Posterolateral Capsular Tear
Posterolateral Capsular Tear
Matt Roth
Jacklyn Kiefer

Posterolateral corner (PLC) of the knee is composed of the posterior lateral capsule and its supporting structures.
The supporting structures of the PLC are composed of the popliteus muscle/tendon complex, the popliteofibular ligament, the lateral collateral ligament complex, and the arcuate-fabellofibular ligament complex.
Biomechanically, the PLC is a primary restraint to both varus motion and external rotation of the tibia, and helps to resist posterior translation (1)[C].
When some or all of these structures are damaged, a pathologic laxity occurs that can result in varus and rotational instability and chronically can lead to post-traumatic arthritis (1)[C].
Grading system:
Address both varus opening and rotational instability compared to unaffected side
Grade I: Posterolateral pain, varus opening/break 0–5 mm, 0–5 degrees of laxity on dial test
Grade II: Varus opening 6–10 mm, 6–10 degrees of laxity on dial test
Grade III: Varus opening >10 mm, >10 degrees of laxity on dial test
Isolated PLC injuries are uncommon (<2% of all acute ligamentous knee injuries).
May occur in conjunction with cruciate or lateral collateral ligament injury or any multiligamentous knee injury
High association of chronic PLC insufficiency in the setting of failed cruciate ligament reconstruction and/or chronic instability
Risk Factors
Any collision sport or recreational activity where running and cutting may cause an anteromedially directed blow or a noncontact hyperextension with external twisting of the knee
Various mechanisms of injury can occur:
Posterolateral directed blow onto a nearly fully extended tibia, which results in knee hyperextension
Noncontact hyperextension with an external rotation twisting injury
A posterior directed blow to the proximal tibia of a flexed knee (dashboard injury)
Complete knee dislocation from varus force with hyperextension
Commonly Associated Conditions
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tear
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear
Tibial plateau fracture or contusion
Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) ligament injury
Peroneal nerve injury (as high as 30%)

Mechanism of injury
Acutely, pain and swelling to posterolateral knee
Feelings of knee instability, hyperextension, or knee “giving out”
Difficulty with twisting, pivoting, or cutting
Pain with kneeling
History of cruciate repair failure
Physical Exam
Assess for effusion.
Assess the vascular status of the leg and foot. Diminished pulses may indicate a vascular injury and warrant an arteriogram (2)[C].
Assess neurologic status of leg and foot, particularly the common peroneal nerve and its branches (weakened ankle dorsiflexion and great toe extension or diminished dorsal foot sensation).
Assess alignment and gait. Inspection in standing position may reveal asymmetrical varus involvement on the affected side. In chronic injury, varus thrust ambulatory pattern or ambulation with flexed knee (1)[C].
Perform a complete ligamentous examination:
Cruciate and collateral ligaments must be evaluated to rule out a multiple ligamentous injury (2)[C].
Test anterior and posterior translation with the knee in 30 degrees of flexion (Lachman examination) and 90 degrees of flexion (drawer test).
Test varus and valgus laxity with the knee fully extended at 30 degrees of flexion. Laxity with full extension suggests PLC injury (3)[C]
Specialty testing of the PLC:
Dial test or posterolateral rotation test most helpful (1)[C]:
With the patient in the supine position, the foot is passively externally rotated and the degree of rotation, measured by thigh-foot angle, is compared to the contralateral limb.
Test should be performed with the knee in both 30 and 90 degrees of flexion.
>10-degree increase in external rotation with the affected knee in 30 degrees of flexion represents a pathologic state.
If improvement occurs with 90 degrees of flexion, suggestive of isolated PLC injury (no PCL involvement)
External rotation recurvatum test:
Lift great toe while stabilizing thigh, looking for increased recurvatum compared to unaffected knee.
Posterolateral drawer test:
Knee flexed 80 degrees, foot stabilized in 15 degrees of external rotation, looking for increased translation when posterior force applied to tibia (2)[C]
Reverse pivot shift test addresses tibial plateau subluxation:
With the patient supine, knee flexed, and foot externally rotated 45–60 degrees.
Valgus force applied as knee extended
Visible shift or clunk near 30 degrees of flexion implies reduction of the subluxation.
If PLC is insufficient, the lateral tibial plateau will be subluxed posteriorly relative to the lateral femoral condyle (1)[C].
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Plain radiographs: Minimum of anteroposterior and lateral to rule out associated fractures (1)[C]:
Segond sign (see ACL Injury), avulsion fracture of the fibular head or styloid, or tibial plateau fracture may be associated with injury to posterolateral structures (1)[C].
Low threshold for MRI in case of suspected PLC injury:
Higher-powered magnets (1.5 T or greater) helpful for viewing variable structures of PLC (1)[C]
Injuries to 2 or more structures of PLC (especially popliteus complex, LCL, or postererolateral capsule) strongly suggests PLC insufficiency (4)[C].
Thin-slice coronal oblique view through fibular head and styloid may improve PLC structure visibility (4)[B].
US may be an emerging tool for evaluating posterolateral corner structures (5)[C].
Differential Diagnosis
Posterior cruciate ligament injury
ACL injury
Lateral collateral ligament complex injury
Knee dislocation
Tibial plateau fracture

