Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Anna Dumont
Douglas J. DiOrio

Degeneration and irritation of the plantar fascia origin at the medial calcaneal tuberosity on the anteromedial side of the heel and surrounding perifascial structures
Synonym(s): Enthesopathy of plantar fascia; Plantar fasciosis
Plantar fasciitis accounts for 80% of patients with plantar heel pain.
Nearly 2 million patients receive treatment each year in the U.S.
In the running population, plantar fasciitis accounts for 10% of running injuries.
Peak age of incidence is between 40 and 60 yrs, but can occur in adults of all ages.
Risk Factors
Excessive torsion and hyperpronation with poor supporting footwear
Poor shock dissipation with cavus foot
Hindfoot valgus with pronation deformity
Limited ankle dorsiflexion
Obesity and those who are on their feet most of the day
∼50% of patients with plantar fasciitis will have heel spurs. Up to 19% of patients without plantar fasciitis will also have heel spurs. Heel spurs can occur with plantar fasciitis, but they are not the cause.
Histologic findings include myxoid degeneration, microtears in the fascia, collagen necrosis, and angiofibroblastic hyperplasia.

Insidious and progressive pain in the inferior heel
Worst with 1st few steps out of bed in the morning
Worsens after period of prolonged standing
Pain tends to lessen with activity and worsens at the end of the day.
Pain exacerbated with walking barefoot, on toes, or up stairs
Physical Exam
Pain at the anteromedial aspect of the heel
Worsens with activity such as running or walking
Worst pain with 1st few steps in the morning
Pain intensity increases with prolonged weight-bearing, especially while walking barefoot and in dress shoes.
Pain can radiate across the medial side of the heel and less so to the lateral aspect.
Pain can involve both feet.
Pain can be described as throbbing, searing, or piercing.
Tenderness localized to anteromedial aspect of the heel with palpation
Tight Achilles heel cord
Pes planus or pes cavus foot deformity
Passive range of motion: Hypermobility of subtalar joint, midtarsal joint, and 1st ray
Pain with passive dorsiflexion of toes
Gait evaluation: Calcaneus everted at heel lift
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Imaging plays a limited role in routine clinical evaluation and is rarely needed. Radiographic evaluation would be appropriate in patients who fail to improve with appropriate treatment in a reasonable amount of time or if patient presents with an atypical history or physical exam.
X-rays may show calcifications in the soft tissues around the heel or osteophytes on the anterior calcaneus (ie, heel spurs). US may show thicker heel aponeurosis.
Triple-phase bone scan can differentiate between plantar fasciitis and a calcaneal stress fracture. A bone scan or MRI should be ordered when heel pain has not improved after 4–6 mos of nonsurgical treatment.
Differential Diagnosis
Calcaneal stress fracture
Bone contusion
Subtalar arthritis
Inflammatory arthropathies
Infections (osteomyelitis/subtalar pyoarthrosis)
Soft tissue:
Intrinsic muscle strain (abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, quadratus plantae)
Plantar fibromatosis
Plantar fascia rupture
Achilles tendinitis
Posterior tibial tendinitis
Retrocalcaneal bursitis
Fat pad atrophy
Entrapment of branches of the posterior tibial nerve usually at or after passage through the posterior tarsal tunnel: Medial plantar nerve, lateral plantar nerve, or medial calcaneal nerve
Radicular symptoms of L4–S1 (sciatic nerve)
Abductor digiti quinti nerve entrapment
Peripheral neuropathy

NSAIDs of choice for analgesic effect
Early morning stretching of heel cord as well as throughout the day
Ice massage and deep friction massage of the arch and insertion
Shoe inserts: Prefabricated insoles (ie, soft heel pads/Silastic), custom orthotics, or medial heel wedges
Arch taping during athletic activities
Motion-control shoes with rigid heel counters
Posterior-tension night splints
Supination strap
Judicious use of long-acting steroid injections for the in-season athlete (1–3/yr)
Risk of fat pad atrophy must be noted
Dexamethasone (Decadron) iontophoresis
Physical therapy with plantar fascia: Specific stretching and Achilles tendon stretching programs
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Walking cast
Conservative therapy should be used for a minimum of 6 mos and, preferably, for 12 mos because >90% respond positively to nonsurgical management.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Surgery/Other Procedures
Surgery can be considered after failure of extensive conservative therapy, even up to 2 yrs: Operative release of proximal fascia of deep abductor fascia
Plantar fasciotomy can be either partial or complete and is a common surgical procedure for treating recalcitrant cases of plantar fasciitis.
Postoperative therapy includes splint for 2 wks, mild stretching and ambulation with crutches and walking boot, pool running for 3 wks, and return to activity in 3–4 mos.
Additional Reading
Clanton TO, Porter DA. Primary care of foot and ankle injuries in the athlete. Clin Sports Med. 1997;16:453–466.
Cole C, Seto C, Gazewood J. Plantar fasciitis: evidence-based review of diagnosis and therapy. Am Fam Phys. 2005;72:2237–2242.
Neufeld SK, Cerrato R. Plantar fasciitis: evaluation and treatment. J Am Acad Orth Surg. 2008;16:338–346.

728.71 Plantar fascial fibromatosis
Clinical Pearls
Surgery should only be considered after exhaustive conservative treatment of at least 6 mos to 1 yr has failed.
A Cochrane review showed that corticosteroid injections improved plantar fasciitis at 1 mo but not at 6 mos when compared with control groups.