Femoral Neck Fractures

Ovid: Handbook of Fractures

Authors: Koval, Kenneth J.; Zuckerman, Joseph D.
Title: Handbook of Fractures, 3rd Edition
> Table of Contents > IV – Lower Extremity Fractures and Dislocations > 29 – Femoral Neck Fractures

Femoral Neck Fractures
  • More than 250,000 hip fractures occur in
    the United States each year (50% involve the femoral neck), and this
    number is projected to double by the year 2040.
  • The average age of occurrence is 77 years for women and 72 years for men.
  • 80% occur in women, and the incidence doubles every 5 to 6 years in women age >30 years.
  • The incidence in younger patients is very low and is associated mainly with high-energy trauma.
  • Risk factors include female sex, white
    race, increasing age, poor health, tobacco and alcohol use, previous
    fracture, fall history, and low estrogen level.
  • The upper femoral epiphysis closes by age 16 years.
  • Neck-shaft angle: 130±7 degrees
  • Femoral anteversion: 10±7 degrees
  • There is minimal periosteum about the femoral neck; thus, any callus that forms must do so by endosteal proliferation.
  • Calcar femorale: This is a vertically
    oriented plate from the posteromedial portion of the femoral shaft
    radiating superiorly toward the greater trochanter (Fig. 29.1).
  • The capsule is attached anteriorly to the
    intertrochanteric line and posteriorly 1 to 1.5 cm proximal to the
    intertrochanteric line.
  • Three ligaments attach in this region:
    • Iliofemoral: Y-ligament of Bigelow (anterior)
    • Pubofemoral: anterior
    • Ischiofemoral: posterior
  • Vascular supply (Fig. 29.2):
    • Base of the femoral neck: An
      extracapsular ring is formed anteriorly by the ascending branch of the
      lateral femoral circumflex artery and posteriorly by the medial femoral
      circumflex artery.
    • The ascending cervical branches from this
      ring pierce the hip capsule near its distal insertion, becoming the
      retinacular arteries coursing along the femoral neck. Most supplying
      the femoral head are posterosuperior in location.
    • A subsynovial intracapsular arterial ring
      is formed by these retinacular arteries at the base of the femoral
      head. As they enter the femoral head, they unite to form the lateral
      epiphyseal arteries.
    • The lateral epiphyseal arteries that
      arise from the posterosuperior ascending cervical branches supply the
      majority of the femoral head.
    • The artery of the ligamentum teres, usually a branch of the obturator, offers a small supplemental contribution to the


      femoral head and is limited to the area around the fovea capitis.

      29.1. Left: The calcar femorale is a vertical plate of bone that
      originates in the posteromedial portion of the femoral shaft under the
      lesser trochanter and radiates laterally toward the posterior aspect of
      the greater trochanter. Right: The calcar femorale fuses with the
      posterior aspect of the femoral neck superiorly and extends distally
      anterior to the lesser trochanter and fuses with the posteromedial
      aspect of the femoral diaphysis.

      (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • Forces acting across the hip joint:
    • Straight leg raise: 1.5 × body weight
    • One-legged stance: 2.5 × body weight
    • Two-legged stance: 0.5 × body weight
    • Running: 5.0 × body weight
  • Internal anatomy: The direction of the
    trabeculae parallels the direction of compressive forces. The bony
    trabeculae are laid down along the lines of internal stress. A set of
    vertically oriented trabeculae results from the weight-bearing forces
    across the femoral head, and a set of horizontally oriented trabeculae
    results from the force of the abductor muscles. These two trabeculae
    systems cross each other at right angles (Fig. 29.3).
  • Low-energy trauma; most common in older patients:
    • Direct: A fall onto the greater
      trochanter (valgus impaction) or forced external rotation of the lower
      extremity impinges an osteoporotic neck onto the posterior lip of the
      acetabulum (resulting in posterior comminution).
    • Indirect: Muscle forces overwhelm the strength of the femoral neck.
  • High-energy trauma: This accounts for
    femoral neck fractures in both younger and older patients, such as
    motor-vehicle accident or fall from a significant height.
  • Cyclical loading-stress fractures: These
    are seen in athletes, military recruits, ballet dancers; patients with
    osteoporosis and osteopenia are at particular risk.
29.2. Vascular anatomy of the femoral head and neck. Top: Anterior
aspect. Bottom: Posterior aspect. LFC, lateral femoral circumflex

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
29.3. Anatomy of the bony trabeculae in the proximal end of the femur.
In a nonosteoporotic femur, all five groups of bony trabeculae are
readily evident on x-ray. The Ward triangle (W) is a small area in the
neck of the femur that contains thing and loosely arranged trabeculae

(From Rockwood CA Jr, Green DP, Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 4th ed, vol. 2. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:1667.)



