Pediatric Shoulder

Ovid: Handbook of Fractures

Authors: Koval, Kenneth J.; Zuckerman, Joseph D.
Title: Handbook of Fractures, 3rd Edition
> Table of Contents > V – Pediatric Fractures and Dislocations > 43 – Pediatric Shoulder

Pediatric Shoulder
  • These account for <5% of fractures in children.
  • Incidence ranges from 1.2 to 4.4 per 10,000 per year.
  • They are most common in adolescents owing to increased sports participation and are often metaphyseal, physeal, or both.
  • Neonates may sustain birth trauma to the proximal humeral physis, representing 1.9% to 6.7% of physeal injuries (Fig. 43.1).
  • Eighty percent of humeral growth occurs at the proximal physis, giving this region great remodeling potential.
  • There are three centers of ossification in the proximal humerus:
    • Humeral head: This ossifies at 6 months.
    • Greater tuberosity: This ossifies at 1 to 3 years.
    • Lesser tuberosity: This ossifies at 4 to 5 years.
    • The greater and lesser tuberosities coalesce at 6 to 7 years and then fuse with the humeral head between 7 and 13 years of age.
  • The joint capsule extends to the metaphysis, rendering some fractures of the metaphysis intracapsular (Fig. 43.2).
  • The primary vascular supply is via the
    anterolateral ascending branch of the anterior circumflex artery, with
    a small portion of the greater tuberosity and inferior humeral head
    supplied by branches from the posterior circumflex artery.
  • The physis closes at age 14 to 17 years in girls and at age 16 to 18 years in boys.
  • The physeal apex is posteromedial and is associated with a strong, thick periosteum.
  • Type I physeal fractures occur through
    the hypertrophic zone adjacent to the zone of provisional
    calcification. The layer of embryonal cartilage is preserved, leading
    to normal growth.
  • Muscular deforming forces: The
    subscapularis attaches to lesser tuberosity. The remainder of the
    rotator cuff (teres minor, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus) attaches
    to posterior epiphysis and greater tuberosity. The pectoralis major
    attaches to anterior medial metaphysis, and the deltoid connects to the
    lateral shaft.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Indirect: This results from a fall
    backward onto an outstretched hand with the elbow extended and the
    wrist dorsiflexed. Birth injuries may occur as the arm is hyperextended
    or rotated as the infant is being delivered. Shoulder dystocia is
    strongly associated with macrosomia from maternal diabetes.
  • Direct: Direct trauma to the posterolateral aspect of the shoulder can occur.


Clinical Evaluation
Figure 43.1. Hyperextension or rotation of the ipsilateral arm may result in a proximal humeral or physeal injury during birth.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • Newborns present with pseudoparalysis
    with the arm held in extension. A history of birth trauma may be
    elicited. A fever is variably present. Infection, clavicle fracture,
    shoulder dislocation, and brachial plexus injury must be ruled out.
  • Older children present with pain,
    dysfunction, swelling, and ecchymosis, and the humeral shaft fragment
    may be palpable anteriorly. The shoulder is tender to palpation, with a
    painful range of motion that may reveal crepitus.
  • Typically, the arm is held in internal rotation to prevent pull of the pectoralis major on the distal fragment.
    Figure 43.2. The anatomy of the proximal humerus.

    (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • P.480

  • A careful neurovascular examination is required, including the axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, ulnar, and median nerves.
43.3. Physeal fractures of the proximal humerus. (A) Salter-Harris I.
(B) Salter-Harris II. (C) Salter-Harris III. (D) Salter-Harris IV.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
Radiographic Evaluation
  • Anteroposterior (AP), lateral (in the
    plane of the scapula; “Y” view), and axillary views should be obtained,
    with comparison views of the opposite side if necessary.
  • Ultrasound: This may be necessary in the newborn because the epiphysis is not yet ossified.
  • Computed tomography may be useful to help diagnose and classify posterior dislocations and complex fractures.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is more useful
    than bone scan to detect occult fractures because the physis normally
    has increased radionuclide uptake, making a bone scan difficult to
Salter-Harris (Fig. 43.3)

Type I: Separation through the physis; usually a birth injury
Type II: Usually occurring in adolescents (>12 years); metaphyseal fragment always posteromedial
Type III: Intraarticular fracture; uncommon; associated with dislocations
Type IV: Rare; intraarticular transmetaphyseal fracture; associated with open fractures
Neer-Horowitz Classification of Proximal Humeral Plate Fractures

Grade I: <5 mm displacement
Grade II: Displacement less than one-third the width of the shaft
Grade III: Displacement one-third to two-thirds the width of the shaft
Grade IV: Displacement greater than two-thirds the width of the shaft, including total displacement


