near the middle of
the arm and accompanies the ulnar nerve posterior to the medial
epicondyle of the humerus (Figs. 6.32A and 6.35).
Here it anastomoses with the posterior ulnar recurrent artery and the
inferior ulnar collateral artery, participating in the periarticular
arterial anastomoses of the elbow.
Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery
The inferior ulnar collateral artery arises from the brachial artery approximately 5 cm proximal to the elbow crease (Figs. 6.32A, 6.33, and 6.35).
It then passes inferomedially anterior to the medial epicondyle of the
humerus and joins the anastomoses of the elbow region by anastomosing
with the anterior ulnar recurrent artery.


Veins of the Arm
Two sets of veins of the arm,
superficial and deep, anastomose freely with each other. The
superficial veins are in the subcutaneous tissue, and the deep veins
accompany the arteries. Both sets of veins have valves, but they are
more numerous in the deep veins than in the superficial veins.
Superficial Veins
The two main superficial veins of the arm, the cephalic and basilic veins (Figs. 6.32B & C and 6.33), are described in “Superficial Structures of the Upper Limb,” earlier in this chapter.
Deep Veins
Paired deep veins, collectively constituting the brachial vein, accompany the brachial artery (Fig. 6.33A).
Their frequent connections encompass the artery, forming an anastomotic
network within a common vascular sheath. The pulsations of the brachial
artery help move the blood through this venous network. The brachial
vein begins at the elbow by union of the accompanying veins of the ulnar and radial arteries and end by merging with the basilic vein to form the axillary vein. Not uncommonly, the deep veins join to form one brachial vein during part of their course.
Nerves of the Arm
Four main nerves pass through the arm: median, ulnar, musculocutaneous, and radial (Fig. 6.36). Their origins from the brachial plexus, courses in the upper limb, and the structures innervated by them are summarized in Table 6.5. The median and ulnar nerves supply no branches to the arm.
Musculocutaneous Nerve
The musculocutaneous nerve
begins opposite the inferior border of the pectoralis minor, pierces
the coracobrachialis, and continues distally between the biceps and
brachialis (Fig. 6.33B). After supplying all three muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm, the nerve emerges lateral to the biceps as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
It becomes truly subcutaneous when it pierces the deep fascia proximal
to the cubital fossa to course initially with the cephalic vein in the
subcutaneous tissue. After crossing the anterior aspect of the elbow,
it continues to supply the skin of the lateral aspect of the forearm.
Radial Nerve in the Arm
The radial nerve supplies
all the muscles in the posterior compartment of the arm (and forearm).
The radial nerve enters the arm posterior to the brachial artery,
medial to the humerus, and anterior to the long head of the triceps,
where it gives branches to the long and medial heads of the triceps (Fig. 6.31).
The radial nerve then descends inferolaterally with the deep brachial
artery and passes around the humeral shaft in the radial groove (Figs. 6.32B, 6.34, and 6.36).
The branch to the lateral head of the triceps arises within the radial
groove. When it reaches the lateral border of the humerus, the radial
nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular septum and continues inferiorly
in the anterior compartment of the arm between the brachialis and the
brachioradialis to the level of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (Fig. 6.33B). The radial nerve then divides into deep and superficial branches.
  • The deep branch of the radial nerve is entirely muscular and articular in its distribution.
  • The superficial branch of the radial nerve is entirely cutaneous in its distribution, supplying sensation to the dorsum of the hand and fingers.
Median Nerve in the Arm
The median nerve runs
distally in the arm on the lateral side of the brachial artery until it
reaches the middle of the arm, where it crosses to the medial side and
contacts the brachialis (Fig. 6.36). The median
nerve then descends into the cubital fossa, where it lies deep to the
bicipital aponeurosis and median cubital vein (Fig. 6.33). The median nerve has no branches in the axilla or the arm, but it does supply articular branches to the elbow joint.
Ulnar Nerve in the Arm
The ulnar nerve passes
distally from the axilla anterior to the insertion of the teres major
and to the long head of the triceps, on the medial side of the brachial
artery (Fig. 6.32). Around the middle of the
arm it pierces the medial intermuscular septum with the superior ulnar
collateral artery and descends between the septum and the medial head
of the triceps (Fig. 6.36). The ulnar nerve passes posterior to the medial epicondyle and medial to the olecranon to enter the forearm (Fig. 6.30C).
Posterior to the medial epicondyle, where the ulnar nerve is referred
to in lay terms as the “crazy bone,” it is superficial, easily
palpable, and vulnerable to injury. Like the median nerve, the ulnar
nerve has no branches in the arm, but it also supplies articular
branches to the elbow joint.


Cubital Fossa
The cubital fossa is seen
superficially as a depression on the anterior aspect of the elbow.
Deeply, it is a space filled with a variable amount of fat anterior to
the most distal part of the humerus and the elbow joint. The three
boundaries of the triangular cubital fossa are as follows (Figs. 6.33 and 6.37C):
  • Superiorly, an imaginary line connecting the medial and lateral epicondyles.
  • Medially, the mass of flexor muscles of
    the forearm arising from the common flexor attachment on the medial
    epicondyle; most specifically, the pronator teres.
  • Laterally, the mass of extensor muscles
    of the forearm arising from the lateral epicondyle and supraepicondylar
    ridge; most specifically, the brachioradialis.
The floor of the cubital fossa is formed by the
brachialis and supinator muscles of the arm and forearm, respectively.
The roof of the cubital fossa is formed by the continuity of brachial
and antebrachial (deep) fascia reinforced by the bicipital aponeurosis (Figs. 6.38 and 6.39), subcutaneous tissue, and skin.
The contents of the cubital fossa are the (Figs. 6.33 and 6.38A):
  • Terminal part of the brachial artery and
    the commencement of its terminal branches, the radial and ulnar
    arteries. The brachial artery lies between the biceps tendon and the
    median nerve.
  • (Deep) accompanying veins of the arteries.
  • Biceps brachii tendon.
  • Median nerve.
  • Radial nerve, deep between the muscles
    forming lateral boundary of the fossa (the brachioradialis, in
    particular) and the brachialis, dividing into its superficial and deep
    branches. The muscles must be retracted to expose the nerve.
Superficially, in the subcutaneous tissue overlying the fossa are the median cubital vein,
lying anterior to the brachial artery, and the medial and lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerves, related to the basilic and cephalic


Figure 6.37. Bones, muscles, and compartments of forearm. A.
An anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the forearm in pronation is
shown. (Courtesy of Dr. J. Heslin, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.) B. The bones of the forearm and the radioulnar ligaments are demonstrated. C. In this dissection the superficial muscles of the forearm and the palmar aponeurosis are revealed. D. This stepped transverse section demonstrates the compartments of the forearm. E.
The flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and related structures are
shown. Observe the ulnar artery descending obliquely posterior to the
FDS to meet and accompany the ulnar nerve.


Figure 6.38. Cross sections demonstrating relationships at level of cubital fossa, proximal forearm, and wrist. A.
At the level of the cubital fossa, the flexors and extensor of the
elbow occupy the anterior and posterior aspects of the humerus. Lateral
and medial extensions (epicondyles and supraepicondylar ridges) of the
humerus provide proximal attachment (origin) for the forearm flexors
and extensors. B. Consequently, in the
proximal forearm, the “anterior” flexor–pronator compartment actually
lies anteromedially, and the “posterior” extensor–supinator compartment
lies posterolaterally. The radial artery (laterally) and the sharp,
subcutaneous posterior border of the ulna (medially) are palpable
features separating the anterior and posterior compartments. No motor
nerves cross either demarcation, making them useful for surgical
approaches. Ext. digit., extensor digitorum; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris. C.
At the level of the wrist, nine tendons from three muscles (and one
nerve) of the anterior compartment of the forearm traverse the carpal
tunnel; eight of the tendons share a common synovial flexor sheath.


Figure 6.39. Antebrachial fascia and superficial muscles of forearm.
The brachioradialis, representing the lateral group of muscles,
slightly overlaps the radial artery. The four superficial muscles of
the anterior (flexor–pronator) compartment of the forearm (pronator
teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi
ulnaris) radiate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus (Fig. 6.38C).
Over the distal ends of the radius and ulna, the antebrachial fascia
thickens to form the extensor retinaculum posteriorly and a
corresponding thickening, the palmar carpal ligament, anteriorly.
Immediately distal and at a deeper level to the latter thickening, the
flexor retinaculum (also continuous with the distal part of the
antebrachial fascia), retains the tendons of the flexor muscles of the
hand and fingers in the carpal tunnel.




The forearm is the distal
unit of the articulated strut of the upper limb. It extends from the
elbow to the wrist and contains two bones, the radius and ulna (Fig. 6.37A, B, & D),
which are joined by an interosseous membrane. Although thin, this
fibrous membrane is strong. In addition to firmly tying the forearm
bones together while permitting pronation and supination, the interosseous membrane
provides the proximal attachment for some deep forearm muscles. The
head of the ulna is at the distal end of the forearm, whereas the head
of the radius is at its proximal end. The role of forearm movement,
occurring at the elbow and radioulnar joints, is to assist the shoulder
in the application of force and in controlling the placement of the
hand in space.
Compartments of the Forearm
As in the arm, the muscles of similar purpose and
innervation are grouped within the same fascial compartments in the
forearm. Although the proximal boundary of the forearm per se is
defined by the joint plane of the elbow, functionally the forearm
includes the distal humerus. For the distal forearm, wrist, and hand to
have minimal bulk to maximize their functionality, they are operated by
“remote control” by extrinsic muscles having their bulky, fleshy,
contractile parts located proximally in the forearm, distant from the
site of action. Their long, slender tendons extend distally to the
operative site, like long ropes reaching to distant pulleys.
Furthermore, because the structures on which the muscles and tendons
act (wrist and fingers) have an extensive range of motion, a long range
of contraction is needed, requiring that the muscles have long
contractile parts as well as a long tendon(s).
The forearm proper is not, in fact, long enough to
provide the required length and sufficient area for attachment
proximally, so the proximal attachments (origins) of the muscles must
occur proximal to the elbow—in the arm—and be provided by the humerus.
Generally, flexors lie anteriorly and extensors posteriorly; however,
the anterior and posterior aspects of the distal humerus are occupied
by the chief flexors and extensors of the elbow (Fig. 6.38A).
To provide the required attachment sites for the flexors and extensors
of the wrist and fingers, medial and lateral extensions (epicondyles
and supraepicondylar ridges) have developed from the distal humerus.
The medial epicondyle and supraepicondylar ridge provide attachment for
the forearm flexors, and the lateral formations provide attachment for
the forearm extensors. Thus rather than lying strictly anteriorly and
posteriorly, the proximal parts of the “anterior” (flexor–pronator)
compartment of the forearm lie anteromedially, and the “posterior”
(extensor–supinator) compartment lies posterolaterally (Figs. 6.37D, 6.38B, and 6.40C).
Spiraling gradually over the length of the forearm, the compartments
become truly anterior and posterior in position in the distal forearm
and wrist. These fascial compartments, containing the muscles in
functional groups, are demarcated by the subcutaneous border of the
ulna posteriorly (in the proximal forearm) and then medially (distal
forearm) and by the radial artery anteriorly and then laterally. These
structures are palpable (the artery by its pulsations) throughout the
forearm. Because neither boundary is crossed by motor nerves, they also
provide sites for surgical incision.


Figure 6.40. Extensor muscles of right forearm. A.
The superficial layer of extensor muscles is shown. The distal extensor
tendons have been removed from the dorsum of the hand without
disturbing the arteries because they lie on the skeletal plane. The
fascia on the posterior aspect of the forearm is thickened to form the
extensor retinaculum, which is anchored on its deep aspect to the
radius and ulna. B. The deep layer of
extensor muscles is shown. Three outcropping muscles of the thumb*
emerge from between the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the extensor
digitorum: abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and
extensor pollicis longus. The furrow from which the three muscles
emerge has been opened proximally to the lateral epicondyle, exposing
the supinator muscle. C. This transverse section of the forearm shows the superficial and deep layers of muscles in the posterior compartment (pink), supplied by the radial nerve, and the anterior compartment (gold), supplied by the ulnar and median nerves. Figure 6.38B also demonstrates these concepts.


The flexors and pronators of the forearm are in the anterior compartment and are served mainly by the median nerve; the one and a half exceptions are innervated by the ulnar nerve.
The extensors and supinators of the forearm are in the posterior
compartment and are all served by the radial nerve (directly or by its
deep branch). The fascial compartments of the limbs generally end at
the joints; therefore, fluids and infections in compartments are
usually contained and cannot readily spread to other compartments. The
anterior compartment is exceptional in this regard because it
communicates with the central compartment of the palm through the
carpal tunnel (Fig. 6.38C).
Muscles of the Forearm
There are 17 muscles crossing the elbow joint, some of
which act on the elbow joint exclusively, whereas others act at the
wrist and fingers. In the proximal part of the forearm, the muscles
form fleshy masses extending inferiorly from the medial and lateral
epicondyles of the humerus (Figs. 6.37C and 6.38A). The tendons of these muscles pass through the distal part of the forearm and continue into the wrist, hand, and fingers (Figs. 6.37C & E and 6.38C).
The flexor muscles of the anterior compartment have approximately twice
the bulk and strength of the extensor muscles of the posterior
Flexor–Pronator Muscles of the Forearm
The flexor muscles of the forearm are in the anterior (flexor–pronator) compartment of the forearm and are separated from the extensor muscles of the forearm by the radius and ulna (Fig. 6.38B) and, in the distal two thirds of the forearm, by the interosseous membrane that connects them (Fig. 6.37B & D). The tendons of most flexor muscles are located on the anterior surface of the wrist and are held in place by the palmar carpal ligament and the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament), thickenings of the antebrachial fascia (Figs. 6.37C and 6.39). The flexor muscles are arranged in three layers or groups (Table 6.7):
  • A superficial layer or group
    of four muscles (pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris
    longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris). These muscles are all attached
    proximally by a common flexor tendon to the medial epicondyle of the humerus, the common flexor attachment.
  • An intermediate layer, consisting of one muscle (flexor digitorum superficialis).
  • A deep layer or group of three muscles (flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus).
The five superficial and intermediate muscles cross the elbow joint; the three deep muscles do not. With the exception of the pronator quadratus, the more distally placed a muscle’s distal attachment lies, the more distally and deeply placed is its proximal attachment.
All muscles in the anterior compartment of the forearm
are supplied by the median and/or ulnar nerves (most by the median;
only one and a half exceptions are supplied by the ulnar).
Functionally, the brachioradialis is a flexor of the forearm, but it is
located in the posterior (posterolateral) or extensor compartment and
is thus supplied by the radial nerve. Therefore, the brachioradialis is
a major exception to the rule that (1) the radial nerve supplies only
extensor muscles and (2) that all flexors lie in the anterior (flexor)
The long flexors of the digits
(flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus) also
flex the metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints. The flexor digitorum
profundus flexes the fingers in slow action; this action is reinforced
by the flexor digitorum superficialis when speed and flexion against
resistance are required. When the wrist is flexed at the same time that
the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are flexed, the long
flexor muscles of the fingers are operating over a shortened distance
between attachments, and the action resulting from their contraction is
consequently weaker. Extending the wrist increases their operating
distance, and thus their contraction is more efficient in producing a
strong grip (Fig. 6.48). Tendons of the long
flexors of the digits pass through the distal part of the forearm,
wrist, and palm and continue to the medial four fingers. The flexor
digitorum superficialis flexes the middle phalanges, and the flexor
digitorum profundus flexes the distal phalanges.
The attachments, innervation, and main actions of the
muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm are listed by
layers, in Table 6.7. The following discussion provides additional details, beginning with the muscles of the superficial and intermediate layers.
Pronator Teres
The pronator teres, a
fusiform muscle, is the most lateral of the superficial forearm
flexors. Its lateral border forms the medial boundary of the cubital
To test the pronator teres,
the person’s forearm is flexed at the elbow and pronated from the
supine position against resistance provided by the examiner. If acting
normally, the muscle is prominent and can be palpated at the medial
margin of the cubital fossa.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
The flexor carpi radialis
(FCR) is a long fusiform muscle located medial to the pronator teres.
In the middle of the forearm, its fleshy belly is replaced by a long,
flattened tendon that becomes cord-like as it approaches the wrist. The
FCR produces flexion (when acting with the flexor carpi ulnaris) and
abduction of the wrist (when acting with the extensors carpi radialis
longus and brevis). When acting alone, the FCR produces a combination
of flexion and abduction simultaneously at the wrist so that the hand
moves anterolaterally. To reach its distal attachment, the FCR tendon
passes through a canal in the lateral part of the flexor retinaculum
and through a vertical groove in the trapezium in its own synovial tendinous sheath of the flexor carpi radialis (Fig. 6.38C). The FCR tendon is a good guide to the radial artery, which lies just lateral to it (Fig. 6.37C).
To test the flexor carpi radialis, the person is asked to flex the wrist against resistance. If acting normally, its tendon can be easily seen and palpated.