  • Patients with displaced femoral neck
    fractures typically are nonambulatory on presentation, with shortening
    and external rotation of the lower extremity. Patients with impacted or
    stress fractures may however demonstrate subtle findings, such as
    anterior capsular tenderness, pain with axial compression, lack of
    deformity, and they may be able to bear weight.
  • Pain is evident on range of hip motion, with possible pain on axial compression and tenderness to palpation of the groin.
  • An accurate history is important in the
    low-energy fracture that usually occurs in older individuals. Obtaining
    a history of loss of consciousness, prior syncopal episodes, medical
    history, chest pain, prior hip pain (pathologic fracture), and
    preinjury ambulatory status is essential and critical in determining
    optimal treatment and disposition.
  • One should assess the wrist and shoulders in elderly individuals because 10% have associated upper extremity injuries.
  • An anteroposterior (AP) view of the
    pelvis and an AP and a cross-table lateral view of the involved
    proximal femur are indicated (Fig. 29.4).
  • An internal rotation view of the injured hip may be helpful to further clarify the fracture pattern.
  • Technetium bone scan or preferably
    magnetic resonance imaging may be of clinical utility in delineating
    nondisplaced or occult fractures that are not apparent on plain
29.4. A cross-table lateral view of the affected hip is obtained by
flexing the uninjured hip and knee 90 degrees and aiming the beam into
the groin, parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the femoral neck
(not the shaft). This allows orthogonal assessment of the femoral neck
without the painful and possible injurious manipulation of the effected
hip required for a “frog-leg” lateral view.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 5th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.)


Anatomic Location
  • Subcapital
  • Transcervical
  • Basicervical
This is based on the angle of fracture from the horizontal (Fig. 29.5).

Type I: 30 degrees
Type II: 50 degrees
Type III: 70 degrees
Increasing shear forces with increasing angle lead to more fracture instability.
This is based on the degree of valgus displacement (Fig. 29.6).

Type I: Incomplete/valgus impacted
Type II: Complete and nondisplaced on AP and lateral views
Type III: Complete with partial displacement; trabecular pattern of the femoral head does not line up with that of the acetabulum
Type IV: Completely displaced; trabecular pattern of the head assumes a parallel orientation with that of the acetabulum


OTA Classification of Femoral Neck Fractures
29.5. The Pauwel classification of femoral neck fractures is based on
the angle the fracture forms with the horizontal plane. As a fracture
progresses from Type I to Type III, the obliquity of the fracture line
increases, and, theoretically, the shear forces at the fracture site
also increase.

(From Rockwood CA Jr, Green DP, Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 4th ed, vol. 2. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:1670.)
See Fracture and Dislocation Compendium at http://www.ota.org/compendium/index.htm.
Because of too poor intraobserver and interobserver
reliability in using the various classifications, femoral neck
fractures are commonly described as either:
  • Nondisplaced: impacted valgus femoral neck fractures/stress fractures: This is a much better prognostic situation.
  • Displaced: Characterized by any detectable fracture displacement.
  • Goals of treatment are to minimize
    patient discomfort, restore hip function, and allow rapid mobilization
    by obtaining early anatomic reduction and stable internal fixation or
    prosthetic replacement.
  • Nonoperative treatment for traumatic
    fractures is indicated only for patients who are at extreme medical
    risk for surgery; it may also be considered for demented nonambulators
    who have minimal hip pain.
  • Early bed to chair mobilization is
    essential to avoid increased risks and complications of prolonged
    recumbency, including poor pulmonary toilet, atelectasis, venous
    stasis, and pressure ulceration.
29.6. The Garden classification of femoral neck fractures. Type I
fractures can be incomplete, but much more typically they are impacted
into valgus and retroversion (A). Type II fractures are complete, but
undisplaced. These rare fractures have a break in the trabeculations,
but no shift in alignment (B). Type III fractures have marked
angulation, but usually minimal to no proximal translation of the shaft
(C). In the Garden Type IV fracture, there is complete displacement
between fragments, and the shaft translates proximally (D). The head is
free to realign itself within the acetabulum, and the primary
compressive trabeculae of the head and acetabulum realign (white lines).

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.)




Fatigue/Stress Fractures
  • Tension-sided stress fractures (seen at
    the superior lateral neck on an internally rotated AP view): These are
    at significant risk for displacement; in situ screw fixation is
  • Compression-sided stress fractures (seen
    as a haze of callus at the inferior neck): These are at minimal risk
    for displacement without additional trauma; protective crutch
    ambulation is recommended until asymptomatic.
Impacted/Nondisplaced Fractures
  • Approximately 8% to 33% of “impacted”
    fractures will displace without internal stabilization, decreasing to
    <5% with internal fixation.
  • Less than 10% develop osteonecrosis
    secondary to kinking of the lateral epiphyseal vessels and tethering of
    the medial vessels in a valgus position or intracapsular hypertension.
  • In situ fixation with three cancellous
    screws is indicated; exceptions are pathologic fractures, severe
    osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, Paget disease, and other metabolic
    conditions, which require prosthetic replacement.
Displaced Fractures
  • Young patient with high-energy injury and
    normal bone: Urgent closed/open reduction with internal fixation and
    capsulotomy is performed.
  • Elderly patients: Treatment is controversial:
    • High functional demands and good bone density: Use closed/open reduction and internal fixation versus total hip replacement.
    • Normal to intermediate longevity but poor
      bone density, chronic illness, and lower functional demands: Perform
      modular unipolar or bipolar hemiarthroplasty.
    • Low demand and poor bone quality: Perform hemiarthroplasty using a one-piece unipolar prosthesis.
    • Severely ill, demented, bedridden patients: Consider nonoperative treatment or prosthetic replacement for intolerable pain.
Operative Treatment Principles
  • Fracture reduction should be achieved in
    a timely fashion. Risk of osteonecrosis may increase with increasing
    time to fracture reduction. Furthermore, the quality of fracture
    reduction is believed to be the most predictive factor under the
    surgeon’s control for loss of fixation.
    • Fracture reduction maneuver: Perform hip
      flexion with gentle traction and external rotation to disengage the
      fragments, then slow extension and internal rotation to achieve
      reduction. Reduction must be confirmed on the AP and lateral images.
    • Guidelines for acceptable reduction: On
      the AP view, valgus or anatomic alignment is seen; on the lateral view,
      maintain anteversion while avoiding any posterior translation of the
      fracture surfaces.
    • Posterior comminution must be assessed.
  • P.327

