Distal Clavicular Osteolysis
Distal Clavicular Osteolysis
Ryan C. Fowler
Keith A. Stuessi

A loss of subchondral bone detail with osteoporosis, cystic changes, osteolysis, and osteophyte formation of the distal clavicle while sparing the acromion
Most commonly associated with atraumatic mechanism but can be trauma-related
True incidence of distal clavicular osteolysis (DCO) is unknown.
Associated with repetitive heavy lifting and occasionally as a result of trauma
Rare reports of idiopathic cases (1)
Risk Factors
Any activity putting excessive repetitive force on the acromioclavicular (AC) joint may increase risk.
Weight lifting appears to be a significant risk factor in nontraumatic cases (2,3).
Occasionally will result from blunt trauma to the shoulder
Traumatic injuries include AC joint dislocation and separation, as well as clavicle fractures.
General Prevention
Atraumatic causes are potentially prevented by limiting repetitive lifting, but no studies address this issue.
Athletes generally are reluctant to decrease training.
Although the specific pathophysiologic cause has not been determined, atraumatic osteolysis is thought to start as a stress fracture of the distal clavicle from repetitive microtrauma (2,4).
Common MRI findings include bone edema and evidence of subchondral injury (2,4).
The pathophysiologic process in traumatic injuries is unknown.

Insidious onset of aching in the AC joint
Athletes may have a history of remote trauma.
Activities placing repetitive stress to the joint may increase the risk.
In weight lifters, bench press, military press, shoulder shrugs, pushups, and clean-and-jerk may cause pain.
Physical Exam
Signs and symptoms:
Patient complains of a dull ache over the AC joint.
Mild swelling of the joint may be present.
Pain usually is worse at the beginning of the exercise period.
Any movement of the arm requiring 90 degrees or more of abduction causes pain.
Pain can radiate to the adjacent superior trapezius border and deltoid muscles.
Physical examination:
Tenderness over the AC joint
Positive cross-arm test: Forward flexion to 90 degrees and adduction of the arm cause pain. This compresses the AC joint.
Paxinos test: Arm at side resting against chest and hand over top of shoulder; thumb on acromion and fingers on clavicle and compressing them together; pain is a positive test.
Sometimes a trapezius spasm will be palpated.
Because it is common to have other shoulder pathology in conjunction with DCO, a local anesthetic injection to the AC joint can be helpful in achieving an accurate diagnosis (2)[C].
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Clavicular or Zanca view: 10 degrees of cephalic tilt; distal clavicular end will appear frayed; will see bony osteolysis, cystic changes, and translucency of the bone. Bilateral Zanca views are helpful in comparing the involved and uninvolved sides.
Technetium bone scan can be helpful as an additional test.
MRI can be used to rule out other pathology and often shows bone edema in the distal clavicle (4)[C].
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Diagnostic injection into the AC joint with local anesthetic can be helpful in differentiating the cause of pain (2,5)[C].
Differential Diagnosis
AC joint trauma, osteoarthritis
Other shoulder pathology should be considered (eg, instability, impingement, rotator cuff tears, tendinitis, and labral disease).
Also includes hyperparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple myeloma, scleroderma, infection (septic arthritis, tuberculosis), rickets, eosinophilic granuloma, and other, more rare diseases including cleidocranial dysplasia, progeria, and pycnodysostosis.

Acute treatment:
NSAIDs or other pain medications can be used as needed (2,5)[C].
Cessation of activity is often very effective in reducing pain (2,5)[C].
Therapeutic corticosteroid injection to the AC joint is often effective at reducing painful symptoms (2,5)[C].
Other symptomatic treatment such as ice can be helpful (2,5)[C].
Long-term treatment:
Activity modification (2,5)[C]
Often difficult in athletes
Activity modification by weight lifters should include decreased weight with increased repetitions or substitution of exercises.
Physical therapy should be instituted if there is evidence of other shoulder pathology. Rehabilitation also should include range-of-motion (ROM) therapy and strengthening exercises for the rotator cuff and scapulothoracic stabilizer muscles (5)[C].
Surgical resection may be considered for those not responding to conservative therapy.
Surgery/Other Procedures
Surgery is recommended for those who fail conservative treatment (2,5)[C].
Surgery may be performed open or arthroscopic.
Arthroscopic surgery involves less tissue dissection and faster rehabilitation times (2)[C].
Arthroscopic surgery can be completed directly through the AC joint or indirectly through the subacromial space. The direct approach allows faster return to activity (21 vs 42 days) (6)[B].

Follow-Up Recommendations
Referral to an orthopedic surgeon for failure of conservative treatment
Postoperative physical therapy:
Active ROM as tolerated
Shoulder strengthening
Return to sports as soon as symptoms allow; time frame depends on surgical approach.
1. Hawkins BJ, Covey DC, Thiel BG. Distal clavicle osteolysis unrelated to trauma, overuse, or metabolic disease. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2000;370:208–211.
2. Schwarzkopf R, Ishak C, Elman M, et al. Distal clavicular osteolysis—a review of the literature. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis. 2008;66:94–101.
3. Scavenius M, Iversen BF. Nontraumatic clavicular osteolysis in weight lifters. Am J Sports Med. 1992;20:463–467.
4. Kassarjian A, Llopis E, Palmer WE. Distal clavicular osteolysis: MR evidence for subchondral fracture. Skeletal Radiol. 2006.
5. Rios CG, et al. Acromioclavicular joint problems in athletes and new methods of management. Clin Sports Med. 2008;27:763.
6. Charron KM, Schepsis AA, Voloshin I. Arthroscopic distal clavicle resection in athletes: a prospective comparison of the direct and indirect approach. Am J Sports Med. 2006.

No specific ICD-9 code
716.91 Shoulder arthritis
810.03 Closed fracture of acromial end of clavicle
840.9 Shoulder sprain
Clinical Pearls
Can resolve without surgery, but only a minority of cases produce satisfactory results, particularly when the athlete does not stop training long enough for the AC joint to heal.
Athletes can return to their former level of competition after surgical resection.