Table 6.7. Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervationa Main Action
Superficial (first) layer
Pronator teres        
  Ulnar head Coronoid process Middle of convexity of lateral surface of radius Median nerve (C6, C7) Pronates and flexes forearm (at elbow)
  Humeral head Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor origin)    
Flexor carpi radialis (FCR) Base of 2nd metacarpal Flexes and abducts hand (at wrist)
Palmaris longus Distal half of flexor retinaculum and apex of palmar aponeurosis Median nerve (C7, C8) Flexes hand (at wrist) and tenses palmar aponeurosis
Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) Flexes and adducts hand (at wrist)
  Humeral head Pisiform, hook of hamate, 5th metacarpal Ulnar nerve (C7, C8)  
  Ulnar head Olecranon and posterior border (via aponeurosis)
Intermediate (second) layer
Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)       Flexes middle phalanges at
proximal interphalangeal joints of middle four fingers; acting more
strongly, it also flexes proximal phalanges at metacarpophalangeal
Humeroulnar head Medial epicondyle (common flexor origin and coronoid process) Shafts (bodies) of middle phalanges of medial four fingers Median nerve (C7, C8, T1)
Radial head Superior half of anterior border
Deep (third) layer
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) Proximal three quarters of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna and interosseous membrane Bases of distal phalanges of 4th and 5th fingers Ulnar nerve (C8, T1) Flexes distal phalanges 4 and 5 at distal interpha-langeal joints
Medial part
Lateral part Anterior interosseous nerve, from median nerve (C8, T1) Flexes distal phalanges 2 and 3 at distal interpha-langeal joints
Flexor pollicis longus (FPL) Anterior surface of radius and adjacent interosseous membrane Base of distal phalanx of thumb Flexes phalanges of 1st digit (thumb)
Pronator quadratus Distal quarter of anterior surface of ulna Distal quarter of anterior surface of radius   Pronates forearm; deep fibers bind radius and ulna together
a The spinal cord segmental innervation is indicated (e.g., “C6, C7
means that the nerves supplying the pronator teres are derived from the
sixth and seventh cervi-cal segments of the spinal cord). Numbers in
boldface (C7) indicate the main segmental innervation. Damage to
one or more of the listed spinal cord segments or to the motor nerve
roots arising from them results in paralysis of the muscles concerned.


Palmaris Longus
The palmaris longus, a small
fusiform muscle, is absent on one or both sides (usually the left) in
approximately 14% of people, but its actions are not missed. It has a
short belly and a long, cord-like tendon that passes superficial to the
flexor retinaculum and attaches to it and the apex of the palmar
aponeurosis (Figs. 6.37C and 6.39).
The palmaris longus tendon is a useful guide to the median nerve at the
wrist. The tendon lies deep and slightly medial to this nerve before it
passes deep to the flexor retinaculum.
To test the palmaris longus,
the wrist is flexed and the pads of the little finger and thumb are
tightly pinched together. If present and acting normally, the tendon
can be easily seen and palpated.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
The flexor carpi ulnaris
(FCU) is the most medial of the superficial flexor muscles. The FCU
simultaneously flexes and adducts the hand at the wrist if acting
alone. It flexes the wrist when it acts with the FCR and adducts it
when acting with the extensor carpi ulnaris. The ulnar nerve enters the
forearm by passing between the humeral and the ulnar heads of its
proximal attachment (Fig. 6.37C).
This muscle is exceptional among muscles of the anterior compartment,
being fully innervated by the ulnar nerve. The tendon of the FCU is a
guide to the ulnar nerve and artery, which are on its lateral side at
the wrist (Fig. 6.37C & E).
To test the flexor carpi ulnaris,
the person puts the posterior aspect of the forearm and hand on a flat
table and is then asked to flex the wrist against resistance while the
examiner palpates the muscle and its tendon.
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
The flexor digitorum superficialis
(FDS) is often included with the superficial muscles of the forearm,
which attach to the common flexor origin and therefore cross the elbow (Table 6.7).
When considered this way, it is the largest superficial muscle in the
forearm. However, the FDS actually forms an intermediate layer between
the superficial and the deep groups of forearm muscles (Fig. 6.37C & E). The median nerve and ulnar artery enter the forearm by passing between its humeroulnar and radial heads (Table 6.7A & C).
Near the wrist, the FDS gives rise to four tendons, which pass deep to
the flexor retinaculum through the carpal tunnel to the fingers. The
four tendons are enclosed (along with the four tendons of the flexor
digitorum profundus) in a synovial common flexor sheath (Fig. 6.38C).
The FDS flexes the middle phalanges of the medial four fingers at the
proximal interphalangeal joints. In continued action, the FDS also
flexes the proximal phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joints and the
wrist joint. The FDS is capable of flexing each finger it serves
To test the flexor digitorum superficialis,
one finger is flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint against
resistance and the other three fingers are held in an extended position
to inactivate the flexor digitorum profundus.
The fascial plane between the intermediate and the deep
layers of muscles makes up the primary neurovascular plane of the
anterior (flexor–pronator) compartment; the main neurovascular bundles
exclusive to this compartment course within it.
The following three muscles form the deep layer of forearm flexor muscles.
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
The flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) is the only muscle that can flex the distal interphalangeal joints of the fingers (Fig. 6.37E).
This thick muscle “clothes” the anterior aspect of the ulna. The FDP
flexes the distal phalanges of the medial four fingers after the FDS
has flexed their middle phalanges (i.e., it curls the fingers and
assists with flexion of the hand, making a fist). Each tendon is
capable of flexing two interphalangeal joints, the metacarpophalangeal
joint and the wrist joint. The FDP divides into four parts, which end
in four tendons that pass posterior to the FDS tendons and the flexor
retinaculum within


the common flexor sheath (Fig. 6.38C).
The part of the muscle going to the index finger usually separates from
the rest of the muscle relatively early in the distal part of the
forearm and is capable of independent contraction. Each tendon enters
the fibrous sheath of its digit, posterior to the FDS tendons. Unlike
the FDS, the FDP can flex only the index finger independently; thus the
fingers can be independently flexed at the proximal but not the distal
interphalangeal joints.

To test the flexor digitorum profundus,
the proximal interphalangeal joint is held in the extended position
while the person attempts to flex the distal interphalangeal joint. The
integrity of the median nerve in the proximal forearm can be tested by
performing this test using the index finger, and that of the ulnar
nerve can be assessed by using the little finger.
Flexor Pollicis Longus
The flexor pollicis longus (FPL), the long flexor of the thumb (L. pollex,
thumb), lies lateral to the FDP, where it clothes the anterior aspect
of the radius distal to the attachment of the supinator (Fig. 6.37C & E; Table 6.7A & D). The flat FPL tendon passes deep to the flexor retinaculum, enveloped in its own synovial tendinous sheath of the flexor pollicis longus on the lateral side of the common flexor sheath (Fig. 6.38C).
The FPL primarily flexes the distal phalanx of the thumb at the
interphalangeal joint and, secondarily, the proximal phalanx and 1st
metacarpal at the metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints,
respectively. The FPL is the only muscle that flexes the
interphalangeal joint of the thumb. It also may assist in flexion of
the wrist joint.
To test the flexor pollicis longus, the proximal phalanx of the thumb is held and the distal phalanx is flexed against resistance.
Pronator Quadratus
The pronator quadratus, as its name indicates, is quadrangular and pronates the forearm (Figs. 6.37E and 6.39).
It cannot be palpated or observed, except in dissections, because it is
the deepest muscle in the anterior aspect of the forearm. Sometimes it
is considered to constitute a fourth muscle layer. The pronator
quadratus clothes the distal fourth of the radius and ulna and the
interosseous membrane between them (Table 6.7A & E).
The pronator quadratus is the only muscle that attaches only to the
ulna at one end and only to the radius at the other end. The pronator
quadratus is the prime mover for pronation. The muscle initiates
pronation; it is assisted by the pronator teres when more speed and
power are needed. The pronator quadratus also helps the interosseous
membrane hold the radius and ulna together, particularly when upward
thrusts are transmitted through the wrist (e.g., during a fall on the
Extensor Muscles of the Forearm
The extensor muscles are in the posterior (extensor–supinator) compartment of the forearm, and all are innervated by branches of the radial nerve (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41; Table 6.8). These muscles can be organized physiologically into three functional groups:
  • Muscles that extend and abduct or adduct
    the hand at the wrist joint (extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor
    carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris).
  • Muscles that extend the medial four fingers (extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi).
  • Muscles that extend or abduct the thumb (abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and extensor pollicis longus).
The extensor tendons are held in place in the wrist region by the extensor retinaculum,
which prevents bowstringing of the tendons when the hand is extended at
the wrist joint. As the tendons pass over the dorsum of the wrist, they
are provided with synovial tendon sheaths
that reduce friction for the extensor tendons as they traverse the
osseofibrous tunnels formed by the attachment of the extensor
retinaculum to the distal radius and ulna (Fig. 6.41).
The extensor muscles of the forearm are organized anatomically into superficial and deep layers. Four of the superficial extensors
(extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti
minimi, and extensor carpi ulnaris) are attached proximally by a common extensor tendon to the lateral epicondyle (Fig. 6.40; Table 6.8).
The proximal attachment of the other two muscles in the superficial
group (brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus) is to the
lateral supraepicondylar ridge of the humerus and adjacent lateral
intermuscular septum. The four flat tendons of the extensor digitorum
pass deep to the extensor retinaculum to the medial four fingers. The
common tendons of the index and little fingers are joined on their
medial sides near the knuckles by the respective tendons of the
extensor indicis and extensor digiti minimi (extensors of the index and
little fingers, respectively).


Figure 6.41. Synovial sheaths and tendons on distal forearm and dorsum of hand. A. Observe that the six synovial tendon sheaths (blue)
occupy six osseofibrous tunnels formed by attachments of the extensor
retinaculum to the ulna and especially the radius, which give passage
to 12 tendons of nine extensor muscles. Numbers refer to the labeled
osseofibrous tunnels. B. This slightly
oblique transverse section of the distal end of the forearm shows the
extensor tendons traversing the six osseofibrous tunnels deep to the
extensor retinaculum.
The attachments, innervation, and main actions of the
muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm are provided, by
layer, in Table 6.8. The following discussion provides additional details.
The brachioradialis, a fusiform muscle, lies superficially on the anterolateral surface of the forearm (Figs. 6.39 and 6.40). It forms the lateral border of the cubital fossa (Fig. 6.38C).
As mentioned previously, the brachioradialis is exceptional among
muscles of the posterior (extensor) compartment in that it has rotated
to the anterior aspect of the humerus and thus flexes the forearm at
the elbow. It is especially active during quick movements or in the
presence of resistance during flexion of the forearm (e.g., when a
weight is lifted), acting as a shunt muscle resisting subluxation of
the head of the radius. The brachioradialis and the supinator are the
only muscles of the compartment that do not cross and therefore are
incapable of acting at the wrist. As it descends, the brachioradialis
overlies the radial nerve and artery where they lie together on the
supinator, pronator teres tendon, FDS, and FPL. The distal part of the
tendon is covered by the abductors pollicis longus and brevis as they
pass to the thumb (Fig. 6.40).
To test the brachioradialis,
the elbow joint is flexed against resistance with the forearm in the
midprone position. If the brachioradialis is acting normally, the
muscle can be seen and palpated.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
The extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), a fusiform muscle, is partly overlapped by the brachioradialis, with which it often blends (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41).
As it passes distally, posterior to the brachioradialis, its tendon is
crossed by the abductor pollicis brevis and extensor pollicis brevis.
The ECRL is indispensable when clenching the fist.


Table 6.8. Muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Forearm
Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervationa Main Action
Superficial layer
Brachioradialis Proximal two thirds of supraepicondylar ridge of humerus Lateral surface of distal end of radius proximal to styloid process Radial nerve (C5, C6, C7) Relatively week flexion of forearm, maximal when forearm is in midpronated position
Extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus Dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal Radial nerve (C6, C7) Extend and abduct hand at the wrist joint; ECRL active during fist clenching
Extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor origin) Doral aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8)
Extensor digitorum Extensor expansions of medial four fingers Posterior interosseous nerve (C7, C8), continuation of deep branch of radial nerve Extends medial four fingers primarily at metacarpophalangeal joints, secondarily at interphalangeal joints
Extensor digiti minimi (EDM) Extensor expansion of 5th finger Extends 5th finger primarily at metacarpophalangeal joint, secondarily at interphalangeal joint
Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) Lateral epicondyle of humerus; posterior border of ulna via a shared aponeurosis Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metacarpal Extends and adducts hand at wrist joint (also active during fist clenching)
Deep layer
Supinator Lateral epicondyle of humerus; radial collateral and anular ligaments; supinator fossa; crest of ulna Lateral posterior, and anterior surfaces of proximal third of radius Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8) Supinates forearm; rotates radius to turn palm anteriorlyor superiorly (if elbow is flexed)
Extensor indicis Posterior surface of distal third of ulna and interosseous membrane Extensor expansion of 2nd finger Posterior interosseous nerve (C7, C8), continuation of deep branch of radial nerve Extends 2nd finger (enabling its independent extension); helps extend hand at wrist
Outcropping muscles of deep layer
Abductor pollicis longus (APL) Posterior surface of proximal halves of ulna, radius, and interosseous membrane Base of 1st metacarpal Posterior interosseous nerve (C7, C8), continuation of deep branch of radial nerve Abducts thumb and extends it at carpometacarpal joint
Extensor pollicis longus (EPL) Posterior surface of middle third of ulna and interosseous membrane Dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb Extends distal phalanx of thumb at interphalangeal joint; extends metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints
Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) Posterior surface of distal third of radius and interosseous membrane Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of thumb Extends proximal phalanx of thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint; extends carpometacarpal joint
aThe spinal cord segmental innervation is indicated (e.g., “C7,
C8” means that the nerves supplying the extensor carpi radialis brevis
are derived from the seventh and eighth cervical segments of the spinal
cord). Numbers in boldface (C7) indicate the main segmental
innervation. Damage to one or more of the listed spinal cord segments
or to the motor nerve roots arising from them results in paralysis of
the muscles concerned.


To test the extensor carpi radialis longus,
the wrist is extended and abducted with the forearm pronated. If acting
normally, the muscle can be palpated inferoposterior to the lateral
side of the elbow. Its tendon can be palpated proximal to the wrist.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
The extensor carpi radialis brevis
(ECRB), as its name indicates, is a shorter muscle than the ECRL
because it arises distally in the limb, yet it attaches adjacent to the
ECRL in the hand (but to the base of the 3rd metacarpal rather than the
2nd). As it passes distally, it is covered by the ECRL. The ECRB and
ECRL pass under the extensor retinaculum together within the tendinous sheath of the extensor carpi radiales (Fig. 6.41).
The two muscles act together to various degrees, usually as synergists
to other muscles. When the two muscles act by themselves, they abduct
the hand as they extend it. Acting with the extensor carpi ulnaris,
they extend the hand (the brevis is more involved in this action);
acting with the FCR they produce pure abduction. Their synergistic
action with the extensor carpi ulnaris is important in steadying the
wrist during tight flexion of the medial four fingers (clenching a
fist), a function in which the longus is more active.
Extensor Digitorum
The extensor digitorum, the principal extensor of the medial four fingers, occupies much of the posterior surface of the forearm (Figs. 6.40, 6.41, 6.42). Proximally its four tendons join the tendon of the extensor indicis to pass deep to the extensor retinaculum through the tendinous sheath of the extensor digitorum and extensor indicis (common extensor synovial sheath) (Fig. 6.41A & B).
On the dorsum of the hand, the tendons spread out as they run toward
the fingers. Adjacent tendons are linked proximal to the knuckles
(metacarpophalangeal joints) by three oblique intertendinous connections
that restrict independent extension of the fingers (especially the ring
finger). Consequently, normally no finger can remain fully flexed as
the other ones are fully extended. Commonly, the fourth tendon is fused
initially with the tendon to the ring finger and reaches the little
finger by a tendinous band.
On the distal ends of the metacarpals and along the phalanges, the four tendons flatten to form extensor expansions (Fig. 6.42).
Each extensor digital expansion (dorsal expansion or hood) is a
triangular, tendinous aponeurosis that wraps around the dorsum and
sides of a head of the metacarpal and proximal phalanx. The visor-like
“hood” formed by the extensor expansion over the head of the
metacarpal, holding the extensor tendon in the middle of the digit, is
anchored on each side to the palmar ligament (a reinforced portion of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joints) (Fig. 6.42B & D). In forming the extensor expansion, each flexor digitorum tendon divides into a median band, which passes to the base of the middle phalanx, and two lateral bands, which pass to the base of the distal phalanx (Fig. 6.42D & E). The tendons of the interosseous and lumbrical muscles of the hand join the lateral bands of the extensor expansion (Fig. 6.42).
The retinacular ligament is
a delicate fibrous band that runs from the proximal phalanx and fibrous
digital sheath obliquely across the middle phalanx and two
interphalangeal joints (Fig. 6.42C).
It joins the extensor expansion to the distal phalanx. During flexion
of the distal interphalangeal joint, the retinacular ligament becomes
taut and pulls the proximal joint into flexion. Similarly, on extending
the proximal joint, the distal joint is pulled by the retinacular
ligament into nearly complete extension.


