Compartment Syndrome
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Compartment Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome
Brett M. Cascio MD

Increase in tissue pressure within a limited space, compromising circulation and function of the contents of the space (1)
Acute compartment syndrome is a limb-threatening emergency.
Chronic (or exercise-induced or exertional) compartment syndrome usually is a self-limited symptomatic disorder.
The elevated tissue pressure causes
decreased perfusion, which can lead to necrosis of tissues and nerves
within the enclosed space, with resulting ischemic contracture,
paresis, numbness, or loss of the involved limb. -
Depending on the amount of muscle death
(rhabdomyolysis), myoglobinuria, acute tubular necrosis, hyperkalemia,
and kidney failure can occur.
General Prevention
A high index of suspicion is needed,
especially in dealing with patients with obtunded sensorium because of
trauma or pharmacologic agents, or in children in whom the history and
physical examinations often are unreliable. -
Although most cases involve the legs and
forearms, compartment syndromes in the thigh, hand, foot, arm, and
buttock are well recognized.
1–5% of all tibia fractures (2)
0.25% of distal radius fractures (2)
3% of forearm fracture (2)
Up to 10% of displaced calcaneus fractures (2)
Risk Factors
Trauma, especially high-energy trauma
Crush injury
Prolonged unconsciousness (dependant position)
Drug overdose
Decreased mental status
Young adult males with tibia or forearm fractures
Displaced pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures
Long surgical procedures
Fractures or osteotomies
Ischemic injuries, especially after reperfusion
Soft-tissue trauma: Crush, contusion, snake bite
Casts, dressings
Tight surgical closures
Infiltration of intravenous fluids
Intracompartmental hemorrhage
Antishock trousers
Intraosseous infusion in neonates
Local blood flow does not meet metabolic demand of tissues, leading to necrosis.
Can result from any cause of increased intracompartmental pressures
External compression from:
Hemorrhage from:
After manipulation
Open or closed
Arterial or venous injury
Blunt trauma
Crush injury leading to muscle bleeding, massive cell death, and subsequent extravasation of cytoplasmic fluid
Reperfusion injury after vascular repair
Iatrogenic (see “Risk Factors”)
Associated Conditions
Altered mental state

Signs and Symptoms
Classically, the 5 P’s (pain, pallor, paresthesia, paralysis, and pulselessness)
A high index of suspicion is necessary.
Clinical signs in children and obtunded patients are not reliable.
Pain out of proportion to injury:
Increase in need for pain medication
Once nerves die, pain may not be present.
Absence of pain in the presence of compartment syndrome is a late finding and a poor prognostic indicator.
Numbness or tingling (paresthesias)
Physical Exam
Note mental status.
Assess vital signs, especially diastolic blood pressure.
Perform motor examination.
Perform sensory examination.
Hand compartment syndrome has no loss of sensation because the nerves are subcutaneous.
Assess tenseness of compartment.
Compartments may be palpably tense.
Tenseness of the deep compartment of the leg is difficult to assess.
Note pain with passive stretch of the muscles traversing the compartment.
Assess for asymmetry of pulses (pulselessness is late finding).
Measurement of compartment pressures
Sterile procedure:
Leg: Anterior, lateral, and superficial and deep posterior compartments
Thigh: Anterior, posterior, medial
Hand: Thenar, hypothenar, interossei, adductor pollicis, carpal tunnel
Foot: Lateral, medial, central, intrinsic
Forearm: Volar, dorsal, mobile wad
Fingers: Clinical examination
Arm: Anterior and posterior, deltoid muscle
Buttock: Gluteus maximus
Compartment pressure of 40 mm Hg or within 30 mm Hg of the diastolic pressure requires surgical compartment decompression.
Recheck every few hours if needed.
Check near fracture.
Chronic compartment syndrome shows increased tissue pressure at rest and/or prolonged elevation of pressure after exercise.
Basic metabolic panel/Chem 7
Look for hyperkalemia from muscle death.
Serial creatine phosphokinase if the clinician suspects substantial muscle death
Urine for myoglobin
Hematocrit to monitor blood loss into thigh
Routine preoperative laboratory tests
Routine radiographs to evaluate skeletal trauma
Pathological Findings
Bulging muscle through fasciotomy
Tissue necrosis if diagnosis is delayed
Differential Diagnosis
Arterial occlusion (also characterized by pain and pallor):
No immediate increase in compartment pressure.
Neurapraxia (no increase in pressure or tenseness)

