questions need to be considered when writing the prescription for a
child who will need to use a wheelchair:
How long will the child be in the chair each day?
Will this be the child’s primary means of mobility?
Are there any fixed deformities of the trunk or lower extremities?
Does the child have head and trunk control?
What are the child’s activities?
What are the environmental requirements?
therapist is essential. Include diagnosis, duration of need, and
justification for type of chair, and each component or accessory. Table 22-1 details the many variables of wheelchairs.
Type: frame and weight
□ Height: need to support mid-back
□ Fixed/reclining
Components and accessories
□ Foot rests
□ Seat/cushion: abduction wedge; air, gel, or foam
□ Trochanter pads/hip guides
□ Scoliosis pads
Control straps
□ Seat belt
□ “H” straps: kyphosis
□ Pelvic belt: controls sacral sitting
and swing phase of gait, enhance balance, and decrease the
weightbearing load.
□ Axillary
□ Forearm (Lofstrand/Canadian)
□ Platform
□ C-handle
□ Four-pronged base
□ Hemiwalker
□ Standard
□ Folding: portable
□ Reciprocating: articulated, each arm can move independently
□ Rolling: wheeled—front, back, both
□ Platform: forearm support
□ Posterior: positioned behind the patient; promotes erect posture (sometimes called a Kaye walker)
challenging given the dynamics of growth, activity level, and variable
motor coordination.
Provide components appropriate to the child’s age and level of gross and fine motor function.
Function should be a priority over cosmesis.
Initial lower limb prosthesis fitted when starting to pull to stand (7 to 9 months)
Initial upper limb prosthesis fitted when starting twohanded activities (6 to 9 months)
Suspension: belt versus socket
Activity level: influences suspension, structural strength needed
Birth to 6 months: usually not fitted
7 to 14 months
□ Foot: foam filling in shoe
□ Solid tube connecting foot to socket
□ Hip joint for sitting if needed
□ Omit knee joint
15 to 36 months
□ Consider articulated knee
□ Tube extension for growth
37 to 72 months: add solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) foot or articulated knee
7 to 12 years
□ Consider hydraulic polycentric knee
□ Depends on height and weight and muscle control
12 years to adulthood: transition to adult prosthesis
Hip disarticulation
□ Socket
□ Extends to waist
□ Enclose contralateral side for suspension
□ Single-axis hip joint
□ Endoskeletal structure
□ Knee locked initially
□ Socket
□ Ischial containment variations
□ Adducts femur and locks ischial tuberosity
□ Silesian belt initially
□ Silicone socket at 2 to 3 years
□ Suction socket at maturity
□ Socket
□ Patellar tendon bearing (PTB)
□ Supracondylar suprapatellar (SCSP)
□ Supracondylar (SC): patella-free
□ Suspension
□ SC cuff
□ Silicone suspension liners
Ankle disarticulation (Symes)
□ Socket: extends to patellar tendon
□ Obturator (medial opening) design
□ Silicone bladder prosthesis
Partial foot
□ Lange silicone partial foot prosthesis
□ Cosmetic foot shell
□ Silicone-laminated socket
□ Posterior zipper
Prosthetic feet
Body powered
□ Shoulder movement activates terminal device
□ Grip strength from rubber bands
□ Bulky harness
□ Terminal device: hand or hook
Externally powered
□ Switch or myoelectric control
□ No harness
□ Muscle in limb controls terminal device
□ Heavy; difficult to use in children under 2 years
□ Grip strength built into system
□ Terminal device: hand only
Hands and hooks
□ Body or external power
□ Voluntary open and closing
Most common congenital upper extremity deficiency
Most ideal for prosthetic fitting
□ Initial fit at 6 to 15 months: passive hand
□ 15 to 18 months reaching begins: start body- or external-powered prostheses.
the elements that must be included in a prescription for an orthosis.