Figure 6.42. Dorsal digital (extensor) apparatus of 3rd digit. The metacarpal bone and all three phalanges are shown in parts A, B, D, and E; only the phalanges are shown in part C. A.
This posterior view shows the extensor digitorum tendon trifurcating
(expanding) into three bands: two lateral bands that unite over the
middle phalanx to insert into the base of the distal phalanx, and one
median band that inserts into the base of the middle phalanx. B.
Part of the tendon of the interosseous muscles attaches to the base of
the proximal phalanx; the other part contributes to the extensor
expansion, attaching primarily to the lateral bands, but also fans out
into an aponeurosis. Some of the aponeurotic fibers fuse with the
median band, and other fibers arch over it to blend with the
aponeurosis arising from the other side. On the radial side of each
digit, a lumbrical muscle attaches to the radial lateral band. The
dorsal hood consists of a broad band of transversely oriented fibers
attached anteriorly to the palmar ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal
(MP) joints that encircle the metacarpal head and MP joint, blending
with the extensor expansion to keep the apparatus centered over the
dorsal aspect of the digit. C. Distally,
retinacular ligaments extending from the fibrous digital sheath to the
lateral bands also help keep the apparatus centered and coordinate
movements at the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and distal
interphalangeal (DIP) joints. D.
Contraction of the extensor digitorum alone results in extension at all
joints (including the MP joint in the absence of action by the
interossei and lumbricals). E. Because of the relationship of the tendons and the lateral bands to the rotational centers of the joints (red dots in parts D and E),
simultaneous contraction of the interossei and lumbricals produces
flexion at the MP joint but extension at the PIP and DIP joints (the
so-called Z-movement).


The extensor digitorum acts primarily to extend proximal
phalanges and, through its collateral reinforcements, it secondarily
extends the middle and distal phalanges as well. After exerting its
traction on the digits, or in the presence of resistance to digital
extension, it helps extend the hand at the wrist joint.
To test the extensor digitorum,
the forearm is pronated and the fingers are extended. The person
attempts to keep the fingers extended at the metacarpophalangeal joints
as the examiner exerts pressure on the proximal phalanges by attempting
to flex them. If acting normally, the extensor digitorum can be
palpated in the forearm, and its tendons can be seen and palpated on
the dorsum of the hand.
Extensor Digiti Minimi
The extensor digiti minimi (EDM), a fusiform slip of muscle, is a partially detached part of the extensor digitorum (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41).
The tendon of this extensor of the little finger runs through a
separate compartment of the extensor retinaculum, posterior to the
distal radioulnar joint, within the tendinous sheath of the extensor digiti minimi.
The tendon then divides into two slips; the lateral one is joined to
the tendon of the extensor digitorum, with all three tendons attaching
to the dorsal digital expansion of the little finger. After exerting
its traction primarily on the 5th finger, it contributes to extension
of the hand.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
The extensor carpi ulnaris
(ECU), a long fusiform muscle located on the medial border of the
forearm, has two heads: a humeral head from the common extensor tendon
and an ulnar head that arises by a common aponeurosis attached to the
posterior border of the ulna and shared by the FCU, FDP, and deep
fascia of the forearm. Distally, its tendon runs in a groove between
the ulnar head and its styloid process, through a separate compartment
of the extensor retinaculum within the tendinous sheath of the extensor carpi ulnaris.
Acting with the ECRL and ECRB, it extends the hand; acting with the
FCU, it adducts the hand. Like the ECRL, it is indispensable when
clenching the fist.
To test the extensor carpi ulnaris,
the forearm is pronated and the fingers are extended. The extended
wrist is then adducted against resistance. If acting normally, the
muscle can be seen and palpated in the proximal part of the forearm and
its tendon can be felt proximal to the head of the ulna.
Figure 6.43. Relationship of radial nerve to brachialis and supinator muscles.
In the cubital fossa, lateral to the brachialis, the radial nerve
divides into deep (motor) and superficial (sensory) branches. The deep
branch penetrates the supinator muscle and emerges in the posterior
compartment of the forearm as the posterior interosseous nerve. It
joins the artery of the same name to run in the plane between the
superficial and the deep extensors of the forearm.
The supinator lies deep in the cubital fossa and, along with the brachialis, forms its floor (Figs. 6.40 and 6.43).
Spiraling medially and distally from its continuous, osseofibrous
origin, this sheet-like muscle envelops the neck and proximal part of
the shaft of the radius. The deep branch


the radial nerve passes between its muscle fibers, separating them into
superficial and deep parts, as it passes from the cubital fossa to the
posterior part of the arm. As it exits the muscle and joins the
posterior interosseous artery, it may be referred to as the posterior
interosseous nerve. The supinator is the prime mover for slow,
unopposed supination, especially when the forearm is extended. The
biceps brachii also supinates the forearm and is the prime mover during
rapid and forceful supination against resistance when the forearm is
flexed (e.g., when a right-handed person drives a screw).

The deep extensors of the forearm
act on the thumb (abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus,
and extensor pollicis brevis) and the index finger (extensor indicis) (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41; Table 6.8).
The three muscles acting on the thumb are deep to the superficial
extensors and “crop out” (emerge) from the furrow in the lateral part
of the forearm that divides the extensors. Because of this
characteristic, they are referred to as outcropping muscles (Fig. 6.40A).
Abductor Pollicis Longus
The abductor pollicis longus
(APL) has a long, fusiform belly that lies just distal to the supinator
and is closely related to the extensor pollicis brevis. Its tendon, and
sometimes its belly, is commonly split into two parts, one of which may
attach to the trapezium instead of the usual site at the base of the
1st metacarpal. The APL acts with the abductor pollicis brevis during
abduction of the thumb and with the extensor pollicis muscles during
extension of this digit. Although deeply situated, the APL emerges at
the wrist as one of the outcropping muscles. Its tendon passes deep to
the extensor retinaculum with the tendon of the extensor pollicis
brevis in the common synovial tendinous sheath of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.
To test the abductor pollicis longus,
the thumb is abducted against resistance at the metacarpophalangeal
joint. If acting normally, the tendon of the muscle can be seen and
palpated at the lateral side of the anatomical snuff box and on the lateral side of the adjacent extensor pollicis brevis tendon.
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
The belly of the extensor pollicis brevis
(EPB), the fusiform short extensor of the thumb, lies distal to the APL
and is partly covered by it. Its tendon lies parallel and immediately
medial to that of the APL but extends farther, reaching the base of the
proximal phalanx (Fig. 6.41). In continued
action after acting to flex the proximal phalanx of the thumb, or
acting when that joint is fixed by its antagonists, it helps extend the
1st metacarpal and extend and abduct the hand. When the thumb is fully
extended, a hollow called the anatomical snuff box, can be seen on the radial aspect of the wrist (Fig. 6.44).
To test the extensor pollicis brevis,
the thumb is extended against resistance at the metacarpophalangeal
joint. If the EPB is acting normally, the tendon of the muscle can be
seen and palpated at the lateral side of the anatomical snuff box and
on the medial side of the adjacent APL tendon (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41).
Extensor Pollicis Longus
The extensor pollicis longus (EPL) is larger and its tendon is longer than that of the EPB (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41). The tendon passes under the extensor retinaculum in its own tunnel, within the tendinous sheath of the extensor pollicis longus,
medial to the dorsal tubercle of the radius. It uses the tubercle as a
trochlea (pulley) to change its line of pull as it proceeds to the base
of the distal phalanx of the thumb. The gap thus created between the
long extensor tendons of the thumb is the anatomical snuff box. In addition to its main actions (Table 6.8), the EPL also adducts the extended thumb and rotates it laterally.
To test the extensor pollicis longus,
the thumb is extended against resistance at the interphalangeal joint.
If the EPL is acting normally, the tendon of the muscle can be seen and
palpated on the medial side of the anatomical snuff box.
The tendons of the APL and EPB bound the anatomical snuff box anteriorly, and the tendon of the EPL bounds it posteriorly (Figs. 6.40, 6.41, and 6.44).
The snuff box is visible when the thumb is fully extended; this draws
the tendons up and produces a triangular hollow between them. Observe
that the:
  • Radial artery lies in the floor of the snuff box.
  • Radial styloid process can be palpated proximally and the



    base of the 1st metacarpal can be palpated distally in the snuff box.

    Figure 6.44. Anatomical snuff box. A.
    When the thumb is extended, a triangular hollow appears between the
    tendon of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) medially and the tendons
    of the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) and abductor pollicis longus
    (APL) laterally. B. The floor of the snuff
    box, formed by the scaphoid and trapezium bones, is crossed by the
    radial artery as it passes diagonally from the anterior surface of the
    radius to the dorsal surface of the hand.
  • Scaphoid and trapezium can be felt in the floor of the snuff box between the radial styloid process and the 1st metacarpal (see clinical correlation [blue] boxFracture of the Scaphoid,” earlier in this chapter).
Extensor Indicis
The extensor indicis has a narrow, elongated belly that lies medial to and alongside that of the EPL (Figs. 6.40 and 6.41).
This muscle confers independence to the index finger in that the
extensor indicis may act alone or together with the extensor digitorum
to extend the index finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint, as in
pointing. It also helps extend the hand.
Arteries of the Forearm
The main arteries of the forearm are the ulnar and
radial arteries, which usually arise opposite the neck of the radius in
the inferior part of the cubital fossa as terminal branches of the
brachial artery (Fig. 6.45). The origins and courses of the named arteries of the forearm are described in Table 6.9. The following discussion provides additional details.
Ulnar Artery
Pulsations of the ulnar artery
can be palpated on the lateral side of the FCU tendon, where it lies
anterior to the ulnar head. The ulnar nerve is on the medial side of
the ulnar artery. Branches of the ulnar artery arising in the forearm
participate in the periarticular anastomosis of the elbow and supply
muscles of the medial and central forearm, the common flexor sheath,
and the ulnar and median nerves.
  • The anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries
    anastomose with the inferior and superior ulnar collateral arteries,
    respectively, thereby participating in the periarticular arterial
    anastomoses of the elbow. The anterior and posterior




    arteries may be present as anterior and posterior branches of a (common) ulnar recurrent artery.

    Figure 6.45. Flexor digitorum superficialis and related vasculature.
    Three muscles of the superficial layer (pronator teres, flexor carpi
    radialis, and palmaris longus) have been removed, leaving only their
    attaching ends; the fourth muscle of the layer (the flexor carpi
    ulnaris) has been retracted medially. The tendinous humeral attachment
    of the FDS to the medial epicondyle is thick; and the linear attachment
    to the radius, immediately distal to the radial attachments of the
    supinator and pronator teres, is thin (Table 6.7).
    The ulnar artery and median nerve pass between the humeral and the
    radial heads of the FDS. The artery descends obliquely deep to the FDS
    to join the ulnar nerve, which descends vertically near the medial
    border of the FDS (exposed here by splitting a fusion of the FDS and
    the FCU). A (proximal) probe is elevating the FDS tendons (and median
    nerve and persisting median artery). A second (distal) probe is
    elevating all the remaining structures that cross the wrist
    (radiocarpal) joint anteriorly.
    Table 6.9. Arteries of the Forearm and Wrist
    Artery Origin Course in Forearm
    Ulnar As larger terminal branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa Descends inferomedially and
    then directly inferiorly, deep to superficial (pronator teres and
    palmaris longus) and intermediate (flexor digitorum superficialis)
    layers of flexor muscles to reach medial side of forearm; passes
    superficial to flexor retinaculum at wrist in ulnar (Guyon) canal to
    enter hand
    Anterior ulnar recurrent artery Ulnar artery just distal to elbow joint Passes superiorly between
    brachialis and pronator teres, supplying both; then anastomoses with
    inferior ulnar collateral artery anterior to medial epicondyle
    Posterior ulnar recurrent artery Ulnar artery distal to anterior ulnar recurrent artery Passes superiorly, posterior
    to medial epicondyle and deep to tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris; then
    anastomoses with superior ulnar collateral artery
    Common interosseous Ulnar artery in cubital fossa, distal to bifurcation of brachial artery Passes laterally and deeply, terminating quickly by dividing into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries
    Anterior interosseous As terminal branches of common interosseous artery, between radius and ulna Passes distally on anterior
    aspect of interosseous membrane to proximal border of pronator
    quadratus; pierces membrane and continues distally to join dorsal
    carpal arch on posterior aspect of interosseous membrane
    Posterior interosseous Passes to posterior aspect of
    interosseous membrane, giving rise to recurrent interosseous artery;
    runs distally between superficial and deep extensor muscles, supplying
    both; replaced distally by anterior interosseous artery
    Recurrent interosseous Posterior interosseous artery, between radius and ulna Passes superiorly, posterior
    to proximal radioulnar joint and capitulum, to anastomose with middle
    collateral artery (from deep brachial artery)
    Palmar carpal branch Ulnar artery in distal forearm Runs across anterior aspect of
    wrist, deep to tendons of flexor digitorum profundus, to anastomose
    with the palmar carpal branch of the radial artery, forming palmar
    carpal arch
    Dorsal carpal branch Ulnar artery, proximal to pisiform Passes across dorsal surface
    of wrist, deep to extensor tendons, to anastomose with dorsal carpal
    branch of radial artery, forming dorsal carpal arch
    Radial As smaller terminal branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa Runs inferolaterally under
    cover of brachioradialis; lies lateral to flexor carpi radialis tendon
    in distal forearm; winds around lateral aspect of radius and crosses
    floor of anatomical snuff box to pierce first dorsal interosseous muscle
    Radial recurrent Lateral side of radial artery, just distal to brachial artery bifurcation Ascends between
    brachioradialis and brachialis, supplying both (and elbow joint); then
    anastomoses with radial collateral artery (from deep brachial artery)
    Palmar carpal branch Distal radial artery near distal border of pronator quadratus Runs across anterior wrist
    deep to flexor tendons to anastomose with the palmar carpal branch of
    ulnar artery to form palmar carpal arch
    Dorsal carpal branch Distal radial artery in proximal part of snuff box Runs medially across wrist
    deep to pollicis and extensor radialis tendons, anastomoses with ulnar
    dorsal carpal branch forming dorsal carpal arch
  • The common interosseous artery,
    a short branch of the ulnar artery, arises in the distal part of the
    cubital fossa and divides almost immediately into anterior and
    posterior interosseous arteries.
  • The anterior interosseous artery
    passes distally, running directly on the anterior aspect of the
    interosseous membrane with the anterior interosseous nerve, whereas the
    posterior interosseous artery courses
    between the superficial and the deep layers of the extensor muscles in
    the company of the posterior interosseous nerve. The relatively small
    posterior interosseous artery is the principal artery serving the
    structures of the middle third of the posterior compartment. Thus it is
    mostly exhausted in the distal forearm and is replaced by the anterior
    interosseous artery, which pierces the interosseous membrane near the
    proximal border of the pronator quadratus.
  • Unnamed muscular branches of the ulnar artery supply muscles on the medial side of the forearm, mainly those in the flexor–pronator group.
Radial Artery
The pulsations of the radial artery
can be felt throughout the forearm, making it useful as an
anterolateral demarcation of the flexor and extensor compartments of
the forearm. When the brachioradialis is pulled laterally, the entire
length of the artery is visible (Fig. 6.45; Table 6.9).
The radial artery lies on muscle until it reaches the distal part of
the forearm. Here it lies on the anterior surface of the radius and is
covered by only skin and fascia, making this an ideal location for
checking the radial pulse. The course of the radial artery in the
forearm is represented by a line joining the midpoint of the cubital
fossa to a point just medial to the radial styloid process. The radial
artery leaves the forearm by winding around the lateral aspect of the
wrist and crosses the floor of the anatomical snuff box (Figs. 6.44 and 6.45).
  • The radial recurrent artery participates in the periarticular arterial anastomoses around the elbow by anastomosing with the radial collateral artery, a branch of the deep artery of the arm.
  • The palmar and dorsal carpal branches of the radial artery
    participate in the periarticular arterial anastomosis around the wrist
    by anastomosing with the corresponding branches of the ulnar artery and
    terminal branches of the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries,
    forming the palmar and dorsal carpal arches.
  • The unnamed muscular branches of the radial artery
    supply muscles in the adjacent (anterolateral) aspects of both the
    flexor and the extensor compartments because the radial artery runs
    along (and demarcates) the anterolateral boundary between the


Veins of the Forearm
In the forearm, as in the arm, there are superficial and
deep veins. The superficial veins ascend in the subcutaneous tissue.
The deep veins accompany the deep arteries of the forearm.
Superficial Veins
The pattern, common variations, and clinical
significance of the superficial veins of the upper limb were discussed
earlier in this chapter.
Deep Veins
Deep veins accompanying arteries are plentiful in the forearm (Fig. 6.46). These accompanying veins (L. venae comitantes) arise from the anastomosing deep venous palmar arch in the hand. From the lateral side of the arch, paired radial veins arise and accompany the radial artery; from the medial side, paired ulnar veins
arise and accompany the ulnar artery. The veins accompanying each
artery anastomose freely with each other. The radial and ulnar veins
drain the forearm but carry


little blood from the hand. The deep veins ascend in the forearm along
the sides of the corresponding arteries, receiving tributaries from
veins leaving the muscles with which they are related. Deep veins
communicate with the superficial veins. The deep interosseous veins,
which accompany the interosseous arteries, unite with the accompanying
veins of the radial and ulnar arteries. In the cubital fossa the deep
veins are connected to the median cubital vein, a superficial vein. These deep cubital veins also unite with the accompanying veins of the brachial artery.

