Pediatric Hip

Ovid: Handbook of Fractures

Authors: Koval, Kenneth J.; Zuckerman, Joseph D.
Title: Handbook of Fractures, 3rd Edition
> Table of Contents > V – Pediatric Fractures and Dislocations > 47 – Pediatric Hip

Pediatric Hip
  • Hip fractures are rare in children, occurring less than 1% as often as in adults.
  • Ossification (Fig. 47.1)
    • Proximal femur: week 7 in utero
    • Proximal femoral epiphysis: age 4 to 8 months
    • Trochanter: 4 years
  • The proximal femoral epiphysis fuses by age 18 years, the trochanteric apophysis by age 16 to 18 years.
  • The proximal femoral physis contributes
    significantly to metaphyseal growth of the femoral neck and less to
    primary appositional growth of the femoral head. Thus, disruptions in
    this region may lead to architectural changes that may affect the
    overall anatomic development of the proximal femur.
  • The trochanteric apophysis contributes
    significantly to appositional growth of the greater trochanter and less
    to the metaphyseal growth of the femur.
  • Blood is supplied to the hip by the
    lateral femoral circumflex artery and, more importantly, the medial
    femoral circumflex artery. Anastomoses at the anterosuperior portion of
    the intertrochanteric groove form the extracapsular ring. Ascending
    retinacular vessels go to the epiphysis (Fig. 47.2).
  • By 3 or 4 years of age, the lateral
    posterosuperior vessels (branches of the medial femoral circumflex)
    predominate and supply the entire anterolateral portion of the capital
    femoral epiphysis.
  • Vessels of the ligamentum teres contribute little before age 8 years and approximately 20% in adulthood.
  • Capsulotomy does not damage the blood
    supply to the femoral head, but violation of the intertrochanteric
    notch or the lateral ascending cervical vessels can render the femoral
    head avascular.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Axial loading, torsion, hyperabduction,
    or a direct blow can result in a hip fracture. Severe, direct trauma
    (e.g., motor vehicle accident) accounts for 75% to 80% of pediatric hip
  • Pathologic: Fracture occurs through bone cyst, fibrous dysplasia, or tumor.
  • Stress fractures: These are uncommon.
Clinical Evaluation
  • The patient typically presents with a shortened and externally rotated lower extremity.
  • Range of hip motion is painful with variable crepitus.
  • P.572

  • Swelling, ecchymosis, and tenderness to palpation are generally present over the injured hip.
    47.1. The transformation of the preplate to separate growth zones for
    the femoral head and greater trochanter. The diagram shows development
    of the epiphyseal nucleus in the proximal end of the femur. (A) X-ray
    of the proximal end of the femur of a stillborn girl, weight 325 g.
    (B–E) Drawings made on the basis of x-rays.

    (From Edgren
    W. Coxa plana: a clinical and radiological investigation with
    particular reference to the importance of the metaphyseal changes for
    the final shape of the proximal part of the femur. Acta Orthop Scand 1965;84(suppl):24.
  • A careful neurovascular examination should be performed.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • Anteroposterior (AP) views of the pelvis
    and a cross-table lateral view of the affected hip should be obtained,
    with the leg extended and internally rotated as far as is tolerable by
    the patient.
  • Developmental coxa vara should not be
    confused with hip fracture, especially in patients <5 years of age.
    Comparison with the contralateral hip may aid in the distinction.
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  • Computed tomography may aid in the diagnosis of nondisplaced fractures or stress fractures.
    47.2. Arterial supply of the proximal femur. The capital femoral
    epiphysis and physis are supplied by the medial circumflex artery
    through two retinacular vessel systems: the posterosuperior and
    posteroinferior. The lateral circumflex artery supplies the greater
    trochanter and the lateral portion of the proximal femoral physis and a
    small area of the anteromedial metaphysis.