Acute treatment:
Recognize that a serious knee injury has occurred.
Treatment depends on degree of laxity or instability, timing from injury, and concomitant ligament involvement (2)[C].
Acute PLC injuries are amenable to surgical repair if treated early. Surgical options for treatment include primary repair, advancement, or reconstruction (2)[C].
Immobilization with pain and swelling control comprise initial treatment.
Grade I injuries:
No abnormal motion or instability.
Nonoperative treatment results in good functional outcomes (2)[B].
Hinged knee brace locked in extension for 2–4 wks with protected weight-bearing for the 1st 2 wks (3)[C]
Followed by progressive range of motion and rehabilitation program. Closed chain exercises (2) initiated at 6–8 wks (3)[C].
Gradual progression as strength improves. Full release to activities anticipated at 12–14 wks (3)[C].
Grade II injuries:
Mild to moderate abnormal joint motion
Nonoperative or surgical treatment, depending on associated injuries (2)[C]
Isolated injury can be treated like grade I injuries with prolonged protected weightbearing (2)[C]:
Residual laxity may persist with nonoperative treatment (1)[C].
Unrestricted return to full activity may take up to 3–4 mos for nonoperative cases (3)[C].
More significant injuries or those associated with cruciate injury should be fixed surgically (2)[C]:
Primary repair may be possible if surgery performed within 3 wks of injury (2)[C].
Delayed treatment requires anatomic reconstruction and addressing malalignment issues (2)[C].
Grade III injuries:
Requires operative intervention to prevent long-term instability and expedited development of osteoarthritis (6)[C]
Early on, primary repair may be possible depending on quality of injured structures (2)[C].
After 4–6 wks, reconstruction necessary because of associated scarring (3)[C]
Return to unrestricted sports participation usually 10–12 mos post surgical repair (1)[C]
Chronic posterolateral rotatory instability:
Management of chronic PLC instability is more difficult than an acute PLC (injury) (1)[C].
Primary repair of structures usually is impossible (2)[C].
Assessment of both gait and lower extremity alignment is important (1)[C].
Patient with preexisting varus malalignment and varus thrust during gait may not have a successful reconstruction because the lateral structures may be attenuated and nonfunctional (1)[C].
In this setting, proximal tibial osteotomy may be indicated before ligamentous reconstruction. The most critical structures to reconstruct are the popliteofibular ligament, popliteus, and LCL (1)[C].
A variety of surgical procedures described without consensus or evidence-based outcomes (4)[C]
Recreating damaged structures favored over nonanatomical reconstructions (1)[C]
Additional Treatment
Additional Therapies
Rehabilitation emphasis on quadriceps strengthening (1)[C]
Early immobilization should not preclude protected strengthening. Best results are achieved with early intervention (1)[C].
Progressive resistance exercises and sports-specific drills initiated as range of motion advanced (2)[C]
Patients who develop excessive knee hyperextension or varus thrust during gait may benefit from gait retraining before reconstruction (7)[C].

Peroneal nerve dysfunction secondary to primary injury or surgery (1)[C]
Residual laxity, persistent pain, or osteoarthritis may occur even with surgical intervention (1)[C].
1. Ranawat A, Baker CL, Henry S, et al. Posterolateral corner injury of the knee: evaluation and management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2008;16:506–518.
2. Ricchetti ET, Sennett BJ, Huffman GR. Acute and chronic management of posterolateral corner injuries of the knee. Orthopedics. 2008;31:479–488; quiz 489–490.
3. Cooper JM, McAndrews PT, LaPrade RF. Posterolateral corner injuries of the knee: anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2006;14:213–220.
4. Vinson EN, Major NM, Helms CA. The postero-lateral corner of the knee. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008;190:449–458.
5. Barker RP, Lee JC, Healy JC. Normal sonographic anatomy of the posterolateral corner of the knee. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009;192:73–79.
6. Kannus P. Nonoperative treatment of grade II and III sprains of the lateral ligament compartment of the knee. Am J Sports Med. 1989;17:83–88.
7. Covey DC. Injuries of the posterolateral corner of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2001;83-A:106–118.
Additional Reading
Malone AA, Dowd GS, Saifuddin A. Injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner of the knee. Injury. 2006;37:485–501.

844.0 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee
844.2 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
844.8 Sprain of other specified sites of knee and leg
Clinical Pearls
Appropriate management depends on injury severity and timing of diagnosis.
Significant posterolateral capsular and PLC injuries causing varus and rotational instability require expedited evaluation and treatment, as surgery is ideally performed within 3 wks from injury onset.
Isolated PLC injuries are rare, and concomitant cruciate and bony injuries must be ruled out.
Chronic injuries associated with feeling of instability or hyperextension and can cause abnormal gait and expedited medial osteoarthritis.
Diagnosis and treatment of this injury continue to evolve.