Figure 6.46. Deep venous drainage of upper limb.
The deep accompanying veins surround the arteries as their companions,
with which they share names. They are relatively small, usually paired,
and interconnected at intervals by transverse branches.
Nerves of the Forearm
The nerves of the forearm are the median, ulnar, and
radial. The median nerve is the principal nerve of the anterior
(flexor–pronator) compartment of the forearm (Figs. 6.38B and 6.48).
Although the radial nerve appears in the cubital region, it soon enters
the posterior (extensor–supinator) compartment of the forearm. Besides
the cutaneous branches, there are only two nerves of the anterior
aspect of the forearm: the median and ulnar nerves. The named nerves of
the forearm are illustrated and their origins and courses are described
in Table 6.10. The following discussion provides additional details and discusses unnamed branches.
Median Nerve in the Forearm
The median nerve is the principal nerve of the anterior compartment of the forearm (Fig. 6.47).
It supplies muscular branches directly to the muscles of the
superficial and intermediate layers of forearm flexors (except the
FCU), and deep muscles (except for the medial [ulnar] half of the FDP)
via its branch, the anterior interosseous nerve.
The median nerve has no branches in the arm other than
small twigs to the brachial artery. Its major named nerve in the
forearm is the anterior interosseous nerve (Table 6.10). In addition, the following unnamed branches of the median nerve arise in the forearm:
  • Articular branches. These branches pass to the elbow joint as the median nerve passes it.
  • Muscular branches. The nerve to the pronator teres
    usually arises at the elbow and enters the lateral border of the
    muscle. A broad bundle of nerves pierces the superficial flexor group
    of muscles and innervates the FCR, the palmaris longus, and the FDS.
  • Anterior interosseous nerve.
    This branch runs distally on the interosseous membrane with the
    anterior interosseous branch of the ulnar artery. After supplying the
    deep forearm flexors (except the ulnar part of the FDP, which sends
    tendons to 4th and 5th fingers), it passes deep to and supplies the
    pronator quadratus, then ends by sending articular branches to the
    wrist joint.
  • Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve.
    This branch arises in the forearm, just proximal to the flexor
    retinaculum, but is distributed to skin of the central part of the palm.


Table 6.10. Nerves of the Forearm
Nerve Origin Course in Forearm
Median By union of lateral root of
median nerve (C6 and C7, from lateral cord of brachial plexus) with
medial root (C8 and T1) from medial cord)
Enters cubital fossa medial to
brachial artery; exits by passing between heads of pronator teres;
descends in fascial plane between flexors digitorum superficialis and
profundus; runs deep to palmaris longus tendon as it approaches flexor
retinaculum to traverse carpal tunnel
Anterior interosseous Median nerve in distal part of cubital fossa Descends on anterior aspect of
interosseous membrane with artery of same name, between FDP and FPL, to
pass deep to pronator quadratus
Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve Median nerve of middle to distal forearm, proximal to flexor retinaculum Passes superficial to flexor reticulum to reach skin of central palm
Ulnar Larger terminal branch of medial cord of brachial plexus (C8 and T1, often receives fibers from C7) Enters forearm by passing
between heads of flexor carpi ulnaris, after passing posterior to
medial epicondyle of humerus; descends forearm between FCU and FDP;
becomes superficial in distal forearm
Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve Ulnar nerve near middle of forearm Descends anterior to ulnar
artery; perforates deep fascia in distal forearm; runs in subcutaneous
tissue to palmar skin medial to axis of 4th finger
Dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve Ulnar nerve in distal half of forearm Passes posteroinferiorly
between ulna and flexor carpi ulnaris; enters subcutaneous tissue to
supply skin of dorsum medial to axis of 4th finger
Radial Larger terminal branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus (C5–T1) Enters cubital fossa between
brachioradialis and brachialis; anterior to lateral epicondyle divides
into terminal superficial and deep branches
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm Radial nerve, as it traverses radial groove of posterior humerus Perforates lateral head of triceps; descends along lateral side of arm and posterior aspect of forearm to wrist
Superficial branch of radial nerve Sensory terminal branch of radial nerve, in cubital fossa Descends between pronator
teres and brachioradialis, emerging from latter to arborize over
anatomical snuff box and supply skin of dorsum lateral to axis of 4th
Deep branch of radial/posterior interosseous nerve Motor terminal branch of radial nerve, in cubital fossa Deep branch exits cubital
fossa winding around neck of radius, penetrating and supplying
supinator; emerges in posterior compartment of forearm as posterior
interosseous; descends on membrane with artery of same name
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm Continuation of musculocutaneous nerve distal to muscular branches Emerges lateral to biceps
brachii on brachialis, running initially with cephalic vein; descends
along lateral border of forearm to wrist
Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm Medial cord of brachial plexus, receiving C8 and T1 fibers Perforates deep fascia of arm
with basilic vein proximal to cubital fossa; descends medial aspect of
forearm in subcutaneous tissue to wrist


Figure 6.47. Neurovascular structures in anterior aspect of forearm and wrist. A.
At the elbow, the brachial artery lies between the biceps tendon and
the median nerve. It bifurcates into the radial and ulnar arteries. In
the forearm, the radial artery courses between the extensor and the
flexor muscle groups. B. This deep
dissection of the distal part of the forearm and proximal part of the
hand shows the course of the arteries and nerves.
Ulnar Nerve in the Forearm
Like the median nerve, the ulnar nerve
does not give rise to branches during its passage through the arm. In
the forearm it supplies only one and a half muscles, the FCU (as it
enters the forearm by passing between its two heads of proximal
attachment) and the ulnar part of the FDP, which sends tendons to the
4th and 5th fingers. The ulnar nerve and artery emerge from beneath the
FCU tendon and become superficial just proximal to the wrist. They pass
superficial to the flexor retinaculum and enter the hand by passing
through a groove between the pisiform and the hook of the hamate. A
band of fibrous tissue from the flexor retinaculum bridges the groove
to form the small ulnar canal (Guyon canal) (Fig. 6.47B).
The branches of the ulnar nerve arising in the forearm include unnamed
muscular and articular branches, and cutaneous branches that pass to
the hand:
  • Articular branches pass to the elbow joint while the nerve is between the olecranon and medial epicondyle.
  • Muscular branches supply the FCU and the medial half of the FDP.
  • The palmar and dorsal cutaneous branches arise from the ulnar nerve in the forearm, but their sensory fibers are distributed to the skin of the hand.


Radial Nerve in the Forearm
Unlike the medial and ulnar nerves, the radial nerve
serves motor and sensory functions in both the arm and the forearm (but
only sensory functions in the hand). However, its sensory and motor
fibers are distributed in the forearm by two separate branches, the
superficial (sensory or cutaneous) and deep radial/posterior
interosseous nerve (motor). It divides into these terminal branches as
it appears in the cubital fossa, anterior to the lateral epicondyle of
the humerus, between the brachialis and the brachioradialis (Fig. 6.43).
The two branches immediately part company, the deep branch winding
laterally around the radius, piercing the supinator enroute to the
posterior compartment.
The posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm
arises from the radial nerve in the posterior compartment of the arm,
as it runs along the radial groove of the humerus. Thus it reaches the
forearm independent of the radial nerve, descending in the subcutaneous
tissue of the posterior aspect of the forearm to the wrist, supplying
the skin.
The superficial branch of the radial nerve
is also a cutaneous nerve, but it gives rise to articular branches as
well. It is distributed to skin on the dorsum of the hand and to a
number of joints in the hand, branching soon after it emerges from the
overlying brachioradialis and crosses the roof of the anatomical snuff
box (Fig. 6.44).
After it pierces the supinator, the deep branch of the radial nerve
runs in the fascial plane between superficial and deep extensor muscles
in close proximity to the posterior interosseous artery; it is usually
referred to as the posterior interosseous nerve (Fig. 6.43).
It supplies motor innervation to all the muscles with fleshy bellies
located entirely in the posterior compartment of the forearm (distal to
the lateral epicondyle of the humerus).



Lateral and Medial Cutaneous Nerves of Forearm
The lateral cutaneous nerve
of the forearm (lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve) is the
continuation of the musculocutaneous nerve after its motor branches
have all been given off to the muscles of the anterior compartment of
the arm. The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve) is an independent branch of the medial cord of the brachial plexus. With the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm
from the radial nerve, each supplying the area of skin indicated by its
name, these three nerves provide all the cutaneous innervation of the
forearm. There is no “anterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.” (Memory device: This is similar to the brachial plexus, which has lateral, medial and posterior cords, but no anterior cord.)
Although the arteries, veins, and nerves of the forearm
have been considered separately, it is important to place them into
their anatomical context. Except for the superficial veins, which often
course independently in the subcutaneous tissue, these neurovascular
structures usually exist as components of neurovascular bundles. These
bundles are composed of arteries, veins (in the limbs, usually in the
form of accompanying veins), and nerves as well as lymphatic vessels,
which are usually surrounded by a neurovascular sheath of varying



The wrist is located at the junction of the forearm and hand, and the hand
is the manual part of the upper limb distal to the forearm. Once
positioned at the desired height and location relative to the body by
movements at the shoulder and elbow, and the direction of action is
established by pronation and supination of the forearm, the working
position or attitude (tilt) of the hand is adjusted by movement at the
wrist joint. The skeleton of the hand consists of carpals in the wrist, metacarpals in the hand proper, and phalanges
in the digits. The digits are numbered from one to five, beginning with
the thumb and ending with the little finger. The palmar aspect of the
hand features a central concavity that, with the crease proximal to it
(over the wrist bones) separates two eminences: a lateral, larger and
more prominent thenar eminence at the base of the thumb, and a medial, smaller hypothenar eminence proximal to the base of the 5th finger (Fig SA6.13).
Because of the importance of manual dexterity in occupational and recreational activities, a good understanding of the


structure and function of the hand is essential for all persons
involved in maintaining or restoring its activities: free motion, power
grasping, precision handling, and pinching.

Figure 6.48. Functional positions of hand. A.
In the power grip, when grasping an object, the metacarpophalangeal
(MP) and interphalangeal (IP) joints are flexed, but the radiocarpal
and midcarpal joints are extended. “Cocking” (extension of) the wrist
increases the distance over which the flexor tendons act, increasing
tension of the long flexor tendons beyond that produced by maximal
contraction of the muscles alone. B. The
hook grip (flexion of the IP joints of the 2nd–4th digits) resists
gravitational (downward) pull with only digital flexion. C. The precision grip is used when writing. D and E. One uses the precision grip to hold a coin to enable manipulation (D) and when pinching an object (E). F. Casts for fractures are applied with the hand and wrist in the resting position. Note the mild extension of the wrist. G and H. When gripping an unattached rod loosely (G) or firmly (H),
the 2nd and 3rd carpometacarpal joints are rigid and stable, but the
4th and 5th are saddle joints permitting flexion and extension. The
increased flexion changes the angle of the rod during the firm grip.
The power grip (palm grasp)
refers to forcible motions of the digits acting against the palm; the
fingers are wrapped around an object with counterpressure from the
thumb—for example, when grasping a cylindrical structure (Fig. 6.48A).
The power grip involves the long flexor muscles to the fingers (acting
at the interphalangeal joints), the intrinsic muscles in the palm
(acting at the metacarpophalangeal joints), and the


of the wrist (acting at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints). The
“cocking” of the wrist by the extensors increases the distance over
which the flexors of the fingers act, producing the same result as a
more complete muscular contraction. Conversely, as flexion increases at
the wrist, the grip becomes weaker and more insecure.

A hook grip is the posture of the hand that is used when carrying a briefcase (Fig. 6.48B).
This grip consumes less energy, involving mainly the long flexors of
the fingers, which are flexed to a varying degree, depending on the
size of the object that is grasped.
The precision handling grip
involves a change in the position of a handled object that requires
fine control of the movements of the fingers and thumb—for example,
holding a pencil, manipulating a coin, threading a needle, or buttoning
a shirt (Fig. 6.48C & D).
In a precision grip, the wrist and fingers are held firmly by the long
flexor and extensor muscles, and the intrinsic hand muscles perform
fine movements of the digits.
Pinching refers to
compression of something between the thumb and the index finger—for
example, handling a teacup or holding a coin on edge (Fig. 6.48E)—or between the thumb and the adjacent two fingers—for example, snapping the fingers. The position of rest is assumed by an inactive hand—for example, when the forearm and hand are laid on a table (Fig. 6.48F). This position is often used when it is necessary to immobilize the wrist and hand in a cast to stabilize a fracture.
Fascia of the Palm
The fascia of the palm is continuous with the antebrachial fascia and the fascia of the dorsum of the hand (Fig. 6.39). The palmar fascia
is thin over the thenar and hypothenar eminences, but it is thick
centrally where it forms the fibrous palmar aponeurosis and in the
fingers where it forms the digital sheaths (Figs. 6.39 and 6.49). The palmar


a strong, well-defined part of the deep fascia of the palm, covers the
soft tissues and overlies the long flexor tendons. The proximal end or
apex of the triangular palmar aponeurosis is continuous with the flexor
retinaculum and the palmaris longus tendon. When the palmaris longus is
present, the palmar aponeurosis is the expanded tendon of the palmaris
longus. Distal to the apex, the palmar aponeurosis forms four
longitudinal digital bands or rays that radiate from the apex and
attach distally to the bases of the proximal phalanges and become
continuous with the fibrous digital sheaths.

Figure 6.49. Palmar fascia and fibrous digital sheaths. A.
The palmar fascia is continuous with the antebrachial fascia. The thin
thenar and hypothenar fascia covers the intrinsic muscles of the thenar
and hypothenar eminences, respectively. Between the thenar and the
hypothenar muscle masses, the central compartment of the palm is roofed
by the thick palmar aponeurosis. When present (approximately 80% of the
time), the distal end of the palmaris longus tendon blends with the
aponeurosis superficial to the flexor retinaculum. Fibrous digital
sheaths (shown here for the middle and index fingers), continuous with
the longitudinal fiber bundles of the palmar aponeurosis, form the
coverings of the digital portions of the tendons of the FDS and FDP. B.
A transverse section of the 4th finger (proximal phalanx level) is
shown. Within the fibrous digital sheath and proximal to its attachment
to the base of the middle phalanx, the FDS tendon has split into two
parts to allow continued central passage of the FDP tendon to the
distal phalanx. The palmar digital nerve, artery, and vein are adjacent
to the sheath, not to the phalanx (Bone).
The dorsal digital neurovascular structures become exhausted near the
midpoint of the middle phalanges; thus the palmar nerves, arteries, and
veins serve all (palmar and dorsal aspects) of the digits distally.
The fibrous digital sheaths
are ligamentous tubes that enclose the synovial sheaths, the
superficial and deep flexor tendons, and the tendon of the FPL in their
passage along the palmar aspect of their respective fingers (Figs. 6.39, 6.42C, and 6.49). The flexor digital sheaths are composed of five anular and four cruciform (cross-shaped) parts or “pulleys.”
A medial fibrous septum extends deeply from the medial border of the palmar aponeurosis to the 5th metacarpal (Fig. 6.50A). Medial to this septum is the medial or hypothenar compartment containing the hypothenar muscles. Similarly, a lateral fibrous septum
extends deeply from the lateral border of the palmar aponeurosis to the
3rd metacarpal. Lateral to this septum is the lateral or thenar compartment containing the thenar muscles. Between the hypothenar and the thenar compartments is the central compartment
containing the flexor tendons and their sheaths, the lumbricals, the
superficial palmar arterial arch, and the digital vessels and nerves.
The deepest muscular plane of the palm is the adductor compartment containing the adductor pollicis.
Between the flexor tendons and the fascia covering the deep palmar muscles are two potential spaces, the thenar space and the midpalmar space (Fig. 6.50).
The spaces are bounded by fibrous septa passing from the edges of the
palmar aponeurosis to the metacarpals. Between the two spaces is the
especially strong lateral fibrous septum, which is attached to the 3rd
metacarpal. Although most fascial compartments end at the joints, the
midpalmar space is continuous with the anterior compartment of the
forearm via the carpal tunnel.
Figure 6.50. Compartments, spaces, and fascia of palm. A.
This transverse section through the middle of the palm illustrates the
fascial compartments of the hand. The hypothenar fascia, attached to
the lateral side of the 5th metacarpal, bounds the hypothenar
compartment. Similarly, the thenar fascia, attached to the palmar
aspect of the 1st metacarpal, bounds (with the metacarpal) the thenar
compartment. The central compartment of the palm is covered by the
palmar aponeurosis and separated from the thenar and hypothenar
compartments by medial and lateral fibrous septa attaching to the 5th
and 3rd metacarpals, respectively. The septum attached to the 3rd
metacarpal also separates the midpalmar and thenar spaces The adductor
compartment contains the adductor pollicis muscle. B.
The midpalmar space underlies the central compartment of the palm and
is related distally to the synovial tendon sheaths of the 3rd–5th
digits and proximally to the common flexor sheath as it emerges from
the carpal tunnel. The thenar space underlies the thenar compartment
and is related distally to the synovial tendon sheath of the index
finger and proximally to the common flexor sheath distal to the carpal



Muscles of the Hand
The intrinsic muscles of the hand are located in five compartments (Fig. 6.50):
  • Thenar muscles in the thenar compartment: abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, and opponens pollicis.
  • Adductor pollicis in the adductor compartment.
  • Hypothenar muscles in the hypothenar compartment: abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, and opponens digiti minimi.
  • Short muscles of the hand, the lumbricals, are in the central compartment with the long flexor tendons.
  • The interossei lie in separate interosseous compartments between the metacarpals.
Thenar Muscles
The thenar muscles form the thenar eminence
on the lateral surface of the palm and are chiefly responsible for
opposition of the thumb. Normal movement of the thumb is important for
the precise activities of the hand. The high degree of freedom of
movements of the thumb results from the 1st metacarpal being
independent, with mobile joints at both ends. Thus several muscles are
required to control its freedom of movement:
  • Extension: extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis longus.
  • Flexion: flexor pollicis longus and flexor pollicis brevis.
  • Abduction: abductor pollicis longus and abductor pollicis brevis.
  • Adduction: adductor pollicis and 1st dorsal interosseous.
  • Opposition:
    opponens pollicis. This movement occurs at the carpometacarpal joint
    and results in a “cupping” of the palm. Bringing the tip of the thumb
    into contact with the 5th finger or any of the other fingers involves
    considerably more movement than can be produced by the opponens
    pollicis alone. This complex movement begins with the thumb in the
    extended position and initially involves abduction and medial rotation
    of the 1st metacarpal (cupping the palm) produced by the action of the
    opponens pollicis at the carpometacarpal joint and then flexion at the
    metacarpophalangeal joint (Fig. 6.51). The
    reinforcing action of the adductor pollicis and FPL increases the
    pressure that the opposed thumb can exert on the fingertips. In
    pulp-to-pulp opposition, movements of the finger opposing the thumb are
    also involved.
The first four movements occur at the carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints.
The thenar muscles are illustrated in Figure 6.52; their attachments, innervations, and main actions are summarized in Table 6.11.
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
The abductor pollicis brevis
(APB), the short abductor of the thumb, forms the anterolateral part of
the thenar eminence. In addition to abducting the thumb, the APB
assists the opponens pollicis during the early stages of opposition by
rotating its proximal phalanx slightly medially.
To test the abductor pollicis brevis, abduct the thumb against resistance. If acting normally, the muscle can be seen and palpated.
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
The flexor pollicis brevis (FPB), the short flexor of the thumb, is located medial to the APB (Fig. 6.52A). Its two bellies, located on opposite sides of the



tendon of the FPL, share (with each other and often with the APB) a
common, sesamoid-containing tendon at their distal attachment. The
bellies usually differ in their innervation: The larger superficial
head of the FPB is innervated by the recurrent branch of the median
nerve, whereas the smaller deep head is usually innervated by the deep
palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. The FPB flexes the thumb at the
carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints and aids in opposition
of the thumb.