Postoperative shoes
□ Hard sole (wooden)
□ Velcro closure
□ Open toe
Extra-depth shoes
□ 1/3-inch longer, ½-inch wider than standard size shoe
□ Removable inner sole to accommodate orthosis
Custom-molded shoes
□ Made from cast of foot
□ Accommodates severe rigid deformity
Corrective shoes
□ Reverse last open-toe prewalker shoes—forefoot abducted
□ Reverse last closed-toe shoes (ambulatory)—forefoot abducted
□ Straight last open-toe prewalker shoes—forefoot neutral
□ Straight last closed-toe shoes (ambulatory)—forefoot neutral
Shoe modifications
□ Heel
□ Thomas heel: additional medial support to control pronation
□ Medial wedge: controls midfoot and hindfoot pronation
□ Lateral wedge: controls midfoot and hindfoot supination
□ Sole
□ Medial sole wedge: controls forefoot eversion
□ Lateral sole wedge: controls forefoot inversion
□ Metatarsal bar: decreases pressure on metatarsal heads
Denis Browne bar (foot abduction bar) (Fig. 22-1)
□ Attaches to reverse last or straight last shoes
□ Positions feet in adjustable amounts of external rotation
□ Able to set separate amounts of external rotation for unilateral applications
□ Width of bar should equal width of child’s shoulders
Institution or office or origination
Patient’s name, age, gender, address, telephone number
Diagnosis: status post is not sufficient; condition for which the surgery was done is also required
Description of the orthosis and orthotic goal
Acronym for orthosis and description of the motion control of each joint
If shoes to be attached to or fit over the orthosis, include modifications
Justification for orthosis (letter of medical necessity)
Inclusion of office note may be sufficient
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Figure 22-1 Denis Browne bar (attached to reverse-last shoes)
□ Soft materials
□ Custom molded or off-the-shelf (OTS)
□ Multidensity layered materials
□ Custom molded or OTS
□ Rigid materials
□ Used for flexible deformities
□ Custom molded or OTS
Medial wedge: controls pronation and heel valgus
Lateral wedge: controls supination and heel varus
Longitudinal arch support: controls pronation and heel valgus
Metatarsal pad: pressure relieves metatarsal head, placed proximal to metatarsal heads
Plastic molded insert named for origin of development (UCBL)
Controls flexible hindfoot deformity
Accommodates rigid deformity and prevents progression of deformity
Extended medial wall to control forefoot adduction
Extended lateral wall to control forefoot abduction
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Figure 22-2 University of California, Berkeley, Laboratory (UCBL) orthosis.
Canvas orthosis with lace-up anterior support and medial and lateral corrective straps to control inversion, eversion, or both
Fits in athletic shoe
Restricts inversion and eversion (coronal plane motion)
Allows free dorsiflexion and plantarflexion (sagittal plane motion)
Fits in athletic shoe
Prefabricated ankle immobilizer
Immobilizes ankle but allows knee flexion
Smallest size: accommodates 6-inch foot length
Molded or prefabricated plastic orthosis that extends above malleoli
Allows limited plantarflexion and dorsiflexion, restricts inversion and eversion
Controls pronation and supination, forefoot motion
AFOs can be custom molded or fit from prefabricated design components.
Solid ankle (Fig. 22-4): restricts sagittal and coronal plane motion
Articulated ankle
□ Provides controlled motion at the ankle
□ Limited or assisted motion (plantarflexion and dorsiflexion)
□ Dorsiflexion stop: check strap or pin in anterior channel of metal joint
□ Plantarflexion stop: plastic stop or pin in posterior channel of metal joint
□ Dorsiflexion assist: assist joint or spring in metal joint
□ Plantarflexion assist: assist joint or spring in metal joint
□ Free motion: free dorsiflexion and plantarflexion with restricted subtalar motion
Dorsiflexion assist
□ Nonarticulated
□ Posterior leaf spring design
□ Plastic trimmed posterior to malleoli
□ Low-profile design
□ Restricts plantarflexion and allows limited dorsiflexion
□ Articulated (Fig. 22-5)
□ Jointed with dorsiflexion spring assist
□ Limits inversion and eversion
□ Resists plantarflexion but allows range of motion
□ Allows free assisted dorsiflexion
Patellar tendon bearing (Fig. 22-6)
□ Modifications done to positive cast to lessen weight on lower extremity
□ May include solid or articulated ankle
Conventional metal (Fig. 22-7)
□ Can be rigidly attached to shoe with metal stirrup
□ Can be fit inside shoe with plastic insert attached to metal stirrup
□ Double upright: increased stability and rigidity, heavier person, more adjustability
□ Single upright: smaller lever arm (shorter leg), less rigidity
□ Single-action adjustable joint (SAAJ): dorsiflexion assist or stop
□ Double-action adjustable joint (DAAJ): dorsiflexion and plantarflexion assist and stop
Extended medial wall to control forefoot adduction
Extended lateral wall to control forefoot abduction (Fig. 22-8)
Toe sulcus length footplate to allow metatarsal phalangeal (MTP) extension
Full-length footplate to protect toes and allow for growth
Tone-reducing footplate to apply contact and stimulation to decrease hypertonicity or spasticity
Total contact: includes anterior shell (clamshell design)
Sustentacular tali or longitudinal arch pads to control pronation
Eversion and inversion control straps
Lateral flanges to control supination and inversion
Medial flanges to control pronation and eversion
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Figure 22-3 Supramalleolar orthosis.