General Measures
Patients suspected of developing a compartment syndrome should have the compartment pressure monitored.
Immediate splitting or removal of a cast or tight dressing
For patients under surveillance for a suspected developing compartment syndrome, place limb at the level of the heart.
Compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency requiring surgical decompression or fasciotomy to avoid additional complications.
Bed rest if a compartment syndrome is suspected
Frequent neurovascular checks
Special Therapy
Physical Therapy
Postoperative physical therapy varies, depending on soft-tissue and bony injury.
Medication (Drugs)
First Line
Consider alkalizing urine and giving fluids to minimize renal damage if myoglobinuria is present.
Treat hyperkalemia, if present.
Second Line
May require treatment for underlying cause of compartment syndrome:
Anticoagulation for DVT
Antibiotics for open fracture
In general, fascial tissues enveloping
the affected compartment are opened in a longitudinal fashion, thereby
decompressing the enclosed space and allowing tissue expansion and
better perfusion. -
The wound then is left open, and delayed primary closure or skin grafting is done at a later date.
Postoperative dressings can be moistened gauze or vacuum-assisted closure dressings.
During the immediate postoperative period, the involved limb should be elevated to minimize swelling.
1 lateral (for the anterior and lateral
compartment) and 1 medial (for the deep and superficial posterior
compartments) skin incision
1 lateral skin incision
Release the anterior compartment.
Release the posterior compartment if needed through the same incision.
Use a medial skin incision for the medial compartment as necessary.
2 dorsal incisions, over the 2nd and 4th metacarpals
2 palmar incisions, 1 over the thenar compartment, and 1 for carpal tunnel.
1 incision for hypothenar compartment as needed
Release the volar compartment with lazy-S incision.
This incision can be extended to release the carpal tunnel.
Can release dorsally, but usually not necessary
Release with medial incision.
Add 2 dorsal incisions as necessary, over the 2nd and 4th metatarsals.
Medial incision, especially if exploration of vessels is necessary
Release ulnarly for the 2nd and 3rd digits, radially for the 4th and 5th digits.
Release with 1 incision over the gluteus maximus.

Issues for Referral
Prosthetic referral for limb loss
Referral for orthotic splints such as ankle-foot orthosis for foot drop
Occupational therapy for treatment of hand weakness, specialized splints
Physical therapy for regaining strength and mobility
Plastic surgery for wound issues
In general, complications can be minimized with rapid diagnosis and fasciotomy.
Fasciotomies are not benign procedures.
They can leave large, painful scars, especially if they cannot be closed primarily.
Chronic venous stasis can develop (3).
Paresis does not usually improve.
Numbness usually does not improve.
Motor deficit:
Weakness or paresis
Foot drop
Volkmann contracture
Sensory deficits:
Complications, such as ulcers, infections, and burns, secondary to an insensate limb
Kidney failure from rhabdomyolysis
Infection from fasciotomy with necrotic muscle
Chronic venous stasis
Loss of limb
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Patient Monitoring
Intraoperatively, compartment pressure
can be measured after fasciotomy to confirm that the compartment has
been decompressed appropriately. -
After closure, monitoring for redevelopment of compartment syndrome is important.
1. Matsen FA, III. A practical approach to compartmental syndromes. Part I. Definition, theory, and pathogenesis. Instr Course Lect 1983;32:88–92.
2. McQueen MM, Gaston P, Court-Brown CM. Acute compartment syndrome. Who is at risk? J Bone Joint Surg 2000;82B:200–203.
3. Fitzgerald AM, Gaston P, Wilson Y, et al. Long-term sequelae of fasciotomy wounds. Br J Plast Surg 2000;53:690–693.
Additional Reading
Archdeacon, MT. Knee and leg: bone trauma. In: Vaccaro AR, ed. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 8. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005:433–441.
Kostler W, Strohm PC, Sudkamp NP. Acute compartment syndrome of the limb. Injury 2004;35:1221–1227.
Olson SA, Rhorer AS. Orthopaedic trauma for the general orthopaedist: avoiding problems and pitfalls in treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2005;433: 30–37.

958.8 Compartment syndrome
Patient Teaching
The patient must be informed about the need for subsequent delayed primary closure or skin grafting.
Inform the patient of the risk for weakness, numbness, and loss of limb.
For high-risk orthopaedic procedures,
such as tibial nailing and high tibial osteotomy, patients must be
advised of the risk of compartment syndrome and the possible need for
Activity depends on the underlying injury.
Repositioning patients during long procedures in the operating room
Care with applying casts and dressings
Monitoring fluid extravasation with arthroscopy or pulsatile lavage
High index of suspicion
Q: How can you have tissue ischemia with palpable pulses?
The elevated tissue pressure causes an increase in venous pressure. The
capillary bed blood flow loses its flow gradient, and flow through the
capillary bed can decrease to the point where it does not meet
metabolic demand. Arterial pressure usually is greater than the
elevated tissue pressure; flow is maintained through the compartment
and can be felt as a pulse.
The elevated tissue pressure causes an increase in venous pressure. The
capillary bed blood flow loses its flow gradient, and flow through the
capillary bed can decrease to the point where it does not meet
metabolic demand. Arterial pressure usually is greater than the
elevated tissue pressure; flow is maintained through the compartment
and can be felt as a pulse.
Q: Can compartment syndrome develop with an open fracture?
A: Yes. Open fractures alone do not decompress a compartment and are often high-energy, crushing-type injuries.
Q: What is the most common symptom of compartment syndrome?
A: Pain out of proportion to the injury.