Figure 6.51. Movements of thumb.
The thumb is rotated 90° to the other digits. (This can be confirmed by
noting the direction the nail of the thumb faces compared with the
nails of the other fingers.) Thus abduction and adduction occur in a
sagittal plane and flexion and extension occur in a coronal plane.
Opposition, the action bringing the tip of the thumb in contact with
the pads of the other fingers (e.g., with the little finger), is the
most complex movement. The components of opposition are abduction and
medial rotation at the carpometacarpal joint and flexion of the
metacarpophalangeal joint.
Table 6.11. Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand
Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Innervationa Main Action
Thenar muscles
Opponens pollicis Flexor retinaculum and tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium Lateral side of 1st metacarpal Recurrent branch of medial nerve (C8, T1) To oppose thumb, it draws 1st metacarpal medially to center of palm and rotates it medially
Abductor pollicis brevis Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb Abducts thumb; helps oppose it
Flexor pollicis brevis Flexes thumb
  Superficial head Adducts thumb toward lateral border of palm
  Deep head Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
Adductor pollicis Bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals, capitate, adjacent carpals Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
  Oblique head
  Transverse head Anterior surface of shaft of 3rd metacarpal
Hypothenar muscles
Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th finger Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1) Abducts 5th finger; assists in flexion of its proximal phalanx
Flexor digiti minimi brevis Hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum Flexes proximal phalanx of 5th finger
Opponens digiti minimi Medial border of 5th metacarpal Draws 5th metacarpal anterior and rotates it, bringing 5th finger into opposition with thumb
Short muscles
Lumbricals Lateral two tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (as unipennate muscles) Lateral sides of extensor expansions of 2nd–5th fingers Median nerve (C8, T1) Flex metacarpophalangeal joints; extend interphalangeal joints of 2nd–5th fingers
  1st and 2nd
  3rd and 4th Medial three tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (as bipennate muscles) Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
Dorsal interossei, 1st–4th Adjacent sides of two metacarpals (as bipennate muscles) Bases of proximal phalanges; extensor expansions of 2nd–4th fingers Abduct 2nd–4th fingers from
axial line; act with lumbricals in flexing metacarpophalangeal joints
and extending interphalangeal joints
Palmar interossei, 1st–3rd Palmar surfaces of 2nd, 4th, and 5th metacarpals (as unipennate muscles) Bases of proximal phalanges; extensor expansions of 2nd, 4th, and 5th fingers Adduct 2nd, 4th, and 5th
fingers toward axial line; assist lumbricals in flexing
metacar-pophalangeal joints and extending interphalangeal joints;
extensor expansions of 2nd–4th fingers
aThe spinal cord segmental innervation is indicated (e.g., “C8,
T1” means that the nerves supplying the opponens pollicis are derived
from the eighth cervical segment and first thoracic segment of the
spinal cord). Numbers in boldface (C8) indicate the main
segmental innervation. Damage to one or more of the listed spinal cord
segments or to the motor nerve roots arising from them results in
paralysis of the muscles concerned.
To test the flexor pollicis brevis,
flex the thumb against resistance. If acting normally, the muscle can
be seen and palpated; however, keep in mind that the FPL also flexes
the thumb.
Opponens Pollicis
The opponens pollicis is a quadrangular muscle that lies deep to the APB and lateral to the FPB (Fig. 6.52B).
The opponens pollicis opposes the thumb, the most important thumb
movement. It flexes and rotates the 1st metacarpal medially at the
carpometacarpal joint during opposition; this movement occurs when
picking up an object. During opposition, the tip of the thumb is
brought into contact with the pad of the little finger, as shown in Figure 6.51.
Adductor Pollicis
The adductor pollicis is the deeply placed, fan-shaped adductor of the thumb. It is located in the adductor compartment of the hand (Figs. 6.50A and 6.53).
The adductor pollicis has two heads of origin, which are separated by
the radial artery as it enters the palm to form the deep palmar arch.
Its tendon usually contains a sesamoid bone. The adductor pollicis
adducts the thumb, moving the thumb to the palm of the hand (Fig. 6.51), thereby giving power to the grip (Fig. 6.48G & H).
Hypothenar Muscles
The hypothenar muscles (abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, and opponens digiti minimi) produce the hypothenar eminence
on the medial side of the palm and move the little finger. These
muscles are in the hypothenar compartment with the 5th metacarpal (Figs. 6.50A and 6.52). The attachments, innervations, and main actions of the hypothenar muscles are summarized in Table 6.11.
Abductor Digiti Minimi
The abductor digiti minimi
is the most superficial of the three muscles forming the hypothenar
eminence. The abductor digiti minimi abducts the 5th finger and helps
flex its proximal phalanx.


Figure 6.52. Superficial dissections of right palm.
The skin and subcutaneous tissue have been removed, as have most of the
palmar aponeurosis and the thenar and hypothenar fasciae. A.
The superficial palmar arch is located immediately deep to the palmar
aponeurosis, superficial to the long flexor tendons. This arterial arch
gives rise to the common palmar digital arteries. In the digits, a
digital artery (e.g., radialis indicis) and nerve lie on the medial and
lateral sides of the fibrous digital sheath. The pisiform bone protects
the ulnar nerve and artery as they pass into the palm. B.
Three thenar and three hypothenar muscles attach to the flexor
retinaculum and to the four marginal carpal bones united by the


Figure 6.53. Muscles and arteries of distal forearm and deep palm.
This deep dissection of the palm reveals the anastomosis of the palmar
carpal branch of the radial artery with the palmar carpal branch of the
ulnar artery to form the palmar carpal arch, and the deep palmar arch.
The deep palmar arch lies at the level of the bases of the metacarpal
bones, 1.5–2 cm proximal to the superficial palmar arch.
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
The flexor digiti minimi brevis
is variable in size; it lies lateral to the abductor digiti minimi. The
flexor digiti minimi brevis flexes the proximal phalanx of the 5th
finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint.
Opponens Digiti Minimi
The opponens digiti minimi
is a quadrangular muscle that lies deep to the abductor and flexor
muscles of the 5th finger. The opponens digiti minimi draws the 5th
metacarpal anteriorly and rotates it laterally, thereby deepening the
hollow of the palm and bringing the 5th finger into opposition with the
thumb (Fig. 6.51). Like the opponens pollicis, the opponens digiti minimi acts exclusively at the carpometacarpal joint.
Palmaris Brevis
The palmaris brevis is a small, thin muscle in the subcutaneous tissue of the hypothenar eminence (Fig. 6.52A);
it is not in the hypothenar compartment. The palmaris brevis wrinkles
the skin of the hypothenar eminence and deepens the hollow of the palm,
thereby aiding the palmar grip. The palmaris brevis covers and protects
the ulnar nerve and artery. It is attached proximally to the medial
border of the palmar aponeurosis and to the skin on the medial border
of the hand.
Short Muscles of the Hand
The short muscles of the hand are the lumbricals and interossei (Table 6.11).
The four slender lumbrical muscles were named because of their worm-like form (L. lumbricus, earthworm) (Fig. 6.52A & B). The lumbricals flex the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal joints.
The four dorsal interosseous muscles (dorsal interossei) are located between the metacarpals; the three palmar interosseous muscles (palmar interossei) are on the palmar surfaces of the metacarpals in the interosseous compartment of the hand (Fig. 6.50A).
The 1st dorsal interosseous muscle is easy to palpate; oppose the thumb
firmly against the index finger and it can be easily felt. (Some
authors describe four palmar interossei; in so doing, they are
including the deep head of the FPB because of its similar innervation
and placement on the thumb; Table 6.11). The four dorsal interossei abduct the fingers, and the three palmar interossei adduct them. A mnemonic device is


to make acronyms of Dorsal ABduct (DAB) and Palmar ADuct
(PAD). Acting together, the dorsal and palmar interossei and the
lumbricals produce flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints and
extension of the interphalangeal joints (the so-called Z-movement).
This occurs because of their attachment to the lateral bands of the
extensor expansions (Fig. 6.42B).
Understanding the Z-movement is useful because it is the opposite of
claw hand, which occurs in ulnar paralysis when the interossei and the
3rd and 4th lumbricals are incapable of acting together to produce the
Z-movement (see clinical correlation [blue] boxUlnar Nerve Injury,” earlier in this chapter).

Long Flexor Tendons and Tendon Sheaths in the Hand
The tendons of the FDS and FDP enter the common flexor sheath (ulnar bursa) deep to the flexor retinaculum (Fig. 6.54A). The tendons enter the central compartment of the hand and fan out to enter their respective digital synovial sheaths.
The flexor and digital sheaths enable the tendons to slide freely over
each other during movements of the fingers. Near the base of the
proximal phalanx, the tendon of FDS splits and surrounds the tendon of
FDP (Figs. 6.49B and 6.54B). The halves of the FDS tendon are attached to the margins of the anterior aspect of the base of the middle phalanx (Fig. 6.42D). The tendon of FDP, after passing through the split in the FDS tendon, the tendinous chiasm, passes distally to attach to the anterior aspect of the base of the distal phalanx.
The fibrous digital sheaths are the strong ligamentous tunnels containing the flexor tendons and their synovial sheaths (Figs. 6.49 and 6.54C).
The sheaths extend from the heads of the metacarpals to the bases of
the distal phalanges. These sheaths prevent the tendons from pulling
away from the digits (bowstringing). The fibrous digital sheaths
combine with the bones to form osseofibrous tunnels through which the tendons pass to reach the digits. The anular and cruciform parts (often referred to clinically as “pulleys”) are thickened reinforcements of the fibrous digital sheaths (Fig. 6.54B).
The long flexor tendons are supplied by small blood vessels that pass within synovial folds (vincula) from the periosteum of the phalanges (Fig. 6.42B).
The tendon of the FPL passes deep to the flexor retinaculum to the
thumb within its own synovial sheath. At the head of the metacarpal,
the tendon runs between two sesamoid bones, one in the combined tendon of the FPB and APB and the other in the tendon of the adductor pollicis.
Figure 6.54. Flexor tendons, common flexor sheath, fibrous digital sheaths, and synovial sheaths of digits. A.
This dissection of the anterior aspect of the distal forearm and hand
shows the synovial sheaths of the long flexor tendons to the digits.
Observe the two sets: (1) proximal or carpal, posterior to the flexor
retinaculum, and (2) distal or digital, within the fibrous sheaths of
the digital flexors. B. This dissection of
the palm illustrates the tendons and fibrous digital sheaths. The
fibrous sheaths of the digits attach along the borders of the proximal
and middle phalanges to capsules (palmar ligaments) of the
interphalangeal joints and to the surface of the distal phalanx. C.
The structure of an osseo-fibrous tunnel of a finger, containing a
tendon, is shown. Within the fibrous sheath, the synovial sheath
consists of the (parietal) synovial lining of the tunnel and the
(visceral) synovial covering of the tendon. These layers of the
synovial sheath are actually separated by only a capillary layer of
synovial fluid, which lubricates the synovial surfaces to facilitate
gliding of the tendon (see Introduction).



Arteries of the Hand
Because its function requires it to be placed and held
in many different positions, often while grasping or applying pressure,
the hand is supplied with an abundance of highly branched and
anastomosing arteries so that oxygenated blood is generally available
to all parts in all positions. Furthermore, the arteries or their
derivatives are relatively superficial, underlying skin capable of
sweating, so that excess heat can be released. To prevent undesirable
heat loss in a cold environment, the arterioles of the hands are
capable of reducing blood flow to the surface and to the ends of the
fingers. The ulnar and radial arteries and their branches provide all
the blood to the hand. The arteries of the hand are illustrated and
their origins and courses are described in Table 6.12.
Ulnar Artery
The ulnar artery enters the hand anterior to the flexor retinaculum between the pisiform and the hook of the hamate via the ulnar canal (Guyon canal) (Fig. 6.47B). The ulnar artery lies lateral to the ulnar nerve (Fig. 6.52A). The artery divides into two terminal branches, the superficial palmar arch and the deep palmar branch. The superficial palmar arch, the main termination of the ulnar artery, gives rise to three common palmar digital arteries that anastomose with the palmar metacarpal arteries from the deep palmar arch. Each common palmar digital artery divides into a pair of proper palmar digital arteries that run along the adjacent sides of the 2nd–4th fingers.
Radial Artery
The radial artery curves dorsally around the scaphoid and trapezium and crosses the floor of the anatomical snuff box (Fig. 6.44C).
It enters the palm by passing between the heads of the 1st dorsal
interosseous muscle and then turns medially, passing between the heads
of the adductor pollicis. The radial artery ends by anastomosing with
the deep branch of the ulnar artery to form the deep palmar arch, which is formed mainly by the radial artery. This arch lies across the metacarpals just distal to their bases (Fig. 6.53). The deep palmar arch gives rise to three palmar metacarpal arteries and the princeps pollicis artery. The radialis indicis
artery passes along the lateral side of the index finger. It usually
arises from the radial artery, but it may originate from the princeps
Veins of the Hand
Superficial and deep venous palmar arches, associated with the superficial and deep palmar (arterial) arches, drain into the deep veins of the forearm (Fig. 6.46). The dorsal digital veins drain into three dorsal metacarpal veins, which unite to form a dorsal venous network (Fig. 6.12A). Superficial to the metacarpus, this network is prolonged proximally on the lateral side as the cephalic vein. The basilic vein arises from the medial side of the dorsal venous network.
Nerves of the Hand
The median, ulnar, and radial nerves supply the hand (Figs. 6.47, 6.52, and 6.55). These nerves and their branches in the hand are illustrated and their origins, courses, and distributions


are provided in Table 6.13.
In addition, branches or communications from the lateral and posterior
cutaneous nerves may contribute some fibers that supply the skin of the
dorsum of the hand.