Treatment depends on the age of the patient as well as the fracture pattern.
  • Most fractures are Salter-Harris type I. The prognosis is excellent.
  • Ultrasound can be used to guide reduction.
  • Closed reduction: This is the treatment
    of choice and is achieved by applying gentle traction, 90 degrees of
    flexion, then 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation.
  • Stable fracture: The arm is immobilized against the chest for 5 to 10 days.
  • Unstable fracture: The arm is held abducted and is externally rotated for 3 to 4 days to allow early callus formation.
Ages 1 to 4 Years
  • These are typically Salter-Harris type I or, less frequently, type II.
  • Treatment is by closed reduction.
  • The arm is held in a sling for 10 days followed by progressive activity.
  • Extensive remodeling is possible.
Ages 5 to 12 Years
  • The metaphyseal fracture (type II) is the
    most common in this age group, because this area is undergoing the most
    rapid remodeling and is therefore structurally vulnerable.
  • Treatment is by closed reduction.
  • Stable fracture: A sling and swathe is used (Fig. 43.4).
  • Unstable fracture: The arm is placed in a
    shoulder spica cast with the arm in the salute position for 2 to 3
    weeks, after which the patient may be placed in a sling, with
    progressive activity.
Ages 12 years to Maturity
  • These are either Salter-Harris type II or, less frequently, type I.
  • Treatment is by closed reduction.
  • There is less remodeling potential than in younger children.
  • Stable fracture: A sling and swathe is used for 2 to 3 weeks followed by progressive range-of-motion exercises.
  • Unstable fracture and Salter Harris type
    IV: Immobilization is maintained in a shoulder spica cast with the arm
    in the salute position for 2 to 3 weeks, after which the patient may be
    placed in a sling, with progressive activity.
  • One should consider surgical stabilization for displaced fractures in adolescents.
Acceptable Deformity

Age 1 to 4 years: 70 degrees of angulation with any amount of displacement
Age 5 to 12 years: 40 to 45 degrees of angulation and displacement of one-half the width of the shaft
Age 12 years to maturity: 15 to 20 degrees of angulation and displacement of <30% the width of the shaft


Open Treatment
Figure 43.4. Sling and swathe for immobilization of proximal humeral fracture.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • Indications for open reduction and internal fixation include:
    • Open fractures.
    • Fractures with associated neurovascular compromise.
    • Salter-Harris type III and IV fractures with displacement.
    • Irreducible fractures with soft tissue interposition (biceps tendon).
  • In children, fixation is most often achieved with percutaneous, smooth Kirschner wires or Steinmann pins.
  • Neer-Horowitz grade I and II fractures do well because of the remodeling potential of the proximal humeral physis.
  • Neer-Horowitz grade III and IV fractures
    may be left with up to 3 mm of shortening or residual angulation. This
    is well tolerated by the patient and is often clinically insignificant.
  • As a rule, the younger the patient, the higher the potential for remodeling and the greater the acceptable initial deformity.


  • Proximal humerus varus: Rare, usually
    affecting patients less than 1 year of age, but it may complicate
    fractures in patients as old as 5 years of age. It may result in a
    decrease of the neck-shaft angle to 90 degrees with humeral shortening
    and mild to moderate loss of glenohumeral abduction. Remodeling
    potential is great in this age group, however, so observation alone may
    result in improvement. Proximal humeral osteotomy may be performed in
    cases of extreme functional limitation.
  • Limb length inequality: Rarely
    significant and tends to occur more commonly in surgically treated
    patients as opposed to those treated nonoperatively.
  • Loss of motion: Rare and tends to occur
    more commonly in surgically treated patients. Older children tend to
    have more postfracture difficulties with shoulder stiffness than
    younger children.
  • Inferior glenohumeral subluxation: May
    complicate patients with Salter-Harris Type II fractures of the
    proximal humerus secondary to a loss of deltoid and rotator cuff tone.
    It may be addressed by a period of immobilization followed by rotator
    cuff strengthening exercises.
  • Osteonecrosis: May occur with associated
    disruption of the anterolateral ascending branch of the anterior
    circumflex artery, especially in fractures or dislocations that are not
    acutely reduced.
  • Nerve injury: Most commonly axillary
    nerve injury in fracture-dislocations. Lesions that do not show signs
    of recovery in 4 months should be explored.
  • Growth arrest: May occur when the physis
    is crushed or significantly displaced or when a physeal bar forms. It
    may require excision of the physeal bar. Limb lengthening may be
    required for functional deficits or severe cosmetic deformity.
  • Most frequent fracture in children (8% to 15% of all pediatric fractures).
  • It occurs in 0.5% of normal deliveries and in 1.6% of breech deliveries (accounts for 90% of obstetric fractures).
  • In macrosomic infants (>4,000 g), the incidence is 13%.
  • Eighty percent of clavicle fractures
    occur in the shaft, most frequently just lateral to the insertion of
    the subclavius muscle, which protects the underlying neurovascular
  • Ten to 15% of clavicle fractures involve the lateral aspect, with the remainder representing medial fractures.
  • The clavicle is the first bone to ossify; this occurs by intramembranous ossification.
  • The secondary centers develop via endochondral ossification:
    • The medial epiphysis, where 80% of growth
      occurs, ossifies at age 12 to 19 years and fuses by age 22 to 25 years
      (last bone to fuse).
    • P.484

