Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
Jennifer J. Mitchell
Kirk Tiemann

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD)
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD): Causes about 80% of contact dermatitis
Delayed cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction
Requires previous exposure and sensitization
Indirect exposure to allergen from pet, clothing, smoke, dust
Cross-sensitization when exposed to chemically related antigen
Entire skin becomes hypersensitive to the contact allergen
Pruritic erythematous lesions usually rapid but can be delayed for days following exposure and may appear to spread over time
Inflammatory response to contact with irritant (chemical and physical)
Requires no previous exposure
Direct injury to skin usually limited to the site of contact
Erythematous lesions may occur minutes to days from exposure.
Predominant age:
All ages
Extremes of age less likely to sensitize to plants.
Pediatric considerations:
ACD less frequent in young children than adults
Major sources of pediatric contact allergy:
Metals (nickel most common)
Topical medications
Risk Factors
Increased activities related to contact or exposure to irritant or allergen
Common sports-related contact dermatitis (1):
Baseball: Friction and/or moisture with clothing and gear
Basketball: “Pebble fingers” associated with ball surface
Canyoning: “Canyoning hand”:
Irritation of hands from cold water and rock abrasions
Cycling: Friction or moisture with clothing and gear
Epoxy or resin in rod
Fish bait
Adhesives and athletic tape
Chemicals associated with equipment
Golf: Chemicals in glove, club grip
Epoxy or resin in equipment
Moisture with clothing and gear (“gonk”)
Friction or moisture with clothing and gear
Shoe dermatitis associated with synthetic rubber, glues, dyes in athletic shoes
Epoxy or resin
Metals: Nickel, cobalt
Friction or moisture with gear
Resin in shin guards
“Cement burns” associated with alkaline lime of field markings
Brominated pool water
Formaldehyde or synthetic rubber compounds in goggles, head caps, and wet suits
Larvae of parasitic flatworm schistosomes from snails; “swimmer's itch”
Red coral
Tennis: “Tennis player's thigh”:
Friction or moisture with clothing
Epoxy or resin in equipment
Metal: Nickel/chromium in weights/bar
Disabled athletes (2): Prosthetic equipment, including:
Epoxy resin
Synthetic rubber
Clothing and gear
General Prevention
Avoidance of irritants or causative agents (3):
ACD prevention:
No good-quality studies
Toxicodendron (Rhus): Severity reduced or prevention: Quaternium-18-bentonite (organoclay) lotion
Nickel, cobalt, copper prevention and reduction of reaction: Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
ICD prevention: Good evidence from good-quality studies:
Barrier creams
Moisturizing creams, high-lipid content
Fabric softeners
Cotton glove liners (fair quality)
Common causes include (3,4):
Plants: Toxicodendron (formerly Rhus) genus:
Poison ivy, most common
Poison sumac
Poison oak, 2 types
Most common cause of ACD in U.S.
More common than all other causes combined
Allergen: Urushiol:
Pentadactyl catechol from plant sap
Cross-reaction with similar catechol derivatives in several other plants
Contact may be:
Primary with plant (leaves/roots/stems)
Secondary via clothing, pets, equipment
Alkaline lime for field marking (rarely used now)
Formaldehyde: Clothing, gear, paper products
Fiberglass: Equipment
Fragrances/perfumes: Cosmetics, soaps, lotions, sunscreen, insect repellant
Glues and adhesives: Epoxy, resins, colophony (tree sap resin)
Latex: Natural compounds; may cause immediate hypersensitivity reaction
Mercaptobenzothiazole: Athletic shoe rubber
Paraphenylenediamine (PPD): Dyes, henna, hair dye, neoprene
Potassium dichromate: Leather tanning
Thimerosal, methylchloroisothiazolinone, parabens
Lotions, cosmetics, cleaning agents, moisturizers
Soaps, strong detergents
Solvents (eg, turpentine): Cleaning agents, polishes, waxes
Thiuram (rubber accelerator): Black rubber, gloves, basketballs, tubing, waistbands, contraceptive devices
Waterless hand cleaners
Chromium: Cement, pigments in tattoos, vitamins, chrome-covered metals/equipment
Cobalt: Buckles, snaps, dental amalgams, jewelry
Copper: Jewelry, equipment, IUD
Gold: Jewelry, some liqueurs, some food items
Mercury: Organic forms, dental amalgams
Most common cause of metal dermatitis
Snaps, clips, jewelry, earrings
Topical medications:
Merthiolate: Preservative in topical medications
Topical antibiotics: Neomycin, bacitracin, polymyxin
Topical anesthetic:
Ester class (benzocaine, tetracaine)
Amide class (lidocaine, dibucaine), less frequent
Shoe dermatitis:
Allergic or irritant
Dorsal aspect of foot, sparing interdigit spaces
Chemicals/dyes from processing of leather, adhesives, or rubber compounds
Photocontact dermatitis:
Inflammatory reaction from exposure to an irritant
Frequently plant sap or photoallergic drug and sunlight