Table 6.12. Arteries of the Hand
Artery Origin Course
Superficial palmar arch Direct continuation of ulnar
artery; arch is completed on lateral side by superficial branch of
radial artery or another of its branches
Curves laterally deep to
palmar aponeurosis and superficial to long flexor tendons; curve of
arch lies across palm at level of distal border of extended thumb
Deep palmar arch Direct continuation of radial artery; arch is completed on medial side by deep branch of ulnar artery Curves medially, deep to long flexor tendons; is in contact with bases of metacarpals
Common palmar digitals Superficial palmar arch Pass distally on lumbricals to webbing of fingers
Proper palmar digitals Common palmar digital arteries Run along sides of 2nd–5th fingers
Princeps pollicis Radial artery as it turns into palm Descends on palmar aspect of 1st metacarpal; divides at base of proximal phalanx into two branches that run along sides of thumb
Radialis indicis Radial artery but may arise from princeps pollicis artery Passes along lateral side of index finger to its distal end
Dorsal carpal arch Radial and ulnar arteries Arches within fascia on dorsum of hand
The Median Nerve in the Hand
The median nerve enters the
hand through the carpal tunnel, deep to the flexor retinaculum, along
with the nine tendons of the FDS, FDP, and FPL (Fig. 6.55). The carpal tunnel
is the passageway deep to the flexor retinaculum between the tubercles
of the scaphoid and trapezoid bones on the lateral side and the
pisiform and hook of the hamate on the medial side. Distal to the
carpal tunnel, the median nerve supplies two and a half thenar muscles
and the 1st and 2nd lumbricals (Table 6.13). It
also sends sensory fibers to the skin on the entire palmar surface, the
sides of the first three digits, the lateral half of the 4th digit, and
the dorsum of the distal halves of these digits. Note, however, that
the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve,
which supplies the central palm, arises proximal to the flexor
retinaculum and passes superficial to it (i.e., it does not pass
through the carpal tunnel).
Figure 6.55. Structures in distal forearm (wrist region). A.
A distal skin incision was made along the transverse wrist crease,
crossing the pisiform bone. The skin and fasciae are removed
proximally, revealing the tendons and neurovascular structures. A
circular incision and removal of the skin and thenar fascia reveals the
recurrent branch of the median nerve to the thenar muscles, vulnerable
to injury when this area is lacerated because of its subcutaneous
location. B. This transverse section of
the distal forearm demonstrates the long flexor and extensor tendons
and neurovascular structures en route from forearm to hand. The ulnar
nerve and artery are under cover of the flexor carpi ulnaris;
therefore, the pulse of the artery cannot be easily detected here. C. Orientation drawing indicating the plane of the section shown in part B.
Table 6.13. Nerves of the Hand
Nerve Origina Course Distribution
Median nerve Arises by two roots, one from lateral cord of brachial plexus (C6, C7 fibers) and one from medial cord (C8, T1 fibers) Becomes superficial proximal
to wrist; passes deep to flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal
ligament) as it passes through carpal tunnel to hand
Thenar muscles (except
adductor pollicis and deep head of flexor pollicis brevis) and lateral
lumbricals (for digits 2 and 3); provides sensation to skin of palmar
and distal dorsal aspects of lateral (radial) 3½ digits and adjacent
Recurrent (thenar) branch of median nerve Arises from median nerve as soon as it has passed distal to flexor retinaculum Loops around distal border of flexor retinaculum; enters thenar muscles Abductor pollicis brevis; opponens pollicis; superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis
Lateral branch of median nerve Arises as lateral division of median nerve as it enters palm of hand Runs laterally to palmar thumb and radial side of 2nd finger 1st lumbrical; skin of palmar and distal dorsal aspects of thumb and radial half of 2nd finger
Medial branch of median nerve Arises as medial division of median nerve as it enters palm of hand Runs medially to adjacent sides of 2nd–4th fingers 2nd lumbrical; skin of palmar and distal dorsal aspects of adjacent sides of 2nd–4th fingers
Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve Arisies from median nerve just proximal to flexor retinaculum Passes between tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis; runs superficial to flexor retinaculum Skin of central palm
Ulnar nerve Terminal branch of medial cord of brachial plexus (C8 and T1 fibers; often also receives C7 fibers) Becomes superficial in distal forearm, passing superficial to flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) to enter hand The majority of intrinsic
muscles of hand (hypothenar, interosseous, adductor pollicis, and deep
head of flexor pollicis brevis, plus the medial lumbricals [for digits
4and 5]); provides sensation to skin of palmar and distal dorsal
aspects of medial (ulnar) 1½ digits and adjacent palm
Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve Arises from ulnar nerve near middle of forearm Descends on ulnar artery and perforates deep fascia in the distal third of forearm Skin at base of medial palm, overlying the medial carpals
Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve Arises from ulnar nerve about 5 cm proximal to flexor retinaculum Passes distally deep to flexor
carpi ulnaris, then dorsally to perforate deep fascia and course along
medial side of dorsum of hand, dividing into 2 to 3 dorsal digital
Skin of medial aspect of
dorsum of hand and proximal portions of little and medial half of ring
finger (occasionally also adjacent sides of proximal portions of ring
and middle fingers)
Superficial branch of ulnar nerve Arises from ulnar nerve at wrist as they pass between pisiform and hamate bones Passes palmaris brevis and divides into two common palmar digital nerves Palmaris brevis and sensation
to skin of the palmar and distal dorsal aspects of digit 5 and of the
medial (ulnar) side of digit 4 and proximal portion of palm
Deep branch of ulnar nerve Passes between muscles of hypothenar eminence to pass deeply across palm with deep palmar (arterial) arch Hypothenar muscles (abductor,
flexor, and opponens digiti minimi), lumbricals of digits 4 and 5, all
interossei, adductor pollicis, and deep head of flexor pollicis brevis
Radial nerve Superficial branch Arises from radial nerve in cubital fossa Courses deep to brachioradialis, emerging from beneath it to pierce the deep fascia lateral to distal radius Skin of the lateral (radial
half of dorsal aspect of the hand and thumb, the proximal portions of
the dorsal aspects of digits 2 and 3, and of the lateral (radial) half
of digit 4






The Ulnar Nerve in the Hand
The ulnar nerve leaves the forearm by emerging from deep to the tendon of the FCU (Figs. 6.52 and 6.55). It continues distally to the wrist via the ulnar canal (Fig. 6.48).
Here the ulnar nerve is bound by fascia to the anterior surface of the
flexor retinaculum as it passes between the pisiform (medially) and the
ulnar artery (laterally). Just proximal to the wrist, the ulnar nerve
gives off a palmar cutaneous branch that passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis and supplies skin on the medial side of the palm (Table 6.13). The dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve supplies the medial half of the dorsum of the hand, the 5th finger, and the medial half of the 4th finger (Fig. 6.55B). The ulnar nerve ends at the distal border of the flexor retinaculum by dividing into superficial and deep branches (Fig. 6.52B). The superficial branch of the ulnar nerve supplies cutaneous branches to the anterior surfaces of the medial one and a half fingers. The deep branch of the ulnar nerve
supplies the hypothenar muscles, the medial two lumbricals, the
adductor pollicis, the deep head of the FPB, and all the interossei.
The deep branch also supplies several joints (wrist, intercarpal,
carpometacarpal, and intermetacarpal). The ulnar nerve is often
referred to as the nerve of fine movements because it innervates most of the intrinsic muscles that are concerned with intricate hand movements (Table 6.13).
Radial Nerve in the Hand
The radial nerve supplies no hand muscles (Table 6.13). The superficial branch of the radial nerve is entirely sensory (Fig. 6.55A).
It pierces the deep fascia near the dorsum of the wrist to supply the
skin and fascia over the lateral two thirds of the dorsum of the hand,
the dorsum of the thumb, and proximal parts of the lateral one and a
half digits (Table 6.10).





Joints of the Upper Limb
Movement of the pectoral girdle involves the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral joints (Fig. 6.56),
usually all moving simultaneously. Functional defects in any of the
joints impair movements of the pectoral girdle. Mobility of the scapula
is essential for free movement of the upper limb. The clavicle forms a
strut that holds the scapula, and hence the glenohumeral joint, away
from the thorax so it can move freely. The clavicle establishes the
radius at which the shoulder (half of the pectoral girdle and
glenohumeral joint) rotates at the SC joint. The 15–20° of movement at
the AC joint permits positioning of the glenoid cavity that is
necessary for arm movements.
When testing the range of motion of the pectoral girdle,
both scapulothoracic (movement of the scapula on the thoracic wall) and
glenohumeral movements must be considered. Although the initial 30° of
abduction may occur without scapular motion, in the overall movement of
fully elevating the arm, the movement occurs in a 2:1 ratio: For every
3° of elevation, approximately 2° occurs at the glenohumeral joint and
1° at the physiological scapulothoracic joint. In other words, when the
upper limb has been elevated so that the arm is vertical at the side of
the head (180° of arm abduction or flexion), 120° occurred at the
glenohumeral joint and 60° occurred at the scapulothoracic joint. This
is known as scapulohumeral rhythm. The important movements of the pectoral girdle are scapular movements (Table 6.3):
elevation and depression, protraction (lateral or forward movement of
the scapula) and retraction (medial or backward movement of the
scapula), and rotation of the scapula.
Sternoclavicular Joint
The sternoclavicular joint
is a saddle type of synovial joint but functions as a ball-and-socket
joint. The SC joint is divided into two compartments by an articular disc. The disc is firmly attached to the anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments, thickenings of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule, as well as the interclavicular ligament.
The great strength of the SC joint is a consequence of these
attachments. Thus, although the articular disc serves as a shock
absorber of forces transmitted along the clavicle from the upper limb,
dislocation of the clavicle is rare, whereas fracture of the clavicle
is common. The SC joint is the only articulation between the upper limb
and the axial skeleton, and it can be readily palpated because the
sternal end of the clavicle lies superior to the manubrium of the
Articulation of the Sternoclavicular Joint
The sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the
manubrium and the 1st costal cartilage. The articular surfaces are
covered with fibrocartilage.
Joint Capsule of the Sternoclavicular Joint
The joint capsule surrounds
the SC joint, including the epiphysis at the sternal end of the
clavicle. It is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces,
including the periphery of the articular disc. A synovial membrane lines the internal surface of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule, extending to the edges of the articular surfaces.
Ligaments of the Sternoclavicular Joint
The strength of the SC joint depends on ligaments and its articular disc. Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments reinforce the joint capsule anteriorly and posteriorly. The interclavicular ligament
strengthens the capsule superiorly. It extends from the sternal end of
one clavicle to the sternal end of the other clavicle. In between, it
is also attached to the superior border of the manubrium. The costoclavicular ligament
anchors the inferior surface of the sternal end of the clavicle to the
1st rib and its costal cartilage, limiting elevation of the pectoral
Movements of the Sternoclavicular Joint
Although the SC joint is extremely strong, it is significantly mobile to allow movements of the pectoral girdle and upper limb (Figs. 6.57 and 6.58C). During full elevation of the limb, the clavicle is raised to approximately a 60° angle.


Figure 6.56. Pectoral girdle and associated tendons and ligaments.
The pectoral (shoulder) girdle is a partial bony ring (incomplete
posteriorly) formed by the manubrium of the sternum, the clavicle, and
the scapulae. Joints associated with these bones are the
sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral (shoulder). The
girdle provides for attachment of the superior appendicular skeleton to
the axial skeleton and provides the mobile base from which the upper
limb operates.
Figure 6.57. Movements of upper limb at joints of pectoral girdle. A. Range of motion of lateral end of clavicle permitted by movements at the sternoclavicular joint. AC = protraction/retraction; AD = elevation/depression. B–E. Circumduction of upper limb requires coordinated movements of the pectoral girdle and glenohumeral joint. B. Beginning with extended limb, retracted girdle; C. Neutral position. D. Flexed limb, protracted girdle; E. Elevated limb and girdle.


Figure 6.58. Acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints. A. This view of the right AC joint shows the joint capsule and partial disc (inset). B.
The function of the coracoclavicular ligament is demonstrated. As long
as this ligament is intact with the clavicle tethered to the coronoid
process, the acromion cannot be driven inferior to the clavicle. The
ligament, however, does permit protraction and retraction of the
acromion. C. Clavicular movements at the SC and AC joints permit protraction and retraction of the scapula on the thoracic wall (red and green lines) and winging of the scapula (blue line).
Movements of a similar scale occur during elevation, depression, and
rotation of the scapula. The latter movements are shown in Table 6.3, which also indicate the muscles specifically responsible for these movements.
When elevation is achieved via flexion, it is
accompanied by rotation of the clavicle around its longitudinal axis.
The SC joint can also be moved anteriorly or posteriorly over a range
of up to 25–30°. Although not a typical movement, except perhaps during
calisthenics, it is capable of performing these movements sequentially,
moving the acromial end along a circular path—a form of circumduction.
Blood Supply of the Sternoclavicular Joint
The SC joint is supplied by internal thoracic and suprascapular arteries (Table 6.4).
Nerve Supply of the Sternoclavicular Joint
Branches of the medial supraclavicular nerve and the nerve to the subclavius supply the SC joint (Table 6.5).


Acromioclavicular Joint
The acromioclavicular joint
(AC joint) is a plane type of synovial joint, which is located 2–3 cm
from the “point” of the shoulder formed by the lateral part of the
acromion (Figs. 6.56 and 6.58).
Articulation of the Acromioclavicular Joint
The acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the
acromion of the scapula. The articular surfaces, covered with
fibrocartilage, are separated by an incomplete wedge-shaped articular disc.
Joint Capsule of the Acromioclavicular Joint
The sleeve-like, relatively loose fibrous layer of the joint capsule is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces (Fig. 6.58A). A synovial membrane lines the fibrous layer. Although relatively weak, the joint capsule is strengthened superiorly by fibers of the trapezius.
Ligaments of the Acromioclavicular Joint
The acromioclavicular ligament is a fibrous band extending from the acromion to the clavicle that strengthens the AC joint superiorly (Figs. 6.56 and 6.59). However, the integrity of the joint is maintained by extrinsic ligaments, distant from the joint itself. The coracoclavicular ligament
is a strong pair of bands that unite the coracoid process of the
scapula to the clavicle, anchoring the clavicle to the coracoid
process. The coracoclavicular ligament consists of two ligaments, the


conoid and trapezoid ligaments, which are often separated by a bursa. The vertical conoid ligament is an inverted triangle (cone), which has its apex inferiorly where it is attached to the root of the coracoid process. Its wide attachment (base of the triangle) is to the conoid tubercle on the inferior surface of the clavicle. The nearly horizontal trapezoid ligament
is attached to the superior surface of the coracoid process and extends
laterally to the trapezoid line on the inferior surface of the
clavicle. In addition to augmenting the AC joint, the coracoclavicular
ligament provides the means by which the scapula and free limb are
(passively) suspended from the clavicular strut.

Figure 6.59. Glenohumeral joint.
The extent of the synovial membrane of the glenohumeral (shoulder)
joint is demonstrated in this specimen in which the articular cavity
has been injected with blue latex and the fibrous layer of the joint
capsule has been removed. The articular cavity has two extensions: one
where it forms a synovial sheath for the tendon of the long head of the
biceps brachii in the intertubercular groove of the humerus, and the
other inferior to the coracoid process where it is continuous with the
subscapular bursa between the subscapularis tendon and the margin of
the glenoid cavity. The joint capsule and intrinsic ligaments of the AC
joint are also demonstrated.
Movements of the Acromioclavicular Joint
The acromion of the scapula rotates on the acromial end
of the clavicle. These movements are associated with motion at the
physiological scapulothoracic joint (Figs. 6.57 and 6.58; Table 6.3).
No muscles connect the articulating bones to move the AC joint; the
axioappendicular muscles that attach to and move the scapula cause the
acromion to move on the clavicle.
Blood Supply of the Acromioclavicular Joint
The AC joint is supplied by the suprascapular and thoracoacromial arteries (Table 6.4).
Nerve Supply of the Acromioclavicular Joint
Consistent with the Hilton law (joints are supplied by
articular branches of the nerves supplying the muscles that act on the
joint), the lateral pectoral and axillary nerves supply the AC joint (Table 6.5).
However, consistent with the joint’s subcutaneous location and the fact
that no muscles connect the articulating bones, innervation is also
provided to the AC joint by the subcutaneous lateral supraclavicular
nerve, an occurrence more typical of the distal limb.


Glenohumeral Joint
The glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
is a ball-and-socket type of synovial joint that permits a wide range
of movement; however, its mobility makes the joint relatively unstable.
Articulation of the Glenohumeral Joint
The large, round humeral head articulates with the relatively shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula (Figs. 6.60 and 6.61), which is deepened slightly but effectively by the ring-like, fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum
(L. lip). Both articular surfaces are covered with hyaline cartilage.
The glenoid cavity accepts little more than a third of the humeral
head, which is


in the cavity by the tonus of the musculotendinous rotator cuff, or
SITS, muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
subscapularis) (Table 6.2).

Figure 6.60. Rotator cuff and glenohumeral joint. A.
In this dissection of the glenohumeral joint, the joint capsule was
sectioned and the joint opened from its posterior aspect as if it were
a book. Four short SITS muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres
minor, and subscapularis) cross and surround the joint, blending with
its capsule. The anterior, internal surface demonstrates the
glenohumeral ligaments, which were incised to open the joint. B.
The SITS muscles of the left rotator cuff are shown as they relate to
the scapula and its glenoid cavity. The prime function of these muscles
and the musculotendinous rotator cuff is to hold the relatively large
head of the humerus in the much smaller and shallow glenoid cavity of
the scapula.
Figure 6.61. Capsules and ligaments of glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints. A. The bones, articular surfaces, joint capsule, cavity of the joints, the subacromial bursa are shown. B.
The acromioclavicular, coracohumeral, and glenohumeral ligaments are
demonstrated. Although shown on the external aspect of the joint
capsule, the glenohumeral ligaments are actually a feature observed
from the internal aspect of the joint (as in Fig. 6.60A).
These ligaments strengthen the anterior aspect of the capsule of the
glenohumeral joint, and the coracohumeral ligament strengthens the
capsule superiorly. C. This coronal MRI shows the right glenohumeral and AC joints. A, acromion; C, clavicle; G, glenoid cavity; Gr, greater tubercle of humerus; H, head of humerus; N,
surgical neck of humerus. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Kucharczyk, Chair of
Medical Imaging and Clinical Director of Tri-Hospital Resonance Centre,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)
Joint Capsule of the Glenohumeral Joint
The loose fibrous layer of the joint capsule surrounds
the glenohumeral joint and is attached medially to the margin of the
glenoid cavity and laterally to the anatomical neck of the humerus (Fig. 6.61A & B).
Superiorly, this part of the joint capsule encroaches on the root of
the coracoid process so that the fibrous layer of the joint capsule
encloses the proximal attachment of the long head of the biceps brachii
to the supraglenoid tubercle of scapula within the joint. The joint
capsule has two apertures: (1) an opening between the tubercles of the
humerus for passage of the tendon of the long head of the biceps
brachii (Fig. 6.59) and (2) an opening situated anteriorly, inferior to the coracoid process that allows communication between the subscapular bursa
and the synovial cavity of the joint. The inferior part of the joint
capsule, the only part not reinforced by the rotator cuff muscles, is
its weakest area. Here the capsule is particularly lax and lies in
folds when the arm is adducted; however, it becomes taut when the arm
is abducted.
The synovial membrane lines
the internal surface of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule and
reflects from it onto the glenoid labrum and the humerus, as far as the
articular margin of the head (Figs. 6.59, 6.60A, and 6.61).
The synovial membrane also forms a tubular sheath for the tendon of the
long head of the biceps brachii, where it lies in the intertubercular
groove of the humerus and passes into the joint cavity, extending as
far as the surgical neck of the humerus (Fig. 6.59).
Ligaments of the Glenohumeral Joint
The glenohumeral ligaments, which strengthen the anterior aspect of the joint capsule of the joint, and the coracohumeral


ligament, which strengthens the capsule superiorly, are intrinsic
ligaments—that is, part of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule (Figs. 6.60A and 6.61B). The glenohumeral ligaments
are three fibrous bands, evident only on the internal aspect of the
capsule, that reinforce the anterior part of the joint capsule. These
ligaments radiate laterally and inferiorly from the glenoid labrum at
the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and blend distally with the
fibrous layer of the capsule as it attaches to the anatomical neck of
the humerus. The coracohumeral ligament is
a strong broad band that passes from the base of the coracoid process
to the anterior aspect of the greater tubercle of the humerus (Fig. 6.61B). The transverse humeral ligament
is a broad fibrous band that runs more or less obliquely from the
greater to the lesser tubercle of the humerus, bridging over the
intertubercular groove (Figs. 6.59 and 6.62B).
The ligament converts the groove into a canal, which holds the synovial
sheath and tendon of the biceps brachii in place during movements of
the glenohumeral joint.