    • The lateral epiphysis does not ossify until it fuses at age 19 years.
  • Clavicular range of motion involves
    rotation about its long axis (approximately 50 degrees) accompanied by
    elevation of 30 degrees with full shoulder abduction and 35 degrees of
    anterior-posterior angulation with shoulder protraction and retraction.
  • The periosteal sleeve always remains in the anatomic position. Therefore, remodeling is ensured.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Indirect: Fall onto an outstretched hand.
  • Direct: This is the most common
    mechanism, resulting from direct trauma to the clavicle or acromion; it
    carries the highest incidence of injury to the underlying neurovascular
    and pulmonary structures.
  • Birth injury: Occurs during delivery of
    the shoulders through a narrow pelvis with direct pressure from the
    symphysis pubis or from obstetric pressure directly applied to the
    clavicle during delivery.
  • Medial clavicle fractures or dislocations
    usually represent Salter-Harris type I or II fractures. True
    sternoclavicular joint dislocations are rare. The inferomedial
    periosteal sleeve remains intact and provides a scaffold for
    remodeling. Because 80% of the growth occurs at the medial physis,
    there is great potential for remodeling.
  • Lateral clavicle fractures occur as a
    result of direct trauma to the acromion. The coracoclavicular ligaments
    always remain intact and are attached to the inferior periosteal tube.
    The acromioclavicular ligament is always intact and is attached to the
    distal fragment.
Clinical Evaluation
  • Birth fractures of the clavicle are
    usually obvious, with an asymmetric, palpable mass overlying the
    fractured clavicle. An asymmetric Moro reflex is usually present.
    Nonobvious injuries may be misdiagnosed as congenital muscular
    torticollis because the patient will often turn his or her head toward
    the fracture to relax the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  • Children with clavicle fractures
    typically present with a painful, palpable mass along the clavicle.
    Tenderness is usually discrete over the site of injury, but it may be
    diffuse in cases of plastic bowing. There may be tenting of the skin,
    crepitus, and ecchymosis.
  • Neurovascular status must be carefully
    evaluated because injuries to the brachial plexus and upper extremity
    vasculature may result.
  • Pulmonary status must be assessed,
    especially if direct trauma is the mechanism of injury. Medial
    clavicular fractures may be associated with tracheal compression,
    especially with severe posterior displacement.
  • Differential diagnosis
    • Cleidocranial dysostosis: This defect in
      intramembranous ossification, most commonly affecting the clavicle, is
      characterized by absence of the distal end of the clavicle, a central


      defect, or complete absence of the clavicle. Treatment is symptomatic only.

      Figure 43.5. (A) Cephalic tilt views. (B) Apical lordotic view.

      (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
    • Congenital pseudarthrosis: This most
      commonly occurs at the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the
      right clavicle, with smooth, pointed bone ends. Pseudarthrosis of the
      left clavicle is found only in patients with dextrocardia. Patients
      present with no antecedent history of trauma, only a palpable bump.
      Treatment is supportive only, with bone grafting and intramedullary
      fixation reserved for symptomatic cases.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • Ultrasound evaluation may be used in the diagnosis of clavicular fracture in neonates.
  • Because of the S-shape of the clavicle,
    an AP view is usually sufficient for diagnostic purposes; however,
    special views have been described in cases in which a fracture is
    suspected but not well visualized on a standard AP view (Fig. 43.5):
    • Cephalic tilt view (cephalic tilt of 35
      to 40 degrees): This minimizes overlapping structures to better show
      degree of displacement.
    • Apical oblique view (injured side rotated
      45 degrees toward tube with a cephalic tilt of 20 degrees): This is
      best for visualizing nondisplaced middle third fractures.
  • Patients with difficulty breathing should
    have an AP radiograph of the chest to evaluate possible pneumothorax or
    associated rib fractures.
  • P.486

  • Computed tomography may be useful for the
    evaluation of medial clavicular fractures or suspected dislocation,
    because most represent Salter-Harris Type I or II fractures rather than
    true dislocations.
43.6. (A) Fracture of the medial third of the clavicle. (B) Fracture of
the middle third of the clavicle. (C) Fracture of the lateral third of
the clavicle.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • Location
  • Open versus closed
  • Displacement
  • Angulation
  • Fracture type: segmental, comminuted, greenstick, etc.
Allman (Fig. 43.6)

Type I: Middle third (most common)
Type II: Distal to the coracoclavicular ligaments (lateral third)
Type III: Proximal (medial) third
Newborn to Age 2 Years
  • Complete fracture in patients less than 2 years of age is unusual and may be caused by birth injury.
  • Clavicle fracture in a newborn will unite
    in approximately 1 week. Reduction is not indicated. Care with lifting
    and/or a soft bandage may be used.
  • Infants may be treated symptomatically
    with a simple sling or figure-of-eight bandage applied for 2 to 3 weeks
    or until the patient is comfortable. One may also pin the sleeve of a
    long-sleeved shirt to the contralateral shoulder.
Age 2 to 12 Years
  • A figure-of-eight bandage or sling is indicated for 2 to 4 weeks, at which time union is complete.