    (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • A radioisotope bone scan obtained 48 hours after injury may demonstrate increased uptake at the occult fracture site.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging may detect occult fractures within 24 hours of injury.
Delbert Classification of Pediatric Hip Fractures (Fig. 47.3)

Type I: Transepiphyseal fracture
  • 8% of pediatric hip fractures
  • Incidence of osteonecrosis approaches 100%, especially if associated with a hip dislocation
  • End of spectrum of slipped capital femoral epiphysis; consider hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and renal disease
  • In newborns, differential diagnosis includes CDH and septic arthritis
Type II: Transcervical fracture
  • 45% of pediatric hip fractures (most common type)
  • 80% are displaced
  • Osteonecrosis in up to 50% of cases
Type III: Cervicotrochanteric fracture
  • 30% of pediatric hip fractures
  • More common in children than in adults
  • Rate of osteonecrosis of 20% to 30%
Type IV: Intertrochanteric fracture
  • 10% to 15% of pediatric hip fractures
  • Fewer complications than in other hip fractures because vascular supply is more abundant


47.3. Delbet classification of hip fractures in children. Type I,
transepiphyseal, with (Type IB) or without (Type IA) dislocation from
the acetabulum; Type II, transcervical; Type III, cervicotrochanteric;
and Type IV, intertrochanteric.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)

Type I: Closed reduction with pin
fixation is indicated, using threaded pins in an older child and smooth
pins in a younger child. Open reduction and internal fixation may be
necessary if the fracture is irreducible by closed methods.
Type II: Nondisplaced: The choice is
abduction spica cast versus in situ pinning; these fractures may go on
to coxa vara or nonunion. Displaced: Closed reduction and pinning (open
reduction if necessary) are indicated; transphyseal pinning should be
Type III: Nondisplaced: Traction is
indicated, then spica cast versus immediate abduction spica versus in
situ pinning. Displaced: Open reduction and internal fixation are
recommended, with avoidance of transphyseal pinning.
Type IV: Two to 3 weeks of traction are
indicated, then abduction spica for 6 to 12 weeks. Open reduction and
internal fixation may be necessary for unstable fractures or if one is
unable to achieve closed reduction.


Figure 47.4. Three types of osteonecrosis.

(From Ratliff AHC. Fractures of the neck of the femur in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1962;44:528.)
  • Osteonecrosis: The overall incidence is
    40% after pediatric hip fracture. This is directly related to initial
    fracture displacement and fracture location. Ratliff described three
    types (Fig. 47.4):

    Type I: Diffuse, complete head involvement, and collapse; poor prognosis (60%)
    Type II: Localized head involvement only; minimal collapse (22%)
    Type III: Femoral neck involved only; head sparing (18%)
  • Premature physeal closure: The incidence
    is ≤60%, with increased incidence with pins penetrating the physis. It
    may result in femoral shortening, coxa vara, and short femoral neck.
    The proximal femoral epiphysis contributes to only 15% of growth of the
    entire lower extremity. The presence of premature physeal closure in
    association of osteonecrosis may result in significant leg length
  • Coxa vara: The incidence is 20%, usually
    secondary to inadequate reduction. Open reduction and internal fixation
    are associated with a reduced incidence of coxa vara.
  • Nonunion: The incidence is 10%, primarily
    owing to inadequate reduction or inadequate internal fixation. It may
    require valgus osteotomy with or without bone graft to achieve union.