Typically made from history and physical exam
Often difficult to distinguish between ACD and ICD
Lesion characteristics: Vesicles, pruritus, rash (5)[B]
Date of onset
Time course
Possible exposure to irritating substance:
Acute or chronic
New skin products: Cosmetics, sunscreen, soaps, perfumes, hygiene products
New equipment use: Braces, clothing, shoes
New jewelry, body piercing
Recent use of medications:
Recent travel: Camping, hiking, mountain biking
Recent change in environment: Running, hiking, snorkeling
Recent change in occupation
Keep in mind cross-sensitization: Reaction to different allergen with similar properties
Physical Exam
Acute lesions:
Erythematous rash
Serous drainage
Subacute lesions:
Firm papules
Chronic lesions:
Firm papules
Plaques of lichenification
Pigmentation changes
Appearance of lesions:
Borders of lesions: Sharp demarcated, linear when caused by rubbing against plant
Erythema and rubor associated with secondary infection
Vesicles may coalesce into bullae, rupture, or ooze.
Lichenification/scaling/fissures in chronic exposure
Common clues to causative agents associated with distribution:
Head: Hair dyes, shampoos, sunscreen, cosmetics, body piercing, jewelry, medications, swim caps, headgear
Oral mucosa: Piercing, dental appliances
Neck: Perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing
Torso: Clothing, elastic in bra line or waistline
Extremities: Environmental exposure, insect repellant, metal in rings or watches, pocketed items (coins, keys) in striking area of thighs, shoe components, sunscreen
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Diagnosis based on history and physical findings; no specific acute testing helpful (6)[A]
Potassium hydroxide slide: Rule out possible fungal causes.
Patch testing: Placement of known concentrations of common antigens on the skin to help identify responsible causes
Serum IgE: Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) helps to identify specific causes; safer than patch test because performed with blood in lab
Skin prick: Small quantities of antigen (eg, latex) introduced into skin via small needle
Differential Diagnosis
Atopic dermatitis: Associated family history of atopy, scaly eczematous lesion
Bullous pemphigoid: Diffuse bullous lesions
Cellulitis: Warm, blanching, painful lesion
Erythrasma: Pink patches may turn brown and scale, red fluorescence with Wood's lamp
Herpes simplex: Groups of vesicles, painful, burning lesions
Herpes zoster: Painful vesicular lesions following dermatome
Impetigo: Yellow crusting lesions
Infectious eczematous dermatitis: Usually associated with secondary bacterial infection, typically Staphylococcus aureus
Intertrigo: Dermatitis in areas where skin is in apposition
Lichen simplex: Scaly eczematous lesions
Molluscum contagiosum: Skin-colored papule with central umbilication, caused by poxvirus
Nummular dermatitis: Coinlike lesions
Pityriasis alba: Discrete asymptomatic hypopigmented lesions
Psoriasis: Silvery adherent scaling lesions, well demarcated, typically on extensor surfaces, scalp, and genital regions
Scabies: Intensely pruritic lesions, frequently interdigital or in waistband regions, associated “tracks” from mite sometimes noted
Seborrheic dermatitis: Scaly or crusting “greasy” lesions
Tinea (corpus, pedis): Maximal involvement at margins of lesion, fluoresces with Wood's lamp
Urticaria: Pruritic raised lesions (wheal) frequently with surrounding erythema (flare)