Age 12 Years to Maturity
  • The incidence of complete fracture is higher.
  • A figure-of-eight bandage or sling is
    used for 3 to 4 weeks. However, figure-of-eight bandages are often
    poorly tolerated and have been associated with ecchymosis, compression
    of axillary vessels, and brachial plexopathy.
  • If the fracture is grossly displaced with
    tenting of the skin, one should consider closed or open reduction with
    or without internal fixation.
Open Treatment
  • Operative treatment is indicated in open fractures and those with neurovascular compromise.
  • Comminuted fragments that tent the skin
    may be manipulated and the dermis released from the bone ends with a
    towel clip. Typically, bony fragments are placed in the periosteal
    sleeve and the soft tissue repaired. One can also consider internal
  • Bony prominences from callus will usually
    remodel; exostectomy may be performed at a later date if necessary,
    although from a cosmetic standpoint the surgical scar is often more
    noticeable than the prominence.
  • Neurovascular compromise: Rare in
    children because of the thick periosteum that protects the underlying
    structures, although brachial plexus and vascular injury (subclavian
    vessels) may occur with severe displacement.
  • Malunion: Rare because of the high
    remodeling potential; it is well tolerated when present, and cosmetic
    issues of the bony prominence are the only long-term issue.
  • Nonunion: Rare (1% to 3%); it is probably associated with a congenital pseudoarthrosis; it never occurs <12 years of age.
  • Pulmonary injury: Rare injuries to the
    apical pulmonary parenchyma with pneumothorax may occur, especially
    with severe, direct trauma in an anterosuperior to posteroinferior
  • Rare in children less than 16 years of age.
  • The true incidence is unknown because
    many of these injuries actually represent pseudodislocation of the
    acromioclavicular joint.
  • The acromioclavicular joint is a diarthrodial joint; in mature individuals, an intraarticular disc is present.
  • The distal clavicle is surrounded by a thick periosteal sleeve that extends to the acromioclavicular joint.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Athletic injuries and falls comprise the majority of acromioclavicular injuries, with direct trauma to the acromion.
  • P.488

  • Unlike acromioclavicular injuries in
    adults, in children the coracoclavicular (conoid and trapezoid)
    ligaments remain intact. Because of the tight approximation of the
    coracoclavicular ligaments to the periosteum of the distal clavicle,
    true dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint is rare.
  • The defect is a longitudinal split in the
    superior portion of the periosteal sleeve through which the clavicle is
    delivered, much like a banana being peeled from its skin.
Clinical Evaluation
  • The patient should be examined while in
    the standing or sitting position to allow the upper extremity to be
    dependent, thus stressing the acromioclavicular joint and emphasizing
  • A thorough shoulder examination should be
    performed, including assessment of neurovascular status and possible
    associated upper extremity injuries. Inspection may reveal an apparent
    step-off deformity of the injured acromioclavicular joint, with
    possible tenting of the skin overlying the distal clavicle. Range of
    motion may be limited by pain. Tenderness may be elicited over the
    acromioclavicular joint.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • A standard trauma series of the shoulder
    (AP, scapular-Y, and axillary views) is usually sufficient for the
    recognition of acromioclavicular injury, although closer evaluation
    includes targeted views of the AC joint, which requires one-third to
    one-half the radiation to avoid overpenetration.
  • Ligamentous injury may be assessed via
    stress radiographs, in which weights (5 to 10 lb) are strapped to the
    wrists and an AP radiograph is taken of both shoulders for comparison.
Classification (Dameron and Rockwood) (Fig. 43.7)

Type I: Mild sprain of the
acromioclavicular ligaments without periosteal tube disruption; distal
clavicle stable to examination and no radiographic abnormalities
Type II: Partial disruption of the
periosteal tube with mild distal clavicle instability; slight widening
of the acromioclavicular space appreciated on radiographs
Type III: Longitudinal split of the
periosteal tube with gross instability of the distal clavicle to
examination; superior displacement of 25% to 100% present on
radiographs as compared with the normal, contralateral shoulder
Type IV: Posterior displacement of the
distal clavicle through a periosteal sleeve disruption with
buttonholing through the trapezius; AP radiographs demonstrating
superior displacement similar to type II injuries, but axillary
radiographs demonstrating posterior displacement
Type V: Type III injury with >100%
displacement; distal clavicle may be subcutaneous to palpation, with
possible disruption of deltoid or trapezial attachments
Type VI: Infracoracoid displacement of the distal clavicle as a result of a superior-to-inferior force vector


Figure 43.7. Dameron and Rockwood classification of distal/lateral fractures.

