Discoid Meniscus
Discoid Meniscus
Melissa Nayak

Menisci are fibrocartilaginous structures that are C-shaped (axial plane) and wedge-shaped (coronal plane).
Discoid meniscus lacks C-shaped configuration.
Completely filled in center or small void in center with thicker outer rim
Anatomic variation alters normal mechanics and predisposes to tearing.
Most common abnormal meniscal variant in children (1)
Predominantly lateral; may be medial or bilateral
May not be symptomatic until adolescence or adulthood
Watanabe classification (1,2,3)[C]:
Most widely accepted classification system
Type I (complete):
Most common
Disk-shaped thickened meniscus with thin center, complete tibial plateau coverage
Type II (incomplete): Semilunar-shaped meniscus with partial tibial plateau coverage
Type III (Wrisberg type):
Least common
Hypermobile meniscus resulting from deficient posterior tibial plateau attachments
Presence of ligament of Wrisberg (from posterior horn lateral meniscus to posterior aspect medial femoral condyle)
Unstable and may displace
1–3% (pediatric population) (1)
Bilateral (lateral) in 10–20% of patients (1,3)
Increased incidence in Asian populations (1,3)
Up to 17% in Korean and Japanese populations (1)
0.4–20% in patients undergoing arthroscopy (2)
Risk Factors
Asian ancestry
Genetic/familial transmission may play a role.
Exact cause unknown
May be congenital anomaly or malformation
Discoid lateral menisci:
Thicker, poorer vascularity
Some have unstable peripheral attachments (Wrisberg type) and thus increased susceptibility to tearing.
Commonly Associated Conditions
Associated meniscal tears (70% of time; incidence increases with age) (4)
Osteochondritis dissecans, lateral femoral condyle
High fibular head
Hypoplasia of lateral femoral condyle
Hypoplasia of tibial spines
Abnormal shape of lateral malleolus
Enlarged inferior lateral geniculate artery

Patients may be asymptomatic.
Signs and symptoms (in absence of trauma) include:
Giving way
Decreased knee extension
Physical Exam
Palpable click near complete extension
Quadriceps atrophy
Lack of full extension
Joint-line tenderness
Effusion less common
Positive McMurray test (with associated meniscal tears)
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Radiographs (weight-bearing AP, lateral, tunnel, and Merchant views):
May be normal
Widened lateral joint space
Squared off appearance of lateral femoral condyle
Cupping of lateral tibial plateau
Flattening of tibial eminence
Test of choice
May not show abnormal signal intensity
Lateral meniscal height greater than medial, with high intrameniscal signal
Abnormal thickened “bow tie” appearance of meniscus
Differential Diagnosis
Meniscal tear
Popliteus tendinitis
Osteochondritis dissecans
Loose body
Any condition that causes a “snapping” knee:
Subluxation or dislocation of patellofemoral joint
Snapping of tendons around knee
Congenital subluxation of tibiofemoral joint
Subluxation/dislocation of proximal tibiofemoral joint
Meniscal cyst

No treatment or surgical indications for asymptomatic patients
Additional Treatment
Orthopedic surgical consultation is indicated in patients still symptomatic after conservative measures.
Surgery/Other Procedures
Goal is meniscal preservation (2,3)[C].
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy with saucerization (reshape meniscus) and repair of unstable or detached peripheral attachments to the capsule
Arthroscopic total meniscectomy not recommended owing to complication of osteoarthrosis; reserved for large or complex tears not amenable to saucerization or repair.

Postoperative physical therapy for knee range of motion, quadriceps strengthening, hamstring stretching, and gait training
Patient Education
Asymptomatic discoid meniscus needs no treatment.
Surgery is recommended if mechanical symptoms present: Pain, locking, swelling, giving way, functional limitations, inability to participate in sports.
Good prognosis when asymptomatic
Poorer prognosis when osteochondritis dissecans present
Osteochondritis dissecans of lateral femoral condyle
Postoperative complications:
Recurrence of meniscal instability
Cartilage remains thickened and more susceptible to developing tear.
Scuffing of articular surface
1. Hart ES, Kalra KP, Grottkau BE, et al. Discoid lateral meniscus in children. Orthop Nurs. 2008;27: 174–179.
2. Good CR, Green DW, Griffith MH, et al. Arthroscopic treatment of symptomatic discoid meniscus in children: classification, technique, and results. Arthroscopy. 2007;23:157–163.e1.
3. Yaniv M, Blumberg N. The discoid meniscus. J Child Orthop. 2007;1:89–96.
4. http://www.posna.org/education/StudyGuide/DiscoidMeniscus.asp

717.5 Derangement of meniscus, not elsewhere classified