Hip Anatomy and Examination
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Hip Anatomy and Examination
Hip Anatomy and Examination
Timothy S. Johnson MD
Lawrence A. McGuigan PA-C, MMS

Bones (Fig. 1):
Pelvis and femur bone
The acetabulum is the “socket.”
Flexors: Iliopsoas, sartorius, rectus femoris
Extensors: Gluteus maximus, hamstring muscles
Abductors: Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
Adductors: Gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus
Femoral: Hip flexors
Obturator: Adductors
Superior gluteal: Abductors
Sacroiliac: Sacrum to ilium
Sacrotuberous: Sacrum to ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous: Sacrum to ischial spineFig. 1. AP radiograph of a left hip.

Signs and Symptoms
Thorough history of the mechanism of injury and nature of pain
Physical Exam (1)
Initial procedures:
Have the patient disrobe.
Examine the lumbar spine.
Examine the knee.
Check the neurovascular status.
Standing inspection:
Compare the height of the iliac crests in the horizontal plane. (Asymmetry suggests leg-length discrepancy.)
Look for muscle atrophy and correlate with gait inspection, if possible.
Gait inspection (2):
Observe for asymmetry between left and right.
Antalgic gait: Shortened stride and decreased stance phase on the affected leg
Make note of pain and endurance.
Trendelenburg limp:Fig. 2. AP radiograph of a right hip with osteoarthritis.
Evaluate for pelvic tilt during the stance phase of gait.
Positive finding occurs when the patient
leans to the affected side, placing the center of gravity over the hip
and effectively unloading the abductor muscles.
Supine examination:
Look for leg-length discrepancy (measure
from the inferior edge of the anterior superior iliac spine to the
inferior edge of the medial malleolus on both sides). -
Compare active and passive ROM.
Hip flexion: 110–120°
Hip extension: 10–15°
Abduction: 45–50°
Adduction: 20–30°
Internal rotation: 15–45°
External rotation: 40–65°
Extension: 30°
Note guarding, pain, and spasm.
Antalgic gait may be caused by hip, back, or other lower limb problems.
Weakness, muscle atrophy, decreased sensation, and asymmetric deep tendon reflexes suggest spine abnormality.
Osteoarthritis of the hip (3) (Fig. 2):
Typically presents with start-up pain, morning stiffness, and deep groin pain
Hip flexion with simultaneous internal rotation reproduces groin pain.
Presents with decreased active and passive ROM:
Hip flexion contracture is common
Radiographs: Joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation
Greater trochanteric bursitis:
Typically presents as lateral hip pain
Patients are exquisitely tender to palpation of greater trochanter.
Resisted hip abduction reproduces lateral hip pain.
Buttock and posterior hip pain:
Indicates lumbar spine abnormality until proven otherwise
Radicular pain produced by deep palpation of the sciatic nerve differentiates sciatica from intra-articular abnormality.P.179
With the patient in the lateral decubitus position, flex the hip and knee to 90°.
Palpate the nerve midway between the greater trochanter and the ischium.
Labral tears/femoroacetabular impingement (4) (Fig. 3):
Young athletic patients
Typically presents as groin pain during or after activity
Hip flexion with simultaneous internal rotation reproduces groin pain.
Radiographs may be normal.
MRI can confirm diagnosis.
Examine for and rule out inguinal hernia.Fig. 3. Arthroscopic photograph of a labral tear.
Trendelenburg test (to evaluate strength of the gluteus medius muscle):
Have the patient perform a single-leg stand on the affected side and try to maintain the pelvis level with the floor.
If the pelvis tilts to maintain the
single-leg stand, it is a sign of abductor weakness or hip joint pain,
and the test is positive.
Thomas test (to evaluate flexion contracture):
With the patient supine, place your hand under the lumbar spine and bring 1 leg up into full flexion.
Have the patient hold it there by grasping the knee with both hands.
Bring the other leg into full extension.
Any loss of extension is a flexion contracture.
1. DeAngelis NA, Busconi BD. Assessment and differential diagnosis of the painful hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2003;406:11–18.
2. Perry J. Pathologic gait. Instr Course Lect 1990;39: 325–331.
3. Hoaglund FT, Steinbach LS. Primary osteoarthritis of the hip: etiology and epidemiology. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2001;9:320–327.
4. Scopp JM, Moorman CT, III. The assessment of athletic hip injury. Clin Sports Med 2001;20: 647–659.
Additional Reading
Hoppenfeld S. Physical examination of the hip and pelvis. In: Physical Examination of the Spine & Extremities. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1976:143–169.
Hoppenfeld S, deBoer P. The hip and acetabulum. In: Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomical Approach, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2003:365–453.
Moore KL, Dalley AF, II. Lower limb. In: Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999:503–663.

Q: What is the most common cause of lateral hip pain?
A: Greater trochanteric bursitis.
Q: Arthritis of the hip joint usually presents with complaints of pain in which area of the hip?
A: The groin.