(From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • For Types I to III, nonoperative
    treatment is indicated, with sling immobilization, ice, and early
    range-of-motion exercises as pain subsides. Remodeling is expected.
    Complete healing generally takes place in 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Treatment for Types IV to VI is
    operative, with reduction of the clavicle and repair of the periosteal
    sleeve. Internal fixation may be needed.
  • Neurovascular injury: This is rare and is associated with posteroinferior displacement. The intact periosteal sleeve is thick


    and usually provides protection to neurovascular structures underlying the distal clavicle.

  • Open lesion: Severe displacement of the
    distal clavicle, such as with Type V acromioclavicular dislocation, may
    result in tenting of the skin, with possible laceration necessitating
    irrigation and debridement.
  • The scapula is relatively protected from
    trauma by the thoracic cavity and the rib cage anteriorly as well as by
    the encasing musculature.
  • Scapular fractures are often associated with other life-threatening injuries that have greater priority.
  • These constitute only 1% of all fractures
    and 5% of shoulder fractures in the general population and are even
    less common in children.
  • The scapula forms from intramembranous ossification. The body and spine are ossified at birth.
  • The center of the coracoid is ossified at
    1 year. The base of the coracoid and the upper one-fourth of the
    glenoid ossify by 10 years. A third center at the tip of the coracoid
    ossifies at a variable time. All three structures fuse by age 15 to 16
  • The acromion fuses by age 22 years via two to five centers, which begin to form at puberty.
  • Centers for the vertebral border and
    inferior angle appear at puberty and fuse by age 22 years. The center
    for the lower three-fourths of the glenoid appears at puberty and fuses
    by age 22 years.
  • The suprascapular nerve traverses the
    suprascapular notch on the superior aspect of the scapula, medial to
    the base of the coracoid process, thus rendering it vulnerable to
    fractures in this region.
  • The superior shoulder suspensory complex
    (SSSC) is a circular group of both bony and ligamentous attachments
    (acromion, glenoid, coracoid, coracoclavicular ligament, and distal
    clavicle). The integrity of the ring is breached only after more than
    one violation. This can dictate the treatment approach (Fig. 43.8).
Mechanism of Injury
  • In children, most scapula fractures
    represent avulsion fractures associated with glenohumeral joint
    injuries. Other fractures are usually the result of high-energy trauma.
  • Isolated scapula fractures are extremely
    uncommon, particularly in children; child abuse should be suspected
    unless a clear and consistent mechanism of injury exists.
  • The presence of a scapula fracture should
    raise suspicion of associated injuries, because 35% to 98% of scapula
    fractures occur in the presence of other injuries including:
    • Ipsilateral upper torso injuries: fractured ribs, clavicle, sternum, shoulder trauma.
    • P.491

    • Pneumothorax: seen in 11% to 55% of scapular fractures.
      43.8. Superior shoulder suspensory complex. (A) Anteroposterior view of
      the bone–soft tissue ring and superior and inferior bone struts. (B)
      Lateral view of the bone–soft tissue ring.

      (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
    • Pulmonary contusion: present in 11% to 54% of scapula fractures.
    • Injuries to neurovascular structures: brachial plexus injuries, vascular avulsions.
    • Spinal column injuries: 20% lower cervical spine, 76% thoracic spine, 4% lumbar spine.
    • Others: concomitant skull fractures,
      blunt abdominal trauma, pelvic fracture, and lower extremity injuries,
      which are all seen with higher incidences in the presence of a scapula
  • Rate of mortality in setting of scapula fractures may approach 14%.
Clinical Evaluation
  • Full trauma evaluation, with attention to
    airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure should be
    performed, if indicated.
  • Patients typically present with the upper
    extremity supported by the contralateral hand in an adducted and
    immobile positions, with painful range of shoulder motion, especially
    with abduction.
  • A careful examination for associated
    injures should be pursued, with a comprehensive assessment of
    neurovascular status and an evaluation of breath sounds.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • Initial radiographs should include a
    trauma series of the shoulder, consisting of true AP, axillary, and
    scapular-Y (true scapular lateral) views; these generally are able to
    demonstrate most glenoid, neck, body, and acromion fractures.
    • The axillary view may be used to delineate acromial and glenoid rim fractures further.
    • P.492

    • An acromial fracture should not be confused with an os acromiale,
      which is a rounded, unfused apophysis at the epiphyseal level and is
      present in approximately 3% of the population. When present, it is
      bilateral in 60% of cases. The os is typically in the anteroinferior
      aspect of distal acromion.
    • Glenoid hypoplasia, or scapular neck dysplasia,
      is an unusual abnormality that may resemble glenoid impaction and may
      be associated with humeral head or acromial abnormalities. It has a
      benign course and is usually noted incidentally.
  • A 45-degree cephalic tilt (Stryker notch) radiograph is helpful to identify coracoid fractures.
  • Computed tomography may be useful for further characterizing intraarticular glenoid fractures.
  • Because of the high incidence of
    associated injuries, especially to thoracic structures, a chest
    radiograph is an essential part of the evaluation.
Classification by Location

