Vertical Talus
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Vertical Talus
Vertical Talus
Paul D. Sponseller MD

Congenital vertical talus is an uncommon disorder, a rigid flatfoot that requires early identification and treatment.
Its essence is a dislocation of the talonavicular joint with associated adaptive changes.
It may be unilateral or bilateral.
>1/2 of affected patients have other neurologic, genetic, or connective tissue disorders.
The deformity occurs in utero, but it may be 1st identified any time from infancy to adulthood.
Synonyms: Congenital convex pes planus; Congenital rigid rocker-bottom foot
Rare, but a high association with other disorders and anomalies:
10% of children with myelodysplasia have congenital vertical talus (1).
It also can be associated with trisomy 13, 15, and 18 and with arthrogryposis or Larsen syndrome.
In 20–40% of cases, congenital vertical talus occurs as an isolated anomaly (1,2).
It affects males and females equally.
Risk Factors
Ligamentous laxity
Arthrogryposis multiplex
Unknown, but probably variable
In some cases, vertical transmission as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance has been described.
Muscle imbalance between the dorsiflexor
muscles of the forefoot and plantarflexor muscles of the hindfoot cause
disruption in the middle of the foot (talonavicular joint). -
Ligamentous laxity and in utero malposition may be causative factors in some cases.
Associated Conditions
Larsen syndrome
Trisomy 13, 15, 18

Signs and Symptoms
Signs: Moderate reversal of the arch and a crease on the dorsum of the foot near the sinus torsi
Symptoms: Lack of push-off strength, painful callus under the head of the talus possible if untreated by walking age
Physical Exam
Check the other extremities, as well as the spine, for anomalies.
Measure strength in both lower extremities.
Observe the foot in stance and gait if the child is walking.
It is easily distinguishable from the more common calcaneovalgus and flexible flatfoot.
The sole of the foot is convex, has a rocker bottom, and is rigid.
The heel is in a fixed equinus with a tight Achilles tendon.
The head of the talus is prominent and palpable medially in the sole of the foot.
The hindfoot is in valgus.
The forefoot is abducted and in dorsiflexion at the midtarsal joint (Fig. 1).
As the patient becomes older, the appearance of the foot becomes more distinctive.Fig. 1. Vertical talus produces a dorsal crease and a plantar prominence.
Obtain radiographs.
The talus is plantarflexed (on lateral films) and angled medially (on AP films).
The navicular is dislocated dorsally and is perched on the neck of the talus.
The forefoot is displaced dorsally and abducted.
The calcaneus is in a fixed equinus.
Only the most posterior aspect of the
talus articulates with the tibia and, in extreme cases, the talus is
parallel to the tibia. -
The diagnosis is confirmed in extreme
plantarflexed views, when the navicular will not reduce, and the line
through the talar axis passes plantar to the metatarsal axis.-
Normal is dorsal to the cuboid and in line with the metatarsal axis.
However, the navicular does not ossify until ~3 years of age, in the normal foot or the foot with congenital vertical talus.
The position of the navicular may be inferred from the orientation of the first metatarsal.
Pathological Findings
The calcaneus is in equinus and laterally displaced.
The talus is hypoplastic, angled medially, and plantarflexed.
Fixed dorsal dislocation of the navicular is noted.
Contracture of the Achilles tendon (posteriorly) is evident.
Contracture of the toe extensor and the tibialis anterior (anteriorly) is seen.
Specially positioned plantar flexion lateral radiograph is helpful (see later).
Differential Diagnosis
Calcaneovalgus foot
Flexible flatfoot

General Measures
If the condition is recognized, surgical intervention is preferred before the patient is 2 years old.
Casting and manipulation alone usually are not effective, although they should be used preoperatively to stretch soft tissue.
The essential features are reduction (open or closed) and pinning of the talonavicular joint.
Although open surgery previously was the norm (1,3), reduction and percutaneous pin fixation with an Achilles tenotomy recently has become an accepted technique (4).
The associated contracted tendons (Achilles and, if needed, anterior tibialis) also should be lengthened.
The medial joint capsules may be stabilized, or, in children ≥3 years old, the talonavicular joint may be fused.
Children >5 years old may require triple arthrodesis.
Postoperative percutaneous PINS of the talonavicular joint usually are removed at 6 weeks.
Postoperative bracing often is used for a number of months.
Late treatment requires subtalar fusion.
Recurrent deformity is treated with soft-tissue reconstruction and subtalar fusion.
In adolescents and adults, salvage is
performed by triple arthrodesis and often requires removal of a large
portion of the talus.

Patients should be followed throughout childhood to monitor the growth of the foot.
If untreated, the condition produces progressive disability.
Complications of nontreatment: Callus, skin breakdown, poor push-off
Complications of treatment: Stiffness, residual varus or valgus, need for additional surgery
Patient Monitoring
Even after surgery, the patient should be followed periodically to verify normal growth.
1. Morrissy
RT, Giavedoni BJ, Coulter-O’Berry C. The child with a limb deficiency.
In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric
Orthopaedics, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
RT, Giavedoni BJ, Coulter-O’Berry C. The child with a limb deficiency.
In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric
Orthopaedics, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
2. Ogata K, Schoenecker PL, Sheridan J. Congenital vertical talus and its familial occurrence: An analysis of 36 patients. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1979;139:128–132.
3. Seimon LP. Surgical correction of congenital vertical talus under the age of 2 years. J Pediatr Orthop 1987;7:405–411.
4. Dobbs MB, Purcell DB, Nunley R, et al. Early results of a new method of treatment for idiopathic congenital vertical talus. J Bone Joint Surg 2006;88A:1192–1200.

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Patient Teaching
Patients should be informed of the chances of inheritance in future children.
The natural history of this condition, if
left untreated, which is severe callus formation, skin breakdown, and
poor push-off, also should be discussed. -
The risk of hip dysplasia should be mentioned and excluded.
The possible need for additional surgery should be mentioned.
Q: How is vertical talus commonly recognized?
A: By the deep crease in the sinus tarsi and the plantar convexity.
Q: Does it resolve spontaneously?
A: No, it does not.