The coracoacromial arch is an extrinsic, protective structure formed by the smooth inferior aspect of the acromion and the coracoid process of the scapula, with the coracoacromial ligament spanning between them (Fig. 6.61B).
This osseo-ligamentous structure forms a protective arch that overlies
the humeral head, preventing its superior displacement from the glenoid
cavity. The coracoacromial arch is so strong that a forceful superior
thrust of the humerus will not fracture it; the humeral shaft or
clavicle fractures first. Transmitting force superiorly along the
humerus (e.g., when standing at a desk and partly supporting the body
with the outstretched limbs), the humeral head presses against the
coracoacromial arch. The supraspinatus muscle passes under this arch
and lies deep to the deltoid as its tendon blends with the joint
capsule of the glenohumeral joint as part of the rotator cuff (Fig. 6.60A & B).
Movement of the supraspinatus tendon, passing to the greater tubercle
of the humerus, is facilitated as it passes under the arch by the subacromial bursa (Fig. 6.61A), which lies between the arch superiorly and the tendon and tubercle inferiorly.
Movements of the Glenohumeral Joint
The glenohumeral joint has more freedom of movement than
any other joint in the body. This freedom results from the laxity of
its joint capsule and the large size of the humeral head compared with
the small size of the glenoid cavity. The glenohumeral joint allows
movements around three axes and permits flexion–extension,
abduction–adduction, rotation (medial and lateral) of the humerus, and
circumduction. Lateral rotation of the humerus increases the range of
abduction. When the arm is abducted without rotation, available
articular surface is exhausted and the greater tubercle contacts the coracoacromial arch,
preventing further abduction. If the arm is then laterally rotated
180°, the tubercles are rotated posteriorly and more articular surface
becomes available to continue elevation. Circumduction at the glenohumeral joint is an orderly sequence of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction—or the reverse (Fig. 6.57).
Unless performed over a small range, these movements do not occur at
the glenohumeral joint in isolation; they are accompanied by movements
at the two other joints of the pectoral girdle (SC and AC). Stiffening
or fixation of the joints of the pectoral girdle (ankylosis) results in a much more restricted range of movement, even if the glenohumeral joint is normal.
Muscles Moving the Glenohumeral Joint
The movements of the glenohumeral joint and muscles that produce them—the axioappendicular muscles, which may act indirectly on the joint (i.e., act on the pectoral girdle), and the scapulohumeral muscles, which act directly on the glenohumeral joint (Tables 6.2 and 6.3)—are listed in Table 6.14.
Other muscles that serve the glenohumeral joint as shunt muscles,
acting to resist dislocation without producing movement at the joint
(e.g., when carrying a heavy suitcase), or that maintain the large head
of the humerus in the relatively shallow glenoid cavity are also listed.
Blood Supply of the Glenohumeral Joint
The glenohumeral joint is supplied by the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries and branches of the suprascapular artery (Table 6.4).
Innervation of the Glenohumeral Joint
The suprascapular, axillary, and lateral pectoral nerves supply the glenohumeral joint (Table 6.5).
Bursae around the Glenohumeral Joint
Several bursae (sac-like cavities) containing capillary films of synovial fluid
(secreted by the synovial membrane) are situated near the glenohumeral
joint. Bursae are located where tendons rub against bone, ligaments, or
other tendons and where skin moves over a bony prominence. The bursae
around the glenohumeral joint are of special clinical importance
because some of them communicate with the articular (joint) cavity
(e.g., the subscapular bursa). Consequently, opening a bursa may mean
entering the cavity of the glenohumeral joint.
Subscapular Bursa
The subscapular bursa is located between the tendon of the subscapularis and the neck of the scapula (Fig. 6.59).
The bursa protects the tendon where it passes inferior to the root of
the coracoid process and over the neck of the scapula. It usually
communicates with the cavity of the glenohumeral joint through an
opening in the fibrous layer of the joint capsule (Fig. 6.60A); thus it is really an extension of the glenohumeral joint cavity.
Subacromial Bursa
Sometimes referred to as the subdeltoid bursa, the subacromial bursa
is located between the acromion, coracoacromial ligament and deltoid
superiorly and the supraspinatus tendon and joint capsule of the
glenohumeral joint inferiorly (Fig. 6.61A).
Thus it facilitates movement of the supraspinatus tendon under the
coracoacromial arch and of the deltoid over the joint capsule of the
glenohumeral joint and the greater tubercle of the humerus. Its size
varies, but it does not normally communicate with the cavity of the
glenohumeral joint.


Figure 6.62. Elbow and proximal radioulnar joints. A.
The thin anterior aspect of the joint capsule has been removed to
reveal the articulating surfaces of the bones inside. The strong
collateral ligaments were left intact. B. This anteroposterior radiograph shows the extended elbow joint. C.
The fibrous layer and synovial membrane of the joint capsule, the
subtendinous and subcutaneous olecranon bursae, and humeroulnar
articulation of the elbow joint are demonstrated. D. This lateral radiograph shows the flexed elbow joint. (Parts B and D courtesy of Dr. E. Becker, Associate Professor of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)





Elbow Joint
The elbow joint, a hinge type of synovial joint, is located 2–3 cm inferior to the epicondyles of the humerus (Fig. 6.62).
Articulation of the Elbow Joint
The spool-shaped trochlea and spheroidal capitulum of the humerus articulate with the trochlear notch of the ulna and the slightly concave superior aspect of the head of the radius,
respectively; therefore, there are humeroulnar and humeroradial
articulations. The articular surfaces, covered with hyaline cartilage,
are most fully congruent (in contact) when the forearm is in a position
midway between pronation and supination and is flexed to a right angle.
Joint Capsule of the Elbow Joint
The fibrous layer of the joint capsule surrounds the elbow joint (Fig. 6.62A & C).
It is attached to the humerus at the margins of the lateral and medial
ends of the articular surfaces of the capitulum and trochlea.
Anteriorly and posteriorly it is carried superiorly, proximal to the
coronoid and olecranon fossae. The synovial membrane
lines the internal surface of the fibrous layer of the capsule and the
intracapsular non-articular parts of the humerus. It is also continuous
inferiorly with the synovial membrane of the proximal radioulnar joint.
The joint capsule is weak anteriorly and posteriorly but is
strengthened on each side by collateral ligaments.
Ligaments of the Elbow Joint
The collateral ligaments of the elbow joint are strong
triangular bands that are medial and lateral thickenings of the fibrous
layer of the joint capsule (Figs. 6.62A and 6.63). The lateral, fan-like radial collateral ligament extends from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and blends distally with the anular ligament of the radius,
which encircles and holds the head of the radius in the radial notch of
the ulna, forming the proximal radioulnar joint and permitting
pronation and supination of the forearm. The medial, triangular ulnar collateral ligament
extends from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the coronoid
process and olecranon of the ulna and consists of three bands: (1) the anterior cord-like band is the strongest, (2) the posterior fan-like band is the weakest, and (3) the slender oblique band deepens the socket for the trochlea of the humerus.
Movements of the Elbow Joint
Flexion and extension occur at the elbow joint. The long
axis of the fully extended ulna makes an angle of approximately 170°
with the long axis of the humerus. This angle, called the carrying angle (Fig. 6.64),
is named for the way the forearm angles away from the body when
something is carried, such as a pail of water. The obliquity of the
ulna and thus of the carrying angle is more pronounced (the angle is
approximately 10° more acute) in women than in men. It is
teleologically said to enable the swinging limbs to clear the wide
female pelvis when walking. In the anatomical position, the elbow is
against the waist. The carrying angle disappears when the forearm is
Muscles Moving the Elbow Joint
A total of 17 muscles cross the elbow and extend to the
forearm and hand, most of which have some potential to affect elbow
movement. In turn, their function and efficiency in the other movements
they produce are affected by elbow position. However, the chief flexors of the elbow joint are the brachialis and biceps brachii (Fig. 6.65).
The brachioradialis can produce rapid flexion in the absence of
resistance (even when the chief flexors are paralyzed). Normally, in
the presence


of resistance, the brachioradialis and pronator teres assist the chief flexors in producing slower flexion. The chief extensor of the elbow joint is the triceps brachii, especially the medial head, weakly assisted by the anconeus.

Figure 6.63. Collateral ligaments of elbow joint A.
The fan-like radial collateral is attached to the anular ligament of
the radius, but its superficial fibers continue on to the ulna. B.
The ulnar collateral ligament has a strong, round, cord-like anterior
band (part), which is taut when the elbow joint is extended, and a
weak, fan-like posterior band, which is taut when the joint is flexed.
The oblique fibers merely deepen the socket for the trochlea of the
Figure 6.64. Carrying angle of elbow joint.
This angle is made by the axes of the arm and forearm when the elbow is
fully extended. Note that the forearm diverges laterally, forming an
angle that is greater in the woman. Teleologically, this is said to
allow for clearance of the wider female pelvis as the limbs swing
during walking; however, no significant difference exists regarding the
function of the elbow.
Figure 6.65. Flexor and extensor muscles of elbow joint.
During slow flexion or maintenance of flexion against gravity, the
brachialis and biceps brachii are mainly involved. With increasing
speed, the brachioradialis becomes involved. In the absence of
resistance, the brachioradialis can flex the elbow when the other
flexors are paralyzed. The triceps brachii is the main extensor of the
forearm at the elbow joint. The anconeus muscle and gravity assist the
triceps in extending the elbow joint.
Blood Supply of the Elbow Joint
The arteries supplying the elbow joint are derived from the anastomosis around the elbow joint (Fig. 6.35).
Nerve Supply of the Elbow Joint
The elbow joint is supplied by the musculocutaneous, radial, and ulnar nerves (Table 6.10).
Bursae around the Elbow Joint
Only some of the bursae around the elbow joint are clinically important. The three olecranon bursae are (Figs. 6.62C and 6.66) the:
  • Intratendinous olecranon bursa, which is sometimes present in the tendon of triceps brachii.
  • Subtendinous olecranon bursa, which is located between the olecranon and the triceps tendon, just proximal to its attachment to the olecranon.
  • Subcutaneous olecranon bursa, which is located in the subcutaneous connective tissue over the olecranon.
The bicipitoradial bursa (biceps bursa) separates the biceps tendon from, and reduces abrasion against, the anterior part of the radial tuberosity
Figure 6.66. Bursae around elbow joint.
Of the several bursae around the elbow joint, the olecranon bursae are
most important clinically. Trauma of these bursae may produce bursitis
(inflammation of the bursae).



Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The proximal (superior) radioulnar joint is a pivot type of synovial joint that allows movement of the head of the radius on the ulna (Figs. 6.62A, B, & D and 6.67).
Articulation of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The head of the radius articulates with the radial notch of the ulna. The radial head is held in position by the anular ligament of the radius.
Joint Capsule of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The fibrous layer of the joint capsule encloses the joint and is continuous with that of the elbow joint. The synovial membrane
lines the deep surface of the fibrous layer and non-articulating
aspects of the bones. The synovial membrane is an inferior prolongation
of the synovial membrane of the elbow joint.
Ligaments of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The strong anular ligament,
attached to the ulna anterior and posterior to its radial notch,
surrounds the articulating bony surfaces and forms a collar that, with
the radial notch, creates a ring that completely encircles the head of
the radius (Figs. 6.67, 6.68 and 6.69). The deep surface of the anular ligament is lined with synovial membrane, which continues distally as a sacciform recess of the proximal radioulnar joint
on the neck of the radius. This arrangement allows the radius to rotate
within the anular ligament without binding, stretching, or tearing the
synovial membrane.
Movements of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
During pronation and supination of the forearm, the head
of the radius rotates within the collar formed by the anular ligament
and the radial notch of the ulna. Supination turns the palm anteriorly, or superiorly when the forearm is flexed (Figs. 6.37A & C, 6.68 and 6.70). Pronation
turns the palm posteriorly, or inferiorly when the forearm is flexed.
The axis for these movements passes proximally through the center of
the head of the radius and distally through the site of attachment of
the apex of the articular disc to the head (styloid process) of the
ulna. During pronation and supination, it is the radius that rotates;
its head rotates within the cup-shaped collar formed by the anular
ligament and the radial notch on the ulna. Distally, the end of the
radius rotates around the head of the ulna. Almost always, supination
and pronation are accompanied by synergistic movements of the
glenohumeral and elbow joints that produce simultaneous movement of the
ulna, except when the elbow is flexed.
Muscles Moving the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
Supination is produced by
the supinator (when resistance is absent) and biceps brachii (when
power is required because of resistance), with some assistance from the
EPL and ECRL (Fig. 6.68C). Pronation
is produced by the pronator quadratus (primarily) and pronator teres
(secondarily), with some assistance from the FCR, palmaris longus, and
brachioradialis (when the forearm is in the midpronated position).
Blood Supply of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The proximal radioulnar joint is supplied by the radial portion of the periarticular arterial anastomosis of the elbow joint (radial and middle collateral arteries anastomosing with the



radial and recurrent interosseous arteries, respectively) (Fig. 6.34; Table 6.9).

Figure 6.67. Proximal radioulnar joint The anular ligament attaches to the radial notch of the ulna, forming a collar around the head of the radius (Fig. 6.68A),
creating a pivot type of synovial joint. The articular cavity of the
joint is continuous with that of the elbow joint, as demonstrated by
the blue latex injected into that space and seen through the thin parts
of the fibrous layer of the capsule.
Figure 6.68. Supination and pronation of forearm. A. The head of the radius rotates in the “socket” formed by the anular ligament and radial notch of the ulna. B.
Supination is the movement of the forearm that rotates the radius
laterally around its longitudinal axis so that the dorsum of the hand
faces posteriorly and the palm faces anteriorly. Pronation is the
movement of the forearm that rotates the radius medially around its
longitudinal axis so that the palm of the hand faces posteriorly and
its dorsum faces anteriorly (Fig. 6.77). C.
The actions of the biceps brachii and supinator in producing supination
from the pronated position at the radioulnar joints are shown.
Innervation of the Proximal Radioulnar Joint
The proximal radioulnar joint is supplied mainly by the
musculocutaneous, median, and radial nerves. Pronation is essentially a
function of the median nerve, whereas supination is a function of the
musculocutaneous and radial nerves.
Figure 6.69. Radioulnar ligaments and interosseous arteries.
The ligament of the proximal radioulnar joint is the anular ligament.
The ligament of the distal radioulnar joint is the articular disc. The
interosseous membrane connects the interosseous margins of the radius
and ulna, forming the radioulnar syndesmosis. The general direction of
the fibers of the interosseous membrane is such that a superior thrust
to the hand is received by the radius and is transmitted to the ulna.
Figure 6.70. Movements of distal radioulnar joint during supination and pronation of forearm.
The distal radioulnar joint is the pivot type of synovial joint between
the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch of the radius. The inferior
end of the radius moves around the relatively fixed end of the ulna
during supination and pronation of the hand. The two bones are firmly
united distally by the articular disc, referred to clinically as the
triangular ligament of the distal radioulnar joint. It has a broad
attachment to the radius but a narrow attachment to the styloid process
of the ulna, which serves as the pivot point for the rotary movement.


Distal Radioulnar Joint
The distal (inferior) radioulnar joint is a pivot type of synovial joint (Fig. 6.69). The radius moves around the relatively fixed distal end of the ulna.
Articulation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
The rounded head of the ulna articulates with the ulnar
notch on the medial side of the distal end of the radius. A
fibrocartilaginous articular disc of the distal radioulnar joint
(sometimes referred to by clinicians as the “triangular ligament”)
binds the ends of the ulna and radius together and is the main uniting
structure of the joint (Figs. 6.70, 6.71 and 6.72B).
The base of the articular disc is attached to the medial edge of the
ulnar notch of the radius, and its apex is attached to the lateral side
of the base of the styloid process of the ulna. The proximal surface of
this triangular disc articulates with the distal aspect of the head of
the ulna. Hence, the joint cavity is L-shaped in a coronal section; the
vertical bar of the L is between the radius and the ulna, and the horizontal bar is between the ulna and the articular disc (Figs. 6.71B & C and 6.72A).