I. Isolated versus associated disruption of the clavicle
II. Displaced versus nondisplaced

IA: Anterior avulsion fracture
IB: Posterior rim avulsion
II: Transverse with inferior free fragment
III: Upper third including coracoid
IV Horizontal fracture extending through body
V: Combined II, III, and IV
VI: Extensively comminuted
  • These can be associated with scapular neck fractures and shoulder dislocations.
  • Treatment is nonoperative in most cases.
    Open reduction and internal fixation are indicated if a large anterior
    or posterior rim fragment is associated with glenohumeral instability.
These are isolated versus associated disruption of the acromioclavicular joint.
  • These are avulsion-type injuries, usually
    occurring through the common physis of the base of the coracoid and the
    upper one-fourth of the glenoid.
  • The coracoacromial ligament remains intact, but the acromioclavicular ligaments may be stretched.

I: Nondisplaced
IA: Avulsion
IB: Direct trauma
II: Displaced without subacromial narrowing
III: Displaced with subacromial narrowing


  • These are rare, usually the result of a direct blow.
    Figure 43.9. General classification of scapular/glenoid fractures.

    (From Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown C, et al., eds. Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.)
  • The os acromiale, which is an unfused ossification center, should not be mistaken for a fracture.
  • Conservative treatment is recommended unless there is severe displacement of the acromioclavicular joint.
  • Scapula body fractures in children are
    treated nonoperatively, with the surrounding musculature maintaining
    reasonable proximity of fracture fragments. Operative treatment is
    indicated for fractures that fail to unite, which may benefit from
    partial body excision.
  • Scapula neck fractures that are
    nondisplaced and not associated with clavicle fractures may be treated
    nonoperatively. Significantly displaced fractures may be treated in a


    Associated clavicular disruption, either by fracture or ligamentous
    instability (i.e., multiple disruptions in the SSSC) are generally
    treated operatively with open reduction and internal fixation of the
    clavicle alone or include open reduction and internal fixation of the
    scapula fracture though a separate incision.

  • Coracoid fractures that are nondisplaced
    may be treated with sling immobilization. Displaced fractures are
    usually accompanied by acromioclavicular dislocation or lateral
    clavicular injury and should be treated with open reduction and
    internal fixation.
  • Acromial fractures that are nondisplaced
    may be treated with sling immobilization. Displaced acromial fractures
    with associated subacromial impingement should be reduced and
    stabilized with screw or plate fixation.
  • Glenoid fractures in children, if not
    associated with glenohumeral instability, are rarely symptomatic when
    healed and can generally be treated nonoperatively if they are

Type I: Fractures involving greater
than one fourth of the glenoid fossa that result in instability may be
amenable to open reduction and lag screw fixation.
Type II: Inferior subluxation of the
humeral head may result, necessitating open reduction, especially when
associated with a greater than 5 mm articular step-off. An anterior
approach usually provides adequate exposure.
Type III: Reduction may be difficult;
fracture occurs through the junction between the ossification centers
of the glenoid and are often accompanied by a fractured acromion or
clavicle, or an acromioclavicular separation. Open reduction and
internal fixation followed by early range of motion are indicated.
Types IV, V, VI: These are difficult to reduce,
with little bone stock for adequate fixation in pediatric patients. A
posterior approach is generally utilized for open reduction and
internal fixation with Kirschner wire, plate, suture, or screw fixation
for displaced fractures.
  • Posttraumatic osteoarthritis: This may result from a failure to restore articular congruity.
  • Associated injuries: These account for most serious complications because of the high-energy nature of these injuries.
  • Decreased shoulder motion: Secondary to subacromial impingement from acromial fracture.
  • Malunion: Fractures of the scapula body
    generally unite with nonoperative treatment; when malunion occurs, it
    is generally well tolerated but may result in painful scapulothoracic
  • P.495

