Calluses and Corns
Calluses and Corns
Kathleen Weber

Calluses and corns are common skin conditions.
They result from increased pressure or friction; typically located on the hands and feet.
A callus is an adaptive response to repetitive friction.
Calluses and corns may lead to considerable discomfort and pain.
A callus is a plaque of hyperkeratosis of relatively even thickness caused by repetitive friction, pressure, or trauma, and commonly occurs over bony prominences (1).
A corn is a localized, tender, sharply defined area of hyperkeratosis found usually on the foot (1).
A corn has a central core that penetrates into the dermis.
Calluses and corns are common skin conditions.
Risk Factors
Activity: Occupational (eg, manual workers); musicians (eg, guitarists); athletic activities that apply increased stress to the skin (ie, racquet sports—hands, runners—feet, rowers—hands, sacrum) (2)
Ill-fitting footwear: Tight, loose irregularities in shoe, or not wearing shoes (3)
Bony prominences (4)
Faulty foot mechanics or foot structure (3)
Toe deformities
General Prevention
Proper footwear (low-heeled, a soft upper portion, and wide toebox)
Toe separators
Place felt pads over bony prominences or areas of increased friction to the skin.
Wear gloves to protect the hands.
Keep the hands and feet skin soft by applying a moisturizer (5).
Calluses and corns develop as a result of hyperkeratosis, a normal physiologic response of the skin to chronic friction, pressure, or trauma and commonly occur over bony prominences (1).
Calluses commonly develop overlying bony prominences as a normal adaptation of the body to protect the skin when chronic pressure or friction is encountered (3,4).
Abnormal stresses may be either extrinsic (eg, tight toebox) or intrinsic (eg, hammertoe) or a combination of both (3).

The diagnosis of calluses and corns is based upon their clinical appearance.
Radiographs may be obtained if your physician suspects an underlying bony prominence is a contributing factor.
Corns and calluses are typically located at sites of friction, pressure, repetitive trauma, or at bony prominences.
Factors that typically provoke the formation of corns and calluses are:
Sports that require cutting, turning, and sudden stops
Occupations that are categorized as manual labor requiring the repetitive use of the hands or kneeling, such as a carpenter or landscaper
Leisure activity that involves activities that cause repeated friction or pressure
Poorly fitting footwear
Coexisting illnesses (eg, diabetes)
Inherited disposition (autosomal-dominant inheritance)
Physical Exam
The most common site for calluses is under the metatarsal heads and over bony prominences; may occur anywhere on the skin as a result of friction (4).
A callus may be asymptomatic or painful, often appearing as a thick yellowish plaque that retains the natural skin lines (helps distinguish from warts) (2).
A hard corn is a dry horny mass found commonly over the interphalangeal joints (dorsally) or the 5th toe (dorsolaterally).
Soft corns are extremely painful; occur interdigitally; skin appears white and macerated; commonly located between the 4th interdigital space (often mistaken for tinea).
Observe gait and the alignment of the feet for any faulty mechanics.
Note the location and appearance of the hyperkeratotic lesions:
Common sites for corns and calluses: Plantar surface (over the metatarsal heads, sides of the arch, and the heel) and dorsum of the foot (over the interphalangeal joints)
Common sites for calluses on hands: Palmar surface and over metacarpophalangeal joints
Palpate for any abnormal bony prominences.
Assess for pain or tenderness.
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
Physical examination of the area is typically all that is necessary to make the diagnosis.
Usually not necessary
Radiographs: Hands and weight-bearing views of the feet used to identify bony prominences or abnormalities (3)
Differential Diagnosis
Verruca vulgaris or plantaris (differentiated by paring the skin: The corn becomes more normal in appearance and the wart displays the characteristic tiny red dots when pared)
Tinea pedis (interdigital)
Psoriatic plaque: Hyperkeratosis with red base

Treatment is aimed at providing symptomatic relief and avoiding the underlying mechanical forces that caused the development of the callus or corn (1,2,3,5)[C]:
Careful and regular paring
Use an emery board or a pumice stone daily, if necessary, to remove excess thickened skin.
The pumice stone works best after bathing when the thickened skin has softened.
Soft corn: Toe separator or lamb's wool
Doughnut-shaped corn pads
Proper footwear with soft upper and a roomy toebox
Orthotics can reduce pressure by redistributing forces.
Use a skin-softening cream to prevent cracking of the callus or corn.
Antibiotics are only indicated when there is evidence of an infected corn or callus.
First Line
Salicylic acid (40%): Careful application or pads containing keratolytic agents (2)
Surgery/Other Procedures
Surgery may be required to correct the bony abnormalities or deformities, and is indicated only if all conservative measures have failed (3).

Follow-Up Recommendations
Follow-up is needed for ongoing corns and calluses despite conservative management, signs of infection, or severe pain.
Patient Monitoring
Diabetics, the elderly, and individuals with peripheral arterial disease or peripheral neuropathy should consult with their healthcare providers before initiating treatment for calluses or corns.
These individuals should be monitored closely for signs of nonhealing or infection.
1. Freeman DB. Corns and calluses resulting from mechanical hyperkeratosis. Am Fam Physician. 2002;65:2277–2280.
2. Cordoro KM, Ganz JE. Training room management of medical conditions: sports dermatology. Clin Sports Med. 2005;24:565–598, viii–ix.
3. Singh D, Bentley G, Trevino SG. Callosities, corns, and calluses. BMJ. 1996;312:1403–1406.
4. Spink MJ, Menz HB, Lord SR. Distribution and correlates of plantar hyperkeratotic lesions in older people. J Foot Ankle Res. 2009;2:8.
5. Robbins JM. Recognizing, treating, and preventing common foot problems. Cleve Clin J Med. 2000;67:45–47, 51–52, 55–56.

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