High Yield Topics C By admin On Dec 22, 2023 Share Ovid: 5-Minute Sports Medicine Consult, The C Caisson disease 524–525 Calcaneal apophysitis 532–533 Calcaneal bursitis 56 Calcaneal cuboid fault syndrome 108–109 Calcaneal nerve, medial 572 Calcaneal neuritis 292 Calcaneodynia 292 Calcaneofibular ligament 24 Calcaneofibular ligament injury 24–25 Calcaneus fracture 172–175 Calcific aortic stenosis 34–35 Calcific tendonitis of shoulder 328–329 Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) 58–59 Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition 276–279 Calluses 60–61 Candidal onychomycosis 416–417 Capital femoral epiphysis of femoral head osteonecrosis 42–43 Capitate fracture 176–177 Capitellum, osteochondritis dissecans of 438–439 Carboxylic acids 406 Carbuncle 164–165 Cardiac arrhythmias 62–63 Cardiac hypertrophy, physiologic 36–37 Cardiac phenotype 80 Cardinal sign 272 Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 312–313 Carpal bones 176 fractures of 176–177 ligaments of 368 Carpal compression test 64 Carpal navicular fracture 250–251 Carpal tunnel anatomy of 697 698 injection of 697–699 698 699 radiography of 631 632 Carpal tunnel syndrome 64–65 490 Carpometacarpal joint, first anatomy of 695 696 injection of 695–697 696 697 Car sickness 396–397 Cartilage tear, meniscal 384 Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 80–83 Caterpillars 52–53 Cauliflower ear 40 152 Causalgia 90 Cellulitis 66–67 orbital (postseptal) 456–458 periorbital (preseptal) 456–458 Centipedes 52–53 Central extensor slip 224 Central slip avulsion 68–69 Cerebral bends 524 Cervical cord neurapraxia 74–75 Cervical disease, congenital 98–99 Cervical disk disease 70–73 Cervical radiculopathy 70–73 Cervical spine injuries 182 Cervical spine radiography complete 652 652–653 flex-ext series in 654 654 P.723 limited 653 653 swimmer's view in 652 653 654 655 655 Cervical spine rheumatoid arthritis 514 Cervical sprain 76–79 Cervical stenosis 74–75 Cervical strains 76–79 Cervical vertebrae fusion 340–341 Chaffing 350–353 Channelopathies 80–83 Charley horse 498–499 Cheiralgia paresthetica 562–563 Chemical trauma, corneal abrasions from 104–105 Chest protectors 560 Chin to chest, for sciatica 520 Chokes 524 Cholinergic urticaria, exercise-induced 140 146 Chondritis, external ear 152–153 Chondrocalcinosis 58–59 Chondrocytes 58 Chondromalacia patella 448–451 Chronic actinic dermatitis 464–465 Ciliary neuralgia 86–87 Clam shell exercises 664 666 Claudication 84–85 Clavicle 178 radiography of 636 636 Clavicle fracture 178–179 radiography of 636 636 Clavicular osteolysis, distal 130–131 Claw toe 286–287 Clay shoveler injuries 252–253 Clenched fist injury 290–291 Clenched fist view, radiographic 631 632 Cluster headache 86–87 Coaching 436 Cobb angle in kyphosis 348 in scoliosis 524–525 radiography of 636 636 Coccydynia, radiography of 657 657 Coccyx 180 radiography of 657 657 Coccyx 180 Coccyx fracture 180–181 Cold-induced anaphylaxis 20–23 Cold urticaria 20 Collapsed lung 476–479 Collapse, exercise-related 568 Colles fracture 192–193 Collodion cast dressing 41 Common extensor tendon 690 690 Common flexor tendon 690 690 Common warts 624–625 Commotio cerebri 94–97 Commotio cordis 62 560–561 Compartment syndrome 88 acute 88 anterior 88–89 exercise-induced 88 Complex regional pain syndrome 90–93 193 Compression fracture 182–183 Computed tomography (CT), for intraarticular fractures 629 Concussion 94–97 Conduction 310 Condylar fracture 186–187 Condylomata acuminata 624–625 Congenital aortic stenosis 34–35 Congenital bicuspid aortic valve 34–35 Congenital cervical disease 98–99 Congenital scoliosis 522–523 Congenital spondylolisthesis 550–551 Conjunctival hemorrhage 556–557 Conjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic 556 Constant bursa 322 Constrictive pericarditis 454–455 Contact dermatitis 100–103 Contact lens misuse, corneal abrasions from 104–105 Contracture, Dupuytren's 132–133 Convection 310 Convulsions 526–527 Coracoclavicular ligament 14 Corneal abrasions 104–105 Corneal foreign body 338–339 Corneal ulcer 104–105 Corns 60–61 Coronoid fracture 184–185 Coronoid process 184 Cotton test 570 Cough headache 148–149 COX-1 406 COX-2 406 COX-2 inhibitors 406 Crankshaft phenomenon 522 Creatine phosphokinase, in rhabdomyolysis 512 Cremasteric reflex 576 Cross-arm test 130 Cross-body adduction test 564 Crossed-legs test 570 Crossed straight-leg raise 520 Crossover syndrome 336–337 Crossover test 14 Crown fractures 110–113 Crucial angle of Gissane 173 173 Cubital tunnel 106 Cubital tunnel syndrome 106–107 radiography of 634 634 Cuboid dislocation 108–109 Cuboid fracture 108–109 Cuboid subluxation 108–109 Cuboid syndrome 108–109 Cuff sign 572 Curls, wrist extension 675 flexion 675 hamstring prone 664 667 standing 664 Curvature of spine 348–349 Cutis marmorata 524 Cycling for hamstring strain 664 for patellofemoral pain syndrome 667 Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes 406 Continue Reading