  • Nonunion: Extremely rare, but when present and symptomatic it may require open reduction and plate fixation for adequate relief.
  • Suprascapular nerve injury: May occur in
    association with scapula body, scapula neck, or coracoid fractures that
    involve the suprascapular notch.
  • Rare in children; Rowe reported that only
    1.6% of shoulder dislocations occurred in patients <10 years of age,
    whereas 10% occurred in patients 10 to 20 years of age.
  • Ninety percent are anterior dislocations.
  • The glenohumeral articulation, with its
    large convex humeral head and correspondingly flat glenoid, is ideally
    suited to accommodate a wide range of shoulder motion. The articular
    surface and radius of curvature of the humeral head are about three
    times those of the glenoid fossa.
  • Numerous static and dynamic stabilizers of the shoulder exist; these are covered in detail in Chapter 14.
  • The humeral attachment of the
    glenohumeral joint capsule is along the anatomic neck of the humerus
    except medially, where the attachment is more distal along the shaft.
    The proximal humeral physis is therefore extraarticular except along
    its medial aspect.
  • As in most pediatric joint injuries, the
    capsular attachment to the epiphysis renders failure through the physis
    much more common than true capsuloligamentous injury; therefore,
    fracture through the physis is more common than a shoulder dislocation
    in a skeletally immature patient.
  • In neonates, an apparent dislocation may actually represent a physeal injury.
Mechanism of Injury
  • Neonates: Pseudodislocation may occur
    with traumatic epiphyseal separation of the proximal humerus. This is
    much more common than a true shoulder dislocation, which may occur in
    neonates with underlying birth trauma to the brachial plexus or central
    nervous system.
  • Anterior glenohumeral dislocation may occur as a result of trauma, either direct or indirect.
    • Direct: An anteriorly directed impact to the posterior shoulder may produce an anterior dislocation.
    • Indirect: Trauma to the upper extremity
      with the shoulder in abduction, extension, and external rotation is the
      most common mechanism for anterior shoulder dislocation.
  • Posterior glenohumeral dislocation (2% to 4%):
    • Direct trauma: This results from force application to the anterior shoulder, forcing the humeral head posteriorly.
    • Indirect trauma: This is the most common mechanism


      • The shoulder typically is in the position of adduction, flexion, and internal rotation at the time of injury with axial loading.
      • Electric shock or convulsive mechanisms
        may produce posterior dislocation owing to the overwhelming of the
        external rotators of the shoulder (infraspinatus and teres minor
        muscles) by the internal rotators (latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major,
        and subscapularis muscles).
  • Atraumatic dislocations: Recurrent
    instability related to congenital or acquired laxity or volitional
    mechanisms may result in anterior dislocation with minimal trauma.
Clinical Evaluation
  • Patient presentation varies according to the type of dislocation encountered.
Anterior Dislocation
  • The patient typically presents with the
    affected upper extremity held in slight abduction and external
    rotation. The acutely dislocated shoulder is painful, with muscular
    spasm in an attempt to stabilize the joint.
  • Examination typically reveals squaring of
    the shoulder caused by a relative prominence of the acromion, a
    relative hollow beneath the acromion posteriorly, and a palpable mass
  • A careful neurovascular examination is
    important with attention to axillary nerve integrity. Deltoid muscle
    testing is usually not possible, but sensation over the deltoid may be
    assessed. Deltoid atony may be present and should not be confused with
    axillary nerve injury. Musculocutaneous nerve integrity can be assessed
    by the presence of sensation on the anterolateral forearm.
  • Patients may present after spontaneous
    reduction or reduction in the field. If the patient is not in acute
    pain, examination may reveal a positive apprehension test,
    in which passive placement of the shoulder in the provocative position
    (abduction, extension, and external rotation) reproduces the patient’s
    sense of instability and pain. Posteriorly directed counterpressure
    over the anterior shoulder may mitigate the sensation of instability.
Posterior Dislocation
  • Clinically, a posterior glenohumeral
    dislocation does not present with striking deformity; moreover, the
    injured upper extremity is typically held in the traditional sling
    position of shoulder internal rotation and adduction.
  • A careful neurovascular examination is
    important to rule out axillary nerve injury, although it is much less
    common than with anterior glenohumeral dislocations.
  • On examination, limited external rotation
    (often <0 degrees) and limited anterior forward elevation (often
    <90 degrees) may be appreciated.
  • A palpable mass posterior to the shoulder, flattening of the anterior shoulder, and coracoid prominence may be observed.


Atraumatic Dislocation
  • Patients present with a history of recurrent dislocations with spontaneous reduction.
  • Often the patient will report a history of minimal trauma or volitional dislocation, frequently without pain.
  • Multidirectional instability may be
    present bilaterally, as may characteristics of multiple joint laxity,
    including hyperextensibility of the elbows, knees, and
    metacarpophalangeal joints. Skin striae may be present.
  • Sulcus sign: This is dimpling of skin below the acromion with longitudinal traction.
Superior and Inferior (Luxatio Erecta) Dislocation
  • This is extremely rare in children, although cases have been reported.
  • It may be associated with hereditary conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Radiographic Evaluation
  • A trauma series of the affected shoulder is indicated: AP, scapular-Y, and axillary views.
  • Velpeau axillary view: Compliance is
    frequently an issue in the irritable, injured child in pain. If a
    standard axillary view cannot be obtained, the patient may be left in a
    sling and leaned obliquely backward 45 degrees over the cassette. The
    beam is directed caudally, orthogonal to the cassette, resulting in an
    axillary view with magnification.
  • Special views (See Chapter 14):
    • West Point axillary view: Taken with the
      patient prone with the beam directed cephalad to the axilla 25 degrees
      from the horizontal and 25 degrees medially. It provides a tangential
      view of the anteroinferior glenoid rim.
    • Hill-Sachs view: An AP radiograph is
      taken with the shoulder in maximal internal rotation to visualize
      posterolateral defect (Hill-Sachs lesion) caused by an impression
      fracture on the glenoid rim.
    • Stryker notch view: The patient is supine
      with the ipsilateral palm on the crown of head and the elbow pointing
      straight upward. The x-ray beam is directed 10 degrees cephalad, aimed
      at coracoid. One is able to visualize 90% of posterolateral humeral
      head defects.
  • Computed tomography may be useful in
    defining humeral head or glenoid impression fractures, loose bodies,
    and anterior labral bony injuries (bony Bankart lesion).
  • Single- or double-contrast arthrography
    may be utilized in cases in which the diagnosis may be unclear; it may
    demonstrate pseudosubluxation, or traumatic epiphyseal separation of
    the proximal humerus, in a neonate with an apparent glenohumeral
  • Magnetic resonance imaging may be used to identify rotator cuff, capsular, and glenoid labral (Bankart lesion) pathology.
  • Atraumatic dislocations may demonstrate congenital aplasia or absence of the glenoid on radiographic evaluation.



