External Ear Chondritis/Abscess
External Ear Chondritis/Abscess
Arturo J. Aguilar

Inflammation and infection of the pinna
Commonly a complication of otic trauma, burns, or neighboring infection
It may present as a complication of draining a periauricular hematoma (cauliflower ear) in sports such as wrestling and rugby.
Occasionally, chondritis may be a complication of untreated or resistant otitis externa in swimmers.
Cartilage of the external ear is easily damaged and at risk for infection owing to:
Lack of overlying subcutaneous tissue
Relative avascularity
Exposed position
Common causes of chondritis include:
Chemical or thermal burns
Otitis externa
Deep abrasions
High piercing of the earlobe
Human bites
Iatrogenic from incision and drainage treatment of hematoma
Mastoid surgery
Bacteria involved:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Staphylococcus spp.
Proteus spp.

Typical physical findings in combination with preceding causes
Physical Exam
Initially a dull pain that increases in severity
Exquisite tenderness
Loss of contours caused by edema often with sparing of the lobule
Increase in the auriculocephalic angle
Fluctuant areas develop with eventual breakdown and suppuration.
Entire ear involvement if untreated: Disfigurement can occur.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
CBC with differential for systemic symptoms
Wound culture for signs of localized infection
Blood culture if systemic signs of infection
Differential Diagnosis
Periauricular hematoma: “Cauliflower ear”
Malignant otitis externa

Acute treatment
General postinjury preventive measures:
Prevention of chondritis is of the utmost importance.
Difficult management and disfiguring potential
Avoid pressure to the injured ear
Minimize active débridement of eschars and crusts
Gentle washing twice daily with antibacterial soap and water followed by complete drying and application of topical antibiotics
Keep hair away from the ear.
Complications: Disfiguration of the pinna:
Occurs without proper treatment
Ranges from being shriveled, cauliflower-like ear to complete loss of the external ear and possible stenosis of the auditory meatus
ENT consult:
For treatment of chondritis, abscess, and necrosis of the involved cartilage
Early surgical drainage
Aggressive early management may prevent gross ear deformity.
Oral antibiotics for minor cases of early ear lobe inflammation:
Ciprofloxacin preferred (<18 yrs old)
1st-generation cephalosporin or dicloxacillin
IV antibiotics for severe infection
Apply topical antibiotics when break in skin barrier.
Ciprofloxacin: 500 mg PO t.i.d. (adult)
Cephalexin: 500 mg (children: 50 mg/kg/day) PO q.i.d.
Dicloxacillin: 500 mg (children: 25 mg/kg/day) PO q.i.d.
In-Patient Considerations
Admission Criteria
Parenteral antibiotics and early surgical drainage for patients with complicated chondritis
Toxic patient with fever and chills
Immunocompromised patient
Unreliable patient or caretaker
Additional Reading
Bentrem DJ, Bill TJ, Himel HN, et al. Chondritis of the ear: a late sequela of deep partial thickness burns of the face. J Emerg Med. 1996;14:469–471.
Leybell I, Regan L. Drainage, auricular hematoma: treatment and medication. Emedicine. 2008. Medscape. 7 Sept. 2009 http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/82793-overview
Osguthorpe D, Nielsen D. Otitis externa: review and clinical update. Am Fam Phys. 2006;74:1510–1516.
Staley R, Fitzgibbon JJ, Anderson C. Auricular infections caused by high ear piercing in adolescents. Pediatrics. 1997;99:610–611.

380.03 Chondritis of pinna
380.10 Infective otitis externa, unspecified
380.11 Acute infection of pinna