General measures (3)[A],(7)[A]:
Primarily directed at symptomatic relief
Avoidance of irritants or causative agents: Wash and clean any possible irritant-containing clothing or equipment with nonallergenic cleaners.
Protective barriers if irritant or allergen cannot be avoided
Mild nonallergenic soap and water cleansing with cool to tepid water; avoid hot water.
Cool, wet compresses: Especially effective during acute blistering phase
Burrow's solution soaks
Calamine- or oatmeal-containing creams: May soothe acute lesions
Nonallergenic, high-lipid-content barrier moisturizing creams may be applied.
Acute treatment:
Follow general measures plus:
Aseptic aspiration of larger vesicles or bullae with tops left in place may relieve discomfort.
Severe reaction: Systemic corticosteroids for 2–3 wks with gradual taper
Premature termination of corticosteroid therapy may result in rapid rebound of symptoms.
Shoe dermatitis: Follow general measures plus:
Wear open-toe, canvas, or vinyl shoes.
Control perspiration: Change socks; use absorbent powder.
Topical (3)[A],(7)[A]:
Aluminum acetate (Burrow's) solution: Apply topically for 20 min t.i.d. until skin is dry.
Calamine lotion: q.i.d. PRN
Corticosteroid: Low- to medium-high-potency for both ACD and ICD; beneficial for:
Mild to moderate localized lesions
<20% body surface area involved
Avoid in thinner skin areas (eyelids, face, flexural surfaces) and prolonged use
Forms: Cream (c)/lotion (l)/ointment (o)/solution (s)/spray (sp)
Low potency: Hydrocortisone acetate 0.5% (c/o) or 1% (c/o/sp) b.i.d., t.i.d., or q.i.d.
Medium potency:
Hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% (c/o/s) b.i.d. or t.i.d.
Hydrocortisone valerate 2% (c/o) b.i.d. or t.i.d.
Forms: Cream (c)/lotion (l)/ointment (o)/solution (s)
Medium potency: Triamcinolone (Kenalog) 0.1% (c/l/o/s) b.i.d., t.i.d.
High potency: Triamcinolone (Kenalog) 0.5% (c/o) b.i.d., t.i.d.
Topical tacrolimus 0.03–0.1% b.i.d.
Effective with ACD
Carries a black box warning for potential risk for developing malignancies
Not recommended for children <2 yrs old
Topical antibacterial ointment for secondary infections
OTC meds:
No good information on efficacy
Examples: Mean Green hand scrub, Tecnu, Zanfel
Avoid benzocaine-containing products.
May further sensitize skin
Antihistamine (H1-receptor antagonist, 1st and 2nd generation)
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride:
Adult: 12.5–50 mg PO/IM q6h PRN
Children: 5 mg/kg/24 hr divided q6h PRN
Hydroxyzine hydrochloride:
Adult: 25–50 mg PO/IM up to q.i.d. PRN
Children: 2 mg/kg/24 hr PO divided q.i.d. or 0.5 mg/kg IM q4–6h PRN
Adult and children >6 yrs of age: 10 mg PO daily
Children ages 2–5 yrs: 5 mg PO daily
Adult and children >6 yrs of age: 5–10 mg PO daily
Children ages 2–5 yrs: 2.5 mg PO daily b.i.d.
Adult and children >12 yrs of age: 60 mg PO b.i.d. or 180 mg PO daily
Children ages 6–12 yrs: 30 mg PO b.i.d.
Corticosteroids useful in extensive lesions, >20% body surface area: Oral adult dose 0.5–2 mg/kg, depending on severity, daily ×5–7 days, tapered by 50% over next 5–7 days, tapered thereafter depending on severity and duration
Solu-Medrol: Dose varies 4–48 mg PO daily.
Medrol Dosepack: Taper from 24 mg over 6 days.
Prednisone: Dose varies 5–60 mg PO daily.
Sterapred 5-mg tablets: Taper 30–5 mg over 6 days.
Sterapred DS 10-mg tablets: Taper 60–10 mg over 6 days.
Oral pediatric dose 0.04–1 mg/kg/24 hr, depending on severity, divided b.i.d. or t.i.d.
Orapred: Suspension 5 mg/5 mL, 15 mg/5 mL; orally disintegrating tablets 10, 15, 30 mg
Oral antibiotics for secondary infections against Staphylococcus or β-hemolytic Streptococcus bacterial infections until culture results obtained

Return to play:
Athlete stable with symptomatic relief
Dressing may be applied:
Reduce irritation, if needed.
May be required for aesthetics
Contagious causes for lesion ruled out
If contagious agent suspected:
Prompt treatment
Isolation from skin contact to inhibit spread to others
1. Kockentiet B, Adams BB. Contact dermatitis in athletes. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007.
2. Meulenbelt H, Geertzen J, Dijkstra P, et al. Skin problems in lower limb amputees: an overview by case reports. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007;21:147–155.
3. Saary J, Qureshi R, Palda V, et al. A systematic review of contact dermatitis treatment and prevention. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005;53:845.
4. Mark BJ, Slavin RG. Allergic contact dermatitis. Med Clin North Am. 2006;90:169–185.
5. Slodownik D, Lee A, Nixon R. Irritant contact dermatitis: A review. Australas J Dermatol. 2008;49:1–11.
6. Bourke J, Coulson I, English J. Guidelines for the management of contact dermatitis: an update. Br J Dermatol. 2009.
7. Beltrani VS, Bernstein IL, Cohen DE, et al. Contact dermatitis: a practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006;97:S1–S38.

692.0 Contact dermatitis and other eczema due to detergents
692.1 Contact dermatitis and other eczema due to oils and greases
692.9 Contact dermatitis and other eczema, unspecified cause