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Figure 22-4 Solid ankle-foot orthosis.
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Figure 22-5 Articulated ankle-foot orthosis.
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Figure 22-6 Patellar tendon-bearing orthosis.
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Figure 22-7 Conventional metal ankle-foot orthosis.
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Figure 22-8 Extended lateral wall-forefoot abduction control.
prefabricated components based on a series of measurements. Support is
provided to the knee, ankle, and foot. Parameters for control needed at
each joint must be provided on the prescription.
Foot control options
□ Full-length footplate
□ Sulcus-length footplate
□ Tone-reducing footplate
□ See additional foot orthosis prescription criteria based on individual control requirements (described earlier).
Ankle control options
Solid ankle
Articulated ankle
□ Dorsiflexion or plantarflexion assist
□ Dorsiflexion or plantarflexion stop
□ Free motion
Conventional metal
See additional AFO prescription criteria based on individual control requirements (described earlier)
Knee control options
Drop lock
Engaged locks in full extension
Disengaged allows free flexion
Adjustable extension
Allows knee to lock in position other than full extension
Combined with drop lock will allow full flexion when lock disengaged
Posterior offset: allows extension movement to prevent knee flexion (buckling) without need for manual drop lock
Bail lock
Locks in full extension
Releases into flexion with lever located behind the knee
Static progressive
Allows incremental increases in range of motion
No motion, locks at position set, used for stretching or contracture management
Single upright (Fig. 22-9) or double upright (Fig. 22-10)
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Figure 22-9 Single metal upright ankle-foot orthosis.
and foot. They are generally custom molded but can be assembled from
measurements using prefabricated components. Parameters for control
required or range of motion to be limited/allowed must be specified on
the completed prescription for each joint included. They may be
unilateral or bilateral.
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Figure 22-10 Double metal upright knee-ankle-foot orthosis.
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Figure 22-11 Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis.
For foot, ankle, and knee options, see previous section on knee-ankle-foot orthosis.
Hip control options
□ Drop locks
□ Lock in full extension
□ Free flexion when unlocked
□ Adjustable extension
□ Lock in set amount of flexion or extension
□ Used with drop lock generally
□ External and internal rotation control: twister cable from knee to hip joint or offset in metal upright
□ Abduction and adduction control: allows range of motion between set parameters or locked at abducted position
□ Hip control provided with pelvic band
(molded or prefabricated) or extended thoracic support (molded or
prefabricated) for additional trunk control
Adds component of thoracic stability to HKAFO
Can be used with or without HKAFO system
Some models flex at knee, allow swivel walking (limited mobility)
Custom molded (Fig. 22-13)
□ May include anterior shell for total contact
□ Impact protection for postfracture healing
□ Allows metacarpal phalangeal (MP) flexion to 90 degrees, should not extend past palmar crease
□ Allows elbow flexion, should end distal to bicipital crease
□ May include thumb spica
□ Elastic or neoprene
□ Aluminum palmar or dorsal support (aluminum stay)
□ Limited motion control and impact protection
□ May include thumb spica
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Figure 22-13 Molded wrist-hand orthosis.
