Exercise-Induced Diarrhea
Exercise-Induced Diarrhea
Kimberly Harmon

Increased stool frequency or volume often accompanied by lower abdominal cramping, or urge to defecate associated with strenuous physical activity:
Normal physical examination
Normal laboratory and diagnostic studies
Synonym(s): Runner's diarrhea; Runner's trots
Primarily associated with running sports, but also common in cycling and reported in swimming, wrestling (1,2,3)
Difficulty with existing research:
Difficult to control all variables (diet, exercise intensity, underlying pathology such as irritable bowel syndrome)
Studies often lack a denominator, making a true incidence of symptoms difficult to determine.
Many studies are surveys with low response rates, which introduces a selection bias.
Subject's dietary recall often is inaccurate.
Prevalence of diarrhea reported from 8–60% in athletes
Prevalence of diarrhea in control subjects reported up to 40%
Risk Factors
Underlying bowel pathology may worsen with strenuous exercise.
Occurs more frequently with increased exercise intensity
Occurs more frequently in untrained participants
Type of exercise (running > cycling, swimming, speed skating, cross-country skiing)
Meals rich in fat, protein, and fiber taken shortly before exercise worsen symptoms.
Proposed mechanisms (1,2,3):
Mesenteric ischemia:
With strenuous exercise, blood is shifted away from the gut and to the working muscle.
Exercising at 70% VO2 max decreases blood flow to GI tract by 60–70%.
May lead to the production of endotoxin
Causes a cascade of inflammatory events that can further impair the mucosal integrity
Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system leads to decreased sphlanic blood flow and is caused by:
Mental stress
Increased sympathetic nervous system activity:
Suppresses parasympathetic activity
Decreased gut tone and resistance
Increased colonic transit times
Secretion of gastroenteropancreatic hormones
Mechanical stimulation of the colon due to intra-abdominal jostling
Enteric fluid and electrolyte balance

Increased stool frequency or volume, or loose stools after exercise
Often accompanied by abdominal cramping and urge to defecate
May occur just with competition and not with training
Normal bowel function at other times
Physical Exam
Increased stool frequency
Increased stool volume
Loose or explosive stools
Urge to defecate, often necessitating the athlete to cease exercise
Abdominal cramping
Rectal bleeding
Unremarkable physical examination
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Exercise-associated diarrhea is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Workup is used to rule out other causes of diarrhea.
Stool cultures, including Clostridium difficile
Consider antigliadin and tissue transaminase antibodies to rule out celiac sprue.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Consider stool osmolar gap if eating disorder and/or laxative abuse is suspected:
Increased osmotic gap is suspicious for laxative use.
Imaging studies should be obtained as clinically indicated:
Consider barium enema
Contrast-enhanced CT scan
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Diagnostic procedures such as sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be considered as clinically indicated.
Differential Diagnosis
Irritable bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Colon cancer
Superior mesenteric or portal venous thrombosis
Microscopic colitis
Laxative abuse
Lactose intolerance

Treatment is generally conservative and should include (1,2,3)[C]:
Training modification:
Increase volume and intensity of training slowly.
Try to evacuate prior to exercise.
Diet modification
Acute symptoms usually rapidly resolve with cessation of activity:
Hyoscyamine (Levsin) 0.125 mg sublingually sometimes is helpful in stopping abdominal cramping after exercise.
All athletes should consult with the governing bodies of their sports regarding banned substances.
First Line
Antispasmodics may be helpful, but have anticholinergic side effects and should be used with caution:
Dicyclomine (Bentyl) 20 mg PO q.i.d.
Hyoscyamine (Levsin) 0.125–0.25 mg PO/s.l. q4h PRN:
The athlete should remain well hydrated.
Use in hot/humid conditions is not ideal
Loperamide (Imodium) decreases intestinal motility and affects water and electrolyte absorption:
Loperamide 2–4 mg 30 min before exercise
Side effects are rare.
Second Line
Opiate/atropine combinations (diphenoxylate [Lomotil]) should be used with caution:
Opiates are habit-forming.
May be banned depending on governing body of the sport
May adversely affect performance
Atropine may cause hyperthermia, tachycardia, and heat regulation problems.

Dietary modification can be helpful (1,2,3)[C]:
Stay well hydrated.
Avoid caffeine, which is both a diuretic and a cathartic.
Avoid foods that exacerbate symptoms (eg, lactose in lactose-intolerant athlete).
Limit intake of gas-forming foods (broccoli, onions, beans).
Eat a small, low-fat, low-fiber meal several hours before competition:
Use low-osmolar sports drink between meal and competition or training.
Avoid large doses of vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, and carbohydrate drink prior to exercise.
If athlete still has difficulty with diarrhea or urge to defecate, try complete nutritional liquid that is low in fiber during the day preceding competition.
Most athletes can learn how to manage their symptoms through the use of diet and training.
1. Casey E, Mistry DJ, MacKnight JM. Training room management of medical conditions: sports gastroenterology. Clin Sports Med. 2005;24:525–540, viii.
2. Ho GW. Lower gastrointestinal distress in endurance athletes. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2009;8:85–91.
3. Simons SM, Kennedy RG. Gastrointestinal problems in runners. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2004;3:112–116.
Additional Reading
Green GA. Gastrointestinal disorders in the athlete. Clin Sports Med. 1992;11:453–470.
Swain RA. Exercise-induced diarrhea: when to wonder. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1994;26:523–526.

306.4 Gastrointestinal malfunction arising from mental factors
564.5 Functional diarrhea
787.91 Diarrhea