Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Sunny Gupta

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is the most common disorder of the hip in children.
Dysplasia refers to an acetabulum that is shallow or underdeveloped.
Subluxation refers to a femoral head that is not centered within the acetabulum.
Dislocation refers to a femoral head that is completely out of the acetabulum.
Teratologic dislocation refers to a femoral head that is in a fixed dislocated position usually associated with a genetic, developmental, or neuromuscular disorder.
An unstable hip refers to a femoral head that can be subluxed or dislocated on physical examination.
DDH refers to a wide spectrum of hip disorders from mild underdevelopment of the acetabulum to frank teratologic dislocation of the femoral head from the acetabulum.
Incidence varies with gender, age, and race.
Incidence of hip dysplasia is 0.5–2% of live births; however, true dislocation occurs in 0.1–0.2% of live births.
Late dysplasia, subluxation, and dislocation occur in 0.04% of children.
Risk Factors
Predominant race: More common in Caucasians of European descent; rare in African Americans
Predominant gender: Females > Males (6:1)
Birth order: Increased risk with firstborns.
Family history: Very strong risk factor
Risk ∼13% with 1 parent with hip dysplasia and 35% with affected parent and sibling.
Intrauterine factors: Increased risk with breech presentation and oligohydramnios
General Prevention
There is no true way to prevent occurrence.
Early diagnosis is key to management.
Thorough examination of hips of newborns and infants is the mainstay of early diagnosis.
Caused by any mechanism that prevents femoral head from being positioned correctly within the acetabulum, resulting in a shallow acetabulum.
Intrauterine factors:
Abnormal intrauterine positioning: Breech presentation positions hip in such a way that the femoral head is forced out of the acetabulum.
Underlying ligamentous laxity
Collagen-vascular disorders
Environmental: Culture-associated neonatal swaddling
Lumbosacral agenesis
Spina bifida
Neonatal Marfan syndrome
Fetal hydantoin syndrome
Larsen syndrome
Commonly Associated Conditions
Commonly associated with other “packaging” problems, such as torticollis (20% coexistence) and metatarsus adductus (10% coexistence)

Determine risk:
Breech delivery?
Family history?
Is the baby moving both lower extremities symmetrically?
Any abnormal position of lower extremities noticed by parents?
Physical Exam
All infants require clinical screening by primary care provider who has experience in examining the hip.
Examine patient in supine position.
Every attempt should be made to examine the infant when he or she is not crying to avoid tensing of lower extremity muscles.
Observe for signs of asymmetries:
Decrease in abduction of hip with adduction contracture
Asymmetric gluteal, anterior upper thigh, and popliteal skin folds
Galeazzi sign: Apparent femoral shortening with hips and knees flexed together
Ortolani test:
Abduction and external rotation of hip with examiner's middle finger over greater trochanter
Palpable clunk is positive sign produced by reduction of dislocated hip.
Barlow test:
Adduction and internal rotation of hip
Palpable clunk is positive sign as hip dislocates.
Examination may be normal initially despite the presence of hip dysplasia. Consequently, hip evaluation should be performed as part of neonatal physical examination through 4 mos of age.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
False-positive results: Hip clicks will be present in 10% of infants; only a small percentage will have hip dysplasia.
Overdiagnosis is a problem because avascular necrosis of femur can occur (rarely) as a result of therapeutic interventions.
Not useful prior to 4 mos, when the femoral head epiphysis ossifies and acetabular parameters are better defined.
Various reference lines (Hilgenreiner's, Shenton's, and Perkin's) and angles (acetabular index) are useful to detect frank dislocation.
Most sensitive and effective form of screening
Recommended to screen with US starting at age 4–6 wks in patients with risk factors, persistent clunk on hip exam, or asymmetric hip exam.
Static and dynamic imaging (with Barlow and Ortolani maneuvers) to assess femoral head displacement
Useful in monitoring progress of therapy
Requires experienced ultrasonographer
CT scan and MRI are not useful in diagnosis.

Subluxation at birth often resolves spontaneously and therefore may be observed for 3 wks.
Indication for treatment: Subluxation of hip persists beyond 3 wks, confirmed on physical exam or US. Refer to a pediatric orthopedist.
Pavlik harness:
Indicated for infants from ages 3 wks to 6 mos
Applied by orthopedist; hips positioned in flexion and abduction
Requires weekly evaluation of straps and radiologic confirmation of hip reduction; if hip is stable at 2 wks, reevaluation every 2 wks.
Gradually weaned as hip stability continues
Duration of treatment: 3 mos after hip stability achieved
Hip spica cast:
Indicated for children from ages 6–18 mos
Applied by orthopedist under general anesthesia; hips positioned in flexion and abduction with cutouts for perineal care
Cast changes every 6 wks
Duration of treatment: 3–4 mos
Open reduction:
Indicated if closed reduction fails or excess abduction (>60 degrees) required for concentric reduction
Corrects barriers to reduction, and safely increases stability
Femoral/pelvic osteotomies:
Indicated if all prior closed and open reductions fail
Usually considered in children from ages 18–36 mos

If diagnosed early, prognosis is uniformly excellent.
Missed early diagnosis can result in more complicated management and less favorable outcome.
Failed reduction and redislocation
Osteonecrosis of femoral head
Hip labral pathology in adolescence or adulthood
Osteoarthritis in adulthood
Additional Reading
Beaty JH. Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of Hip and Pelvis. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. 10th ed. 2003: Mosby, Inc. 1079–1117.
Bennet GC. Screening for congenital dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1992;74:643–644.
Cotillo JA, Molano C, Albiñana J. Correlative study between arthrograms and surgical findings in congenital dislocation of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop B. 1998;7:62–65.
Darmonov AV, Zagora S. Clinical screening for congenital dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1996;78:383–388.
Guille JT, Pizzutillo PD, MacEwen GD. Development dysplasia of the hip from birth to six months. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2000;8:232–242.
Vitale MG, Skaggs DL. Developmental dysplasia of the hip from six months to four years of age. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2001;9:401–411.

718.75 Developmental dislocation of joint, pelvic region and thigh
754.30 Congenital dislocation of hip, unilateral
755.63 Other congenital deformity of hip (joint)