Toe Walking
Editors: Frassica, Frank J.; Sponseller, Paul D.; Wilckens, John H.
Title: 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult, 2nd Edition
Copyright ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Table of Contents > Toe Walking
Toe Walking
Paul D. Sponseller MD

Idiopathic toe walking in toddlers is common.
Most commonly caused by a shortened Achilles tendon
Some of these children eventually adopt normal walking patterns with growth.
Persistent and exclusive toe walking beyond 3 years of age should prompt an examination for underlying neuromuscular problems.
However, most children have what is termed, by exclusion, “idiopathic toe walking.”
Usually noted when a child begins to walk
Both genders equally affected
Risk Factors
Positive family history
History of premature birth
Low Apgar score
Up to 50% of patients have a positive family history (1,2).
Neuromotor patterning
Shortened Achilles tendon

Idiopathic toe walking is diagnosed on the basis of the history and physical examination.
A diagnosis of exclusion:
Neuromuscular abnormality must 1st be excluded.
Signs and Symptoms
Physical Exam
Examination should be made with the child wearing shorts.
Note the position of the feet during all phases of walking and standing.
Perform neurologic examination to detect spasticity or myopathy.
Note the range of ankle dorsiflexion, with the knee both flexed and extended.
Palpate the calf for any abnormal masses.
Examine the hamstrings and adductors for tightness.
Document passive and active ankle ROM.
Additional testing is indicated only if the physical examination suggests a neurologic or myopathic cause.
Computerized gait analysis may differentiate a child with mild cerebral palsy from an idiopathic toe walker.
An out-of-phase gastrocnemius complex on electromyographic analysis strongly suggests a neurologic abnormality in a toe walker.
Creatinine phosphokinase, muscle biopsy, or mutation analysis may be useful if a dystrophic process is suspected.
MRI of the spine may be performed if a suspected spinal abnormality is causing spasticity.
Differential Diagnosis
Cerebral palsy
Familial spastic paraparesis
Muscular dystrophy
Tethered cord syndrome
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

General Measures
Stretching and encouragement are the usual 1st-line means of treatment.
Orthotics, by themselves, do not seem to be effective.
Increased ankle dorsiflexion can be
achieved by stretching and serial casting, placing the foot in maximum
dorsiflexion (i.e., at least 10° of ankle dorsiflexion, while allowing
the normal heel–toe gait to develop). -
The cast should be changed weekly until the desired ankle ROM is obtained.
Initially, patients should be seen weekly for cast changes.
Night braces with the ankle in maximal
dorsiflexion may be helpful for maintaining the dorsiflexion achieved
with casting or surgery.
Special Therapy
Physical Therapy
Passive and active ROM exercise of the ankles may be used to treat patients with mild cases (3).
If the ROM of the ankle allows some
dorsiflexion, teaching children to practice walking on the heels may
help to enforce a normal gait pattern (3).
If other methods fail, Z-lengthening of the Achilles tendon can improve ankle dorsiflexion.
May be done through percutaneous or open methods (1,3)
Usually performed if a child does not adopt a normal gait pattern by the start of school years

Issues for Referral
Toe walking begins de novo after a period of normal heel–toe gait.
A child does not improve by the start of kindergarten.
Patients should be referred to a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon if possible.
Many idiopathic toe walkers develop a normal gait by the age of 3 years.
Persistent toe-strike gait into maturity may cause problems with metatarsal callous formation and impaired balance.
Undiagnosed neurologic abnormality
Overlengthening of the heel cord
1. Hemo
Y, Macdessi SJ, Pierce RA, et al. Outcome of patients after Achilles
tendon lengthening for treatment of idiopathic toe walking. J Pediatr Orthop 2006;26:336–340.
Y, Macdessi SJ, Pierce RA, et al. Outcome of patients after Achilles
tendon lengthening for treatment of idiopathic toe walking. J Pediatr Orthop 2006;26:336–340.
2. Kalen V, Adler N, Bleck EE. Electromyography of idiopathic toe walking. J Pediatr Orthop 1986;6:31–33.
3. Eiff
MP, Steiner E, Judkins DZ. Clinical inquiries. What is the appropriate
evaluation and treatment of children who are “toe walkers”? J Fam Pract 2006;55:447,450.
MP, Steiner E, Judkins DZ. Clinical inquiries. What is the appropriate
evaluation and treatment of children who are “toe walkers”? J Fam Pract 2006;55:447,450.

727.81 Toe walking
Patient Teaching
Patients and their families may be instructed to perform home heel-cord stretching exercises and heel walking at home.
Some idiopathic toe walkers can assume a heel–toe gait with persistent persuasion.
Q: What is the cause of toe walking if other usual causes are excluded?
A: It is likely that a subtle difference in central locomotor patterning is present.
Q: Will a child grow out of the habit of TOE_WALKING?
Many children will do so before the start of kindergarten. However, if
the child does not, referral to a specialist is indicated.
Many children will do so before the start of kindergarten. However, if
the child does not, referral to a specialist is indicated.