The articular disc separates the cavity of the distal radioulnar joint from the cavity of the wrist joint.

Figure 6.71. Bones of wrist and hand. A.
In radiographs of the wrist and hand the “joint space” at the distal
end of the ulna appears wide because of the radiolucent articular disc.
(Courtesy of Dr. E. L. Lansdown, Professor of Medical Imaging,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.) B.
This coronal section of the right hand demonstrates the distal
radioulnar, wrist, intercarpal, carpometacarpal, and intermetacarpal
joints. Although they appear to be continuous when viewed
radiographically in parts A and C,
the articular cavities of the distal radioulnar and wrist joints are
separated by the articular disc of the distal radioulnar joint. C. This coronal MRI shows the wrist. Structures are identified in part A.
(Courtesy of Dr. W. Kucharczyk, Chair of Medical Imaging and Clinical
Director of Tri-Hospital Magnetic Resonance Centre, Toronto, Ontario,
Joint Capsule of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
The fibrous layer of the joint capsule encloses the distal radioulnar joint but is deficient superiorly. The synovial membrane extends superiorly between the radius and the ulna to form the sacciform recess of the distal radioulnar joint (Fig. 6.72A).
This redundancy of the synovial capsule accommodates the twisting of
the capsule that occurs when the distal end of the radius travels
around the relatively fixed distal end of the ulna during pronation of
the forearm.
Ligaments of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
Anterior and posterior ligaments strengthen the fibrous
layer of the joint capsule of the distal radioulnar joint. These
relatively weak transverse bands extend from the radius to the ulna
across the anterior and posterior surfaces of the joint.
Movements of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
During pronation of the forearm and hand, the distal end
of the radius moves (rotates) anteriorly and medially, crossing over
the ulna anteriorly (Fig. 6.70). During
supination, the radius uncrosses from the ulna, its distal end moving
(rotating) laterally and posteriorly so the bones become parallel.
Muscles Moving the Distal Radioulnar Joint
The muscles producing movements of the distal radioulnar joint are discussed with the proximal radioulnar joint.
Blood Supply of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
The anterior and posterior interosseous arteries supply the distal radioulnar joint (Fig. 6.69).
Innervation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
The anterior and posterior interosseous nerves supply the distal radioulnar joint.


Figure 6.72. Dissection of distal radioulnar, radiocarpal, and intercarpal joints. A.
The ligaments of these joints are shown. The hand is forcibly extended
but the joint is intact. Observe the palmar radiocarpal ligaments,
passing from the radius to the two rows of carpal bones. These strong
ligaments are directed so that the hand follows the radius during
supination. B. The joint is opened
anteriorly, with the dorsal radiocarpal ligaments serving as a hinge.
Observe the nearly equal proximal articular surfaces of the scaphoid
and lunate and that the lunate articulates with both the radius and the
articular disc. Only during adduction of the wrist does the triquetrum
articulate with the disc.


Wrist Joint
The wrist (carpus),
the proximal segment of the hand, is a complex of eight carpal bones,
articulating proximally with the forearm via the wrist joint and
distally with the five metacarpals. The wrist (radiocarpal) joint
is a condyloid (ellipsoid) type of synovial joint. The position of the
joint is indicated approximately by a line joining the styloid
processes of the radius and ulna, or by the proximal wrist crease (Figs. 6.71, 6.72A & B, and SA6.17).
Articulation of the Wrist Joint
The ulna does not participate in the wrist joint. The
distal end of the radius and the articular disc of the distal
radioulnar joint articulate with the proximal row of carpal bones,
except for the pisiform. The latter bone acts primarily as a sesamoid
bone, increasing the leverage of the FCU. It lies in a plane anterior
to the other carpal bones, articulating with only the triquetrum.
Joint Capsule of the Wrist Joint
The fibrous layer of the joint capsule
surrounds the wrist joint and is attached to the distal ends of the
radius and ulna and the proximal row of carpals (scaphoid, lunate, and
triquetrum). The synovial membrane lines the internal surface of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule and is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces (Fig. 6.72B). Numerous synovial folds are present.
Ligaments of the Wrist Joint
The fibrous layer of the joint capsule is strengthened by strong dorsal and palmar radiocarpal ligaments. The palmar radiocarpal ligaments pass from the radius to the two rows of carpals (Fig. 6.72A). They are strong and directed so that the hand follows the radius during supination of the forearm. The dorsal radiocarpal ligaments
take the same direction so that the hand follows the radius during
pronation of the forearm. The joint capsule is also strengthened
medially by the ulnar collateral ligament, which is attached to the ulnar styloid process and triquetrum (Figs. 6.71B and 6.72A). The joint capsule is also strengthened laterally by the radial collateral ligament, which is attached to the radial styloid process and scaphoid.
Movements of the Wrist Joint
The movements at the wrist joint may be augmented by additional smaller movements at the intercarpal and midcarpal joints (Fig. 6.73).
The movements are flexion–extension, abduction–adduction (radial
deviation–ulnar deviation), and circumduction. The hand can be flexed
on the forearm more than it can be extended; these movements are
accompanied (actually, are initiated) by similar movements at the
midcarpal joint between the proximal and the distal rows of carpal
bones. Adduction of the hand is greater than abduction (Fig. 6.73B).
Most adduction occurs at the wrist joint. Abduction from the neutral
position occurs at the midcarpal joint. Circumduction of the hand
consists of successive flexion, adduction, extension, and abduction.
Muscles Moving the Wrist Joint
Movement at the wrist is produced primarily by the
“carpi” muscles of the forearm, the tendons of which extend along the
four corners of the wrist (comparing a cross-section of the wrist to a
rectangle [Fig. 6.73C]) to attach to the bases of the metacarpals. The FCU does so via the pisohamate ligament, a continuation of the FCU tendon if the pisiform is considered a sesamoid bone within the continuous tendon.
  • Flexion of the wrist is produced by the FCR and FCU, with assistance from the flexors of the fingers and thumb, the palmaris longus and the APL.
  • Extension of the wrist is produced by the ECRL, ECRB, and ECU, with assistance from the extensors of the fingers and thumb.
  • Abduction of the wrist
    is produced by the APL, FCR, ECRL, and ECRB; it is limited to
    approximately 15° because of the projecting radial styloid process.
  • Adduction of the wrist is produced by simultaneous contraction of the ECU and FCU.
Most activities require a small amount of wrist flexion;
however, tight grip (clenching of the fist) requires extension at the
wrist. The mildly extended position is also the most stable and the
“resting position.”
Blood Supply of the Wrist Joint
The arteries supplying the wrist joint are branches of the dorsal and palmar carpal arches (Figs. 6.40A and 6.46A).
Innervation of the Wrist Joint
The nerves to the wrist joint are derived from the anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve, the posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve, and the dorsal and deep branches of the ulnar nerve (Tables 6.10 and 6.13).


Figure 6.73. Movements of wrist. A.
In this sagittal section of the wrist and hand during extension and
flexion, observe the radiocarpal, midcarpal, and carpometacarpal
articulations. Most movement occurs at the radiocarpal joint, with
additional movement taking place at the midcarpal joint during full
flexion and extension. B. Movement at the
radiocarpal and midcarpal joints during adduction and abduction is
demonstrated as seen in posteroanterior radiography. C.
This view of the proximal articular surface of the radiocarpal joint
indicates the position of the tendons of the primary (“carpi”) muscles
acting at the (“four corners” of the) joint and the movements produced
by their combined activity. The carpi muscles include the flexor carpi
ulnaris (FCU), extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB).


Intercarpal Joints
The intercarpal (IC) joints, interconnecting the carpal bones, are plane synovial joints (Fig. 6.71), which may be summarized as:
  • Joints between the carpal bones of the proximal row.
  • Joints between the carpal bones of the distal row.
  • The midcarpal joint, a complex joint between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones.
  • The pisotriquetral joint, formed from the articulation of the pisiform with the palmar surface of the triquetrum.
Joint Capsule of the Intercarpal Joints
A continuous, common articular cavity is formed by the IC and carpometacarpal joints, with the exception of the


carpometacarpal joint of the thumb, which
is independent. The wrist joint is also independent. The continuity of
the articular cavities, or the lack of it, is significant in relation
to the spread of infection and to arthroscopy, in which a flexible
fiberoptic scope is inserted into the articular cavity to view its
internal surfaces and features. The fibrous layer of the joint capsule surrounds these joints, which helps unite the carpals. The synovial membrane lines the fibrous layer and is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces of the carpals.

Ligaments of the Intercarpal Joints
The carpals are united by anterior, posterior, and interosseous ligaments (Figs. 6.72 and 6.74A).
Movements at the Intercarpal Joints
The gliding movements possible between the carpals occur
concomitantly with movements at the wrist (radiocarpal) joint,
augmenting them and increasing the overall range of movement. Flexion
and extension of the hand are actually initiated at the midcarpal joint, between the proximal and the distal rows of carpals (Figs. 6.71B and 6.73).
Investigators disagree regarding the amount of movement occurring at
the wrist vs. the midcarpal joints. Most state that flexion and
adduction occur mainly at the wrist joint whereas extension and
abduction occur primarily at the midcarpal joint. Movements at the
other IC joints are small, with the proximal row being more mobile than
the distal row.
Blood Supply of the Intercarpal Joints
The arteries supplying the IC joints are derived from the dorsal and palmar carpal arches.
Innervation of the Intercarpal Joints
The IC joints are supplied by the anterior interosseous
branch of the median nerve and the dorsal and deep branches of the
ulnar nerve.
Figure 6.74. Joints of hand. A.
This dissection of the hand shows the palmar ligaments of the
radioulnar, radiocarpal, intercarpal, carpometacarpal, and
interphalangeal joints. B. A dissection
showing the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. The palmar
ligaments (plates) are modifications of the anterior aspect of the MP
and IP joint capsules. C. The flexed index
finger demonstrates its phalanges and the position of the MP and IP
joints. The knuckles are formed by the heads of the bones, with the
joint plane lying distally.


Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The carpometacarpal (CMC) and intermetacarpal (IM) joints are the plane type of synovial joint, except for the CMC joint of the thumb, which is a saddle joint (Fig. 6.71).
Articulations of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The distal surfaces of the carpals of the distal row
articulate with the carpal surfaces of the bases of the metacarpals at
the CMC joints. The important CMC joint of the thumb is between the
trapezium and the base of the 1st metacarpal and has a separate
articular cavity. Like the carpals, adjacent metacarpals articulate
with each other; IM joints occur between the radial and the ulnar
aspects of the bases of the metacarpals.
Joint Capsule of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The medial four CMC joints and three IM joints are
enclosed by a common joint capsule on the palmar and dorsal surfaces. A
common synovial membrane lines the internal surface of the fibrous
layer of the joint capsule, surrounding a common articular cavity.
The fibrous layer of the CMC joint of the thumb
surrounds the joint and is attached to the margins of the articular
surfaces. The synovial membrane lines the internal surface of the
fibrous layer. The looseness of the capsule facilitates free movement
of the joint.
Ligaments of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The bones are united in the region of the joints by palmar and dorsal CMC and IM ligaments (Fig. 6.74A) and by interosseous IM ligaments (Fig. 6.71B). In addition, the superficial and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
(the former part of the palmar aponeurosis), associated with the distal
ends of the metacarpals, play a role in limiting movement at the CMC
and IM joints as they limit separation of the metacarpal heads.
Movements at the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The CMC joint of the thumb permits angular movements in
any plane (flexion–extension, abduction–adduction, or circumduction)
and a restricted amount of axial rotation. Most important, the movement
essential to opposition of the thumb occurs here. Although the opponens
pollicis is the prime mover, all of the hypothenar muscles contribute
to opposition. Almost no movement occurs at the CMC joints of the 2nd
and 3rd fingers, that of the 4th finger is slightly mobile, and that of
the 5th finger is moderately mobile, flexing and rotating slightly
during a tight grasp (Fig. 6.48G & H).
When the palm of the hand is “cupped,” (as during pad-to-pad opposition
of thumb and little finger), two thirds of the movement occur at the
CMC joint of the thumb, and one third occurs at the CMC and IC joints
of the 4th and 5th fingers.
Blood Supply of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The CMC and IM joints are supplied by periarticular arterial anastomoses of the wrist and hand (dorsal and palmar carpal arches, deep palmar arch, and metacarpal arteries) (Fig. 6.79).
Innervation of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
The CMC and IM joints are supplied by the anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve, posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve, and dorsal and deep branches of the ulnar nerve.
Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
The metacarpophalangeal joints are the condyloid type of synovial joint that permit movement in two planes: flexion–extension and adduction–abduction. The interphalangeal joints are the hinge type of synovial joint and permit flexion–extension only (Fig. 6.74B).
Articulations of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
The heads of the metacarpals articulate with the bases
of the proximal phalanges in the MP joints, and the heads of the
phalanges articulate with the bases of more distally located phalanges
in the IP joints.
Joint Capsule of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
A joint capsule encloses each MC and IP joint with a synovial membrane lining a fibrous layer that is attached to the margins of each joint.
Ligaments of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
The fibrous layer of each MC and IP joint capsule is strengthened by two (medial and lateral) collateral ligaments. These ligaments have two parts: (1) denser cord-like parts that pass distally from the heads of the metacarpals and phalanges to the bases of the phalanges (Fig. 6.74A & B), and (2) thinner fan-like parts that pass anteriorly to attach to thick, densely fibrous or fibrocartilaginous plates, the palmar ligaments
(plates), which form the palmar aspect of the joint capsule. The
fan-like parts of the collateral ligaments cause the palmar ligaments
to move like a visor over the underlying metacarpal or phalangeal
heads. The strong cord-like parts of the collateral ligaments of the MP
joint, being eccentrically attached to the metacarpal heads are slack
during extension and taut during flexion. As a result, the fingers
cannot usually be spread (abducted) when the MP joints are fully
flexed. The interphalangeal joints have corresponding ligaments but the
distal ends of the proximal and middle phalanges, being flattened
anteroposteriorly and having two small condyles, permit neither
adduction or abduction.
The palmar ligaments blend with the fibrous digital sheaths and provide a smooth, longitudinal groove that allows


the long flexor ligaments to glide and remain centrally placed as they
cross the convexities of the joints. The palmar ligaments of the
2nd–5th MP joints are united by deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
that hold the heads of the metacarpals together. In addition, the
dorsal hood of each extensor apparatus attaches anteriorly to the sides
of the palmar plates of the MP joints.

Movements of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
Flexion–extension, abduction–adduction, and
circumduction of the 2nd–5th digits occur at the 2nd–5th MP joints.
Movement at the MP joint of the thumb is limited to flexion–extension.
Only flexion and extension occur at the IP joints.
Blood Supply of the Metacarpal and Interphalangeal Joints
Deep digital arteries that arise from the superficial palmar arches supply the MC and IP joints (Fig. 6.79).
Innervation of the Metacarpal and Interphalangeal Joints
Digital nerves arising from the ulnar and median nerves supply the MC and IP joints.
1 The scapulothoracic joint
is a physiological “joint,” in which movement occurs between
musculoskeletal structures (between the scapula and associated muscles
and the thoracic wall), rather than an anatomical joint, in which
movement occurs between directly articulating skeletal elements. The
scapulothoracic joint is where the scapular movements of
elevation–depression, protraction–retraction, and rotation occur.
It is awkward that the structure officially identified as the flexor
retinaculum does not correspond in position and structure to the
extensor retinaculum when there is another structure (the palmar carpal
ligament, currently unrecognized by Terminologia Anatomica) that does. The clinical community has proposed and widely adopted the use of the more structurally based term transverse carpal ligament to replace the term flexor retinaculum. The authors urge FICAT to adopt this terminology in future editions of Terminologia Anatomica.
3 The preferred English-equivalent terms listed by Terminologia Anatomica are used here. Official alternate TA terms replace of the arm with brachial, and of the forearm with antebrachial.











References and Suggested Readings
Anderson MK, Hall SJ, Martin, M: Sports Injury Management, 2nd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Bergman RA, Thompson SA, Afifi AK, Saadeh FA: Compendium of Human Anatomic Variation: Text, Atlas and World Literature. Baltimore, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1988.
Foerster O: The dermatomes in man. Brain 56:1, 1933.
Ger R, Abrahams P, Olson T: Essentials of Clinical Anatomy, 3rd ed. New York, Parthenon, 1996.
Halpern BC: Shoulder injuries. In Birrer RB, O’Connor FG (eds): Sports Medicine for the Primary Care Physician, 3rd ed. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2004.
Hamill J, Knutzen KM: Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement, 2nd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
Keegan JJ, Garrett FD: The segmental distribution of the cutaneous nerves in the limbs of man. Anat Rec 102:409, 1948.
LJ (Chair), Educational Affairs Committee, American Association of
Clinical Anatomists: The clinical anatomy of several invasive
procedures. Clin Anat 12:43, 1999.
Moore KL, Persaud TVN: The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 2003.
Nussbaum RL, McInnes RR, Willard HF: Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 6th ed., Philadelphia, Saunders, 2004.
Rowland LP (ed): Merritt’s Textbook of Neurology, 10th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Sabiston DC Jr, Lyerly HK: Sabiston Essentials of Surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1994.
Salter RB: Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System, 3rd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Williams PL, Bannister LH, Berry MM, Collins P, Dyson M, Dussek JE, Fergusson MWJ (eds): Gray’s Anatomy, 38th ed. Edinburgh, UK, Churchill Livingstone, 1995.

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