Degree of stability: Dislocation versus subluxation
Chronology: Congenital
Acute versus chronic
Locked (fixed)
Acquired: generally from repeated minor injuries (swimming, gymnastics,
weights); labrum often intact; capsular laxity; increased glenohumeral
joint volume; subluxation common
Force: Atraumatic: usually owing to congenital laxity; no injury; often asymptomatic; self-reducing
  Traumatic: usually caused by
one major injury; the anteroinferior labrum may be detached (Bankart
lesion); unidirectional; generally requires assistance for reduction
Patient contribution: Voluntary versus involuntary
Direction: Subcoracoid
  • Closed reduction should be performed
    after adequate clinical evaluation and administration of analgesics and
    or sedation. Described techniques include (see the figures in Chapter 14):
    • Traction-countertraction:
      With the patient in the supine position, a sheet is placed in the
      axilla of the affected shoulder with traction applied to counter axial
      traction placed on the affected upper extremity. Steady, continuous
      traction eventually results in fatigue of the shoulder musculature in
      spasm and allows reduction of the humeral head.
    • Stimson technique:
      The patient is placed prone on the stretcher with the affected upper
      extremity hanging free. Gentle, manual traction or 5 lb of weight is
      applied to the wrist, with reduction effected over 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Steel maneuver:
      With the patient supine, the examiner supports the elbow in one hand
      while supporting the forearm and wrist with the other. The upper
      extremity is abducted to 90 degrees and is slowly externally rotated.
      Thumb pressure is applied by the physician to push the humeral head
      into place, followed by adduction and internal rotation of the shoulder
      as the extremity is placed across the chest. There is a higher
      incidence of iatrogenic fracture.
  • Following reduction, acute anterior
    dislocations are treated with sling immobilization. Total time in sling
    is controversial but may be up to 4 weeks, after which an aggressive
    program of rehabilitation for rotator cuff strengthening is instituted.
    Posterior dislocations are treated for 4 weeks in a commercial splint
    or shoulder spica cast with the shoulder in neutral rotation, followed
    by physical therapy.
  • P.499

  • Recurrent dislocation or associated
    glenoid rim avulsion fractures (bony Bankart lesion) may necessitate
    operative management, including reduction and internal fixation of the
    anterior glenoid margin, repair of a Bankart lesion (anterior labral
    tear), capsular shift, or capsulorraphy. Postoperatively, the child is
    placed in sling immobilization for 4 to 6 weeks with gradual increases
    in range-of-motion and strengthening exercises.
  • Atraumatic dislocations rarely require
    reduction maneuvers as spontaneous reduction is the rule. Only after an
    aggressive, supervised rehabilitation program for rotator cuff and
    deltoid strengthening has been completed should surgical intervention
    be considered. Vigorous rehabilitation may obviate the need for
    operative intervention in up to 85% of cases.
  • Psychiatric evaluation may be necessary in the management of voluntary dislocators.
  • Recurrent dislocation: The incidence is
    50% to 90%, with decreasing rates of recurrence with increasing patient
    age (up to 100% in children less than 10 years old). It may necessitate
    operative intervention, with >90% success rate in preventing future
  • Shoulder stiffness: Procedures aimed at
    tightening static and dynamic constraints (subscapularis
    tendon-shortening, capsular shift, etc.) may result in
    “overtightening,” resulting in a loss of range of motion, as well as
    possible subluxation in the opposing direction with subsequent
    accelerated glenohumeral arthritis.
  • Neurologic injury: Neurapraxic injury may
    occur to nerves in proximity to the glenohumeral articulation,
    especially the axillary nerve and less commonly the musculocutaneous
    nerve. These typically resolve with time; a lack of neurologic recovery
    by 3 months may warrant surgical exploration.
  • Vascular injury: Traction injury to the
    axillary artery has been reported in conjunction with nerve injury to
    the brachial plexus.

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