  • More common than hip fractures.
  • Bimodal distribution: The incidence is
    greater between 2 and 5 years, owing to joint laxity and soft pliable
    cartilage, and between 11 and 15 years of age as athletic injuries and
    those associated with vehicular trauma become more common.
  • Posterior dislocations: These occur ten times more frequently than anterior dislocations.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Younger patients (age <5 years): may occur with relatively insignificant trauma such as a fall from a standing height.
  • Older patients (>11 years): These
    injuries tend to occur with athletic participation and vehicular
    accidents (bicycles, automobiles, etc.). In this age group, there is a
    higher association with acetabular fractures.
  • Posterior dislocations are usually the
    result of an axial load applied to a flexed and adducted hip; anterior
    dislocations occur with a combination of abduction and external
Clinical Evaluation
  • In cases of posterior hip dislocation,
    the patient typically presents with the affected hip flexed, adducted,
    and internally rotated. Anterior hip dislocation typically presents
    with extension, abduction, and external rotation of the affected hip.
  • A careful neurovascular examination is
    essential, with documentation of integrity of the sciatic nerve and its
    branches in posterior dislocations. Femoral nerve function and limb
    perfusion should be carefully assessed in anterior dislocations. This
    examination should be repeated after closed reduction.
  • Ipsilateral femur fracture often occurs and must be ruled out before hip manipulation.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • AP views of the pelvis and a lateral view
    of the affected hip should be obtained. Pain, swelling, or obvious
    deformity in the femoral region is an indication for femoral
    radiographs, to rule out associated fracture.
  • Fracture fragments from the femoral head
    or acetabulum are typically more readily appreciated on radiographs
    obtained after reduction of the hip dislocation because anatomic
    landmarks are more clearly delineated.
  • Following reduction, computed tomography
    should be obtained to delineate associated femoral head or acetabular
    fracture, as well as the presence of interposed soft tissue.

Direction: Anterior versus posterior
Fracture-dislocation: Fractures to the femoral head or acetabulum
Associated injuries: Presence of ipsilateral femur fracture, etc.


  • Closed reduction using conscious sedation may be performed for patients presenting less than 12 hours after dislocation.
  • Skeletal traction may be used for
    reduction of a chronic or neglected hip dislocation, with reduction
    taking place over a 3- to 6-day period and continued traction for an
    additional 2 to 3 weeks to achieve stability.
  • Dislocations more than 12 hours old may
    require reduction with the patient under general anesthesia. Open
    reduction may be necessary, if irreducible, with surgical removal of
    interposing capsule, inverted limbus, or osteocartilaginous fragments.
  • Open reduction is also indicated in cases of sciatic nerve compromise in which surgical exploration is necessary.
  • Hip dislocations associated with
    ipsilateral femoral shaft fractures should initially be addressed with
    reduction of the dislocation. If manipulative closed reduction is
    unsuccessful, skeletal traction may be applied to the trochanteric
    region to allow control of the proximal fragment. Internal or external
    fixation of the femoral shaft fracture may then be performed.
    Occasionally, operative fixation of the femoral shaft fracture is
    necessary to achieve stable reduction of the hip.
  • Postoperatively, the patient should be placed in skeletal traction or spica cast for 4 to 6 weeks to achieve hip stability.
  • Osteonecrosis (8% to 10%): This has a
    decreased incidence with patient age <5 years and an increased
    incidence with severe displacement and delay in reduction.
  • Epiphyseal separation: Traumatic physeal injury may occur at the time of dislocation and may result in osteonecrosis.
  • Recurrent dislocation: In traumatic
    cases, it may result from absolute capsular tears or capsular
    attenuation. It is also associated with hyperlaxity or congenital
    syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome). It may be addressed with surgical
    “tightening” of the hip, with capsular repair, or with plication as
    well as spica casting for 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively.
  • Degenerative joint disease: This may
    result from nonconcentric hip reduction secondary to trapped soft
    tissue or bony fragments or from the initial trauma. Articular
    incongruity secondary to associated femoral head or acetabular
    fracture, or entrapped osteochondral fragments, may exacerbate
    degenerative processes.
  • Nerve injury (2% to 13%): Sciatic nerve
    injury can occur with posterior dislocation and is typically a stretch
    injury. Treatment is usually expectant, unless laceration or
    incarceration in the joint is suspected.
  • Chondrolysis (6%): Injury occurs at the
    time of hip dislocation. Management is symptomatic treatment with
    nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and weight-relieving devices as

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