Ventilated neoprene material
Measured or used prefabricated
Used to maintain wrist in extension or thumb abducted
Provides varus and valgus control at elbow
Usually custom molded
Provides total contact, free or limited range of motion at elbow
Sarmiento design for fracture management of distal humeral fractures
Fracture management of proximal-third humeral fracture
Includes thoracic stability strap to decrease rotation of orthosis
Trimmed distally to allow elbow flexion
Midshaft humeral fractures: total contact design
Can be custom molded or prefabricated (smaller patients custom molded)
Controls and limits shoulder motion: abduction and adduction, flexion and extension, internal and external rotation
Generally custom molded for small children
Prefabricated options for adolescent or larger children
Immobilizes arm in shoulder adduction and internal rotation, with elbow flexed
Pediatric sizes available with smaller envelopes to free fingers
Sling combined with rotation-control thoracic strap
Further immobilizes the shoulder and prevents abduction and flexion
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Figure 22-14 Elbow-wrist-hand orthosis.
Prevents scapular protraction and encourages scapular retraction
Postural correction, clavicle fracture management
Can be added to spinal orthosis for kyphosis correction
Soft collar
□ Support for cervical muscle spasms or minor ligamentous injuries
□ Serves simply as kinesthetic reminder, provides soft tissue warmth
Hard collar
□ Limits sagittal motion better than the soft collar
□ Support for muscle spasms and atlantoaxial rotary subluxation
□ Many types: Philadelphia, Aspen (Fig. 22-15), Miami J
Increases stability of cervical orthosis alone by extending inferiorly over thoracic region
Addresses C1 fractures without subluxation, stable hangman fracture, and flexion injuries of C3-C5
□ Plastic with removable liner
□ Good flexion control
SOMI: sternal occipital mandibular immobilizer
□ Can be easily applied in a supine position
□ Good flexion control, limited extension control
Halo (Fig. 22-16)
□ Addresses unstable cervical injuries
□ Most rigid control through skeletal fixation
□ Excellent flexion, extension, and rotation control
Addresses acute or chronic low back pain, acute low back and leg pain, sacroiliac disorders
Support from L1 to L5
Provides varying degrees of abdominal support, motion control, and pain relief
Nonoperative and operative types
□ Corset or elastic wraparound styles sized (OTS)
□ Rigid plastic LSO (custom molded)
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Figure 22-15 Aspen cervical collar.
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Figure 22-16 Halo.
congenital malformation, neurologic disease with muscle paralysis,
spondylolisthesis, disc herniation, stenosis
Hyperextension TLSO (Jewett, CASH): addresses anterior compression fracture and prevents flexion
Knight-Taylor TLSO
□ Fabricated from measurements only
□ Applicable for obese patients
□ Easily accommodates weight fluctuations
□ Provides good ventilation
Custom-molded TLSO
□ Provides intimate fit and maximum control of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation
□ Can be molded in desired position (Fig. 22-17)
TLSO with thigh extension: used to control motion at L5-S1 level
□ Used to manage idiopathic (not neuromuscular) scoliotic curves from 25 to 40 degrees
□ Uses specific trim lines to a module with interior pads to apply counteractive forces
□ Boston brace: worn up to 23 hours a day (Fig. 22-18)
□ Charleston bending brace (overcorrection): molded in bent position to reverse scoliotic curve; nighttime use only
□ Wilmington, Lyon, Milwaukee: used to address higher thoracic curves
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Figure 22-17 Molded thoracolumbosacral orthosis.
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Figure 22-18 Scoliosis—thoracolumbosacral orthosis.
Cervical extension added to TLSO to address multiple spinal injuries
Halo, Minerva, or SOMI extension may be added to TLSO depending on stability needed
Milwaukee CTLSO
□ Addresses kyphosis or high scoliotic curves
□ Very low compliance because of metal extensions in cervical region
JG, Carter PR, Cummings DB, et al. Limb deficiencies. In: Herring JA,
ed. Tachdjian’s pediatric orthopaedics, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders, 2002:1745-1810.
JH, Michael JW, eds. Atlas of limb prosthetics: surgical, prosthetic,
and rehabilitation principles, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1992.
RT, Giavedoni B, Coulter-O’Berry C. The limb-deficient child. In:
Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Pediatric orthopaedics, 5th ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001: 1217-1272.