  • Internal fixation
    • Multiple screw fixation: This is the most
      accepted method of fixation. Threads should cross the fracture site to
      allow for compression.
    • Three parallel screws are the usual
      number for fixation. Additional screws add no additional stability and
      increase the chances of penetrating the joint. The screws should be in
      an inverted triangular configuration with one screw adjacent to the
      inferior femoral neck and one adjacent to the posterior femoral neck.
    • Avoid screw insertion distal to the
      lesser trochanter secondary to a stress riser effect and risk of
      subsequent subtrochanteric fracture.
  • Sliding-screw sideplate devices: If they
    are used, a second pin or screw should be inserted superiorly to
    control rotation during screw insertion.
  • Prosthetic replacement
    • Hemiarthroplasty:
      • Advantages over open reduction and internal fixation:
        • It may allow faster full weight bearing.
        • It eliminates nonunion, osteonecrosis,
          failure of fixation risks (>20% to 30% of cases with open reduction
          and internal fixation require secondary surgery).
      • Disadvantages:
        • It is a more extensive procedure with greater blood loss.
        • A risk of acetabular erosion exists in active individuals.
    • Indications for hemiarthroplasty:
      • Comminuted, displaced femoral neck fracture in the elderly
      • Pathologic fracture
      • Poor medical condition
      • Poorer ambulatory status before fracture
      • Neurologic condition (dementia, ataxia, hemiplegia, parkinsonism)
    • Contraindications:
      • Active sepsis
      • Active young person
      • Preexisting acetabular disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis)
    • Bipolar versus Unipolar implants:
      • Bipolar theoretically reduces the risk of acetabular erosion.
      • Bipolar has a lower risk of postoperative dislocation.
      • It is very hard to close reduce a dislocated bipolar prosthesis.
      • Bipolar introduces the risk of polyethylene debris.
      • Over time, the bipolar may lose motion at its inner bearing and functionally become unipolar.
      • Unipolar is a less expensive implant.
    • Cement versus noncemented:
      • Better functional results with use of cement
      • Risk of intraoperative hypotension and death with use of cement
    • Primary total hip replacement:
      • Recent enthusiasm has been reported with
        the use of total hip replacement for acute treatment of displaced
        femoral neck fractures.
      • Studies have reported better functional results compared with hemiarthroplasty.
      • P.328

      • It eliminates the potential for acetabular erosion.
      • Disadvantages over hemiarthroplasty
        include a more extensive surgical procedure, increased implant cost,
        and a higher risk of prosthetic dislocation.
      • Indications include:
        • Preexisting ipsilateral degenerative disease.
        • Active elderly individual with a displaced femoral neck fracture.
        • Preexisting ipsilateral acetabular metastatic disease.
  • Nonunion: This is usually apparent by 12
    months as groin or buttock pain, pain on hip extension, or pain with
    weight bearing. It may complicate up to 5% of nondisplaced fractures
    and up to 25% of displaced fractures. Elderly individuals presenting
    with nonunion may be adequately treated with arthroplasty, whereas
    younger patients may benefit from cancellous bone grafting, proximal
    femoral osteotomy, or muscle pedicle graft.
  • Osteonecrosis: This may present as groin,
    buttock or proximal thigh pain; it complicates up to 10% of
    nondisplaced fractures and up to 27% of displaced fractures. Not all
    cases develop evidence of radiographic collapse. Treatment is guided by
    • Early without x-ray changes: Protected weight bearing or possible core decompression.
    • Late with x-ray changes: Elderly
      individuals may be treated with arthroplasty, whereas younger patients
      may be treated with osteotomy, arthrodesis, or arthroplasty.
  • Fixation failure: This is usually related
    to osteoporotic bone or technical problems (malreduction, poor implant
    insertion). It may be treated with attempted repeat open reduction and
    internal fixation or prosthetic replacement.
  • Prominent hardware may occur secondary to fracture collapse and screw backout.

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